Stowaway Boys by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 21

At the top of the asteroid, thirty minutes had passed.

Todd and Scoota climbed up from the rear and stood on a piece of space junk.

"We're done. Now what?" Ricky asked.

"We walk to the front and hopefully get there in time to fly this out of here and back home," Scoota said.

Todd and Ricky looked homesick while they stared out into space.

"But it's not our home," Todd said.

Scoota looked sad. "I know, but we'll be your new family," Scoota said and placed an arm around Todd and Ricky. Deep inside, he wanted his new Earth friends to live with him on his planet. He was afraid that if they sent a ship back to Earth with Todd and Ricky, the ship might get shot down by the earthlings.

Scoota looked out in space toward the Moon. "I guess your Astronaut friends are lost forever." He remembered something and opened up one of his suit pockets. He removed his Space Pad, and he punched in a number. "Come in Rescue Ship. This is Scoota.

Where are you located? I need you now! It’s me, Junior Grade Space Knight Scoota," Scoota said into his Space Pad.

Inside the Stardonia Spacecraft Tow Ship, Biggka and Redka relaxed inside their ship.

Biggka reached up and pressed a button in their OSPS. "You are eight hundred and eighty-six million miles from your destination. The Saturn planet is now to your right," the female voice from the OSPS said. Biggka and Redka glanced out their windows and saw Saturn and looked in awe at the colorful and beautiful rings.

"Come in Rescue Ship. This is Scoota. Where are you located? I need you now. It's me, Junior Grade Space Knight Scoota," his voice came across the speakers.

"Should we answer Scoota?" Redka asked.

Biggka thought for a second. "No. Remember that time when he got stranded on Crayolaian?"

Redka thought for a few seconds, then chuckled. "Oh yeah. He forgot to fuel up his fighter ship before he left home."

"We'll let him sweat this one out," Biggka said.

 Redka smiled and nodded in agreement.

On the top of the asteroid, Scoota waited and looked at his Space Pad for a response. He looked worried while shoving his Space Pad back into his pocket in his spacesuit.

"Let's head back to the front," Scoota told Todd and Ricky.

They walked and climbed over space junk toward the front of the asteroid.

In outer space above Earth, numerous pieces of space junk bounced off the asteroid and tumbled down to Earth. It was a shower of debris.

Down at the Space Spy Agency Peek A Boo We See You room, the "Doomsday Is Pending" sign hung on the wall. Everybody could have left, but they decided to stay and prayed for a miracle.

Johnson sat at his console and looked at his radar screen. The screen showed an arc from the asteroid down to Earth. The digital displays flashed the "Asteroid 19,982 Miles Per Hour - 136 Miles Away, Mankind Is Doomed!" message across the screen.

Johnson reached under his console. He grabbed his bottle of Maalox; he opened it and took a huge swig.

In the Oval Office of the White House, the world leaders looked scared to death on the TVs.

President Barnaby sat at his desk.

"My Eiffel tower was destroyed. My beautiful and tall Eiffel tower!" the French President cried, wiped a tear from his eye, then sobbed from his TV.

From the Russian TV, the Russian President slammed his fist down; red-faced furious. "We cannot wait!" He looked over to his side. "That asteroid is now one hundred and thirty-five miles away and traveling at nineteen thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two miles per hour. I say we nuke it, and we nuke it now!" he screamed out.

"I will have more missiles ready tomorrow!" the Chinese President yelled out from his TV.

On the TVs, all the leaders of the world cheered in agreement.

"But you'll kill my boys!" President Barnaby cried in protest, got up from his desk, and rushed to the TVs.

"We don't know if they completed your mission. We don't have a choice. We must nuke!" the Chinese President added from his TV.

"That's right. We don't have a choice. I'm hearing that the sky is raining debris as we speak. Go nuke!" the Italian President added.

"Nuke! Nuke! Nuke!" all the world leaders chanted on the TVs. The TVs went blank when the world leaders turned off their transmissions.

President Barnaby got furious and didn't know how he would tell the Americans that those boys would soon be blown up.

In Todd's home, Tater, Lilly, and Christina sat in a family hug on the couch. They stared at the TV in fear when they watched the Channel 9 News.

"We have a major development. The Russians and Chinese are now going to nuke the asteroid since the boys have not completed their mission. Sorry stowaways," Biff reported from the TV.

In Ricky's home, Louie and Rose hugged each other on the couch in fear after hearing the news about the Chinese and Russians from the TV.

In Lucy's home, she hugged Betty on the couch in fear after they heard the news about the Chinese and Russians from the TV.

Rocky and Buster knelt on the ground in the woods and sobbed while they stared at their black charred, smoldering tree house.

"Our tree house is gone," Buster cried out loud.

 "Our home!" Rocky cried out loud.

In a neighborhood in St. Louis, Missouri, people frantically packed their cars with as many belongings as they could shove into their trunks.

Then a fireball zoomed down from the sky.

"Look!" a man yelled out and pointed at the sky and the fireball.

Everybody in the neighborhood saw the fireball in the sky. Then there was an explosion, and the ground vibrated when it hit the ground a mile away.

They panicked and rushed into their cars. They started up their cars and screeched down their driveways. They immediately drove off, and some of them crashed into each other.

Interstate 70 was packed with cars that were leaving the city. It was a parking lot.

Interstate 55 was also packed with cars that were leaving the city. It was a parking lot.

In the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, thousands and thousands of cars jammed the roads that led to the mountains while fireballs of space junk raced out of the sky and exploded in the valleys.

In a church in the bible belt of America, there was a "Doomsday Coming Soon Let's Pray" sign outside a church. There's a long line of people waiting to get inside.

It was daytime in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Interstate 40 was jammed packed while everybody left the city and headed to the mountains to the East.

At a park in Seattle, Washington, hundreds of people gather around in a vast circle and hold hands.

"Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya. Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya," the crowd sang out in unison while they stared at the sky and noticed a shower of fireballs.

In the faraway galaxy on the planet Stardonia, Litta sat in her home with her Space Pad in her hand. She stared at the screen while she waited for Scoota to call that he was on his way home. She pressed another button on her Space Pad, and a hologram photo of Scoota and her on that beach planet appeared. Her eyes welled up, missing him terribly.

Up in space above Earth, the Space Spy Agencies Peek A Boo We See You satellite transmitted data back down to the secret location in Colorado.

The asteroid of space junk flew in the same orbit as that satellite.

The asteroid headed straight at the Peek A Boo We See You satellite. The satellite smacked into and ricocheted off the asteroid.

The Peek A Boo satellite soared down to Earth.

 Inside the Space Spy Agency's Peek A Boo room, Johnson sat at his console and sipped on his freshly made cup of green tea. He looked at his radar screen, and it went blank. Then he had a "Transmission Lost" error message flash across his screen. Then alarms on all the consoles in the room sounded.

"Wilbur!" Johnson screamed out in a panic.

Wilbur ran over to Johnson's console with his bottle of Maalox in his hand.

"What now?" Wilbur asked while he opened up his bottle of Maalox.

Johnson pointed at his radar screen, which flashed the "Transmission Lost" message.

Wilbur looked at his Maalox bottle. He pondered if he should gulp down the entire contents.

He threw the Maalox bottle into the trash can, and he decided to go cold turkey.

He picked up the phone on Johnson's console and made a call.

"Richard, we have some more bad news," Wilbur said into the phone.

In Richard's office at NASA Headquarters, Richard sat at his desk while he took Wilbur's phone call.

"Lost transmission? Can you restore it?" Richard asked into the phone.

"We believe the asteroid or a piece of space junk hit our satellite. But we have another satellite up there as a backup that we can activate," Wilbur responded.

"Get it operational now!" Richard ordered, then hung up his phone.

Richard got up from his desk and stared out his office window. His eyes welled up, thinking that his world as he knew and loved would soon be gone.

In the Space Spy Agency Peek A Boo room, Johnson quickly moved to another console with Wilbur. They turned on the "You Can Run But You Can't Hide" console. He flipped a bunch of switches and turned some knobs.

Up in space above Earth, the other You Can Run But You Can't Hide spy satellite was closed up. Then it hummed while it was being energized from Earth.

Then the antenna on the satellite unfolded and became alive and was pointed down at the Earth.

Johnson sat at the new console in the Space Spy Agency Peek A Boo room and turned some knobs and dials while adjusting the radar screen.

The asteroid, Earth, and the Moon were once again green blobs. Then the "Asteroid 20, 329 Miles Per Hour - 118 Miles Away Death And Destruction Coming!" message flashed on the screen.

In the Black Hills of South Dakota, Mount Rushmore looked deserted as it was closed down due to the pending disaster. A few Park Rangers were making the final closure arrangements of the park.

A fireball zoomed out of the sky that was the Peek A Boo satellite.

The Park Rangers saw the fireball and knew they could be in danger, and they skedaddled.

The fireball zoomed at Mount Rushmore. It didn't take long before it smashed into the mountain carvings between Thomas Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt. Pieces of rock rained on the area below the carvings, and half of Mount Rushmore was gone.

At the top of the asteroid, Todd, Ricky, and Scoota walked and climbed over space junk while they headed back to the front of the asteroid.

The asteroid slammed into a cell phone communications satellite. The asteroid shook, and Todd, Ricky, and Scoota fell on their butts.

The cell phone satellite dropped out of its orbit and plummeted to Earth.

Todd, Ricky, and Scoota got back upright.

The asteroid slammed into a Global Positioning Satellite (GPS).

That GPS satellite dropped out of its orbit and plummeted down to Earth.

Back down on Earth in Atlanta, Georgia, a woman walked down the sidewalk in the middle of Atlanta, talking into her cell phone.

"And then Bob called me…" she stopped and looked confused at her cell phone.

She saw the "Service Unavailable" message in the viewfinder.

She looked around, and about twenty other people had also lost service to their cell phones.

They all started having withdrawal symptoms from not using a cell phone.

In Stockholm, Sweden, everybody around town looked lost when they didn't have use of their cell phones.

In Honolulu, Hawaii, everybody on the beach looked lost when they didn't have use of their cell phones. A couple of women and men panicked.

All across America, thousands of drivers were now lost when their GPS devices stopped providing directions. They didn't have a clue on how to get to their destinations, and they didn't have an old fashion map as a backup.

In Bavaria, Germany, it was quiet at the Neuschwanstein castle, as it was closed to the tourists due to the pending disaster. Two maintenance men were working to close up the castle.

A fireball zoomed out of the sky.

A maintenance man worked outside the castle with his partner. He saw the fireball.

"What's that?" the man said to his partner, who then looked up at the sky.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look friendly," he replied while they stared at the fireball.

They both looked extremely nervous.

"I think it's heading right at us," the maintenance man said.

"I think you're right," his partner said then they ran away from the castle.

The fireball slammed into the Neuschwanstein castle, and it exploded.

On the top of the asteroid, Todd, Ricky, and Scoota trekked across space junk and headed toward the front of the asteroid.