Sexbot by Patrick Quinlan - HTML preview

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Praise for Patrick Quinlan’s novels:

"A fast-paced thriller...the story moves at warp speed, capped by a cinematic chase...before ending in spectacular fashion."  -- Los Angeles Times

"A sizzling crime caper paced at NASCAR-style velocity. A turbo-charged tour de force."  -- Port City Life

"What makes [SMOKED] so wonderful is an author who can write great prose, great set-ups, great dialogue, and create characters that jump off the page. Can’t recommend this enough for those of you who like your thrillers on the very dark side." -- Bookaholic

"[A] strong cross between Elmore Leonard and Quentin Tarantino doing Elmore Leonard. The result is tightly plotted, confidently written and very hip."
-- The Sunday Observer (UK)

"Quinlan's prose is as smooth as his character's dialogue and when the action hots up, its hard not to find yourself grinning with pure joy. Quinlan… does it with an infectious enthusiasm and a confidence that makes SMOKED a pleasure to read."  -- Crime Scene Scotland

"One hell of an exhilarating ride. Certainly one of the better thrillers I’ve read this year."
 -- Shotsmag (UK)

"Cue kidnappings, explosions, beatings, murders and car chases aplenty. Pacey, Punchy and raw, this is one self-assured debut." - - In the Air – inflight magazine of Qantas Airlines (Australia)

"[A] thrilling ride that will keep you hanging on the edge of your seat. It will make you curse the fact that you need sleep."  --

"The story combines vicious villainy with threadbare morality to produce a bang that movie producers and script-writers would be sorry to miss. Once you've picked it up, it's hard to put it down." -- Channel NewsAsia (Singapore)

“THIS is the stuff – violent, pacy, stylish and funny.”   -- The Daily Mirror

“Quinlan delights in wrong-footing the reader.  A fast-moving, hugely entertaining thriller.”   -- The Observer on Sunday

“[A] Leonardesque thriller.  For this top-notch noir entertainment, think Coen Brothers (Blood Simple) in print.”   -- Mystery Scene Magazine

“Quinlan brings to glorious life several offbeat, deviant characters from roads less traveled.  [THE FALLING MAN] hurtles along like an express train to its smashing climax.”  -- Publisher’s Weekly