Sexpocalypse 1--The Bearers by K.D. Long - HTML preview

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Chapter Three

No Release


The little human named Mika squirmed in Eric's arms when the dry 100-plus-degree heat hit her. She gaped at him and started repeating, “What have you done!? You've just killed me. You must know that."

He cut her off after the second time, “I’ve released you from humanity. Now, you’re mine.”

Normally, he didn’t have the pleasure of these little humans looking straight at him. Now, she stared at him and furiously but futilely tried to fight. The heat was zapping her strength. Even though she seemed to have a rather fierce will, she was still just a small weak human. She had no power against the asphyxiating force of the heat.

Eric had secretly watched her for a very long time. About six months after the world had gone crazy; he’d damaged his chip and had become adept at pretending to be docile for the Chamber. Fuck them and the virus that had given them control.

When he’d first detected the last dregs of hormonal control lifting this very morning, he’d known that today was the day. Now that his pretty little Mika had been thoroughly contaminated, he knew her mutation would be swifter. She had no way of knowing that he could always sense her Becoming for the last four months.

Among the many subtle powers the Bearers acquired over the course of their transition, a heightened sense of the feelings of others was a seldom recognized talent. In an older world the word 'empathy' might describe the Bearers' uncanny ability to sense changes, mutations and the like but that implies some kind of caring. This was a quality rarely, if ever, found in this mutation.

Unfortunately, Mika's transition was too damn slow for Eric. They’d wanted to pair him with Eva to mate. Not that the female wasn’t gorgeous. They all were so damn gorgeous that he’d fuck and devour every female Bearer here. They’d thought Eric lacked control before now. He'd shown them just enough. Many times he congratulated himself on his cunning power over his urges.

He had silently proved them wrong but, of course, they had no idea how very much evolved the Bearer was. Now, he turned back to the tunnels and slipped through the doorway. He made sure to lock the door behind him. Wouldn’t want that ugly fucker named Gallagher bursting in on them. That control freak gave him the creeps. And nothing gave Eric the creeps, not even the carnivorous chickens.

His muscular build rivaled any pre-changed human bodybuilder, Eric could smash or kill anything with his bare hands. Those same hands now tore Mika’s pants off. After being in the heat, his raw male aroma was amplified. He grinned at its affect on her.

“I’ve waited a long time for this, little one.” He whispered over her lips.

She studied his face with lust-dazed eyes. “Why?”

Eric nipped at her lower lip and grinned when her eyelids fluttered. A tiny mewling noise escaped her. “Because I don’t do what people tell me, little human. Never have and never will.”

Her eyes widened. She seemed to want to ask more, but Eric had wasted enough time. His mouth closed over hers in a searing kiss. His cock throbbed so hard he thought it would rip out of his pants so he could get to her wet pussy. Oh how he could smell her delicious feminine aroma! It was wild and salty, like the ocean from the Before.

He also detected every blip in her hormones, every goose bump that sprinkled along her flesh, and every hitch in her breath. Just like he’d sensed her heart speed up the many times when she’d been near him. Knowing he had that effect on her had inflamed him for months.

That heart was slamming wildly now as his hand closed over her left breast-such a tiny thing beneath his hand. He remembered a small fruit called a peach from his childhood. Even the pink blush of the ring around her nipple reminded him of that tasty long ago treat. But the softly fuzzed peach would get bigger as the mutation took hold of her. It would grow rounder, fuller and ever more delicious.

Mika didn’t know it and could not have imagined it, but she was about to become his precious toy. At least that's what he would think of her at first. And it pleased him.

Many things pleased Eric at that moment. They had said the Bearers couldn’t choose their mates. Only Gallagher got to choose. Gallagher, the voice and the power of the Chamber for their small controlled world. Fuck him. Fuck him and his superior attitude, his control, his obvious distaste for Bearers and his own job controlling them.

He broke the kiss and easily lifted her so he could taste a nipple. She exploded in his mouth-clean, fresh, and still oh-so-human. It was not the same flavor as the female bearer. There was no trace of beast in the little beauty. He almost penetrated her right then. But again, he knew the human way.

With every hot lick to the taut little bud, she panted his name. He’d missed that. The damned Bearers might be gorgeous, but their mating was purely driven by need. It was impersonal, if fiery and explosive to have sex with a female Bearer.

Eric wanted to hear his name whimpered, panted, and wailed so loudly that every Chamber-owned jackass would know that they didn’t have control over him. He wanted to remember what desire felt like, smelled like and sounded like. The kind of desire that makes you want to say the name of the being that brought not just animal relief, but pleasure-the real kind-the version of pleasure that existed in the Before.

His restraint slipped and he bit her hard enough to break the skin. She yelped and squirmed in his grasp. He licked the oozing bite clean, raking his hot tongue repeatedly over her pert nipple in the process. Her petite little form arched with wanton grace and she thrust her nipple further into his mouth.

“That’s it, my little Mika. Just give me your desire.” His hot breath poured over both her nipples. “I want to smell your lust crawl through your blood, see my touch on your skin, and hear your pussy pulsing for me.”

“Eeerrric!” Her wail bounced off the cool tunnel walls. It was a symphony to his twisted soul. He had been starving without even knowing it was so.

His long fingers slid between her legs and explored. Eric’s whole body rumbled as he slid two fingers inside her and spread them while his thumb slowly slid across her clit. If she’d been a Bearer, he wouldn’t have cared about caressing her this way.

Because she was human, for the most part, he needed her soaking wet so she could accommodate his length and girth. And, to his surprise, he was curious to see what differences a human, even one in transition, would exhibit. Would her parts look different? Would her pussy be as delicate as the rest of her?

“Oh . . . OH!” Her whole body shuddered from an intense climax that neither one of them expected so quickly.

Her slick little pussy convulsing around his fingers drove a groan from him. He thrust them into her, fingerfucking her hard while leaning against her to brace her against the tunnel wall. At the same time, he untied his pants and let them drop.

His lips closed over hers for a deep kiss while he nudged her slit with the head of his oversized cock. She squirmed against him and bucked her hips. Eric thrust into her and stopped at her loud moan. Her slickened walls pulsed tightly around his engorged staff.

He groaned in her mouth and inched deeper inside her. Thankfully, he had the ability to reduce his size but not by much. Unfortunately, caring that she might be in pain was not in his new genetic makeup. He thrust into her as deeply as he could and broke the kiss.

She slapped his shoulders and her eyes went wide with shock and many things Eric was surprised he couldn't instantly read. Her sweet breath gusted over his lips and she seemed to try to focus on him, as if by understanding what his strange eyes held, she could cope. By the feel of her convulsing pussy, he knew she was caught in the throes of intense desire with the edge of exquisite pain. That was all he needed to know.

Eric pulled her off the wall and laid her back to the rock floor of the tunnel. Incapable of doing anything but mewling and panting, her body was his to possess in whatever way pleased him.

Mesmerized with this little female who held such fire, Eric couldn’t wait to whisk her away for himself. He held her to the floor with a huge hand and fucked her hard. In the back of his brain, enough rational remained to remind him not to kill the tiny thing. There was much more to be experienced, much more to devour and use.

She writhed under him, wailing his name with every deep thrust. Highly sexed and outrageously superior to her, Eric was drunk with not just lust, but the psychedelic power of his complete control. It did not occur to him that she had powers of her own or that the human intellect had thus far refused to yield to the Bearers' enormous physical advantage.

At least, at that moment he could forget those things. In time, he would do more than simply mate with this delicate thing. And he knew just the area to take her.

He fucked her all the way into her soul and he believed in souls. The way she was speared on him, squirming and writhing while her pussy clenched tightly; Eric was sure he’d succeeded in reaching the primal place, the undeniable place. After another thrust of his massive cock, he stopped deep inside. Lowering his mouth to hers, his lips claimed hers again.

Inherited knowledge told him that he and the other mutated males were able to arouse females with an aphrodisiac of sorts through saliva. The little human caught on his cock beneath him went completely limp. The only movement left in her was the pulsating beat inside her body as her orgasms crashed over her, as involuntary now as breathing.

He let himself go and sent his cock jerking inside her. He could feel the jets spewing out of his dick, one after the other, hot and urgent. His mind swam with the potent gift of his body into her, taking possession of the very inside of this human female.

She moaned while sucking at his tongue like a baby starved for a mother’s milk. As if in sync, her pussy pulled at his cock to drain the last dregs of his mutated cum. He waited until he’d emptied inside her before breaking the kiss. “Looks like the tables are turned, my little human. You will be my pet now.”

He didn’t return the adoration he saw on her face. Eric had no time for human emotion. Mika’s would be useful to him, though. He slowly pulled out of her. As he stood, he lifted her from the floor.

She remained limp in his arms. He settled her over a massive shoulder and tied his drawstring at his waist before continuing down the tunnel. When he reached a huge boulder that blocked another tunnel, he easily shoved it aside.

Eric had been on the team of male Bearers who had dug this tunnel long ago. The control-freak, Charles, was one of the few humans who knew of its existence. Mika managed to ask from atop his shoulder, “Where are you taking me?”

Eric pulled her down and cradled her in one of his arms. After shoving the boulder back, he growled, “Somewhere safe.”

“From . . .?” He detected the disbelief in her voice.

“I’m not your enemy, little one. On the contrary, I’m probably your savior.”

He didn’t have to look at her face to see that she had no idea what he meant. Able to see clearly in the pitch black tunnel, he navigated it with ease. When he did glance at her, she was staring around with wide eyes.

Eric knew that before long, she would be able to see clearly in the tunnels without light too. He could have told her a few more things that she would be able to do but he kept that to himself. There were benefits that the humans had no idea the Bearers possessed; things that didn’t show up in the hygiachip tests or the blood tests they performed. Instinctively, out of an inherent sense of self preservation, the Bearers kept what they could to themselves. It was an unspoken thing that no one needed to be taught or reminded of.

In turn, there were things that Charles had done to the Bearers that he was sure Mika had no idea of either. Likewise, Eric kept these to himself too. She was still human and, in many ways, that made her dangerous.

Mika might be tiny compared to him, but she had a voice. If she were to somehow escape Eric’s clutches, she might go to Charles and tell him things that the Chamber need not know.

He ducked into another tunnel and found the boulder with a marking on it. Eric had marked this boulder with the same sharp stone used to damage his hygiachip. They’d thought the Bearers were inferior to humans, ignorant because of the mutations. He’d let them believe it. It was far easier to stay invisible when you're perceived as stupid.

Meanwhile, he’d stolen a neutral hygiachip and kept it on him at all times. It was a simple task to cut his skin and insert it when they ran the tests. It didn't hurt that Bearers had remarkable healing powers. It also didn't hurt that Charles was such a stickler for organization. There was always plenty of notice.

After all, Charles monitored all the Bearers, which meant Charles had to cram all the tests into a strict schedule. No one else was allowed to use the computer except him, not even Mika. The day he tested each section of the Bearers never changed. Because the Bearers were too ignorant to notice what Charles did . . . or so he thought.

Now, Eric shoved the second boulder aside and ducked into a huge cavern. The sound of water dripping made Mika jerk her head toward the noise. Eric told her, “I’m going to set you on your feet. Stay put.”

“I can’t see anything anyway. Why did you do that?”

“Do what, little one?”

“Take me…?” she asked.

He slid the boulder back before saying, “Because I could.”

She frowned in his direction. Eric made her jump when he scooped her in one massive arm again and headed toward the small clear pool.

“I still don’t understand. Why me? You could have escaped with a Bearer.”

“I didn’t want a Bearer. I wanted you. Now, I have you,” he told her.

She hissed when he splashed cold water on her and tried to rub it off. He calmly said, “This water is pure, little one. Besides, you’ve already been contaminated.”

“Why did you do that? Why did you take me outside when you knew what would happen to me?” she asked again.

“You were already contaminated. It was just at a slower rate.”

“H-How do y-you know th-that?” Her teeth started to chatter from the cold.

“Because I know more than you think. Like now, I can hear your blood slowing in your veins because of the ice-cold water. I can see your lips turning blue. Without my warmth, you might die right now.” There was no emotion in his tone.

She reached a shaky hand toward him. Eric shed his shirt and wrapped her in the huge garment before pulling her to him for warmth.

“Is-Is that why-?”

He already knew her question. “You will be my pet now, like I said. If I wished you dead, I would have snapped your neck in the tunnel and left you there.”

“I d-don’t underst-stand,” she stammered.

“Your understanding isn’t needed. Your life belongs to me now. If I’d left you there, Gallagher would have discovered what you and I already know . . . you are slowly changing.”

She grew irritated. “Tell me how you know . . .”

“I can smell it on you.”

She jerked in his arms and started to fight. He tightened his grip and growled, “Stop, my weakling pet. You cannot see here. There's absolutely nothing you can do to improve your situation except cooperate. It's your only choice.”

She calmed but appeared about to cry. An odd curiosity overcame him. “Why would Becoming be so bad? Now, you are small, helpless and in constant danger of being extinguished by the very air you breathe. Soon you'll grow strong and everything will be available to you.”

"You mean the beasts and the wasteland of outside? That's hardly a bargain. I become one of you so I can stare at fucking hummingbirds in the stifling heat? For that I trade my humanity?"

"Why is being a human so superior to being a Bearer?"

Her breath hitched on a sob before she managed to say, “Because you’re uncontrollable and . . . and prisoners.”

“Do I look like I lack control to you?” His strange eyes stayed focused on somewhere just beyond her.

Mika composed herself. Her hand reached for his face. Before she touched him, he caught her hand and asked, “Why are you doing that?”

“Your eyes are . . . glowing,” she said reverently. It was true. His silver eyes, still unmistakably tinged with a green cast illuminated the cave enough for Mika to see as if by candlelight.

“I'm letting you to see in the dark, too, by providing light. Would you rather not see? I can turn them off. I thought it would comfort you." Eric surprised even himself by saying that. The concept of someone's comfort was an unusual idea.

She looked at him with new eyes. There were obviously gaps in the Chamber's knowledge of these creatures. Maybe there was and maybe there wasn't. Maybe she just wasn't important enough to tell. “What else can you do that . . . that we don’t know about?”

Normally, Eric wouldn’t look at a human directly, but he stared directly at her now. He opted for honesty. Bearers were not naturally deceptive except when survival was involved. “I can read your blood better than that system Gallagher has. With one kiss, I can reduce you to a begging and simpering little mess.”

She tried to lean back as his mouth lowered to hers. He stopped her by cupping the back of her head. Easily infusing his saliva with the aphrodisiac, his lips closed over hers. At first, he didn’t deepen the kiss. Instead, he bit her lower lip.

Eric had no clue why he did this. He was acting on some sort of compelling instinct. She gasped and tensed in his arms. Although he had full access to her mouth, Eric thought he’d given her a heart attack at first. Her heart seemed to beat as fast as a hummingbird’s wings.

To his surprise, she bit him back so hard that he tasted blood. He jerked his mouth from hers and spat on the cavern ground before growling, “Do not do that, little . . .”

 He trailed off when Mika’s tongue darted out to lick a drop of his blood from her lip. Her eyelids fluttered shut as lethargy took dreamy control of her body. Eric calmly studied her as he lowered both of them to the cavern floor.

“Sleep now, my pet.” There were new and unexplored emotions coursing through him. There was something that made all of his control suddenly seem a little less important.

Eric previously had no idea what his blood would do to a human. Now, he knew. She muttered in her sleep, “Don’t leave me.”

He didn’t tell her that he had no intention of leaving her. Seeing a small laceration on her lip where he’d bitten her, he waited for her to fall into slumber before touching it. A drop of blood immediately welled up.

Instinctively, Eric knew that if he kissed her now, she would be bound to him. Because of her slow transformation, she would feel emotion for him. Eric was incapable of such feelings or nearly so. For the first time in a long while, the corners of his mouth lifted in something of a smile. It was the closest human emotion besides sexual attraction and anger that he’d felt since he’d become a Bearer.

His mouth lowered to hers for a kiss. Her blood tasted metallic and sweet at the same time to him. When he broke contact, he watched the small cut seal over. The humans knew nothing about the Bearers capability to heal each other and themselves. All it took was joining of their blood.

He gazed down Mika's delicate features surrounded by a nimbus of amber hued silky hair. She was pretty but not as sexually appealing as she would be when the change was complete. The more sex he had with her, the faster she would change.

He thought of leaving her to wash himself but knew she just might freeze without his warmth. He wrapped his body around her and waited.

Bearers required little sleep. His thoughts turned to Gallagher.

Eric knew the former priest had lied to Mika about the sectors. Besides the Bearers, there were two other groups. Eric could feel them and was sure that they could feel his group. He knew they were mutants, but they weren’t Bearers. There was something different about them, but he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was.

Maybe if he could reach the computer Gallagher guarded, he could find out. Memories of catching a hummingbird two days ago brought another tiny smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. It had been so easy to persuade the tiny creature to land on the SG78 panel near a robin’s nest.

Of course, the resulting clash had destroyed the panel’s wiring. Eric hadn’t been sure how long it would take for the humans to discover the damage to the hygiachip controls. He’d felt the subtle difference this morning and had seen a huge change in the other Bearers. That had been what spurred Eric to make his move today.

While Mika slept, Eric searched the cavern floor directly around them until he found a sharp sliver of rock. He quickly cut his chip out and sealed his wound. Next, he dragged the sliver over Mika’s chip and pried hers out.

“Time to bind you to me even deeper, my pet.” His mouth lowered to the cut so he could seal it.

He tossed both their chips into the clear pool where they would be useless. He knew the female Bearers couldn’t produce the next race of beings. But could a little human like Mika who was slowly changing bear the next master race? In a few short months, they would have their answer.

He, Eric of the Bearers would become the father of a new race. If her change was slow enough and he was pretty sure it would be, Eric planned to father many more children . . .enough to overrun the humans and take regain control over their lives. They would be better than the humans because they would have the strength and passion of the Bearers and the disciplined minds of the weaker race.

They would be phoenixes. They would be the Genesis of a truly new world.