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The Fairy’s Midwife

Adapted from Welsh Folk-Lore by Owain Elias








A WELL-KNOWN MIDWIFE, WHOSE SERVICES WERE much sought after in consequence of her great skill, had one night retired to rest, when she was disturbed by a loud knocking at her door. She immediately got up and went to the door, and there saw a beautiful carriage, which she was urgently requested to enter at once to be conveyed to a house where her help was required. She did so, and after a long drive the carriage drew up before the entrance to a large mansion, which she had never seen before.

She successfully performed her work and stayed on in the place until her services were no longer required. Then she was conveyed home in the same manner as she had come, but with her went many valuable presents in grateful recognition of the services she had rendered.

The midwife somehow or other found out that she had been attending a Fairy mother. Sometime after her return from Fairy land she went to a fair, and there she saw the lady whom she had put to bed nimbly going from stall to stall and making many purchases.

For a while she watched the movements of the lady, and then presuming on her limited acquaintance, addressed her, and asked how she was. The lady seemed surprised and annoyed at the woman’s speech, and instead of answering her, said, “And do you see me?”

“Yes, I do,” said the midwife.

“With which eye?” enquired the Fairy.

“With this,” said the woman, placing her hand on the eye.

No sooner had she spoken than the Fairy lady touched that eye, and the midwife could no longer see the Fairy.