Stowaway Boys by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

The asteroid of space junk was orbiting around the planet.

It bumped into a piece of space junk, ricocheting off the asteroid and dropping down to Earth.

Back at the Space Spy Agency Peek A Boo We See You room, Johnson drank coffee at his console and read a magazine.

He glanced over at his radar screen.

His eyes widened the second. He took a sip of coffee. But his cup missed his mouth and spilled coffee onto the crotch of his pants. He jumped up in extreme pain.

"Wilbur!" Johnson screamed out while he danced around, fanning his wet spot on his pants.

Wilbur ran over with a new bottle of Maalox in hand.

He looked at Johnson's radar screen and saw the enormous green blob while it orbited an Earth symbol. But this time, there was a dotted line down to Earth. It had an "Asteroid, 18,320 Miler Per Hour - 350 Miles Away – And Will Impact Earth in Two Weeks" message. That message flashed and beeped.

Wilbur looked nervous while he opened his bottle of Maalox. He gulped down the entire bottle. Confirm that message," Wilbur ordered, then ran off while Maalox dripped off his chin.

“Yes, sir," Johnson said. His fingers started typing on the keyboard.

In a cornfield deep in the farmland of Iowa, a farmer drove his tractor. It had a bush hog across a baseball outfield surrounded by a cornfield.

Something caught his attention.

He saw a fireball in the sky raced at him.

He stopped his tractor and he looked at the ball field. He looked up at the fireball in the sky.

He jumped off his tractor and ran scared across the field, then ran off down a dirt road in a panic. He tripped over his feet and fell face-first into the dirt several times.

Back at the Space Spy Agency Peek A Boo We See You room, Johnson watched the Iowa cornfield on another monitor. He watched while the fireball zoomed down to the field. "Wilbur!" he cried out.

Wilbur ran over to Johnson with his Maalox bottle in hand. "What now?"

"A piece of space junk bounced off the asteroid and fell to Earth. It's heading toward a cornfield in Iowa," Johnson said while pointing at his monitor.

They saw the fireball of space junk from the monitor while it smashed into the cornfield. It exploded.

Wilbur opened up his Maalox bottle and took another huge gulp.

He paced around Johnson's console and hated to make another phone call.

Down at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC. Richard and Jennifer sat at a conference room table with other NASA folks.

On a wall hung an 80-inch high-definition TV. It sowed Jake, Clint and Lance, Ricky, and Todd floating in their capsule.

Richard shook his head in disbelief. "Great. We had two boys sneak into our capsule. Just great! The news media will fry me until I'm burnt to a crisp."

"We need to get those boys home as soon as possible," Jennifer said.

All the other NASA folks nodded in agreement.

"Call the station and let them know what's going down," Richard told Jennifer.

Jennifer picked up the phone and made a call. Up in the Multinational Space Station above Earth. With his name embroidered on his golf shirt, Astronaut Buck Williams floated by a console. He had a clipboard in hand. He glanced at a monitor and wrote down data onto his board.

A phone near him rang. He floated over to the phone and picked it up. "Space station," he answered.

"Buck, it's Jennifer down here at headquarters," she said from his phone.

"Hello Jennifer, how are things down on Earth?"

"We have a situation with two young boys. They snuck aboard the Magellan five capsule," she told him.

"We heard," Buck replied.

"Good. We want the Magellan to drop the boys off at the station. Then they can complete their mission with that asteroid," she said.

"Sure. Bring the little tikes here. We can babysit," Buck replied, then hung up the phone.

Astronaut Natasha Popov was a Russian Cosmonaut. She also had her name embroidered on her golf shirt. She floated up to Buck. "Who on the phone?" she said in a thick Russian accent.

"Jennifer, she needs a huge favor. She wants us to babysit those two young boys that snuck aboard the Magellan five capsule," he told her.

"Sure. We have room," she said, then floated away. Back at the conference room in NASA Headquarters,

Richard sat at the table with the NASA folks. They all stared at the TV on the wall.

They saw Buck, Lance, and Clint with Ricky and Todd on TV while they floated in the Magellan capsule.

"Lance, fly them to the space station. Drop the boys off, and we'll send up another capsule to bring them home," Richard instructed him.

"Yes, sir. We'll do that right away. Then we'll start with our mission on the asteroid," Lance replied from the capsule.

"Good, now let's talk about the mission," Richard said.

His phone rang, interrupting him. "Excuse me," he said, then he answered his phone.

"Richard," he answered.

"Richard, Wilbur here. I have an update for you," Wilbur said over the phone.

"Give it to me," Richard replied.

"Well, for starters, we saw a cornfield explode in Iowa," Wilbur said.

"A cornfield exploded. Why should I care about some stupid cornfield in Iowa?" Richard said.

"A piece of space junk ricocheted off the asteroid. It fell to Earth and smacked into the cornfield," Wilbur said.

"Great. That's just great," said Richard, and he got worried. "Anything else?" he asked while rubbing his forehead.

"Yeah. Our computers verified that the asteroid is falling to Earth. We have two weeks until impact," Wilbur said.

"What? Two weeks? Are you sure?"

"We validated the data. It smacks into Earth in two weeks," Wilbur said.

Richard hung up the phone and looked scared to death.

 "Change of plans. Keep the boys in the Magellan capsule. We need to complete our mission right away," Richard told the room.

"But why?" Jennifer asked.

"The Space Spy Agency confirmed that the asteroid is falling to Earth. Impact in two weeks," Richard said.

All eyes were on Richard, and they couldn't believe their ears.

Back at the Oval Office of the White House, President Barnaby had his shoe kicked up on his desk. He read his "Dummies Method To Being President," book. His phone rang, and he answered it.

"President Barnaby," he said.

"Mister President, we have some developing news," Richard replied.

President Barnaby sat straight up. "I'm ready," he said.

"The Space Spy Agency validated the asteroid is falling. It will impact Earth in two weeks," Richard said.

"Two weeks, huh. Well, that sure messes things up a bit," President Barnaby said. "I hope our astronauts can save us," he added.

"Yes, Mister President," Richard replied. "If they don't, we'll end up extinct like the dinosaurs."

President Barnaby looked worried while he hung up the phone.

"Yes, Mister President," Richard replied. "If they don't, we'll end up extinct like the dinosaurs."

At Todd's home, Tater, Lilly, Louie, and Rose watched Channel 9 News on the TV. They sat on the edge of the couch in the living room.

On TV, anchorman Biff Barker reported the evening news. "NASA has come up with a plan to take the two stowaway boys to the space station. Then they'll launch another Magellan five rocket. Go to the station and bring the boys home," Biff said from the TV.

They all got off the couch. They locked arms and danced around the room with joy, knowing the boys would be home safe and sound.

"Wait...we received a change in NASA's plans," Biff said from the TV.

They stopped and stared at the TV with concerned eyes.

"The asteroid is falling and will impact Earth in two weeks. We'll end up extinct like the dinosaurs. S o returning the stowaways to the station will not provide ample time to get rid of this new threat. It looks like they'll have to stay in the Magellan capsule," Biff said from the TV.

They sat down on the edge of the couch and looked worried.

People gathered in New York City in front of a TV store. They looked at the windows and watched the TVs. They watched the Disaster Channel. It showed a picture of Earth. The "Asteroid To Impact Earth in Two Weeks – We'll End Up Like The Dinosaurs - Extinct" message flashed.

The people looked scared to death.

In Munich, Germany, people gathered in front of a TV store. They looked at the windows and watched the TVs. They watched the Disaster Channel. It showed a picture of Earth. The "Asteroid To Impact Earth in Two Weeks – We'll End Up Like The Dinosaurs - Extinct" message flashed.

The people looked scared to death.

In Bombay, India, people gathered in front of a TV store. They looked at the windows and watched the TVs. They watched the Disaster Channel. It showed a picture of Earth. The "Asteroid To Impact Earth in Two Weeks – We'll End Up Like The Dinosaurs - Extinct" message flashed.

The people looked scared to death.

In Tokyo, Japan, people gathered in front of a TV store. They looked at the windows and watched the TVs. They watched the Disaster Channel. It showed a picture of Earth. The "Asteroid To Impact Earth in Two Weeks – We'll End Up Like The Dinosaurs - Extinct" message flashed.

The people looked scared to death.

In Los Angeles, California, people gathered in front of a TV store. They looked at the windows and watched the TVs. They watched the Disaster Channel. It showed a picture of Earth. The "Asteroid To Impact Earth in Two Weeks – We'll End Up Like The Dinosaurs - Extinct" message flashed.

The people looked scared to death.

Way up above Earth. Inside the Magellan 5 capsule, Todd and Ricky floated. They watched while Jake, Lance, and Clint fired their smaller rockets to change orbits.

The capsule headed toward the asteroid.

Todd and Ricky loved being up in space. But they were also scared about heading to that threatening asteroid.

Later that night, in the Oval Office of the White House, President Barnaby stood in front of the wall of TVs. They were lit with leaders from around the world.

"And now you have two little boys going on this mission?" the German Chancellor said in disbelief from his TV.

"Trust me. It was unavoidable. We didn't know they stowed on the capsule," President Barnaby pleaded.

"That asteroid is three hundred and fifty miles away. We need to install another plan," the Spanish President said from his TV.

"I agree! We need a backup plan," the Prime Minister of Japan said from his TV.

"I can use my HariAnne rocket to send up a robot and rocket engines," the French President said from his TV.

"I say go with HariAnne," the South Korean President said from his TV.

"No! I say we fire nukes at it and blow it out of orbit," the Chinese President yelled, pounding his desk with his fist from his TV.

On the TVs, all the world's leaders argued. England, Australia, and Canada wanted President Barnaby's plan. South Korea, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, and Japan wanted HariAnne to eliminate the asteroid. China and Russia wanted nukes to get rid of the asteroid.

"Come on, guys! The good ole US of A won't fail. We can do it!" President Barnaby pleaded to the TVs.

All the world leaders turned off their cameras.

President Barnaby stared at the blank TVs and got depressed.

He turned around and moped back to his desk.