Stowaway Boys by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 19

Back on the Moon in the workshop cave, Taa and Laa feverishly worked on the Magellan capsule and removed the damaged engine.  They lifted the capsule with a small, weird- looking crane and mounted it to the Apollo 17 Lunar Module descent stage. While they were accomplishing this task, another Moonie, Saa, worked underneath the descent stage and installed one of their rocket engines.

Another Moonie, Zaa, installed some old Apollo 16 thrusters on the Magellan capsule.

Another Moonie, Qaa, installed all the control wiring and control boxes to operate the engine inside the capsule.

Outside on the surface of the Moon, Moonies Naa and, Raa worked on assembling a slingshot launcher.

On top of the asteroid, Todd, Ricky, and Scoota climbed up the side of reached the top.

They stood on the top of the asteroid and glanced down below.

They saw the space station while it slowly orbited away. They cheered and high-fived each other.

"We did it! I can't believe we did it!" Todd cried out.

Todd and Ricky raised one arm in the air and linked their glove pinkies together.

"Friends!" they cheered.

Scoota smiled at the boys. "Come on, friends. We have more adventures ahead of us," Scoota told them.

Todd, Ricky, and Scoota walked and climbed over space junk.

They headed toward the Space Buggy that hovered above the space junk with the lanyards attached to some junk. They removed their Duct tape ropes from their spacesuits and placed them in the rear of the space buggy.

"We can use these when installing the engines," Scoota said.

Todd and Ricky nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, they didn't know that the HariAnne capsule orbited Earth and headed to the asteroid.

Todd and Ricky climbed in the Space Buggy.

Ricky unhooked the lanyards, then he climbed in the rear and sat inside. He was exhausted from their recent adventure but proud he didn't chicken out.

Ricky secured the Duct tape rope in a cabinet in the buggy's rear.

Todd climbed in the driver's seat, pressed the "F" button, and inched the joystick forward.

The Space Buggy moved forward to the rear of the asteroid.

Ricky unreeled the cable, and it rested on a piece of space junk.

"We are the Champions, my friends," Todd sang out.

Ricky smiled. "Cause we are the Champions," he sang along.

"Of the world," Todd and Ricky sang out in unison.

"Of the universe," Scoota sang out while he Duct taped a section of the cable to some space junk.

Todd and Ricky chuckled with Scoota's change of words to that song.

They moved down the asteroid for another one hundred feet, singing that song while Scoota secured the unreeled cable with Duct tape.

Todd drove the Space Buggy within twenty feet from the rear edge of the asteroid.

Todd stopped the Space Buggy. Ricky unreeled the remaining cable until the connector end was visible.

They forgot to secure the Space Buggy to some space junk.

Scoota walked and climbed over space junk and got to the Space Buggy.

Ricky handed Scoota the connector end of the cable.

Scoota walked and climbed over space junk to the rear of the asteroid and ran the cable with the connector end to the edge of the asteroid.

He walked and climbed over space junk to the Space Buggy.

"Let's get the engines out and secure them to some junk," Scoota said.

Todd and Ricky went over to the buggy's rear and climbed inside.

Inside the rear bed of the space buggy, Ricky unzipped the bag marked "Engine Installer Boom.” It revealed a boom with two hand cranks. The boom had a wire rope with a hook at its end. He zipped up the bag and lifted it.

He handed the bag to Scoota, who laid it on some space junk.

Todd grabbed the first engine and lifted it. He handed it over to Scoota, who immediately secured it to some space junk.

They repeated this process until all three engines and the installer boom bag was secured to space junk.

Todd glanced over at the Moon. He glanced around the blackness of outer space. Where are they? He wondered to himself and started to have doubts he could perform this mission to save Earth.

Five minutes had passed.

The supplies were out of the bed of the Space Buggy and secured to space junk.

"Well, let's finish this mission," Scoota said.

Unbeknownst to them, some space junk flew at the asteroid.

Bam! The space junk slammed into the asteroid, and it violently shook, knocking them on their butts.

They looked around and didn't see anything. They stood up.

Another piece of space junk slammed into the asteroid, and it violently shook again, knocking them back on their butts.

They looked around and saw the Space Buggy while it flew off to the rear of the asteroid.

Todd, Ricky, and Scoota hurriedly climbed over space junk after the Space Buggy.

They got extremely close to the edge and almost within reach of it. But it flew over the edge and tumbled down to Earth.

They looked over the edge in horror.

Meanwhile, the HariAnne capsule orbited up to the asteroid.

The Space Buggy tumbled downward and slammed into the capsule.

They both tumbled down to Earth in different directions.

Todd, Ricky, and Scoota walked back to the rocket engines.

"What do we do now?" Ricky asked.

"We install the engines," Scoota replied.

"Then what? Our astronauts haven't returned and are probably lost in space," Todd said.

"We walk back to the front and get back inside the Lunar Module," Scoota responded and walked over to an engine.

"Then what?" Ricky said, a little nervous about Scoota's answer.

"We help your little robot fly this thing away from Earth."

"And where to?" Todd said. "My home," Scoota replied.

"But that's not our home," Ricky said, and Todd nodded in agreement.

"If we don't get this thing away, you won't have a home. Remember how an asteroid destroyed your dinosaurs?" Scoota said.

Todd and Ricky thought about his reply for a few seconds.

"I can't imagine nobody being around on Earth," Todd said.

"It's up to us to make sure that doesn't happen!" Ricky added.

Todd nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry. We'll take good care of you on my planet."

Todd and Ricky looked at Scoota, and they felt better. They also thought it would be cool to make a long trip into space, see another planet then return home. Like being a real astronaut!

Back on the Moon, in the workshop cave, two other Moonies, Daa and Doo, each entered with a fuel can in hand.

Daa and Doo were not the brightest stars in the universe, but the Man in the Moon trusted they could handle filling up the engine with fuel.

They walked over to the Lunar Module descent stage.

 "How much fuel do you think they need to get back to Earth," Daa asked Doo.

Doo thought for a second. "Mmmm, let me see," he said while he did some figuring in his head. "Well, the way I figure, the Moon is this far away from Earth on our map," Doo said while holding his hands six inches apart.

Daa looked at Doo's hands. "That makes sense to me," he said, then proceeded to pour fuel into the engine's tank.

They finished and left the cave with the fuel can in hand.

The Man in the Moon entered the cave with a towing machine and three other Moonies, Raa, Caa, and Faa. They hooked up at the Magellan capsule and Lunar Module descent stage to the towing device.

The Man in the Moon towed the capsule out of the cave.

He towed it outside to the surface of the Moon.

Back down on Earth in the early morning in Paris, the Eiffel Tower was filled with tons of tourists around the base waiting for it to open.

The HariAnne capsule fireball zoomed out of the sky at the Eiffel Tower.

This caught the attention of some of the tourists, and they glanced up at the sky.

"What's that?" said a Canadian tourist while pointing at the fireball.

"Is it a missile?" a german tourist said in german to his wife.

Then all the tourists saw the fireball coming straight at them. They all soon realized they were in danger, and they scattered screaming.

The fireball zoomed toward the Eiffel Tower.

The fireball impacted the middle section of the Eiffel Tower with a loud kaboom. The Eiffel Tower creaked and started to lean toward the ground.

The tourists were able to run to safety in the nick of time.

The Eiffel Tower slammed into the ground with a loud bang that shook half of Paris.

In Todd's home, Tater, Lilly, and Christina sat on the edge of the couch while they stared at Biff on the TV.

"The French's HariAnne rocket was launched to rescue our young stowaway boys. But while the French's HariAnne capsule was on the way to the asteroid, an unidentified object, possibly space junk, struck it, and the capsule plummeted back down to Earth. There's no hope for rescuing our boys," Biff reported the news.

Tater, Lilly, and Christina all fainted on the couch.

In Ricky's home, Louie and Rose were sprawled out on the couch, fainting from hearing the bad news.

On TV, Biff looked sad.

In Lucy's home, she sat with Betty on the edge of the couch. A tear ran down Lucy's cheek as she stared at the TV.

On TV, Biff still looked sad.

In the Bully's tree house, Buster, with his small TV in hand, and Rocky walked away from the tree house. They were delighted with the bad news they had just heard.

"No more nerds!" Buster cried out joyfully.

Their eyes widened with fear as it sunk in.

"Wait. That means. No more us!" Buster said.

They stopped and looked scared to death.

They saw a fireball while it zoomed out of the sky, directly aimed at them.

Buster grabbed his TV, and they rushed down the ladder.

They looked scared and ran as fast as they could to get away.

Buster tripped, and his TV flew out of his hand and smashed into a nearby tree.

Rocky left him behind while making a mad dash to save his own life.

Buster got up and high-tailed it away.

The fireball slammed into the Bully’s tree house, and it immediately erupted in a massive fireball.

Buster and Rocky ran home scared to death.

Meanwhile, back on the Moon, the Magellan capsule with Lunar Module Descent stage was installed on the slingshot launcher. This launcher used a giant rubber band coiled uptight on a reel.

A ramp led to the hatch of the Magellan capsule, and the launcher was aimed upward aimed at Earth.

The cave in the mountain opened up.

Jake, Clint, and Lance wore their white space suits that were repaired with their helmets. They followed the Man in the Moon with six other male Moonies in space suits.

"Being on the Moon is so cool!" Lance said while he looked around the surface of the Moon.

"I can imagine those Apollo astronauts had a blast up here," Clint added.

"Don't you know it," replied Jake?

They walked and bounced over to their capsule. They stopped at stared at this simple launcher.

"I can't believe it. You attached an old Apollo lunar module descent stage to our capsule. This is way too cool!" Lance said.

"And a slingshot for a launcher! Now that's very creative. Simple yet creative and effective," Clint added.

"Sometimes, the simple things work best. Besides, you're low on fuel, and this launcher will help get you up there. I just hoped we calculated your fuel consumption correctly," the Man in the Moon said, then stuck out his glove.

The Man In The Moon shook hands with the astronauts.

"Thanks for helping us," Lance said.

"Yeah, we would be dead if it wasn't for you," Clint said.

Jake nodded in agreement.

"It's the job of a Moonie," the Man in the Moon replied. He reached into his spacesuit pocket and removed a black pen device.

"May we have a picture of our new Earth friends?" he said while he pointed the pen device at them.

Those six Moonies bounced away from Jake, Clint, and Lance, who stood together.

The Moonies immediately closed their eyes when the pen device was pointed at the earthlings.

"Like what I told those other earthlings so many years ago. What happens on the Moon stays on the Moon," the Man in the Moon said.

"Told those other earthlings?" Clint said as he wasn't' sure, he understood what he said.

A bright purple flash emitted from the pen. Jake, Clint, and Lance stood with blank stares, and they were in eyes wide open trance.

The Man In The Moon motioned to the six Moonies, who immediately picked up Jake, Clint, and Lance, carried them over and walked up to the ramp to the capsule's hatch.

Inside the Magellan capsule, the six Moonies placed Jake, Lance, and Clint in their seats and buckled their harnesses.

On the surface of the Moon, one of the Moonies closed and locked the hatch to the Magellan capsule. All six Moonies walked down the ramp and walked over to their leader.

They all walked to the rear of the launcher.

The Man In The Moon moved a lever then the Magellan capsule and Lunar Module swooshed up into space toward Earth.

In outer space, the Magellan capsule and Lunar Module ascended away from the Moon.

Back on the surface of the Moon, the Man in the Moon removed a device from his spacesuit pocket. It looked like a TV remote. He aimed it at outer space in the direction the Magellan capsule ascended. He pressed some buttons and typed "Earth" as the destination in the viewfinder.

"Let's go monitor their travel," he told the other Moonies.

They all walked back to the cave opening.

In orbit around the Moon, the Magellan capsule slowly ascended from outer space.

Then the engine at the rear fired, and the capsule zoomed toward Earth.

Inside the Magellan capsule, Lance, Jake, and Clint sat strapped in their seats out cold in that wide eye trance.

On the surface of the Moon, the Man In The Moon stood by the launcher. He stared at Earth with the six Moonies.

"I sure would hate to lose that beautiful planet! I hope those Earthlings soon learn how precious their planet is and preserve their beautiful home," the Man in the Moon said.

The six Moonies nodded in agreement.

They walked away to the mountain cave.