Spirit Story by Shane - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


“I would like to start off this seminar as punctual and straight as I can today. We need to stand up better for women’s rights. We need to make a difference and end all this sexist nonsense now.” A medium sized man stood tall at a podium in a conference room, eyes all across the gargantuan room faced toward him with great intent. People stood on each side seated in the chairs as he spoke more inspiring words, nodding and coughing as the atmosphere took its course in the silent setting.

“I’ve met with several clients the other day, all women who have gone through much stress with abusive and unfaithful men in their lives, two beaten and one disrespected for her roles as a women and daily life activities. They all came to me for counsel relatively the same day, the first two crying their eyes out while the other didn’t shed a tear but needed somebody to let off steam and express her thoughts and anger to readily,” the leading man said. “These women are but a small representation of countless individual women who are tired of the general rule of man and wish to freely express themselves and do what they wish without the control of man dictating what they can or cannot do. We all need to work together, as men and women, and push to move forward as a collective to equality and peace for all. We need to respect each other and everyone equally.” The man stood still at the podium with a casual look on his face, having his hands up toward his audience as he spoke his true words. The crowd on each side stood stiff and stared back at the man with much intensity, soon after a mini clap was heard in the background leading them on to semi-applause, lifting the rooms atmosphere and lightening the stark mood.

“We’ve been on this planet too long to be treating our own kind this way, both Earth and Other Earth. We need to start making a difference for both genders and we need to do it now.”

A silence struck the room once more. One man began to raise his hand up which triggered the man standing at the podium notice and call on him. “Sir Noah, if I may call you that, I whole-heartedly agree on our stance for continuing the support for woman’s but I would like to personally ask as new member here at the PHD Department, on how we intend to pursue such endeavors, what’s our next course of action?”

The man with a white coat at the podium now with a name shuffled in his pocket closing his eyes as he brought out a lighter and a cigarette. His white coat was bright and strong, it resembled the aesthetic of a lab coat, and it had pasted on the side the words, PHD, and his coat stood huddled strong over his shoulder as he put his finger up to answer.

“I’m glad you asked that, and I welcome you as a new member of the PHD Department. I have a number of ideas and things on what we could do to move our plans forward in the world, starting in Main City. We can start by initiating speeches and protests in public, they may be a little controversial but it’ll get us on the right track for change among the general public. We can also schedule meetings and visits at our local schools. We can try to meet with students and discuss to them why sexism is wrong, and try to coach them how to prevent sexual assault for both genders and try to teach them about self-control in a relationship and encourage safe sex. There’s also rallies we could coordinate and any other social gatherings with the general public and public officials in order to try to actively reach the general public on a personal level with these issues because at the end of the day that is the root of the problem and social problems like sexism won’t stop unless we communicate directly to the people. If the people don’t change then nothing will change.”

A strong silence stood in the air for a moment until an early clapping sounded the plethora of many claps to come after. The men and women stood tall and strong as each person’s hands roared together with forward in the audience. Their hands slowly began to cease as the man who initiated his question began to situate and open his mouth.

“I see then, those sound like splendid methods to partake in, Noah sir. I cannot wait to get started,” said the curious man.

Yes, I’m glad you are,” said Noah while smoking his cigarette, “we’ve been actually doing most of these methods already, but you wouldn’t have known that if your new of course, unless you’ve attending one of our events or rallies.”

“I’ve heard about many in the papers.”

“I see, then that’s good news.”

Noah took a whiff of his cigarette and looked up at the crowd before. The people stood staring with casual attention at him. He blew out a wad of smoke into the air and looked upon the crowd once more.

“Alright then, it looks like we’re coming to a close. That about wraps things up I’d say. We will meet again next month to discuss our plans in more detail about any major events towards our feminist’s endeavors. For now return back to your posts and departments. We will meet again during the scheduled time, meeting adjourned.”

The people in the surrounding area moved and travelled along the walkways out the room, the room became empty and white with vastness, cascading lights shot off the bright walls and tile based floorboards. Noah stood at the center of the podium shuffling his paperwork and started treading toward the door casually as he peeked at his surroundings for trash and leftover belongings. As he walked out the main entrance he looked to his left to find man standing there as if awaiting his leave. Noah stood there stoic turning to him as the man shifted his eyes to him and began to say his opening sentence.

“Thought you’d never leave,” said the man.

“I was just making sure no one left any stuff behind, you know how these meetings go sometimes, people get caught up in their schedules forgetting trash and belongings all the time. So what’s up?” Noah responded. They began walking down the corridor hallway in unison.

“Oh, I just wanted to know if you wanted to watch the rest of the preliminaries after work. They’re almost over now and I wanted to see if we can catch a few matches before it’s over.”

“Oh, for the tournament you mean, yes I know it’s still going on. They’re about ready to clear up the last applicants. I’m not too sure really, I have one more client for the day to meet with after this meeting was over with.”

“C’mon, it’ll only be for a second. I heard they gathered a great batch of fighters for this year, it’ll be get to see some new talent in the ring, they even got a good batch of female fighters this year.”

“Yes, I know. I’ve actually entered the tournament myself, me along with my brother. We carried out our fights and won earlier this week. I saw a fair amount of good female fighters in the ring as well winning matches.”

“See, it’s gonna be great, I just know the rest of the fighters won’t let us down. We may even see something special happen this year.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I’m saying that we may see some special fighters this year, I’m telling you I have a hunch something really good’s gonna happen.”

“Uh huh,” Noah said casually.

“I’m telling you man, something great’s gonna happen this year. And haven’t you heard, it supposedly might be a Special Year this year. That means that whole Spirit Disciple guy might show up.”

“You mean that guy from the legend?”

“Yeah, yeah, The Legend of Good and Evil. If the legend is true he’ll have to beat his evil counterpart in a fight and be trained by Master Shin to get there. I really wanna be there if he shows up. We might get to see a few surprises from him.”

Noah stop walking while putting his finger on his head with his eyes closed. He stood there with his eyes closed intensely, straining the folds in his face as he tried to focus on a decision. “Hmm, I don’t know. I’ve already been there once and already predicted most of the outcome this year, my brothers busy training at the gym so we we’re both pretty settled on our results after our matches, so we didn’t think we needed to go back to see anymore matches, but if you insist I’ll see what I can do after I meet with this client.”

“You will? Aw, man that’s great to hear. You won’t regret it, I know you’ll love it once we get there, I’m tellin’ you man something grand’s gonna happen this year.”

“Yeah, yeah. Save the cheering for the preliminaries.”

The two men continued down the hall until they reached a crossroad pertaining to two directions. Their feet halted simultaneously as they stood to face each other.

“Alright, then. I’ll be waiting outside for you when you’re ready. I’ll just go on ahead then. See you when you’re ready.”

“Alright.” The man walked off as Noah waved him temporary goodbye, shifting his feet with his hands placed in his coat pockets he began to walk off in the opposing corridor. As his feet echoed in the screeching hallway he came across a human figure straight ahead of his view standing near a doorway. A woman with a sophisticated air to her demeanor stood standing before the doorway, she turned slow towards him as he came further into view, their eyes locked as he came close enough and his next conversation started before he knew it.

“Good evening, Noah.”

“Hello, Ms. Williams. What can I do for you today?”

“Oh, nothing special. I just wanted to congratulate you today for your excellent speech on feminism as always. You really did an excellent job today.”

“Why thank you, that’s very kind of you.”

“What are your plans for the rest of the day?” she said.

“Well, I’ve seemed to have a change of plans as of late. After this client I’m about to meet with I’m going to see the rest of the preliminaries with a friend. We’re going to oversee the last bit of talent the competition has left,” Noah said.

“You mean that wretched tournament, fighting barbarically like that is a fools game. I hardly see any reason to go there,” Ms. Williams said

“Hey, it’s not a completely barbaric setting. A lot of well-rounded and smart people attend and participate in the event, with myself included this year.”

“You’re participating in it?” Ms. Williams said with disdain.

“Yes, my brother Adam and I. We’ll be participating if we make the cut that is, we’ve already won our matches for the preliminaries awhile back.

“Why would you want to participate in such a vile sporting event?”

“We have our reasons. I plan to partake on this tournament to further progress my philanthropic endeavors, and the rumored prize of making it to the Promised land for one wish sounds enlightening, although I don’t really care much for the wish itself,” said Noah. “I plan to make a difference and this feels to me on the way how.”

“I see…well I can’t stop you but I simply revile whatever that sporting event has to offer.”

“Well, that’s fine, you don’t have to like the tournament if you don’t want too. Well, all right then I need to get to my client now so I can get going. I don’t want to keep my friend waiting too long.”

“But, of course. They’re right inside. And thank you again on your excellent discourse on feminism.”

“No problem, we’ll get on the rallies and protests later in the month, for now let’s carry on with our own duties.”

“Alright, thank you.”

“Thank you.”

The woman turned around and began walking in the opposite direction of Noah’s eyesight; she soon disappeared around the corner as he walked through the doorway entering his office.