The Bialien Series - Rise of the Bialiensapien: Human Evolved by Vlane Carter - HTML preview

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Chapter 2: The Sonicboomathon Chase



7:15 AM

The wind is blowing from the west at 15 mph onto the UFO making a howling sound. The ship is slowly floating across the sky at 25 mph. Jaden can feel the cold wind all around him as if it is blowing against his face and body. He feels as if he is flying in a dream. He sees the explosion at the barn and feels bad for the poor farmer named Jack that owned the property there. Below him he can see the closed off area with hundreds of military personnel on the ground closing off several areas. There are citizens, police and National Guard troops pointing towards the UFO. The nanoeyes are flying autonomously in different directions. A nanoeye detects a brown-feathered eagle approaching from a distance. Jaden’s altitude reads 203 feet.

‘Holy shit! What a rush. This ship just morphed like the Terminator 2 robot. That was amazing watching this ship transform. The wings and tail coming from the body are awesome. It felt like I grew two arms and the tail felt like I just stretched my legs after a long trip. I wonder if my heart is beating fast. Let me check and see.’

Jaden checks his physical body and monitoring screen to see if he is okay. He is still crouching in the fetal position. He can hear his heart beating very fast from the adrenaline rush he just experienced. He feels more comfortable with all this constant multi-tasking and flying the UFO on pure thought. The ship tilts to the left and then to the right instantly. A few minutes pass by as Jaden is flying over the area he grew up. The eagle flies alongside the ship. It makes a hawking noise while turning its neck and head to look at the ship. The UFO stops midair and turns in the direction of the eagle. The eagle continues flying and the nanoeyes continue to circle the huge bird. Jaden makes the right wing extend upwards as if he is waving at the bird.

‘Hello, Mr. Hawk. You look so beautiful up close. Your feathers float so nicely through the wind. Don’t be afraid, little guy,’ Jaden says while the wing extends back down.

Jaden realizes it’s a red-tailed hawk and not an eagle. The bird slowly flaps its wings and circles the ship while making loud bird sounds.

‘Hey bird, I’m not a nest. There is no place to sit here,’ he says while following the excited bird with the nanoeye.

Another red-tailed hawk comes from the national park underneath him. Two mourning doves also approach from below. The hawk reaches the rear of the UFO and one flap of its wings propel the hawk very quickly upwards. The two doves and hawk quickly propel towards the ship out of control. The UFO quickly turns and moves out of the way from the fast moving birds, just missing them. The nervous birds poop as they pass over the ship. Jaden tries to get out of the way, but it narrowly lands on the body.

‘Yuck that feels nasty. I can even smell that…no respect for a ship that was just washed…I mean morphed.’

The birds quickly scatter and they gain normal flight. Jaden thinks for a second about chasing them, but he lets them go. He wonders why the birds lost control like that. He figures it must have been gravity related like the military men floating upwards a few minutes ago in zero gravity. He continues forward at a maximum speed of 30 mph. Jaden wonders why he can’t go faster.

He wants to go back into his body soon, but he is making the best out of this weird, frightening and exciting experience. The other helicopter is coming towards the ship from a distance. Jaden can flip through the menus and screens much faster now. It is as if he is clicking a mouse on the computer and whatever he thinks of happens instantly. This is much easier than driving a car or playing Super Nintendo. He can see at any angle outside the ship and he can zoom in on anything. He can’t wait to tell his friends about this. Jaden wonders what they are doing now.

Jaden sees all the military trucks and police cars blocking off streets. He sees yellow tape closing off areas and a news reporter on the ground from a distance. He zooms in on her.

“I’m Angela Clarke reporting for Channel 6 Local News. Behind me, the military has sealed off the area where some unknown object landed last night. The military has been tight-lipped so far and refuses to answer any questions. Several trucks and helicopters have been seen entering the area. The military said a radioactive meteor landed here yesterday at 5 PM, and didn’t give more details.”

The camera operator turns the camera up into the air. Miss Clarke turns around and looks up.

“Oh my! There is something flying in the air, just over my right shoulder. Oh my God! It looks like a UFO or something. I can’t believe what I’m seeing now,” she stands there holding the microphone speechless looking into the air.

The camera operator zooms in on the UFO. “I’ve never seen anything so shiny and exotic looking like this. The wings look as if they are floating along the side of the body,” he says.

“Tell me you’re getting all of this, Jerry,” Miss Clarke says.

“I didn’t blink my eyes for the past minute, ma’am.”

The crowd standing behind the yellow tape begins to talk louder. The UFO continues to hover by them making a slight buzzing sound.

“Yes sir, yes sir, I understand. I know the protocol, I’m working on that now,” Robinson hangs up the phone with an angry and disappointed look on his face. He takes a deep breath and bangs his hand on the table. He flips the portable table over and radios fall on the ground.

“How the hell did this happen? “Shit! Shit! Shit!”

He kicks the chair and knocks over another hot coffee. Peters and three other soldiers are standing by Robinson in a line, very quietly. Robinson rubs his head and calms down.

“We just went into DEFCON 3. We are also into Operation Unknown Alien Intentions. My bosses are trying to blame this mess on me. We have to take that UFO out,” Major Robinson coughs then continues, “Officer, I want you to take care of that crowd and take any video recorders. Relay that message to the men outside the perimeter, and I want you to personally to see that everything is done properly. Then report to me. Anyone giving you a problem, or asking too many questions, arrest them.”

“Yes sir, right away.”

Robinson turns to Peters, “I need you to go to the Marino family house, question his family and then his friends again. Get any information you can get, he might be a victim or he could be working with this unknown alien terrorist group.”

“Alien terrorist group?”

“We don’t know what the intentions are of these aliens; that kid could be one of them or a part of them now. That ship is a threat to national security and America. This kid could be trying to kill people or blow up his high school. We don’t know. We also don’t know what the UFO08 is capable of in weapons,” Robinson pauses and pulls out a cigarette from his jacket.

He then pulls out a lighter and flickers it a few times. He sits down in the commander chair.

“I have a light sir,” Peters says.

“I got it.”

He puts his hand over the cigarette and continues to try to light the cigarette. It lights up and the white smoke flows through the air and seamlessly disappears.

He takes a deep pull and continues, “This might be out of my hands soon...”

The Major exhales.

A man comes on the radio, “HCT2-55 unit still in pursuit of UFO08, flying southeast at 323 feet and at 30 mph. It appears to be flying towards a school and residential area. I have the target two miles in front of me and awaiting further instructions.”

“This is Major Robinson. Continue pursuit of UFO08. Do not engage yet, you will be shortly in contact directly with the Pentagon and the Air Force units about to intercept.”

“I see two F-15E’s forty miles away and a SR-71 Blackbird on my radar intercepting at high speed!”

“That’s a copy.”

Major Robinson puts down the radio and talks to Peters again, “I can tell this is going to be a disaster; this is going to be a long day. I need you to stay here until Lieutenant Barker gets here and then go to Jaden’s family house. Try to get there before the FBI shows up.”

Jaden is flying high in the air above his town looking down. He sees his old high school beneath him. He feels as if he is a floating video camera. The fresh air blows across the UFO and Jaden can feel it crossing his body. Everything is so clear and detailed around him. He keeps wondering why he can’t fly faster than 30 mph. When he thinks about accelerating or increasing anti-gravity engines, JADENS BODY STAGE 1 98% COMPLETE lights up in red. Then he can’t see what STAGE 1 means. Words and sentences are still being matched up with alien characters on another screen.

Jaden flies over his old high school.

‘This must be first period. Look at all the freshmen walking to class. Let me zoom in on them.’

 “You dropped your books!” An older bully knocks down a freshman’s schoolbooks from his hands.

“Why did you do that? My mommy paid a lot of money for those SAT books.”

“Your mommy huh? Mama’s boy huh? Your mommy gave you any lunch money for me?” The older bully asks.

“I’m not giving you my lunch money,” the freshman says with confidence, “Who are you suppose to be Nelson from The Simpsons?”

Other students stand around and start to watch the entertainment. The older kid gets up in the freshman’s face and grabs him by the collar, “You’re giving me whatever money you have in your pocket or I’m going to beat your face in.”

The freshman looks scared at the bully, but his eyes are behind him.

“Look a UFO!” The freshman yells. The bystanders begin to point into the sky.

“You think I’m that stupid to believe that?” The bully asks while searching the kid’s pockets. The freshman stands there in shock pointing in the air.

Jaden is hovering in one place being entertained by the commotion.

‘Wow, this is good. Front row seats to a freshman being bullied. This is good, Bart Simpson and Nelson Muntz in high school. This reminds me of my junior high school days of being bullied and kicking the bully’s ass. I didn’t think these things still happened in high school. Stand up for yourself freshman! I wonder if there is something I can do to help him.’

Police sirens are heard from far away.

“You’re a good actor huh? All you have is five dollars?”

The freshman whispers in a scared and terrified voice, “Aliens are looking at us.”

“Oh yeah huh? You think I’m stupid?” The bully makes a fist with his right arm and moves his arm back to punch the kid in the face. His right hand stops midair and he releases his grip on the freshman. The freshman falls to the ground and the bully’s body floats into the air. The bully begins to scream while his pants fall down to the ground, leaving him naked three feet in the air.

The high school students start laughing at the bully floating in the air unable to move. The freshman runs away with his books. The kids standing around start to run in all directions, screaming and running. The bully falls to the ground with his pants at his knees.

“What the hell! Arrrggghhhh!” He turns around and sees the UFO seventy-five feet in the air near him. He quickly pulls up his pants and he runs towards the school. Local police swarm the area and they escort the kids into the school along with teachers.

‘Now that was classic. I used some kind of a tractor beam on that kid. That was hilarious, that kid will believe the next time a UFO is behind him,’ Jaden says.

The officers on the ground start to shoot their shotguns and guns at the UFO. The students run into the school screaming and hiding behind trees. The UFO flies away.

“Are you okay son? Are you hurt?” The police officer asks the freshman kid.

The student continues looking at the UFO in the distance and crying. The officer picks up the kid and brings him into the police car. The five-dollar bill lies on the ground covered in blood. The wind blows it away.


“That’s right sir, upstate New York in a small town called Stillwater; twenty miles north of Albany. We are currently tracking it on one of our spy satellites with three more moving into position. The UFO08 has already hurt dozens of soldiers and one civilian,” General Dudley says over the phone to the Secretary of Defense.

General Dudley is a short bald man in his late sixties. He walks around with a cane and served in Vietnam. Secretary of Defense Oscar Strongwater is a white man in his early seventies and was appointed to his position by the President of the United States.

“Dudley we need this object taken down with any force necessary. Too many people have seen it and this is getting out of hand. We do not know what this UFO08 is capable of. We need this contained right away. Use as many jets available. Give all jets, helicopters, and tanks the green light to fire. I want everything recorded; I also want Major Robinson’s report on my desk by 08:00 hours tomorrow. You even have permission to use the SR-71B and put on standby the stealth bombers.”

“The SR-71B? Do you think that is needed?” Dudley asks.

He continues, “There is a fully loaded AC-130U gunship a few minutes away and it should be able to take out the UFO08. It is only flying at 30 mph.”

“We don’t need to take any chances. The UFO08 could start moving at faster speeds at any moment. It has already changed into an aerodynamic body. This is a threat to national security; we are not taking any chances here. We need our most advanced, fastest and top-secret jet on this,” Secretary of Defense Strongwater orders.

“The SR-71B new prototype engine is still in the experimental stage.”

“Yes, I know. We need our fastest jets; I want every available aircraft on this. The LRSB online yet?” Strongwater asks.

“No sir, it’s currently offline. The LRSB is only active and online in outer space. It transmits on subspace…”

Secretary Strongwater interrupts, “I don’t need to know how it works General. Let’s try and keep this short and to the point.” Strongwater stops talking and coughs a few times.

He continues, “I heard some local citizen could be involved or is being held inside UFO08?”

“Yes, sir, the FBI is on their way to question the teenager’s family.”

“If this kid is dead or alive, we don’t need this story on the front page of Enquire magazine. When the UFO08 is shot down, everything is sent to the labs. No one is to speak to the media and the President has been informed. We will address the media publicly when this is over. If the boy’s body is found it stays in the lab, not to be returned to the family. Let the local and state police know this kid is wanted,” Strongwater says.

“Wanted for what sir?”

“He is wanted for stealing government property.”

“Yes, sir.”

General Dudley hangs up the phone with Secretary Strongwater.

“Officer get me on the radio with the AC-130U gunship.”

“Yes, sir.”

A few minutes pass by. General Dudley walks over to the two-way radio. He walks with his medals shown proudly on his military jacket. The officer hands him the radio.

“This is General Dudley at the Pentagon, who am I speaking to?”

“This is Warfare Officer Cole, aboard the AC-130U gunship from Albany Division, sir.”

“Listen Officer, you tell your crew we don’t need any mistakes on this. We need this unidentified flying object taken down by all means necessary. It has already injured officers and civilians. It is a threat now to our country!”

“Yes sir! I will inform my crew, we will use all necessary firepower to take down this object…,” Cole abruptly clears his throat and continues, “Sir, we mostly fire at ground targets.”

General Dudley replies, “The UFO is only flying between 25-30 mph at a low altitude. You are also the closest to the target.”

“Yes sir, we will fly higher than the UFO and take it out as if it is a ground target,” Cole says.

“Be careful, the UFO08 has an advanced shield technology and might have an offensive system we don’t know about.”

“Yes sir!” Officer Cole says excitedly. Dudley hangs up the two-way radio.

“HCT2-55 fall back to base, we have live video feed from other sources.”

“Yes sir! Reporting back to base.” The HCT2-55 turns around.

Jaden is still slowly flying the UFO over where he grew up. He really wants the ship to go faster soon; he knows the ship can do more. It feels as if he is driving a car at the speed limit or flying in a Badyear blimp. STAGE 1 is still flashing red and he knows it has something to do with his speed. Jaden makes it to his neighborhood where he lived most of his life. He floats over his house.

‘Wow, I wonder if mom and dad went to work yet. Let me see if I can zoom in here. On second thought, I think I shouldn’t do that. I might tractor beam my house by mistake.’

Sirens can be heard in the background as Jaden turns around and heads in another direction. Suddenly his front door opens. The autonomous nanoeye detects this. His mother, Stacey, walks out the front door with a cup of coffee in her hand. Steam from the coffee can be seen coming from the brim of her homemade coffee. She assumed Jaden stayed at his girlfriend’s house last night without calling again. Ten minutes earlier, she left a voice mail on Amy’s house phone. The UFO turns around.

Stacey is a fair-skinned African American woman in her late forties. She talks with a slight English accent and has a size eight figure. Her hair is short in a Halle Berry early nineties haircut. She has light brown eyes and a small nose. She was raised in England where most of her family is from. Stacey came over to America in her early twenties for a college education. She later fell in love with her husband Tony Marino.

She is wearing a dark brown business suit, a three-quarter black winter coat and opaque tights. Stacey was on her way to work. The keys in her hand can be heard jingling as she slams the door shut. She puts her keys in her bag and pauses. She feels as if something or someone is watching her. Her shadow from the sunlight disappears and she hears a slight humming sound. The sunlight disappears around her as she looks to the sides of her. She slowly turns around and looks up. She sees something blocking the sunlight. She focuses in and sees the UFO levitating in one place pointing right at her, while partially blocking the sun. The sun shines on her face and she puts her right hand over her eyes to block out the sun’s rays. Her mouth opens up and a look of fear comes across her face.

“Oh my God what is that?” She yells while dropping her coffee. Her coffee spills out of the cup. Some of it lands on her shoes and lower tights. Her mouth is wide open and she is in complete shock.

‘Hi mom, look at my new spaceship! It doesn’t need any insurance!’

She quickly opens her bag while looking up at the UFO slowly getting closer to her. Her hands are shaking and she grabs the key and shoves it into the lock. She quickly turns the key, opens the door and slams it behind her. Stacey locks all the locks and runs into the basement. She is breathing heavy. Jaden realizes she couldn’t hear him. Stacey quickly takes off her shoes and runs upstairs to her bedroom. She drops her winter coat and bag on the way. She slides under the king-size bed while tearing her tights in a few places. She looks around in different directions to make sure she is alone. Her teeth chattering echoes around the room.

Jaden sees his mother is scared under the bed through the nanoeye. He realizes he freaked her out enough. Local and state police start shooting at the UFO from the ground. The bullets hit the body causing small waves of liquid metal to go in different directions. The bullets feel like hail against Jaden’s skin.

They begin swarming on the ground under it and police get on a loudspeaker, “Everyone please stay in your house. This is a police emergency.”

Jaden is getting bored and heads in another direction. He feels bad for scaring his mother half to death and now he is freaking out the neighborhood. He still can’t get over the amazing feeling that he is flying. It feels like a dream that he can’t wake out of. He really wants to see what this ship can do. Jaden knows this can’t be the top speed. Jaden flies towards his college. He feels as if the wind is blowing against his face.

‘I wonder if Amy is still mad at me or if she is in class already.’ He sees students pointing in the air and running. One of Jaden’s screens light up and he sees an unknown threat 8000 feet away.

DEFENSE/OFFENSE MODE ONLINE lights up in red letters. Suddenly purple light particle rings are forming in the middle of the ship. The particles quickly stick together at high speed. A huge purple molecule forms together and passes right through the hull of the ship. It extends seven feet outside the ship in different directions and curves back into the body. There are three clear bulbs that resemble the shape of a huge egg on different tracks of the purple molecule. Each bulb is moving around a track of the molecule, slowly passing through the body and back out. The six nanoeyes quickly pass through the huge molecule. 6 NANOSCANNERS ONLINE shows up in red letters. The nanoeyes convert into nanoscanners.

‘Cool, look at that. A cool huge glowing molecule. That is awesome!’

He sees different nanoscanner screens with numbers at the bottom of each image. There are more options on each screen now. The options intrigue Jaden’s curiosity. The nanoscanners quickly scan the large cargo plane flying towards him. They combine the images together and form one big vision of the cargo plane. The cargo plane has two huge propellers on each side of the wings. Jaden changes his vision and sees the airplane in 3D with an enhanced 360° vision.

UNKNOWN AIRCRAFT, SPEED 315 MPH, ALTITUDE 1522 FEET, DIRECTION NORTHWEST the screen reads. Jaden switches between different nanoscanners. He can actually hear the propellers turning and cutting the air. It actually sounds like a loud fan to his ears as the nanoscanner passes right through the blades. He sees the outside of the plane and changes angles. NO DEFENSE ENERGY SHIELDS FOUND ON CRAFT, 12 CARBON BASED HUMAN LIVES DETECTED, nanoscanners display on each vision.

‘Oh Shit! That is the AC-130 gunship! My brother told me about those airplanes when he was in the Gulf War. That is one deadly, dangerous plane.’

Jaden suddenly sees through the body of the gunship in a three-dimensional view. He sees cables, wires, steel, plastic, engines, gas flowing, oil flowing through pipes, eleven male crewmembers and one female crewmember sitting in chairs. He also sees quite a few television screens, hundreds of large cannon shells and thousands of large bullets loaded up. Jaden can see inside of the gunship at any angle or direction.

The crewmembers are breathing heavily and blood is flowing fast throughout their bodies as they each witness the UFO flying before them. A nanoscanner is displaying the bacteria, dirt and sweat on the crewmembers’ skin. Trillions of bacteria colonies are growing all over their bodies. They are in many shapes and sizes. He then notices bacteria everywhere in the area growing and moving. Jaden feels nauseous and disgusted. He feels as if he is about to throw up. The nanobots in his body quickly override that feeling between his brain and nervous system. Jaden quickly changes from the amplified vision to another.

‘Okay, I feel better. That was the nastiest thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen that once in lab class, but not all over bodies moving around like that.’

A few minutes pass by.

‘This is crazy and unbelievable! I can see everything inside of this gunship from inside of this UFO! I’m controlling all of this with my mind. I’m controlling the nanoscanner when I concentrate on one or it can control itself. The vision is crisp and vivid and is at least three times clearer than my own eyes,’ he thinks to himself.

Jaden zooms in closer and he sees the crew briefly without clothes and he can see inside their skin. Their hearts are beating very fast and he can hear them. Beating together as if someone is playing the drums off beat. Jaden looks and zooms in on the female officer.

‘Nice body…..hmm…. she looks of European descent. She looks so serious and sexy. Let us see, what we can see here. Superman with his x-ray vision, moving in for a little peak. So, this is what Superman does all day, when he isn’t fighting crime.’

Jaden thinks about being on the Price Is Right show. He quickly thinks about the previous vision without any clothes on. The nanoscanner is viewing through the seat she is on and shows her sweat soaked back.

‘Bob, I think I want to see what is behind door number one.’

The nanoscanner turns around to the front of the female officer.

 ‘Holy shit! She is completely naked! Whoa, this is crazy. Nice sweaty breasts, slim waist, completely shaved, nice suntan line. She looks like she is about 5’2” 109 lbs.’

Jaden is looking so hard that the vision changes to the insides of her body. Inside of her body looks slightly animated, like a cartoon. He can see her entire circulatory system, veins and bone structure. Her lungs are quickly breathing in and out, and he can see the oxygen slowly being absorbed into her blood. She’s having an adrenaline rush.

‘No traces of breast cancer here officer, you are cleared for duty,’ he says chuckling.

He concentrates on the outside of her naked skin and looks down from her stomach area. ‘Let’s see what the prize of the day is. Let’s check out the multi-purpose hole of humanity, the sacred area on every female’s body. A female’s prize possession that gives a man a reason for living. The nanoscanners and aliens watching this want to see the man on the boat or the vertical cyclops…’

The nanoscanner slowly passes the belly, zooms back and focuses on a certain area.

‘Hmm.. let’s see. What is this red stuff flowing outside her body between her legs? It is just sitting there in midair floating outside her body, lying flat.’

Jaden changes view.

‘Oh NO!’ He yells to himself.

‘A Maxi pad! Yuck! Yuck! Oh no! Disgusting. That is what I get for trying to be an alien pervert. I can see this clip getting onto Milky Way’s Funniest Videos… Starring Jaden the certified intergalactic pervert. Yuck!’ He yells and then laughs to himself.

Jaden switches back to regular view and looks at her eyes and face.

‘Couldn’t warn me huh, good looking?’

He sees her looking very nervous, while sweat drops down her eyebrows. Her eyes are focused on the screen in front of her. Jaden turns the nanoscanner around to see what she is looking at on the computer screen.

‘What is she looking at? Shit! She is zoomed in on me with two mini guns and 25mm rounds. Shit, a female Rambo. I’m out of here!’

Jaden quickly changes his view to outside the UFO.

“I’m locked and ready sir!” Officer Jessica yells.

“This is Officer Cole, we see the UFO in sight below us. There is something purple moving around the body and it is about half a mile in front of us. We have a lock and are firing weapons,” he says over the radio and continues, “Pentagon you should be receiving your live video feed now.”

Four of the nanoscanners fly back towards the UFO at a fast rate. Two stay inside the gunship floating around observing. Jaden tries to communicate to the gunship by thinking about it.

‘Hey guys I’m just flying around in this cool ship, I don’t want any trouble. I’m not bothering anyone.’

They are still locked on him and increasing speed towards him. Alerts of offense and defense icons show up on his screen. Jaden concentrates on trying to get away faster.

“Did anyone hear that crackling humming sound?” Cole asks his crew.

“Yes it came from the radio. The signal came from the direction of the UFO,” an officer says.

“Make sure you record it,” Cole tells the officer.

“Yes sir.”

Cole turns to his crew of eleven, “Fire at will.”

“ Firing now, sir!” Officer Jessica says while she wipes the sweat from her face.

Everything starts to slow down around Jaden. NANOTIME is seen in the top right hand corner. He sees flashes of light coming from the direction of the gunship as they fire upon him from above. Little beams of lig