Tales from the Land of Dragons by Clive L Gilson - HTML preview

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Dafydd Fawr

Adapted from Welsh Folk-Lore by Owain Elias.








A REVEREND FRIEND'S MOTHER, WHEN A young unmarried woman, started one evening from a house called Tyddyn Heilyn, in Penrhyndeudraeth, to her home at Penrhyn Isaf, accompanied by their servant man, David Williams, who was called, on account of his great strength and stature, Dafydd Fawr, (Big David). Dafydd was carrying home on his back a flitch of bacon. The night was dark, but calm, and Dafydd walked somewhat in the rear of his young mistress, and she, thinking he was following, went straight home. But three hours passed before Dafydd appeared with the pork on his back.

Dafydd was interrogated as to the cause of his delay, and in answer said he had only been following on about three minutes behind his young mistress. He was then told that she had arrived three hours before him, but this Dafydd would not believe. At length, however, he was convinced that he was wrong in his time-keeping, and then he proceeded to account for his lagging behind as follows:

Dafydd observed, he said, a brilliant meteor passing through the air, which was followed by a ring or hoop of fire, and within this hoop stood a man and woman of small size and handsomely dressed. With one arm they embraced each other, and with the other they took hold of the hoop, and their feet rested on the concave surface of the ring. When the hoop reached the earth these two beings jumped out of it, and immediately proceeded to make a circle on the ground.

As soon as this was done, a large number of men and women instantly appeared, and to the sweetest music that ear ever heard commenced dancing round and round the circle. The sight was so entrancing that Dafydd stayed for what he thought was just a few minutes to witness the scene. The ground all around was lit up by a kind of subdued light, and he observed every movement of these beings.

By and by the meteor which had at first attracted his attention appeared again, and then the fiery hoop came to view, and when it reached the spot where the dancing was, the lady and gentleman who had arrived in it jumped into the hoop and disappeared in the same manner in which they had reached the place. Immediately after their departure the Fairies vanished from sight, and Dafydd found himself alone and in darkness. Then he proceeded homewards, and in this way, he accounted for his delay on the way.


To this day it is still said that Glasynys still sings of the Fairy dancers:


Nos Wyl Ifan.

Tylwyth Têg yn lluoedd llawen,

O dan nodded tawel Dwynwen,

Welir yn y cêl encilion,

Yn perori mwyn alawon,

Ac yn taenu hyd y twyni,

Ac ar leiniau’r deiliog lwyni,

Hud a Lledrith ar y glesni,

Ac yn sibrwd dwyfol desni!


The Fairy Tribe in merry crowds,

Under Dwynwen’s calm protection,

Are seen in shady retreats

Chanting sweet melodies,

And spreading over the bushes

And the leafy groves

Illusion and phantasy on all that is green,

And whispering their mystic lore.