The Bialien Series - Rise of the Bialiensapien: Human Evolved by Vlane Carter - HTML preview

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Chapter 3: Europa’s Cracked Shell



The ship passes tons of space debris as it passes through lower orbit and higher orbit. The nanoscanners detect hundreds of pieces of debris floating aimlessly around the planet. There are pieces of satellites, non-functioning satellites, engines and metal floating in orbit around Earth.

A very large screen comes up by itself and displays a map of our solar system.

‘Oh wow, this is cool.’

 The planets are all moving slowly around the sun. There is a planet flashing on the screen with a line drawn to it.

He slowly counts, ‘Earth, Mars and Jupiter. Looks like we are going to Jupiter for some reason. This is exciting, but scary. I wonder how long this might take. I hope it doesn’t take years.’

This is very amazing to Jaden as he sees space close-up and so many stars clustered together. The view is amazing from the dark side of Earth. This feels like a crazy dream to Jaden. This is freaking him out, but at the same time, it is capturing his curiosity. His imagination is going wild. The Earth is getting smaller and smaller behind him. Jaden is past where the satellites are. The altitude on the screen has been turned off and the speed reads 108,000 mph.

The sun is coming out and shines on the UFO leaving Earth’s orbit. Jaden checks his screens that show both images outside and info about the ship. The smell of fresh air is gone. When Jaden thinks about smelling the outside of the ship it feels like his nose is trying to breathe in a vacuum hose on a vacuum cleaner. An eerie cold feeling goes around Jaden’s body as he looks into the blackness in front of him. The moon suddenly comes into view towards the right.


The ship changes direction and heads towards the moon. Messages continue to show up on the screen. The nanoscanners disappear in front of the UFO. The two tailpieces on the rear of the UFO separate by a foot. Light is drawn into the UFO from all directions and it begins to glow. LIGHT ENGINES POWER STRENGTH 1%. There is a slight flash of light around the UFO and it quickly accelerates. A long trail of exhaust comes from the tail and between the two upside down tails. Small amounts of yellow exhaust come from the two side wings.

Everything is moving faster around him. He sees Earth behind him getting smaller and the moon getting bigger. OUTSIDE EARTHS MAGNETOSPHERE COSMIC RADIATION PROTECTION ZONE, HULL OF SHIP 100% STABLE he reads on the translucent virtual screen. The huge sun is shining so brightly. 1860 MILES PER SECOND can be seen on the screen.

‘This view is amazing; I never thought I’d be in space. I hope I have enough oxygen. That’s a long ride to Jupiter. The nanoscanners are in front making sure my path is clear. There are six of them!’

Jaden gets three of the nanoscanners to scan the moon. The nanoscanners are able to move much faster and give information that is more detailed. They scan around the moon very fast.

‘Did we ever land on the moon?’ Jaden asks.

The nanoscanners show there aren’t any leftover presences of any man-made materials. It reads: VIRGIN MOON AND ZERO HUMAN PRESENCE.

‘I’ve heard rumors from people saying we didn’t land on the moon and conspiracy theories. But I’m sure there is some explanation,’ Jaden pauses and stares at the moon. The UFO passes the moon very quickly.

He notices it took only two minutes to reach the moon. The speed to him is amazing. He wonders if the ship can reach the speed of light or faster.


Soldiers and military personnel are walking around quickly in the huge underground Pentagon area. Disappointment is in the air

“Sir, we don’t know. The LRSB is online now. It’s tracking the UFO08. It left our orbit a few minutes ago. It just flew by the moon in less than three minutes,” General Dudley says over the phone. He listens, and continues talking, “It’s working well, and is still hidden inside the UFO08, sir.”

“The President is going live in forty-five minutes to talk to the nation about what happened today,” Secretary of Defense Oscar Strongwater tells Dudley over the phone from the White House.

“Sir, remember the radio telescopes all over the world are also picking up the loud radio frequencies and noise the UFO is making as it flies through our solar system. The Metrewave Radio Telescope in Pune, India has already detected the UFO08’s radiation trail and radio wavelengths. The ship has light speed capabilities and is traveling at a fraction of that speed now. It is moving faster than any meteor or asteroid in our solar system,” Dudley says.

“General Dudley, what is a radio telescope?”

“Sir, it is like a telescope, but it picks up radio waves and noise in space. It’s like an advanced radar capable of picking up different radiation and object transmissions. If that ship jumps into warp or light speed, radio telescopes around the world are going to light up.”

“That just shows what I know. I need to brief the President; I’ll call you back in a few. This is a big disaster; we need to do what we do best and get this covered up as soon as possible.”


Jaden is amazed at the planets in full color slowly spinning and moving around the sun. The UFO on the alien map is moving slowly towards Jupiter. The moon continues to get smaller and smaller behind the UFO. On one of the screens, the numbers count down from ten. The light engines charge to ninety percent. The ship begins to glow brighter as the light thousands of miles around the ship comes towards it. It gets very dark like an eclipse. A very bright flash of light flashes in all directions. The ship moves like a blur and he barely feels it. The flash can be seen from Earth with the naked eye. The speed is shocking to Jaden; it’s like nothing he ever saw on television. He sees the light he created is in front of him and is moving away. The sun also begins to get smaller.

‘This is very fast! Very fast! I’m going at warp speed! I’m going faster than any human being!’

The screen shows 178,000 miles per second.

‘I’m going a little under the speed of light. I think the speed of light is 186,000 miles a second,’ Jaden pauses then continues, ‘Thank you Star Trek episodes. I’m going boldly where no man has gone before.’

The ship is causing radio telescopes around the world to detect unknown radio frequencies, microwaves and x-ray signals to go crazy. The light that was in front of the UFO slows down and stays in view. The ship reaches 186,101 mps. The outside body of UFO is glowing bright like a small nova. The ship is leaving a long energy exhaust in its wake. The small light the UFO is creating is passing in front of the ship like a wave. Jaden is intrigued that he is able to use nanoscanners to zoom in on Mars from inside the UFO. Jaden notices that Mars is on the other side of the sun and is too far away.

‘That’s interesting where the planets are; the screen here is showing each planet rotating.’ Minutes go by and the vortex matrix shields go online. Jaden sees the nanoscanners ten million miles in front of the UFO passing through the main asteroid belt. Energy from the purple molecule is beaming in front of the ship. A strong concentration of shields is forming in a cone shape in front of the UFO, extending hundreds of miles in front of it. Jaden quickly figures out it is there to destroy or block anything in front of the ship. The nanoscanners pick out the best path through the asteroid belt. The UFO changes its direction slightly with thrust from the left wing. Jaden sees rocks and very large asteroids floating around and barely moving. Jaden feels as if he is in a front row seat in a 3D movie, but without the glasses. The view is unbelievable and mind blowing to him. He feels as if he is flying through space.

The UFO slows down to 100,000 mps. The UFO is passing through millions of tons of rocks and asteroid debris. A fast moving rock the size of Rhode Island gets into the path of the UFO. It is caught in the vortex matrix shields and the UFO goes right through the newly created hole.

‘Wow! That happened so fast.’

Jaden replays what just happened in slow motion.

The ship clears the last of the asteroid belt and continues towards Jupiter at 169,000 mps.


“Yes sir, we are now tracking it using the Hubble Telescope. It is giving us the best images of the UFO08,” General Dudley says over the phone.

“That damn UFO08 has technology we really could have used. It flew right through the asteroid belt without incident. It looks like a very fast moving comet,” Oscar Strongwater says.

“It does sir, but we can’t get a clear image of the UFO because it is moving so fast, we can only see the light it’s creating.”

“Keep tracking it, the President and I are having a private meeting after he is fully briefed on this situation.”


 Fifteen minutes pass by and the brown, white and grey planet quickly approaches. The planet gets bigger and bigger. The ship enters Jupiter’s powerful magnetosphere. A humming sound can be heard coming from the planet through the nanoscanners. Jaden sees hundreds of moons and asteroids circling Jupiter. The ship jumps out of warp speed and continues on warp impulse speed. It continues towards the Red Spot on Jupiter at one percent light engine power. Jaden remembers his father telling him about the Great Red Spot of Jupiter when he was younger. Jupiter has thousands of storm systems. He also remembers his father telling him that two planets can fit inside of it. The nanoscanners return towards the ship, pass through the molecule, and continue towards the hundreds of asteroids and moons surrounding Jupiter. Jaden is amazed with everything he is seeing. There is so much for him to see at once. He feels as if he is a kid again in a large amusement park, with so much happening around him.

 The thrust impulse wing engines go online and the light engines go offline. The ship passes the closest, brightest moon with volcanoes on it and the ship continues to go towards the Great Red Spot on the night side of Jupiter.

‘If I was in my body now my mouth would be wide open. The size of this planet is beyond amazing. There are storms, clouds and so much happening at once. The planet is moving so fast. That was a cool moon, wait a second, that moon is called Io. That means the Galileo spacecraft is around here somewhere. It just got here three months ago; I remember watching this on TV. ’

The UFO gets closer and closer. Jupiter’s size is breathtaking to Jaden up close. The pressure outside the ship greatly increases as it passes through very thick, bright red clouds that look very colorful. The clouds smell like rotten eggs to Jaden. Stronger anti-gravity energy comes from the molecule and covers the entire ship. The molecule’s energy balls are quickly moving in and out of the ship collecting ammonia, methane, hydrogen and helium atoms. There is a violent storm taking place around him with 1200 mph winds. Gravity is constantly being disrupted around the UFO. The ship passes through the storm with slight turbulence. Jaden uses a nanoscanner to find MASA’s Galileo spacecraft that should be near a moon. The powerful winds, forces and turbulence have the anti-gravity engines at forty percent power. The front of the ship turns red from the heat as it passes through 15,000 miles of clouds filled with ammonium hydrosulfide and water drops. It gets darker and darker as the sunlight can’t penetrate this far into the planet. The ship quickly approaches oceans and oceans of steamy, solid white clouds. The pounds per square inch (psi) reach a staggering 900 million psi outside the ship, and it continues to multiply. Jaden can see the outside temperature on his screens exceeding 9000°F.

Suddenly the wings on the side turn horizontal as if they were airplane wings. Jaden notices an alien character on the screen that he translates into MPB -MATRIX PLASMA BEAM ONLINE. The wings begin to emit blue beams in front of them, while yellow thrust continues to come from the rear of them. The wings slowly rotate clockwise around the body while emitting a blue light. Concentrated blue beams of energy are shot a mile in front of the ship. Jaden notices this is creating a tunnel through the steamy compressed hydrogen clouds. The ship enters the newly created tunnel. It turns completely dark all around as the ship cuts through thousands of miles of thick clouds. A cold, eerie feeling comes over Jaden. Goose bumps are actually forming on the skin of Jaden’s cocooned body. Yellow thrust suddenly comes out of the rear of the side wings that are still rotating. They light up the area around the ship. He changes his vision and looks through a nanoscanner far in front of the ship. His mouth is wide open at what he sees. He sees bright blue light coming from all directions from a liquid metallic hydrogen ocean. Blue Javian lightning bolts strike upwards from the vivid colorful ocean. The constant thunder sounds like loud explosions. The nanoscanners are detecting all kinds of energy particles and atoms moving in so many directions around the highly compressed area. Jaden can’t believe what he is seeing. There are oceans of metal boiling with bubbles exploding hundreds of miles upwards. The shape of the ocean looks like huge lava waves moving out of sync. The crushing, humming and exploding sounds quickly become very loud and annoying.

The UFO finally makes it down to the area. There is a very close energy shield two feet around the body of the ship. The purple molecule and moving energy balls are sticking out of this shield area. The wings stop spinning and switch to hovering mode, the MPB also goes offline. Jaden sees the outside temperature is exceeding 19,800°F. He checks on his body to make sure he isn’t roasting. His body screen shows his internal temperature at 98.6°F with a cocooned area temperature of 78°F. Suddenly blue lightning attacks the UFO from all directions and Jaden quickly changes his vision. The strong, colorful Javian lightning bombards the outside shield and quickly jumps around in all directions. The ship glows lightning blue as the energy goes into the purple molecule’s energy balls. To Jaden the energy feels as if he is getting a massage in the Jacuzzi.


The matrix vortex shields, optic-warp drive, and other systems begin to quickly charge. The pressure reaches a staggering 2.1 billion psi. The ship then suddenly dives down into the hot 22,000°F metallic blue ocean. Jaden feels as if he jumped into an ocean of hot castor oil. He sees x-ray lightning particles jumping in every direction. The sounds he hears are like a loud jet engine, explosions, a whale cry and a rumbling earthquake muffled together. The ship quickly comes back out of the blue abyss. The metallic liquid floats around the shield and goes into the energy balls and then into the outside hull of the UFO. The lightning doesn’t strike the ship anymore. The ship quickly accelerates upwards. Jaden can’t believe this mind-boggling experience.

The lightning continues to dance around the shields. The ship turns around, points upwards and takes off through the thick, liquid hydrogen clouds. A wake of clouds followss the ship. The MPB goes back online and the ship creates another tunnel towards the surface. The ship is moving faster as it rides out the compressed hydrogen’s exploding forces. Five minutes pass by and Jaden can see the powerful Red Spot get larger and then smaller as he leaves the atmosphere. Trails of white smoke trails behind the ship.

‘Okay, everything is fully charged, I wonder where we are off to now?’

The UFO accelerates around the side of the huge 11 times bigger than Earth planet. Most of the nanoscanners wait at a large white and grey moon orbiting Jupiter. Jaden doesn’t recognize or remember this moon.

The matrix plasma beams go online as the ship quickly approaches this obscure, isolated moon the size of Earth, just outside of Jupiter. The moon is light blue with dark tan and red veins that stretch thousands of miles across the surface. A few spots on the surface resemble dunes of ice. Floating debris and rocks that get in the way of the ship evaporate into harmless particles. A nanoscanner locates a slight crack in the ice. The purple molecule shines a bright beam in front of it. The angle of the wings allows the MPBs to aim directly in front of the ship. The ship flies straight towards the surface and the MPBs touch the surface first. Jaden gets a little nervous; he fears whoever is controlling the ship is inside of the moon. He knows this isn’t Jupiter’s moon Io. The blue beams from the wings create a circular hole in the ice as the ice quickly approaches. Millions of small clear pieces of ice float in different directions around the beam’s energy and depart from the surface. The thin beam from the molecule is shining directly into the hole and between the MPBs. The sun can be seen from a distance near Jupiter. Enormous Jupiter is directly behind the spaceship and fills up the entire view over the icy moon. The tail of the ship separates further and floats about eight feet behind the body. Millions of stars are in the background and darkness of space. The UFO dives into the tunnel of the hard, icy crust.

Jaden is curious to what is beneath the surface of this moon he is unfamiliar with. The quickly spinning MPBs on the wings are destroying miles of solid ice. The tunnel is very dark in front of the artificial light. Millions of pieces of ice are dancing together behind the UFO. The ship quickly reaches an ocean of liquid water. The sound of a car crashing into the water echoes up the tunnel. A loud splashing sound follows the crashing sound. The salty water quickly floods upwards towards the surface. It freezes the tunnel in seconds. The MPB turns off and the molecule glows in the darkness while still providing a powerful beam of light. The wings turn from a pointing outwards position to 20 degrees pointing towards the tail. The tail shrinks slightly in size. The ship moves much easier through the salty, dark water.

The completely dark water is showing bright as day through the molecule’s front lights. Jaden doesn’t understand the need for the bright lights because he can already see in the dark through the spread out nanoscanners. Thousands of fish come from dozens of miles away seeking out the light. The ship continues to dive as Jaden sees purple fissures creating heat and bubbles. Black smoke is coming from some of the hydrothermal vents. The ocean floor continues to drop as if he is going down into a canyon. There are quadrillions of green glowing extremophile bacteria slowly moving around the vents’ geothermal energy. The uneven floors dip down miles below like a cliff. The invisible thrust from the wings turns the water into a slightly pinkish color.

Hundreds of small alien fish the size of a man’s hand swim up looking at the UFO, but they stay away from the bright light. Most of the animals get out of the way of the light since they have never seen anything so bright. Jaden’s is stunned at what he sees. He could never imagine underwater life on an alien planet in the solar system. He has never heard about this in school or anywhere in science books. The fish form a circle around the ship. They are emitting a green light around their body simultaneously as if they are trying to communicate. The grey fish have two spiky, white, long fins on each side of their bodies that helps them to swim. The fins resemble sharp Q-tips and carry small gills on each of them. They resemble parrotfish with two eyes on the side of their faces, and a third eye in the middle. The UFO is collecting samples of the rich mineral saltwater with seventy percent oxygen in it.


“The LRSB is not transmitting sir,” the second officer tells the General.

“Where did it last transmit?” Dudley asks.

“Somewhere on the outside of Jupiter.”

“I know this thirty million dollar piece of shit transmitter didn’t just stop working!” Dudley yells while he slaps the desk putting his head down and grabbing his hair.

“Jupiter could be affecting the signal. The Galileo Orbiter craft has been updated to try to locate the UFO in its proximity.”


‘This is amazing. I didn’t know there was an underwater ocean on a Jupiter’s moon. This is crazy! My know it all astronomy professor Dr. Samuels should be here to see this.’

 Jaden switches between different nanoscanners spread out in different directions. There are plants, fissures, algae vines, and miles of underwater mountains. At a distance on top of the mountains are huge, colorful, glowing coral reefs, the size of elephants. Thousands of small fish are swimming around them. They extend in all directions, less than a mile beneath the ice. The smell of the ocean reminds him of being at the beach when he was younger. The 32°F degree water against the outside of the ship is transmitted to Jaden’s brain when he thinks about it. His mind interprets the signals as brain freezes and cold chills around his body. Jaden can taste the very concentrated amounts of salt, algae, and acidic water through the hull of the UFO as well. As he gets deeper, everything around him is emitting some kind of dim green light in the dark. The little grey fish quickly scatter into many directions as they sense something. THREAT LEVEL 11% shows on the screens. The UFO turns off its bright light and thrust engines. The glowing molecule also disappears. The ship uses pro-gravity energy to continue to sink like a rock. The nanoscanners detect large alien sharks approaching from below, as the ship continues to sink. They quickly scan each of their bodies analyzing cartilage, oxygen levels, muscle, and brain structure. The data quickly passes by on each nanoscanner’s vision screen.

 There is a school of fifteen alien sharks approaching in an orderly fashion from the left. Jaden is able to see the insides of their bodies in animated vision. The sound of the insides of their bodies sounds like a balloon quickly being twisted near his ears. The twenty-foot long sharks resemble the shape of a shark on Earth. The grey-bodied shark with green glowing scales around its body has two huge pointy horns as noses on its heads. They stretch out three feet each. Inside of the double horns is a clear protective area where dozens of small, black, reflective eyes sit. The rows of eyes are on both sides of the cone noses. Under the noses is a huge mouth with hundreds of six-inch long razor sharp teeth inside. On each side of the sharks near the head are round, double layer fins that stick out five feet in diameter. The fins look circular like stingray bodies. There is another small set of fins towards the midsection and a long narrow tail. There is a huge muscle in the tail that allows it to change from horizontal to vertical when it changes directions. The UFO continues to cruise downwards. The nanoscanners detect the group of sharks communicating with each other using a magnetic radar system in the tips of their noses.

Jaden changes his vision to outside the ship. He sees the wings imitating a fish. The side wings are sticking out straight and flapping backwards like a fish. The wings then disappear into the body, reappear in a straight out position, and repeat the sequence. Jaden sees some of the sharks approach the ship and surround it. The ship levels out and faces the majority of the huge sharks. The wings stop moving and sit at an outward 90-degree angle. He sees that they have a confused look on their strange faces. Jaden thinks the ship is going to try to communicate with the organized sharks. He can’t believe how organized they are, as if they have some sort of evolved intelligence. The ship’s body lights up in a sequence like Morse code. The confusing sequences are making the sharks get closer to Jaden and slowly freaking him out. He has a bad feeling about this communication.

The sharks quickly attack the ship from all directions. The ship jerks in different directions from the sudden force. Two attack the wings on both sides. The double noses turn sideways and their huge jaws comes out from underneath and swallows the wings simultaneously. Another attacks the nose of the ship and grinds its sharp teeth on the silver metallic hull. Another two attack the rear tail, trying to pull them apart. Another pair attacks the hull of the ship from the rear. One slides down the bottom side and the other on the top like a snake, in opposite directions. Their bodies wrap around the hull and lock into each other’s tail. They pull into opposite directions passing each other side by side squeezing the hull. When their faces split apart to open their large jaws, their vision changes to directly in front of them.

‘What the hell?’

There are hundreds of other alien fish watching from a distance. Jaden is caught off guard from the sudden attack. Jaden feels the biting and squeezing against the ship. The wings feel as if a huge snake with small teeth is nibbling on his arms. His feet are experiencing the same thing, up to his knees. His midsection feels as if two pythons are trying to squeeze him. Jaden also has the feeling of a huge leech over his head, squeezing and scratching his skull. The gross feeling he is interpreting makes him feel like throwing up. Jaden still doesn’t have any control, but he wishes he did.

‘Get off me you little shark rats! I’m not a meal!’

Jaden tries to mess with the weapons screen, but it’s offline. He wants to blast these bastards around him so bad. Jaden figures the ship is doing some sort of experiment or taking a non-violent approach.

The UFO continues to float downwards with these sharks continuing to bite and pull. The sharks on the wings are trying to pull the wings off. But the powerful, invisible magnetic energy between the body and the wings keeps them from moving. The sharks wag their tails in different directions in an attempt to come off with a piece of the ship. The entire wings are in the sharks’ mouths as they continue to pull and bite. The sharks on the tail continue trying to pull a top and bottom side of the tail apart. The angry sharks coordinate and swim the ship towards the left. But the ship counters that action. A nanoscanner detects a seventy-five foot mother alien shark quickly swimming towards them a half a dozen miles away. Jaden can’t believe how organized the sharks are. This reminds Jaden of a Tom and Jerry episode where Tom had crabs biting him all over his body and he was jumping around yelling. The pain increases around Jaden’s body.

Suddenly the sharks with the pit bull jaw grip over the wings and tail begin to glow pink. Jaden is surprised that the thrust isn’t hot or bothers the sharks. The ship continues to head downwards, gradually increasing speed. Brighter pink thrusts come from the wings and tail as the ship increases in speed. The side wings point towards the rear, while the sharks continue to hang on. The shark on the nose falls off first. The sharks on the tail lose their grip and spin in circles from the ship’s powerful downwards tidal wake. The sharks around the midsection of the ship do the same and join the tidal wake. The sharks on the wings are slowly being pulled off from the increasing force of 200 mph. A screeching sound is heard on both sides as the sharks slowly lose their strong grips. There are hundreds of different fish moving out of the way from below. A whirlpool spreads behind the ship in all directions. Jaden feels as if his arms are slowly being scratched by two cats. The sharks fall off one by one, and spin in the tidal wave whirlpool. A relieving feeling passes around Jaden’s body. The zero gravity wake quickly spreads outwards and pulls hundreds of animals into the ship’s direction. The whirlpool reaches the top of the ocean.

The nanoscanners detect dozens of miles of milky white, glowing strings floating aimlessly in all directions, below and around the ship. There are all types of fish swimming around the glowing strings providing a dim light.

The huge mother shark continues to head towards the ship at an amazing 90 mph. Jaden sees it through the nanoscanner as if it wants a big meal. The threat level goes up to 18%. Jaden is in disbelief as he sees all of this before him. Another nanoscanner detects the ocean floor three miles in front of the ship. Jaden sees some lime glowing starfish, thirty feet in diameter with four-foot long spikes and thorns around them. There are glowing seaweed vines 80-90 feet long extending from the ocean floor. Fissures, alien crabs with twelve arms, glowing eels with wings and square-shaped stingrays parade the ocean floor. They begin to scatter as they hear something coming from above them. There are giant glowing worms on the ocean floor the size of a big screen television. There is glowing endolith all across the ocean floor in rocks, shells and coral. There are dozens of brown scallop shells that resemble lasagna ruffles on the floor. The alien scallops have dozens of glowing eyes all across its shell. They also have thousands of