The Bialien Series - Rise of the Bialiensapien: Human Evolved by Vlane Carter - HTML preview

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I want to thank Jack Cooper for being the first person to finish the novel and filling out a questionnaire in September 2009. Thanks for your constructive criticisms, suggestions and opinions. Good job finishing the vol I series in less than 45 days.

Special thanks to Jack Cooper for listening and analyzing my bits and pieces of the book over the years. I saved your text message when you finished the book: “Your mind is WARPED and I love it…Really good story!” I told you the novel would be hard to put down. Thanks for helping me edit the website content and being supportive over the years.

Special thanks to Cathy Chia-Li Han for supporting me from the beginning. You were the only one I told the entire book to back in 2006. Thanks for informing me and enlightening me on history of Asian culture, and also for putting up with my crazy imagination and ideas over the years.

Special thanks to my sister (Kathi Carter-Days) for believing I could finish this novel and believing I could pull off the business side as well. Thanks for the support over the years.

Thanks to my brother Hans Carter for being my third eye over the years and for having the confidence that I could get it done.  We share the same goal for perfection in what we do.  When I began art directing I noticed the simularities.   

I would also like to thank my father (Oliver), brother (Dominick) and sister (Kim) for their support and believing in me over the years. I would like to say hello to my nieces. Thanks to my other family and relatives for purchasing my novel.

Special thanks to my late mother (Carrie Carter), who was an excellent writer and had perfect English/vocabulary. Thank you for raising me so well and keeping me on track over the years. Your words of inspiration kept me focused over the years, "work hard and don’t be lazy." I’m sure you would be proud that I stuck to this 4 1/2 year book project and didn’t give up. This novel series, video game design and story, seventy pages of business marketing book notes, hundreds of screenplay scenes, dozens of illustrations and animation designs was the hardest challenge I ever faced. I’ve used parts of my brain I didn’t even know were there. Thanks for being there on the side of me while I typed 16-18 hours a day.

I want to thank my old Facebook friends for responding to my wall and helping me with research on relationships and religion. I know many of you didn’t like my outside the box views, but thanks for hanging in there.

I want to thank my old friends at Maimonides: Bobo, Sal, Sean, Rodney Laurel, Dennis, David A, Victoria, Jason, Shweta, Berry, Chris, Palmer, Rashied, Joe Keitt and a few others.

Shout out to Maria and Steven James, N. Jacksons, James family, Castro family, Oz, Smith family, all the Shawns, Jill, Annette Negron, EditNY, Janet and Angel Rodriguez, Alan and Jessica, Mike and Alberto from Concept 2000, Anette and Britt and my Norwegian/Swedish friends, I finally finished!

Special shout out to Robin Williams (Movie Director of True life story).  I hope your first movie is successful.  I remember all the long hours you were working on your screenplay and all the long hours I was working on my book.  I can’t believe we finally finished!  We both stuck to it.  Much success to you. 

I want to thanks my first graphic artist Matthew Garafalo for going through dozens of hours and 40-50 drafts of the Gravhawk, and DEKs book cover. Thanks for having a passion for drawing and proving it’s not always about the money. Thanks for a job well done on my first animation book intro. It took a few months, but it was worth the wait. You did magic on the EIS generation 2 in the illustration and in animation. Remember these repetition art directing words in regards to the EIS: "More space between the wings and tail." I felt like a drill sergeant. You definitely gave me my first experience with creative art directing.

I want to thank my other graphic artist Kwan Wilson and John Moriarty for putting up with my very detailed art directing. Good job fellas, thanks for not giving up on me.

I want to thank my main graphic artist John Buurman. John, I’ve never seen such imaginative sci-fi artwork. Your artwork designs still boggle my mind. When I first saw your artwork, I thought an alien from another galaxy took over your mind and made you draw your illustrations. Good job on the EIS (Exoskeleton Intergalactic Spaceship) generation 4, I knew we could do it.  With our vision and your skills we can illustration almost anything (Vol II illustrations will definetly become more challenging; I’m sure you are up for it).   I hope your wife gets better soon.

I want to thank my editor Kevin Holland for doing such a swell job on editing the book. I know it was challenging editing my unique writing style and content. You finished it and did an amazing job with categorizing all the characters and pointing out my common mistakes.

I want to finally thank instrumental soundtrack artist: Martin O’Donnell, Hans Zimmerman, Steve Jablonsky, Yann Tiersen, John Williams and many other artists, for making music that stimulated my imagination for tens of thousands of hours. Where do you people come up with these amazing sounds?