Stowaway Boys by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

On the top of the asteroid, Scoota's ears perked up, and he looked concerned.

A Chinese missile flew upward and missed the asteroid by thirty feet.

They watched while the missile flew off into space, and all looked worried.

Another Chinese missile flew upward. It missed the asteroid by forty feet and flew off into space.

Todd, Ricky, and Scoota got scared, dove, and grabbed a piece of space junk. Their hands held onto their rolls of Duct tape still attached to space junk.

The asteroid shook with a loud bam while the third missile clipped the side.

A piece of space junk became dislodged from the side of the asteroid.

It tumbled down to Earth.

The asteroid rolled and dropped to a lower orbit. The Space Buggy hung on by the lanyard.

Todd, Ricky, and Scoota screamed while flying all over the place. They held onto their rolls of Duct tape, which unrolled down the asteroid's side.

The asteroid steadied and stayed right side up. The buggy hovered above space junk with its lanyard still attached.

Todd, Ricky, and Scoota dangled underneath the asteroid. They still grasped onto their rolls of Duct tape, which unrolled down the asteroid's side. They were fifteen feet underneath the bottom of the asteroid.

They looked down and could see Earth below their boots.

They looked up and saw it was a long way up the tape to the bottom of the asteroid. They look scared to death.

"What do we do now?" Ricky asked, scared while he glanced at Earth below his boots.

Todd looked up to the bottom of the asteroid. "I guess it's gym class all over again.”

“I don’t know what gym class is, how it can save us,” said Scoota.

“We climb up the Duct tape,” Todd replied.

"This doesn't look fun," Scoota said while looking down at Earth and then up at the asteroid. “But we don’t have a choice!”

Todd and Scoota climbed up their Duct tape like it was a piece of rope.

Todd glanced down and saw Ricky frozen with fear.

"Come on, Ricky. Up is the safest way we can go," Todd called out.

Ricky shook in fear while he glanced down. He looked up and stayed frozen, trembling in fear.

Scoota noticed Ricky froze in fear, so he climbed down his Duct tape to assist. He grabbed the dangling end of his Duct tape. He reached over and ran it through a strap on Ricky's spacesuit and then through a strap on his spacesuit. "Get on my back and hold on," he told Ricky.

Scoota reached over and grabbed another strap on Ricky's suit and pulled Ricky over to him. Ricky immediately locked his arms around Scoota's neck.

Scoota climbed up his Duct tape, and for a small alien, he was strong.

Todd climbed up his Duct tape to the bottom of the asteroid.

Scoota, with Ricky on his back, climbed up his duct tape to the bottom of the asteroid.

Back at the Oval Office of the White House, President Barnaby stood in front of his wall of TVs. The world leaders were present, and Barnaby was mad.

"You almost killed my boys!" he screamed and pointed the finger at the Chinese President's TV.

"I'm sorry we missed!" the Chinese President responded disappointedly.

"We won't miss!" the Russian President added from his TV.

"My HariAnne rocket will launch tomorrow to save the world and the boys," said the French President.

"Come on, guys, the US of A can save the boys and the world!" President Barnaby said.

All the world leaders turned off their TVs.

President Barnaby moped over to his desk and sat plopped down in his chair.

He heard yells from outside, so he got up and looked out his curtains.

Protesters jumped the fence and got on the White House lawn.

He saw a protester with a "We Hate Barnaby" sign.

He saw a young boy with a "The President Eats Boogers" sign. He saw another man with an "Asteroid Is A Fake, Like The Apollo Moon Landing" sign.

The White House security guards ran over and tackled the protesters to the grass.

They got them up on their feet and escorted them away.

"Man, being President stinks!" President Barnaby said, then plopped down at his desk chair, depressed.

Back up in space above Earth, Todd climbed up the asteroid's side like he was rock climbing.

Scoota had Ricky on his back. Ricky had his eyes closed and his arms around his neck while Scoota climbed up the asteroid's side.

Down on Earth, in Todd's home, on the TV, Biff gave everybody the bad news.

"President Barnaby is furious with the Chinese for firing missiles at the asteroid. We're lucky they missed but still don't know if the stowaways are safe and sound," Biff said to the TV audience.

Tater, Christina, and Lilly fainted on the couch.

In Ricky's home, on the TV, Biff gave them the news.

Louie and Rose fainted on the couch.

In Lucy's home, on the TV, Biff gave the news.

Lucy sat on the couch and looked worried for Todd.

In the Bully's tree house, Rocky and Buster watched their TV and looked disappointed.

"Man, I thought the Chinese were better than that!" Buster said.

"Me too," Rocky replied.

They both pouted in disappointment.

Back up in space, Todd climbed up the side.

He climbed to the top of the asteroid.

Scoota climbed into view up the side and climbed to the top of the asteroid with Ricky still on his back.

They stood on a piece of space junk.

"We're finally back," Scoota said, exhausted, while he huffed and puffed.

Ricky opened his eyes and looked relieved. He loosened his arms from around Scoota's neck. Scoota immediately rubbed the back of his neck for relief.

Scoota removed his Ginsu-looking knife from his spacesuit pocket and sliced the Duct tape from his straps. Ricky fell and landed on his butt on some space junk.

Ricky stood up. He looked at Todd and Scoota while they walked and climbed over space junk to the buggy. He felt ashamed for being afraid down there.

Back on the Moon, Jake, Clint, and Lance watched three-middle-aged female Moonies apply a patch to the ripped areas of their spacesuits.

The Man In The Moon walked up behind them. "It looks like your suits will be ready later today," the Man in the Moon said.

"How do we get back to Earth?" Clint asked.

"We're still trying to figure out how to repair the damage on your capsule. We can't let you use one of our ships," the Man in the Moon replied.

The Man In The Moon walked away with Jake, Clint, and Lance.

"Your ship? You travel in space?" Lance asked curiously.

"We've done some traveling to check up on you earthlings," the Man in the Moon said.

It dawned on Jake, Clint, and Lance what he said.

 "Cool!" Lance said.

"Our job in this universe is to keep the Moon safe as earthlings will not survive without it."

"Can we see your spaceship?" Jake said.

"I don't see why not," the Man in the Moon replied.

The Man in the Moon walked Jake, Todd, and Clint to the area where the old Apollo equipment was located. He walked to a large and wide grey door.

He pressed a button on the cave wall, and the door slid open.

Jake, Todd, and Clint stood in awe when they saw the Moonie spaceship inside the room. It was a 1950s- style shiny silver saucer with a bubble canopy. The canopy was open, and an access ladder provided access into the cockpit area.

"Can we take a closer peek?" Clint asked. "Be my guest," the Man in the Moon replied.

Inside the room, Jake, Clint, and Lance ran inside like curious schoolboys over to the access ladder.

They all climbed up the ladder and stood on the platform at the top. They peeked inside the spaceship.

Inside the ship, they saw a control stick, four seats, and a console with buttons, switches, knobs, and gauges.

Jake jumped down inside the spaceship, and he sat in the pilot's seat.

"This is so cool. It’s just like a 1950s science fiction movie," he said while he gripped the controls.

Jake got out, and Lance and Clint took turns sitting in the spaceship. They acted like young boys when they sat inside a jet fighter mock-up at an air show.

They got out of the spaceship and climbed down the ladder.

They followed the Man in the Moon out of the room. He closed the door, and they walked away.

In the main part of the cave, the Man In The Moon walked them to the picnic table. Four females Moonies stood with four Moon pies.

Jake, Lance, and Clint's eyes lit up at the sight of those pies. They sat down and licked their chops.

Inside another cave, Laa and Daa had previously moved the Magellan capsule into this cave that was their workshop. They moved the Apollo 17 Lunar Module Descent Stage and some thrusters from the Apollo 16 Lunar Module ascent stage.

Off to the side of the cave was a rocket engine that belonged to the Moonies. Their engines had a fuel tank already installed.

"Go tell Taa to get the launcher ready," Laa told Daa.

Daa rushed out of the cave.

Laa walked over to a bench. He grabbed a strange-looking toolbox and walked back to the Magellan Capsule.

Back on the top of the asteroid, Scoota, Todd, and Ricky unhooked the space buggy and resumed their mission.

Todd drove the space buggy over space junk while Ricky unreeled more cable from the reel.

Scoota walked and climbed over space junk and followed the cable while it sat down on top of junk.

They stopped every twenty feet, and Scoota would tape cable sections to junk.

Down on Earth in Todd's home, Tater, Lilly, and Christina sat on the couch. They had their fingers crossed and stared at the TV, which showed Channel 9 News. They hoped for an update on Todd. Nothing. Only a report of bank robberies, car accidents, house fires, and murders; it was your typical day. They were disappointed and worried about Todd.

In Ricky's home, Louie and Rose sat on the couch with fingers crossed and stared at the TV, which had the Channel Nine News. They waited for an update on Ricky. Nothing. They were disappointed and worried about Ricky.

In Lucy's home, she sat with Betty on the couch with fingers crossed and stared at the TV, which had the Channel Nine News. They waited for an update on Ricky. Nothing. Lucy worried about Todd. Betty showed an indication that she was worried about Ricky. She never told Lucy that she liked Ricky.

In the Bully's tree house, Buster and Rocky sat staring at the TV, which had the Channel 9 News.

"Where's the bad news when you want it?" Buster said and pouted.

Rocky nodded in agreement.

At the top of the asteroid, around the middle section, Todd, Ricky, and Scoota sat inside by the Space Buggy while it hovered. They had the lanyards hooked to the junk below. They finished eating and removed the tubes out of their helmet ports.

Scoota burped, then sniffed the inside of his helmet.

Todd and Ricky thought that was cool.

Then they get a look of discomfort on their faces, and they both farted in their suits. They sniffed and looked sickly as it stunk!

Scoota stretched and yawned.

He got out of the Space Buggy and down to a piece of space junk. "I need some sleep," Scoota said while he snuggled down in a piece of junk.

"That sounds good, but I wish I could air out my suit!" Todd said then; he climbed into the bed of the Space Buggy and curled up.

Ricky chuckled at Todd's comment while he climbed out of the Space Buggy and snuggled down in a piece of junk.