Stowaway Boys by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 24

Down on Earth in the North Pole, Alaska, people stood outside and stared at the sky for signs that the asteroid was coming to do them all in forever.

In Dublin, Ireland, people stood outside.

They stared at the sky for signs that the asteroid was coming to end humanity.

In Bangladesh, people stood outside.

They stared at the sky for signs that the asteroid was coming to end humanity.

In the Space Spy Agency Peek, A Boo We See You room, there was a cot with a blanket and pillow by Johnson's console, as he had never left since this asteroid incident started.

Johnson tapped his fingers at his console while monitoring his radar screen, which showed Earth, the asteroid, a small blob for the Magellan capsule, and the Moon.

Then another tiny blob moved from the Moon, zooming after the Magellan capsule.

Johnson did a double-take and stared at it for a few seconds and soon realized this other object was for real.

"Wilbur!" Johnson screamed.

Wilbur ran over to Johnson's console with his bottle of Maalox. "What now?" he said, then gulped down his antacid.

"Something is racing after the Magellan capsule," he replied while pointing at his radar screen.

Wilbur rubbed his eyes, making sure he saw correctly. Then he looked a little shocked. "Could that be an alien spaceship?" Wilbur asked.

"That's what I'm thinking."

Wilbur picked up the phone on Johnson's console and made a call.

In Richard's office at NASA Headquarters, he sat at his desk and sipped on a cup of coffee.

There were a blanket and pillow on the couch. He didn't leave the building since this asteroid incident started. His phone rang, and he answered. "Richard."

"Wilbur here. We have an abnormal development."

Richard cringed as he knew he wouldn't enjoy this news. "What now?” he asked, rubbing his forehead.

"Well, it appears there might be an alien spaceship heading to our stranded Magellan capsule," Wilbur replied.

Richard rubbed his ear to ensure he didn't have a blocked ear. "Did you say an alien spaceship might be heading to our stranded Magellan capsule?"

"Yes, sir."

"That's just great. I wonder if they're on their way to attack Earth?" Richard said.

"I hope not," Wilbur replied.

"Try to get a closer look," Richard ordered.

"Yes, sir."

Richard hung up his phone and looked like he wanted to break down and cry.

Up in orbit above the Earth, the You Can Run But You Can't Hide spy satellite looked down at the planet.

It turned and aimed its dish toward the Moon.

Back down at the Space Spy Agency Peek A Boo Spy room, Johnson moved over to another console where he moved a joystick and turned some knobs, which moved the You Can Run But You Can't Hide satellite.

He turned the focus knob, and the Magellan capsule was visible on the monitor.

"I have them in sight," Johnson called out.

Wilbur ran over from his office but without his Maalox.

They stared at the monitor and could see the astronauts moving inside the capsule. They looked beyond the capsule toward the Moon.

A few minutes later, they saw it, and they rubbed their eyes to make sure they saw what they saw.

Up in outer space between the Moon and Earth, the Moonie's spaceship zoomed through space to the Magellan capsule.

Inside the Moonie's spaceship, the Man in the Moon navigated the spaceship with Taa and Raa. He looked ahead through his canopy and saw the Magellan capsule up ahead.

Taa looked at his portion of the console. "Sir, the Earthlings, have a satellite watching our every move," he said while seeing the "Being Monitored" message on a screen.

"We'll take care of that later," the Man in the Moon replied.

In the Space Spy Agency Peek A Boo We See You room, Johnson and Wilbur watched the monitor and saw the Moonie's spaceship while it stopped above the Magellan capsule and Lunar Module.

A door opened up at the bottom of the ship, and a long refueling pole came out from the opened door.

"What is that?" Johnson said.

"Some type of weapon?" Wilbur said, then regretted leaving his Maalox bottle back in his office.

They both looked worried that the Magellan capsule would be blown to bits before their very eyes.

They watched while the refueling pole moved closer to the capsule's rear.

Wilbur and Johnson looked baffled. "Is that an old descent stage to a Lunar Module attached to the Magellan capsule?" Wilbur asked while he strained to make sure he saw correctly.

"I believe it is," Johnson replied.

"How did that happen?" Wilbur responded.

"This is getting bizarre," Johnson answered.

They watched while the refueling tube connected at the backside of the Lunar Module. They cringed while they expected it to blow up suddenly, but nothing happened.

Johnson's eyes lit up with an idea. “Wait, I think this is some refueling ship," he said.

"Where are they from?" Wilbur asked.

Johnson moved his control stick and zoomed in on the Moonie's spaceship. They saw the Man in the Moon, Taa, and Raa.

"Silver aliens? I don't have a clue," Johnson replied. "Should we warn the astronauts?" he added.

Wilbur thought for a few seconds. "No. We might scare the aliens off, and it appears they're trying to help. Let them finish," Wilbur said. "Well, tell them later," he added.

They continued to watch the refueling operation.

Five minutes later, the refueling tube quickly retracted back into the Moonie's spaceship.

Inside the Moonie's spaceship, Taa flipped some switches on his console. "The refueling tube is secured," he stated.

"Good, let's complete one more task before we head back home," the Man in the Moon replied.

He accelerated the spaceship toward Earth.

At the Space Spy Agency Peek A Boo We See You room, Wilbur and Johnson watched in disbelief while the Moonie's spaceship headed straight toward them.

"Are they coming to destroy us?" Wilbur said while he backed away from the console in fear.

"Hello, earthlings, I come in peace," the Man in the Moon said from the console speakers.

Johnson and Wilbur got curious while Johnson zoomed the satellite to the canopy of the Moonie's spaceship, noticing the Man in the Moon, Taa, and Raa.

Wilbur and Johnson stared at his monitor and looked at the Moonies.

Up in outer space above Earth, the Moonie's spaceship hovered close to the You Can Run But You Can't Hide satellite.

Inside the Moonie's spaceship, the Man in the Moon held up his black pen device. He aimed it at the satellite then a bright purple flash emitted.

Wilbur and Johnson stared at his monitor in a zombie-like trance at the Space Spy Agency Peek A Boo We See You room.

From Johnson's monitor, the Moonie spaceship quickly turned around and zoomed off back to the Moon.

Wilbur and Johnson continued to stare at his monitor in their trance.

Thirty minutes passed, and Wilbur and Johnson continued to stare at his monitor like zombies. Then they snapped out of their trance and looked confused and dazed.

"What were we doing?" Wilbur asked while scratching his head.

Johnson looked around dazed. "I don't remember," he said.

"Keep monitoring the asteroid," Wilbur instructed, then walked away and returned to his office.

Johnson returned to monitoring his radar screen, which showed Earth, the asteroid, the Magellan capsule, and the Moon in green blobs. Then the "Asteroid 20, 489 Miles Per Hour - 105 Miles Away – Death And Destruction Closer!" message appeared across the screen.

Johnson silently prayed that the Earth wouldn't be destroyed.

In outer space inside the Magellan capsule, Jake, Clint, and Lance continued to flip stitches, turned knobs and dials, and then the engines restarted.

"We did it!" Clint cheered.

Jake and Lance high-fived each other in celebration of this victory.

"Mission control, this is Magellan five," Clint excitedly said into his microphone.

"Magellan five, Mission control here. Do you have more bad news?" Kara said from the speakers.

In outer space near the Moon, inside the Moonie's spaceship, the Man In The Moon monitored Earth's radio transmissions.

"I have good news; our engines have started, and we are heading back to the asteroid," Clint said over the speakers.

The Man in the Moon was happy. His mission was successful.

He maneuvered his spaceship into an orbit around the Moon.

In Mission Control, the room erupted in cheers when they heard the news that the engine had fired on the capsule.

On the surface of the Moon, the Moonie's spaceship landed on the surface near their mountain.

Another Moonie, Naa, drove up with a hover tug craft. He stopped and connected the tug to the ship.

He got back in the tug and drove it back to the cave.

In outer space by the Moon, the Stardonia tow ship zoomed past the Moon and headed toward Earth.