Sentinel by Cameron Polli - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

“You- you defeated him with ease,” Gerald observed with wide eyes.

The other two Outlaws gaped at the remnants of their fallen comrade, which still rattled about on the ground softly.

“What happened?” growled the bearded one. “How did Asher manage to get himself killed?”

The female Outlaw, Mary, fixed her deathly stare upon Eli.

“The boy defeated him… somehow. This is certainly unexpected…”

Eli stared down at the now still pile of armor. Well, I guess that’s one down.

Jack chuckled loudly.

“You fools made a big mistake in underestimating Eli,” he crowed. “He’s no slouch –

he’ll be stronger than all of us in time.”

Mary’s eyes were bulging from her head in disbelief, and she even seemed to shudder slightly. However, she quickly regained her composure. Her mouth soon curved into a wicked smile, and she began to cackle condescendingly.

“He can have all the time he wants!” she scoffed. “It doesn’t matter. You all are stuck here, remember? Besides, Asher was relatively weak – Clovis and I will have no trouble finishing you off.”

Clovis, the other Outlaw, rose into the air, gazing down upon the Sentinels below him.

He hefted his halberd above his head, and its blade began to glow crimson. He’s going to incinerate the ground, just like he did last night.

“This is your final chance,” he boomed threateningly. “If you do not divulge the child’s whereabouts, you will die here.”

“Ha!” mocked Jack. “We wouldn’t agree to that earlier, and you think we’ll comply now that you’re down a man? Talk about an empty threat…”

Clovis did not move upon hearing Jack’s words; he simply frowned at the old Sentinel with a face of stone-like fortitude.

“Very well, then,” he eventually said. “We’ll find the child ourselves.”

The large Outlaw began to swing his red-hot weapon across his body, and Rachel and Victor braced themselves in anticipation of the flame strike. No, you won’t manage to complete the attack.


Thinking quickly, Eli hurled his shuriken toward the blade of the halberd. His aim could not have been more accurate – the shuriken collided with the blade mid-swing, and the halberd was jarred out of its master’s grasp. It spun through the air wildly, with Clovis staring after it with a surprised expression.

While he was distracted, Eli leaped high into the air to strike Clovis. The now battle-crazed Sentinel caught his rebounding shuriken and attempted to slash the Outlaw’s throat. To Eli’s surprise, his foe caught the shuriken blade in his hand and grinned in amusement.

Frustrated, Eli punched the Outlaw just above his nose with his free hand. The armored hulk reeled back slightly, but he did not seem particularly fazed by the blow.

Eli tilted his head from side to side, stretching his neck out. This one is indeed strong.

No wonder he gave Victor and Ana such a hard time. Battle cries filled the air as Jack and Mary resumed their fight, while Victor and Rachel ascended to either side of Eli.

“Three on one?” sighed the Outlaw as he rubbed the area above his nose that Eli had struck. “Alright, bring it on!”

He extended his right arm, and his halberd immediately returned to his hand once more.

Before Eli could respond, he quickly drew his halberd across his body, creating the crimson arc of light that Eli had remembered. The three Sentinels, who hovered directly in the path of the arc, narrowly managed to doge it.

Victor then rushed the Outlaw, hacking at him with his sword. Despite his large size, Clovis was able to outmaneuver Victor, avoiding his strikes with stunning ease. Rachel, whirling her chained weapon vigorously, entered the fray. She struck the top of Clovis’ helmet with the sphere portion of her weapon; Victor quickly followed the strike with a thrust of his sword. The stunned Outlaw was barely able to evade the potentially lethal blow of the sword by moving to his left, but Eli then capitalized on Victor’s attack, bringing his knees to his chest above the Outlaw and thrusting his legs toward the fiend’s head in a double kick. The blow was enough to send the Outlaw plummeting to the ash-covered streets below.

“Nice one, Eli!” exclaimed Rachel.

“There is no time for celebration!” Victor urged. “We must continue our onslaught! He won’t be easy to finish.”

Rachel nodded. “Right!”


She dove downward to the Outlaw, whirling her weapon once more. Suddenly, she was met with a bright green projectile; with a sharp cry, she was sent wheeling backward through the air. Eli shifted his attention to the area from whence the projectile had come, and he noticed Mary smirking in amusement, her arm extended toward the location where Rachel was struck.

“Oh, how careless of me,” she chuckled. “I should really pay more attention to where I’m throwing those things.”

“Leave them out of this!” shouted Jack, who was standing across from Mary. “Your battle is with me – you don’t have the luxury of getting distracted.”

“Well, that’s not for you to decide,” Mary replied. “I didn’t deal a lethal blow, anyway.

I’m having too much fun for this to end yet.”

Eli saw Rachel curled on her side amidst the rubble below; green flames licked at her garments, but Gerald was currently tending to her, and he managed to extinguish them swiftly.

She can fire flame projectiles from her hand? This Outlaw seems to possess a wide array of abilities - I wonder what more she is capable of…

With a heavy groan, Clovis rose from his place on the ground; he shook his head, attempting to regain his senses.

“He doesn’t give up,” Eli observed. “What do we do? We haven’t been able to penetrate his armor yet.”

Victor’s face hardened as he readied his sword.

“I suppose we just need to wear him down,” Victor responded gruffly. “although it won’t be easy: He can endure quite a bit of punishment, and for quite some time. To make matters worse, I don’t think Rachel and Gerald will be fit to help us.”

Clovis pointed the end of his halberd up into the air, directly at Eli and Victor. A melon-sized sphere of fire formed at the edge of the staff, and it was launched toward the pair of Sentinels. Eli and Victor evaded it easily, but the Outlaw immediately created a new fireball.

He began launching them continuously into the air, forcing Victor and Eli to swerve about madly to evade them.

After a particularly large fireball singed the edge of Eli’s pantleg and nearly hit him directly in the thigh, Victor rotated a tiny knob on the handle of his sword. The sword instantly became enveloped in an azure glow; Victor swung it into the nearest fireball, which was then redirected back towards the Outlaw. The sphere of flame grew larger and adopted the same glow


that Victor’s sword had. Forced to respond to the counterattack, Clovis ceased firing his flaming projectiles and leaped backward.

The spot in which Clovis was standing just an instant earlier erupted into a blaze of blue fire, tossing smoldering bits of debris into the air. Clovis breathed a loud sigh of relief, as the inferno before him cast flickering lights onto his ashy face.

“Perfect,” Victor said with satisfaction. “I was hoping he would do that. When I alter my sword using this knob, I can deflect small projectiles and magnify their size and power. It’s a shame he managed to dodge at the last moment.”

Clovis stared at Victor with a blank and listless expression.

“You were prepared for that, eh?” he muttered, barely audible from where the two Sentinels were.

After yawning slothfully, he turned his back to his opponents and trotted over to where Jack and Mary were engaged in intense combat.

“Where are you going?” Eli called after him. “Don’t tell me you’re running away.”

Clovis ignored Eli’s calls and paused before the ever-battling warriors, looking at Mary expectantly. As they became aware of their new spectator, the Outlaw and Sentinel ceased their bout.

“What now?” Mary hissed, irritated.

“I think I’m ready to leave,” Clovis told her. “I’m beginning to lose interest in this battle, and more importantly, I need to locate the child. Takashi will grow angry if we do not retrieve it soon.”

Mary waved her hand in exasperation.

“Fine,” she growled. “Be off.”

Victor and Eli descended to ground level, where Rachel was now on her feet, her arm draped over Gerald’s shoulders for support.

“Look at how they mock us,” she breathed faintly. “They don’t even acknowledge our presence; they act as if we’re just toys in their game.”

“And he’s going to leave that female Outlaw to fend us all off by herself,” Gerald added.

“How arrogant.”

The foursome gazed on as Clovis began to dematerialize, flaking apart into specs of darkness; within seconds, he had disappeared entirely.


“You forget our circumstances,” Victor pointed out. “We can’t leave this realm of illusion – we are completely at their mercy.”

Ahead, Jack stood resolute, not seeming concerned.

“You plan to finish us on your own, do you?” he inquired. “You are aware that I could end your existence at any time I wish, right? I’ve just been humoring you so far.”

Marry grinned in response.

“I know you have,” she replied in her icy voice. “but I haven’t been exerting myself either – I find it amusing that you believe you could end this fight at any time.”

Before any more words were spoken, Mary fell directly onto her back, and her body began to merge with the ground, as if it were some amorphous substance. She let out a howl of laughter as she gradually disappeared beneath the earth.

“See if you can find me!” she growled just before her face could no longer be seen.

“Where’d she go?” demanded Gerald in surprise.

Jack was gazing all about, as if he expected something to strike him suddenly.

“She has become one with her mirage,” he explained. “She could be anywhere – she’s probably searching for a suitable place to strike.”

Eli immediately feared for Gerald and Rachel, who were both injured and would likely be the demon’s first targets. Before he could warn them, however, a pair of hands sprang from the ash below and grasped hold of Eli’s ankles; they drew him downward violently, causing his forehead to slam against the ground. The other Sentinels whipped their heads toward Eli at the sound of their fellow warrior being struck down.

“No!” shouted Jack, and he dashed over to the fallen Eli with his scimitar drawn. The old Sentinel slashed at the hands gripping Eli, but they retreated into the ground before he could make contact. “On your feet!” he urged Eli as he grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up.

“Be ready, everyone. We are in her world – she can assault us from all angles, then return to safety.”

Mary’s spine-chilling cackle now resonated throughout all the city.

“That’s right!” came her voice, though no one could identify where she was. “I have merged with the illusion I have created, and you will never be able to even touch me. The worst-case scenario for me here is a battle of attrition, in which case I will still inevitably defeat you!”


With his eyes darting about frantically, Gerald began taking steps backward with Rachel, attempting to place their backs to a nearby building for security.

“That won’t help you, you fool!” mocked Mary.

Her flame-cloaked hand protruded from the building and swiped at Gerald as he drew near. Gerald managed to dart away just in time, causing Rachel to fall to her knees. Mary then emerged from the building, fully exposed; she kicked Gerald with terrifying force, sending him skidding across the soot-covered ground. She retreated back into the building, while Rachel and Gerald were left slumped in the debris.

Eli thought carefully about what he had observed thus far. Mary just separated her entire body from that building. In other words, she was temporarily vulnerable. I wonder if we can try to lure her out…

“Take to the sky!” Eli shouted. “She won’t be able to strike us from the ground or from buildings if we are in the air.”

With that, Eli and Jack ascended high above the buildings; Victor followed, carrying Rachel and Gerald beneath either arm. Neither of the two young Sentinels looked able to fight.

This isn’t good. If they cannot battle, they’ll be a huge liability for us. Worse, if we leave them down there with Mary…

A flash of rapidly approaching green triggered Eli’s reflexes and forced him to duck. A sphere of green fire sailed just over his head.

“Oops. Heads up!” Mary jeered from her place atop a flaming parking garage nearby.

Damn – I forgot she can utilize long-distance attacks. Well, so can I. Eli flung his shuriken at the Outlaw with as much force as he could muster, but she slithered back into the building well before the weapon could make contact. As Eli’s shuriken rebounded immediately, the young Sentinel paid close attention to the building Mary had retreated to. Let’s see… What’s that?

Eli believed he saw a shadowy outline racing down along the building and into the streets.

“You’re mine,” he muttered, as he tracked the shadow’s movement across the ashy ground below. It continually gained speed, and it rapidly crept up a housing complex behind Jack. The elderly Sentinel was scanning the city before him, searching for Mary. The shadow on the building suddenly paused, shifting into a humanoid form. She aims to harm Jack next!

“Jack!” Eli cried. “Look out!”


He hurled his shuriken at the shadowy form that Mary had assumed; Jack heard his warning soon enough to avoid the weapon as it whirled past and collided with the building before Mary could emerge. Did I connect? The ring of steel clashing with steel sounded from the building just before Eli’s shuriken rebounded again. Looking carefully at his target, he noticed that the shadow had vanished, and Mary was nowhere to be seen.

“Perfect!” Eli shouted in triumph. “Right on t-“

He was cut off as something struck the top of his head and sent him plummeting to the ground.

“Eli!” Jack cried. “Are you alright?” Eli hurriedly returned to his feet, the burn on his back now causing him pain once more.

He looked above him to see Mary hovering high in the air, where Eli just was.

“You didn’t actually think you’d be able to hit me, did you?” she scoffed. “I can cross this entire battlefield in an instant - you cannot lay a finger on me.”

Eli dusted the ash off his sleeves, while Jack and Mary locked gazes with one another.

So, not only can she emerge from the ground and buildings, but she can also travel through the air undetected. Eli noticed that her left hand was not ablaze, meaning she had not struck him with her deadly fire. She could have finished me off – she’s just toying with us at this point.

Victor had descended back to ground level with Rachel and Gerald; he lay them both down upon a long bench near the crumbling water fountain. He was tending hurriedly to Gerald, who was motionless on the bench. Gerald isn’t doing well… Meanwhile, Mary and Jack had resumed combat above, meaning Mary was no longer concerned about concealing herself.

“Your arrogance will be your downfall,” Eli muttered as he brought his arm back in preparation to hurl his shuriken. The Sentinel and Outlaw were moving about rapidly, continuously striking and evading each other. Eli eagerly awaited the moment that Mary would be still, so he could land a blow with his shuriken. “Hold still…”

As if Jack had read his thoughts, he suddenly took Mary’s back and underhooked both of her arms with his, rendering her completely exposed.

“Now’s your chance, Eli!” Jack shouted. “Finish her off!”

“No!” Mary shrieked with rage. “Get off me, you geezer!”

Excitement coursed through Eli’s body. It's over. He launched his shuriken directly toward her breastplate; time seemed to stop as the rotating weapon made its way to its target. An


expression of despair could be seen upon Mary’s face, whereas Jack grinned in anticipation of the finishing blow. Just before the shuriken could impale Mary, her eyes met Eli’s; a strange sensation of familiarity crept over him. Those eyes… I’ve seen them before somewhere… but how is that possible?

His thoughts were promptly distracted by a smirk that crept across Mary’s face, and she vanished from sight. As a result, Jack was left in the path of the shuriken, but he managed to draw his scimitar and deflect it immediately before it would have collided with him.

“Where is she now?” Eli demanded as his shuriken returned to him, feeling both frustrated and defeated.

Yet again, Mary’s spine-chilling laughter resonated throughout the illusory city.

“You lot really are quite dense,” she mocked. “I said you cannot touch me in this world.

Now, are you finally ready to succumb and perish? I am not having so much fun anymore.”

The city began to grow distorted, just as it had when Eli had been wrenched away from his vision; every nearby structure assumed some type of fluid form and merged with the ground.

The sky began to change in color, and it seemed to swirl and heave up above.

“What is this devilry?” Jack mumbled in confusion. “Another change in scenery?”

Mary spontaneously toppled down from a dematerializing building and fell to the shifting streets.

“Curses!” she shouted angrily. “Someone has disrupted the illusion? But who?”

Eli recalled Jack’s words about the illusions the Outlaws could create, and how they could only be eliminated by an external source. Did Ana or Jean come for us? Surely they wouldn’t venture all the way out here?

The surrounding mirage began to dissolve and vanish, revealing the same road that the Sentinels had been following earlier. A city loomed up in the distance, and Eli guessed it was the one they had mistook Mary’s illusion for. The ash and flames that had covered the environment just moments earlier were now gone; a dark night sky and a bright moon could be seen overhead.

“Well, well,” came a rough voice behind Eli. “What have we here? An Outlaw?”

Eli whipped around to see a trio of humanoid figures standing behind him, presumably Sentinels. The one in front, who had just spoken, was a broad-shouldered male. He appeared to be quite old: His hair was stringy and white, and his face was wrinkled, though he still appeared


very strong. With his blue overalls and straw hat, Eli thought he looked like something of a farmer.

The other two were more youthful, but they were still much older than Eli; one was a tall, dark female clothed in colorful garments, and the other was a middle-aged male with long hair and a rough face. Upon seeing the newcomers, Mary scrambled to her feet, hissing.

“What are you doing here?” she screeched. “How dare you barge in like this!”

The trio of Sentinels did not seem daunted.

“Hmmm…” began their leader, looking at Eli, then at Jack. “I count five warriors able to fight, but there’s only one of you. I reckon you won’t have much of a chance against our combined force, especially now that you can’t use any more of your tricks.”

Mary remained tense, as she activated the green flame on her hand; however, she eventually relaxed, understanding the reality of her situation.

“I’ll be back,” she growled. “You’ll rue the day you trifled with us. And let it be known: The child will soon be ours.”

With that, she cloaked herself in a wreath of flame, and when the flames had gone, she had vanished as well.

“Jack!” shouted the old newcomer cheerfully. “I haven’t seen you in ages! How is my old friend?”

Jack descended to meet the trio of newcomers.

“Ah, Phillip,” Jack said, clasping his friend’s hand. “I am well. How are you? And who are your friends?”

“Hey! We need help!” came a frantic shout, interrupting the reunion. Victor and Rachel were crouching down by Gerald, who lay motionless on the barren ground next to the road.

“Gerald isn’t doing well!” Rachel yelled. “He’s not showing any signs of life!”

The five Sentinels rushed over to Gerald immediately.

“Back away, everyone,” the one named Phillip announced. “My associates are well-versed in providing medical assistance. Let them take care of it; you’ll only get in their way.”

Victor and Rachel seemed hesitant to obey, but the two newcomers brushed them aside and inspected Gerald.

“It’s his arm,” Victor said before finally backing away with Rachel. “He’s lost a lot of blood.”


Eli and Jack came to stand beside their teammates, while Phillip observed from a distance.

“What on Earth happened to him?” Jack demanded. “He was on his feet not too long ago… You’re saying it was that initial arm injury?”

“I believe his wound was opened further after being assaulted by the female Outlaw,”

Victor explained. “He was already quite depleted by the time Eli had returned to his senses. The bleeding had begun to stop at that point, but it continued at an alarming rate after Mary attacked him from behind.”

Eli refastened the shuriken to his back, watching the unfamiliar Sentinels tend to Gerald.

They did not actually seem to be providing any form of care; rather, they appeared to be inspecting him carefully. Eli clenched his fists nervously. They’re evaluating his condition first.

Is he beyond saving?

His nervousness escalated as the two Sentinels rose from Gerald’s body and turned to the others. The female opened her mouth, hesitated, and then spoke.

“Your friend is dead.”