The Bendersons: Kidnapped at K7 by Leanne Schroder - HTML preview

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“Previously, we could hack into the server, but now we cannot get access to anything. It is most strange. Here is a list of the codes I want you to try and if you can use your initiative then go for it.”

“Gee thanks,” I murmured, trying to avoid sounding too excited at the prospect of hacking, something that in my old life I would never have dreamed of doing. Spike sat closer to me and we both tried out the various codes, but alas by the end of the page nothing had worked.

“Damn, how is it possible that we cannot get in? We’ve tried everything.”

“You know,” I mused, thinking aloud, “I remember in the code book it said to try something radical to get into the mainframe because it is often something really simple.”

“Well what exactly are you thinking,” Spike questioned somewhat skeptically.

“Well you want to access the mainframe?” Spike said yes and I punched in, “Open sesame,” but nothing happened. Then I tried punching ,”Saddam Hussein,” and hey presto! it opened right up. I nearly jumped up out of my chair with excitement as Spike and I had been working hard all day on this.

It was nearly time to go home when the Vulcan came over to pick up the log we had filled in. The Vulcan looked at the amount of info that Spike and I filled in and he was impressed. “Wow, great to finally access the Pentagon's mainframe… but here you forgot to put down the password.”

“It was Saddam Hussein, Vulcan, will that be all,” I asked.

“Well done Spike for helping her and you will both get bonuses in your meals tonight. I think the Walf had the wrong idea about letting you go and I will be making a recommendation to have you reinstated.” Spike stood there proudly and then we walked off to our quarters to retire for the night.

“Now how are we feeling today, Tam? I never knew you could hack like that, OMG,” Spike remarked.

“You mean you never expected that I would be that clever,” I blurted out. “

Tam, well if that is the way you feel then I am staying in tonight to give you some space.”

“Oh well bugger off then,” I said as I walked to my quarters in a huff ,feeling deflated and realizing that Spike meant well and had no malicious intent. “What can I do about it,” I thought. “Nothing for the moment…just let him cool off,” I said to myself.

Then, I remembered the tunnel and thought I would go and do a little exploring. I tugged at the side of the bookcase and sure enough, it opened slightly. All of a sudden, I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and it sounded like the food trolley as well as somebody else. I quickly pushed the bookcase shut and it just closed in time as Spike and the food trolley arrived in unison. “Here are your meals and the bonus surprise courtesy of the Walf,” said the trolley man, lifting up a small package for each of us.

“What is that,” I asked the trolley man.

“Just open and see for yourself. I best be off as I have meals to deliver on two floors instead of one today.”

I opened the package and there were all sorts of delectable items: Belgian chocolates and sumptuous biscuits and muffins. “Look at this Spike,” I said as I saw him opening his own package. “Now what have you got in there?”

“Well look at this, smoked yak cheese, smoked yak meat slices, crackers and some wine with some pate.”

“Wow,” I said to Spike.

“We get all this for just hacking a few mainframes,” I blurted out.

“Shhhhh, don't say that,” Spike retorted, “or you might just bite the hand that feeds you.” “Ooops,” I thought to myself. The sooner that I am out of this place the better. I plonked down on the bed and thought about the tunnel. “Spike, I am really sorry about before…I should not have gone off the deep end with you,” I faltered.

“That is okay, Tam. Sometimes I say things I shouldn’t, but the most important thing is that you had the decency to apologize for matters,” said Spike giving me a peck.

“How about we enjoy this, Spike,” I said looking at all the goodies the Walf had given us today.

“Okay Tam,” said Spike. Just as he sat down there was a Beep! Beep Beep! and Spike lifted his pager to check. “Oh shit Tam, I have to go as there is another problem with the power grid. The power station looks like it is going to shut down if I don't sort the mess out.”

“Oh my God, how long will you be Spike?”

“I could be hours. I am really sorry about this,” he replied.

“That is all right,” I assured him.

“Well I best be off,” and he pecked me on the cheek as he left for the power station with cheese and crackers in hand.

I waited until everything was silent and locked my door.