Star Trek: Both Hands Full - Fourth Edition by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Well, here it is: the third Star Trek book in the Garcia series. The story picks up right on the end of “Another Piece of the Action” but should stand well enough alone. No doubt there are those who will say I borrowed some things from Star Gate One, but the truth is, they’ve been borrowing concepts from Trek from the get go. (Trills and host are rather a popular theme in Star Gate, now all we need are some gods, oh wait, how about Apollo? (Not to mention there’s like five Trek stars in the SG Universe.)) Not that I’m complaining, because, in truth, many ideas in Trek can be traced to other important works of Sci Fi. Star Trek simply made them popular. Anyway, with any Star Trek endeavor, a Trek story is simply not complete without Orion Slave Girls, a Gorn or two, the Borg, space battles, Q, a “what if” question, a moral dilemma, and Klingons fighting. Did I leave anything out? I hope not.

I think I left this open and with enough tangents for a fourth or fifth book, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Many of my references have not changed from the first two books and so, I encourage those who require more trivia to investigate there. The references that follow are specific to this story.