Sexpocalypse 1--The Bearers by K.D. Long - HTML preview

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Chapter Six

Nothing to Lose


After about a week and a half had passed, Mika lay curled in Eric’s arms and silently contemplated what she should do next. To anyone watching, she would have appeared docile and fully in awe of Eric. Secretly, part of her worshiped the huge Bearer while the other part schemed about how to run away and hide on her own.

Without the controlling hormonal brew that had clouded her judgment, Mika felt ready to take on the world. Or rather, the Chamber. Eric was obsessed with creating an army of his children to take over.

Mika thought this takeover option was a plan, but it was only one plan. She had devised many and they were all floating about her mind, ready to be placed into action. The only thing she required was some time away from Eric. The Bearer never let her out of his sight.

Sore and settled against the curves of his massive body, Mika was growing tired of waiting for her much-needed break. Even in sleep, Eric’s radar seemed to be in full Mika-watch mode. She’d never thought of these creatures as intellectual, mainly because Charles had assured her that mutations had scrubbed all intelligence away.

Eric made a lot of sense, though. His plan was plausible. Creating an army based on information he’d gathered through using his heightened senses would benefit them both. And Mika hadn’t relied on Eric’s word alone.

She asked for proof that his senses were above and beyond anything that she could detect. After watching him drink the water, which she was sure would have killed her, she’d known that his physical form was superior. But, she could have easily guessed this information.

Mika could tell that Eric didn’t like anyone questioning his abilities. She respected the fact that he went along with her. He could have easily just forced her to do his bidding. Even though Eric was cold in many ways, she could tell that he held feelings for her, even if those feelings were the only human thing remaining about him.

She clung onto those tenuous feelings and hoped it meant that part of humanity would win no matter what happened in the future. Mika still didn’t know if she wanted to mother an entire race of children with the man, though. How many children would she bear before her body could no longer produce?

Mika had no idea how long a normal pregnancy even lasted any longer. With the mutation, it could be longer or shorter. What if she was huge with child for two years? Or something bad happened during childbirth?

All would be lost. With the unknown looming ahead of her, she was very resistant to the idea of children. Unfortunately, she couldn’t tell these thoughts to Eric. He would probably kill her and seek out someone who went along with his ideas. Or would he?

Confused and needing to do something, Mika squirmed a little. When Eric didn’t rouse, she inched from underneath his heavy biceps. After clearing them, Mika stared dumbly at him for a long moment. She half-expected him to lunge at her.

Finally, she turned toward the water. In her mind, all bets were off. She’d been exposed to the water, to the outside air, to this cavern air, and to a Bearer’s sperm. She was contaminated from the inside out. There was no going back.

Listening closely, she tried to track from where the water was trickling down. Because of the acoustics within the cave, she couldn’t correctly locate the source. She edged closer but was scared she’d slip and fall in if she got too close. No matter which way she turned, she couldn’t ascertain from which direction the sound bounced.

She finally gave up and turned for the exit, which would lead her to the tunnels. If she could make her way to the tunnels, she could leave a note for Charles. While she walked, she thought over everything that Eric had asked her.

He’d been very interested in any other humans. She’d told him that she rarely saw other people. There was only a couple that she knew of and she’d only met one of them in person. Once she’d started talking, though, it was hard to stop.

Mika knew something in Eric’s blood compelled her to need Eric. The connection was strong. She likened the feeling to links in a chain. She was linked to Eric, felt him right there next to her all the time, and felt another connection to Earth on the other side of him.

The surreal feeling stayed with her all the time but was strongest after sex or if he bit them. Mika thought of human history, how tribes had once used each other as a food source, and tried to wrap her head around the fact that human blood might be the key to the next stage of evolution.

As she stepped into the tunnels and pressed herself against the cool earth of the walls, she tried to feel what linked Eric on the other side. The Earth seemed to call to her. Mika wanted nothing more than to just sink into the soil and disappear. She began to wonder if the contentment to just stand with the cool dirt to her back was all in her head.

Leaning forward very carefully so she wouldn’t start a landslide, Mika tiptoed down the tunnel. She didn’t hear anything behind her so she went faster. When she thought enough distance had been traveled, she started running. Getting to the computer was now her main priority.

She had just emerged into the main tunnels when she heard Charles’ voice. He was recording notes into the computer. She remembered the days that she’d done the same. Hearing her name, she froze.

“ . . . Mika has been absent for eleven days. I request that the Chamber change her status from MIA to Deceased.”

Mika’s hand shot to her mouth to contain her gasp. He was giving up on her. She would bet anything that he hadn’t even searched. Betrayal and hurt almost crushed her. The one man that she’d trusted in this obscene world was now just tossing her aside.

She inched backward and stepped into the hidden tunnel once again. Still peeking through the opening, she saw Charles pass her and waited. When she didn’t hear him any longer, she slipped into the office cavern once again.

Hands grabbed her and Mika was suddenly pushed against the wall. Eva’s face hovered above hers. “Where have you been, Mika?”

Stunned and needing to come up with some kind of lie fast, she tried to form her thoughts into some reasonable explanation. Eva’s slow and menacing grin fueled her confusion. Mika's usual ability to think on her feet seemed to have disappeared.

“I may be able to use you after all, Little Human. I bet your blood is tasty.”

Alarmed and scared out of her wits, Mika blurted out, “No. You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“Oh, but I do. I know very well. I know that I must feed. I know that you are the perfect food.”

“Wait! I have Eric’s blood mingled with mine. It’s no good for you.” Mika knew she was grasping at straws but she was terrified. Stall, lie, anything.

She was surprised when Eva’s lip curled. The female practically spat at her, “I should kill you for that.”

Eva lowered her face closer to Mika’s and sniffed the air between them. “You are not with child . . . yet. If I have anything to say about it, you will never be.”

Charles reappeared and came to a dead stop at the sight of her. “M-Mika, you really shouldn’t be here.”

“Why, Charles? Why did you tell them to change my status to Deceased?”

Charles started to stammer something, but Eva interrupted. “I told him to. I knew it would only be a matter of time before you emerged from that cave. You see, Little Human, we knew where you were the entire time. Charles spotted you fucking Eric over a week ago.”

Her gaze flew to Charles who was staring at the ground, blushing and looking terribly embarrassed. Mika’s face turned hot too. The very reminder of sex with Eric made her squirm and the thought of someone, especially Charles, witnessing the depravity of their coupling mortified her.

“Now, my newly found meal, you have to know by now that your blood mingled with the mutant’s is required for pregnancy. Take you out of the picture and Eric cannot produce,” Eva said with a taunting tone.

“He’ll just find another human,” Mika told her.

“And where is there another female human, Intelligent One?” Her tone was now pure sarcasm.

Mika didn’t have an answer for that. She’d only seen one other human besides Charles and that one was male too. Her gaze darted toward Charles but he didn’t appear ready to lend her help. His gaze was on Eva while he nodded his head over every word she said.

“Eric will kill you if you hurt me. You know he will, Eva.”

“Oh, I won’t kill you right away. I’ll just feed on you for a while and then bargain with your half-dead carcass.”

Before Mika had a chance to respond, Eva’s fist hit her in the face. She awoke again in a cavern but it wasn’t the one she’d shared with Eric. This one was full of the sound of a larger waterfall. She looked to the left and saw Charles eating some kind of cooked meat.

The smell of his meal made Mika’s stomach growl loudly. She hadn’t seen or smelled actual meat cooking in a very long time. Her mouth watered even before Charles handed her a strip of the juicy venison.

Mika didn’t care what it was, she fell on it and eagerly devoured it. It tasted like something she knew, but she couldn't bring the memory to the surface. All she really knew was that her accustomed diet was like eating sand compared to the succulent protein laden morsels. She was still chewing the last piece when Eva arrived in the cave. The woman immediately growled at Charles, “Do not feed her from this meat. You're only giving her the strength to bear.”

Mika quickly gobbled the last of it down and watched the female creature string up a row of several humongous squirrels she’d captured. After she was satisfied with her task, the Bearer turned and left the cave again. Mika hungrily eyed whatever animal was roasting above the fire.

“Here . . . eat this. Don’t let her know I gave it to you. And don’t worry, Mika. She won’t hurt you. I won’t let her.”

Mika didn’t know whether to trust Charles or not. How could he possibly have any control over the Amazonian female. She grabbed the strip of meat he handed her and quickly ate it. Barely chewing the tender meat, she half-heartedly listened to Charles.

“ . . . me, Mika, wants to accept Eva’s plan. Who wouldn’t want to be the father of a new race and have Eva as the eternal mother? But, Mika, I fear that the power would be all-consuming.”

Mika had had the same fears. That was the main reason she’d ventured from Eric’s safety. Now, she half regretted that decision. There was just so much uncertainty. But Mika had been a very independent person before the world went to shit, and she just wasn’t accustomed to blindly following anyone.

She wondered how long she’d been in the cavern. When she asked Charles, he shrugged. “Not long. Have some more to eat.”

She almost jerked the warm chunk from Charles’ hands. He handed her a bottle of something. Without thinking about what it was, she gulped down a swallow.

A burning sensation tore down her throat. She choked and sprayed the area in front of her with the potent liquid. Charles quickly took it back and said, “There, now you’re ready to bear him a child.”

Frowning at him, she managed to ask, “What did you do?”

“You just drank what was once known as moonshine. Only this shine was made from that water.” He pointed to the contaminated water.

Mika gasped for breath and blinked tears from her eyes while choking out, “Why?”

 “You know that one couple producing the entire race would give that couple ALL the power. I won’t . . . I can’t have that happen, Mika. Eva is . . .” His gaze whipped toward the opening of the cavern. “Eva is coming.”

Mika wiped a hand over her face and hoped there were no signs of meal or drink let behind. Even though Charles’ information was shocking, Mika was more scared of Eva now than of any power shift or contamination received during or after this outing.

The huge boulder was rolled sideways before the massive female pushed it back into place. Instead of hanging her kill, this time the female dumped the carcasses and barked at Charles, “Hang them. Then, you may watch us.”

Charles scrambled over to do her bidding while Mika cowered in her corner. Eva lifted her from the floor as if she were a rag doll. Mika had no idea what the female planned for her but almost screamed when Eva smiled.

That smile quickly turned into a sneer. Just as fast, Eva pounced on Mika and ripped at the strips of cloth. Mika thought the female meant to kill her.

She had no idea that Eva was simply testing Charles. After the third bite, the massive Bearer shoved Mika aside and growled at him, “You gave her the drink!?”

Charles feigned ignorance. “Y-You didn’t say not to. J-Just not to f-feed her the food.” 

“Idiot! The water is contaminated and Eric is fucking her. The water will make her more fertile!” Eva stopped suddenly and grinned. It was obvious that the huge female Bearer had a moment of new clarity but she didn’t look eager to share her enlightenment with them.

Instead, she pointed to Charles and said, “You! You will fuck her now. Let’s see how Eric likes his little human being sullied.”

Mika stared at Charles with more than a little horror. He stared back at her with a peculiar expression, which made Mika wonder if he’d known this would happen. Eva shoved Mika toward Charles and told him, “Get on with it. Afterward, you will watch me punish this little female.”

Mika had no clue why she was being punished but knew that whatever she said would make matters worse. Thinking back to being curled up against Eric, Mika wished she could turn back time. It was foolish to have given in to the urge for independence. That kind of rebellious spirit only bought trouble in the changed world.

When the female grabbed Mika, she tried to fight but the Bearer was so far superior in strength that Mika might as well have been an insect. Mika was stripped of the remainder of her clothing. In the next few minutes, Mika wished she was anywhere but in this cave. Even being ripped apart by murderous chickens would have been better than being hung upside down like some fresh kill.

She glared at Charles who was backing away from her. He was unceremoniously shoved towards Mika once again. When Eva thrust a bamboo cane at him, Mika shrieked, “NO!”

The tall creature only grinned back at her. In that moment, Mika hated the bitch more than she’d ever hated another creature in her life. That was before the first blow was landed over her ass.

It stung like a swarm of bees. Mika was very surprised when the stinging lessened, leaving behind a not-so-unpleasant sensation. She thought of the tainted water. Does it cause . . .?

Another blow landed on her lower back and then another on her ass. By Charles’ panting sounds, she wondered if he was actually enjoying himself. The fucking bastard!

A flurry of tingles on her ass and lower back caused a pained moan to slip from Mika’s lips. Eva laughed and encouraged Charles to hit her again. From her vantage point upside down, Mika watched Eva pull another bamboo rod out of the water.

Another stinging blow made Mika shriek Charles’ name. When the pain cleared a bit, Mika thought she just might pass out. She couldn’t hear her own begs from the sound of pounding blood in her ears. The beating, coupled with the helpless and disorienting position she was in occupied her entire awareness.

She saw drips fall to the ground beneath her and vaguely wondered if it was her blood. She didn’t see any color but her vision was blurred from tears. Another round of sharp blows made Mika pass out. When she came around, she was laying spread-eagle on her back.

Charles was staring down at her with an uneasy expression. She felt a long hot slide of something over her clit. When she craned her neck to look down the length of her body, Charles whispered, “Just go with it. She’ll hurt one of us if this doesn’t happen. Probably both.”

Realizing that Charles meant to fuck her, Mika quickly shook her head. “Eric will kill you, both of you. No, you can’t!”

Even though she was still angry with Charles over his swift kick-her-to-the-curb mentality, Charles was precious just because he was the only other human around. They’d been a team for so long.

Maybe they could become a team again. Maybe they could protect what was left of humanity. Maybe they could . . .

“Charles . . . no! Let her go . . . NOW.” Eric’s voice boomed inside the cave.

The next few moments happened so fast that Mika wasn’t sure what exactly had transpired. She was suddenly in Eric’s arms, and Eva was standing between Eric and Charles.

Eric appeared murderous. He bared his pointy teeth at them and growled, “You will pay for this. Neither of you are to ever touch what is mine again.”

Mika’s clung to him, nude and shaking, as he left their cavern. Instead of moving toward the cavern where she’d fled, Eric flung her over his shoulder and walked away. Mika looked around, eager to see everything without the plastic shield obscuring her view. She tensed when a hummingbird flew toward her.

The tiny creature seemed on the verge of attack but, at the last moment, hovered near her face before darting away. She’d rarely viewed a bird up close and tried to track its direction. Eric pulled her off his shoulder and into his arms before she was able to observe the bird.

“Why did you run away, Mika?”

She hung her head and told him, “I was scared.”

“What made you scared?”

 “You.You want to create a master race. But you don’t even know if I can carry a child full term. What if I die? You’ll just use me up, Eric, and then move on to . . .”

“You do not understand, Little Human. You will mutate into a queen of the Bearers. That is why Eva was harming you. She cannot control her jealousy.”

“What do you mean?” Mika almost panicked.

“I was going to wait another week before feeding you tainted meat. It is okay, though. You are ready now.” Eric’s expression told her that he didn’t want her to know too much information.

Mika didn’t care what he thought. She was tired of not understanding what was happening around her. Eric said that the Bearers could taste levels of contaminants in the air and food. If that was so, he needed to tell her what he knew. If she was forced to trust him, then he should have to trust her too.

“Talk to me, Eric. I want to know what’s happening . . . now and in the future.”

“If I tell you these things, you will promise not to leave me again?”

After being treated severely by Eva, Mika readily promised, “Yes, I promise. I’ll never leave your side. I’ll do whatever you ask of me.”

“I will allow the human male to impregnate Eva. I will allow her to help build another race because we will need them. Others are coming, Mika. There are other sects amongst us. And many powers I can't yet grasp. But I know they don’t want to see another race being produced. They want to control everything. If they knew our chips no longer worked, they would kill us.” Eric paused to study her face before continuing, “You will not die, Mika, by their hands or by my seed. You and the human male will evolve into the epitome of Bearers.”

“How do you know all this?”

“Because just as you slowly evolve, I mutate at a faster rate. Not only can I taste the air, but I can also understand every sound that nature provides. I can hear for miles, interpret noises that the animals make, and I will protect you, my little human.”

Seeing him as her only salvation, Mika clung to Eric’s neck while looking toward Eva’s cavern entrance as it became smaller and smaller in the distance.