Stowaway Boys by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

Out in space, the Magellan capsule spun closer toward the surface of the Moon.

Inside the Magellan capsule, the spinning capsule continued tossing Jake, Lance, and Clint around unconscious.

Lance woke up. He looked around the capsule, dazed and confused while being tossed around. He remembered he was in the capsule.

He looked at the windows and saw the surface of the Moon coming at them fast. His eyes widened in panic, and he furiously fought to get to the controls.

He finally got to the console, pushed buttons, and flipped switches.

He grabbed the control stick, the thrusters fired, and the capsule settled down.

On the surface of the Moon, the Magellan capsule descended and slammed the engine first into the Moon's surface. It buried its smashed rear-engine nozzle deep into the surface. Moon dust flew everywhere.

Inside the Magellan capsule,

Lance sat down, exhausted in his seat.

Jake and Clint were sprawled out on the floor.

 Jake woke up in a daze, and he looked around, confused.

Clint woke up in a daze, and he looked around, confused.

"Where are we?" Clint asked.

Lance went to the nearest capsule window. "We're on the Moon," Lance replied.

"Oh, that's good," said Clint.

It dawned on Jake and Clint what Lance said.

They quickly got off the floor and raced to the windows. They looked out and noticed the Moon’s surface.

Jake and Clint stepped away from the windows. "What are we going to do now?" he said.

"I don't have a clue," Lance replied.

They all sat down in their seats, and each tried to figure out a way back to Earth.

Fifteen minutes passed, and the capsule suddenly lifted and moved. That startled Jake, Clint, and Lance. They quickly shot up from their seats and rushed to the windows. They glanced out and saw the capsule slowly moving along the Moon's surface.

"Can you see what's going on?" Clint asked.

"No," Jake said while he strained to get a view from a window.

"How are we moving?" Clint asked.

"I don't have a clue," Lance said.

They walked away from the windows and sat back down in their seats. They looked concerned while the capsule slowly moved across the Moon's surface all by itself.

On the surface of the Moon, two metal beams held up the Magellan capsule. Twelve bald silver-skinned male aliens were in silver space suits with glass helmets that carried the beams. Six aliens were on each side of the beams.

They walked the Magellan capsule to a nearby mountain.

An elderly bald silver-skinned male alien walked in front of everybody.

When they walked the capsule closer to the mountain, a door opened up, and they carried the capsule inside a vast cave.

Inside, the Moon mountain cave was rocky and lit with electrical lights. At the end of the cave were all the old Apollo Lunar Modules from the Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16 missions. By the old Lunar Modules were three Apollo Lunar Rovers and all the United States flags left behind.

The aliens carried the capsule inside the cave.

Lance, Jake, and Clint looked scared inside the Magellan capsule while the capsule slowly descended. They looked out the windows and saw the inside of the cave.

"Where are we now?" Jake asked.

"Looks like the inside of a cave," Clint responded.

They continued to look out the windows.

Then there was a knock on the hatch that scared the crap out of them. They jumped and stared at the hatch, not knowing how to react to that sudden knock.

There was another knock, and they raced back to their seats. There was another knock on the hatch.

They all looked at each other and hoped the knocking would stop.

There was another knock on the hatch.

Lance took a deep breath and got the courage to check it out.

He got up and went over to the hatch. He cautiously opened it and took a peek outside.

He raced back to the others, scared to death.

The elderly alien, with his helmet removed, crawled through the hatch and stepped inside the capsule.

"Hello. I'm the Man In The Moon, leader of the Moonies. Whom might all you be?" he asked, then gave them a warm smile.

"I'm Lance."

"I'm Jake." "And I'm Clint."

It dawned on them what the alien said.

"Did you say the Man in the Moon?" Clint said as he didn't believe her ears.

“Yes, I did," the Man in the Moon replied.

"You mean you've always lived here on the Moon?" Lance asked.

"Of course, for the past three hundred years. We're a colony from the planet Mootania, located about four trillion miles away," the Man in the Moon responded. He glanced around the capsule and spotted the American flags on their suits.

"Wow. We never knew," Jake said.

"We're good at staying hidden. But don't worry. We're friendly. And it's been about forty-six years since we've had Earth visitors. Why did you come back?"

"It was an accident," Clint said.

"We were on a mission to get rid of an asteroid made up of collided space junk when a piece of junk hit our ship and sent us here," Lance said.

"Space junk. You, earthling, should learn to clean up your space around Earth," the Man in the Mood said with a scolding glance.

"We know," said Jake while along with Clint and Lance, and they looked ashamed.

“Well, enough of that; I guess we'll have to figure out a way to get you back home so you can complete your mission. Follow me."

The Man in the Moon left through the hatch.

Lance, Jake, and Clint took turns and followed him through the hatch.

Inside the Moon mountain cave, Lance, Jake, and Clint followed the Man In The Moon around the Magellan capsule.

They glanced around the cave.

They saw all the old Apollo Moon equipment over at the far side of the cave. They stopped and stared in disbelief.

"Is that our old Apollo equipment?" Jake asked.

"Yeah. We didn't mind you Earthlings walking around and taking our rocks, but why did you have to leave your stuff behind? I find that extremely rude." the Man in the Moon said with displeasure.

"Sorry about that," Clint replied.

"Please don't do that again," the Man in the Moon said.

The Man In The Moon walked them over to a large picnic table made of rock. Have a seat. It's dinner time," he said.

Lance, Jake, and Clint sat down at the table with the Man in the Moon.

Four beautiful bald young adult female Moonies walked over with gray-colored pies in hand. They set the pies down in front of them with a weird spoon.

The Man in the Moon grabbed his spoon and ate his pie.

Jake, Clint, and Lance looked apprehensive, and The Man in the Moon noticed.

"We call them Moon pies. Eat up, and then we'll work on fixing your ship," the Man in the Moon said. "We'll also repair your suits," he added while seeing their tears.

Jake, Clint, and Lance scooped up some Moon pie and took a nibble. Their faces lit up when they tasted it, and it was delicious. They took bigger bites, then shoved more pie in their mouths and gobbled it down.

The Man in the Moon chuckled at the sight of the Earthlings loving their food. He looked at one of the females. "Get our guests some suits to wear," he said.

“Yes, sir," the female responded, then walked away.

The other three females walked away.

The Man in the Moon looked over at two male Moonies walking near him. "Laa and Daa. Come here," the Man in the Moon ordered.

Laa and Daa rushed over.

"Go take a look at their capsule. Let's come up with a fix so they can get back home to Earth," the Man in the Moon instructed them.

“Yes, sir," Laa replied, then he rushed off toward the Magellan capsule with Daa.

They immediately walked around and inspected the capsule.

Five minutes later and three females returned, each with a silver space suit in hand.

"You can wear these until we repair your suits," the Man in the Moon told Jake, Clint, and Lance.

"If you follow me, I can take you to where you can exchange your suits," one of the females said.

Laa and Daa ran off from the Magellan capsule and headed toward the stash of Apollo equipment.

Jake, Lance, and Clint got up from the table, and the three females escorted them away.