The Bialien Series - Rise of the Bialiensapien: Human Evolved by Vlane Carter - HTML preview

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Chapter 5: The Truth


It is completely dark around Jaden and he hears a howling wind sound. Suddenly a bright light appears at a far distance in front of him. A light particle quickly flies by him and it sounds like the strings of a harp being struck all together. He suddenly sees millions of other light particles quickly moving towards the light all around him. He looks down and his body is a light particle. His floating, uncontrollable, weightless body glides towards the light, but at a slow speed. Jaden sees stars far in the background around him. He feels very cold as if he is immersed in ice water. Jaden hears voices echoing around him from all directions. He looks down at his glowing hands and legs made of pure light particles.

“This isn’t his time. I sense his destiny has not been fulfilled and he has a long journey before him,” a robotic female voice says.

Jaden turns in different directions while listening to the voices echo. The light gets closer and he begins to get warmer.

“This unknown soul is needed like the rest and isn’t anything special,” an older man’s voice says.

“I sense two anomalies in his twelve dimensions of matter strings configuration,” a younger man with a soft voice says.

The bright light in front of him gets brighter and brighter.

“Something that needs to be further analyzed and corrected,” the older man says.

“This universe continues to be unbalanced and there is a shift in the gravitational structure from that sector,” the echoing robotic female voice says.

“For the past 100,000 years, we have only been receiving twenty-five percent of organic intelligent souls from that sector,” the old man says.

“This has no relevance to this situation. He is needed in his mortal body and I sense a journey of several lifetimes before him. The anomaly in his string matter is the makings of a legendary good force,” the robotic female says.

“Or the making of an evil unstoppable force…”

There is a long silence in the voices. The bright light is right before Jaden. Vibrating strings of the harp quickly pass him in the form of light particles. They quickly go into the bright, circular white light. His light body slows down and begins to go backwards. His light particles begin to stretch as his body moves faster and faster from the light. His light continues to stretch. The cold returns and hits his body like a snowstorm.

“I know you can’t hear me or remember this when you return. But, your journey has just begun and you must create and choose your own destiny. Goodbye young carbon mortal,” the robotic female voice yells

His body is quickly moving backwards and the light disappears. Everything goes blurry and then dark.



There are sounds of children playing in the background. Jaden is breathing heavily and coughing. Cold chills move around his body. His mind thinks back to where he was dying and couldn’t breathe. The sound of his coughing echoes around him. The smell of fresh baked chocolate cookies floods the air. He is lying in bed, covered up. He opens his eyes and everything is white and bright all around him. His blue pupils get smaller and adjust to the brightness. He quickly sits up and the sheets fall to his waist. He tries to catch his breath and breathes heavily while holding his chest. The bright sunlight is shining through the window nearby. His eyes begin to tear up as he listens to what is around him. He feels different as if he is outside of his body again. He is lying on a bed that resembles the one in his bedroom. He turns and looks around the room. Jaden notices this is the cleanest he has ever seen his room. However, he quickly realizes this is not his room. Everything is missing in this room; it’s just an empty white room that is 20 feet by 20 feet. The window is to the left of him. It reminds him of a movie set. The window by the bed reminds him when he was fifteen years old. A time when he would fall asleep at night looking into the stars wondering if his older brother was safe. The sounds of children playing outside the window near him fade away. He looks out his window and doesn’t see any kids, just an empty playground. It becomes quiet and he can feel wind on his face from all directions. He can actually hear his heart beating in stereo around him. The smell of fresh cookies disappears. This confusion is making Jaden nervous.

The room smells different, like the forest on a misty day. He knocks off the white bedspread and white sheet covering him onto the floor. He turns to his right with his feet off the bed. Jaden notices he is wearing a robe and he is barefoot. He feels different. It is as if he just came out of the shower, since he appears to be naked under the robe. A taste of slightly salty water is in his mouth and on his tongue. His body feels weird as he stands up. He feels dizzy and tries to catch his balance. He quickly sits back down on the bed. The room is spinning around him and his eyes lose focus. Jaden is beyond confused as to what is going on. He has broken memories about what has happened to him up until now. Suddenly something appears on the other side of the room. He tries to focus in on this silver creature with many legs and many blurry heads. He wipes his eyes and focuses again and he sees a four-legged animal walking towards him. There is a trail of light dust particles following its body. It gets closer and resembles a silver lion with white glowing eyes. The metallic silver body has a thin layer of fur over the skin. The animal is about four feet high and seven feet long. Its feet, face, body and shape look like a lion from earth. Its seven chrome whiskers on each side of its face extend two feet out. The tail is chrome and slowly wags back and forth as it walks. A soft female voice speaks and echoes all around Jaden’s ears.

“You know a lion goes back 32,000 years in your species. This standard universal lion structure is recognized on millions of planets in your galaxy and mine. These animals adapt differently on different planets and look different; but they all represent strength, bravery, royalty, a warrior and survival of the fittest….”

The four-legged alien lion stops about seven feet in front of Jaden on the bed. Jaden is puzzled, but recognizes the voice. He isn’t afraid of the animal that isn’t moving its mouth to talk. He is mesmerized by the lion’s size and beauty. The animal has Bellona’s colors and reminds him of her.

“They can be tamed, trained, but best of all they go on instinct and adapt to any environment…”

“Bellona, is that you?” Jaden asks.

There is a few seconds delay.

“Yes it is me…but I’ll change to an image you are more used too and more suitable.”

The lion morphs into a standing image and body of Bellona. A breeze of air passes by Jaden’s face and body. He has a stunned look on his face. Her silver body isn’t glowing and she has a face now. She has a small nose and a mouth that resembles a white female. She looks at Jaden and pauses for a second. Her eyes are different than he remembers. They are now white with blue pupils that slightly glow. They are still slightly wide and look slightly Asian. She now has black and silver hair that comes down to her shoulders. She looks more human now. Her body is missing the exotic tattoo symbols around it. Bellona still has mannequin breasts and five fingers with shiny clear nails.

“Okay, how did you do that?” Jaden asks.

“We are in a virtual city and anybody can be whoever they want.”

“Virtual city?”

“I will explain later what I mean. Kind of hard to explain, with all the confusion in your mind.”

“Okay, what are you alien people?” Jaden asks straightforwardly.

“We are Andromedians…”

“Why are you named after a galaxy? Why Andromedians?”

“To ourselves and other advanced species, we are named as long digital numbers and codes. We call ourselves according to what intelligence level an alien species is at. Your computers can easily understand our digital name, but is very hard for your organic brains to memorize. Since we are the first alien species your human race has been in contact with, using a name that is familiar with our location was the logical choice….”

“That was a little condescending, but okay,” Jaden snaps.

“You want to remember fifty characters filled with symbols and 3D numbers?”

“No, that’s okay,” Jaden says.

“Well, as I was saying, we are Andromedians and we are part of a very large colony and alliance of species. Our planet consists of about 10,000 Andromedians and 100 guest alien beings like you. Our biomechanical bodies are created by us and used outside of our planet. Our life starts at a trillionth of an inch. We don’t have any children, so we do not reproduce naturally. Our technology is based around nanotechnology. We transfer from body to body. We have two types of bodies we use. We all have our standard biomechanical warrior bodies for fighting and traveling outside of our planet. Then we have virtual bodies that we use in our city here. This is how I’m able to morph into something else just on pure thought. These bodies can change from day to day. Our brain systems are stored on silicon- nanites. This allows us to control our bodies, ships, and other things. It also allows us to save our memories and information just in case the body dies by being destroyed. Our bodies self repair and last for thousands of years. Many of us are tens of thousands of years old.”

“What is wrong with my body? What is going on and why am I here? Why does my body look and feel so different? What galaxy and planet am I on?” Jaden asks in a slightly elevated tone.

There are ten seconds of silence.

“Sorry Jaden, I have to translate your words into our language and it takes a little time to respond. The process will improve. All of your questions will be answered. Just sit back and relax for now. You’ve been through a lot,” she says.

Jaden relaxes on the bed, but has his head towards Bellona.

“You are on Planet 202-555, but in the English language we will call it planet Xenos. Planet Xenos is in the galaxy you call Andromeda. We are 5200 light-years from our galaxy’s center that you call the galactic bulge or galaxy center. We are approximately 2.3 million light-years from your planet, Earth. Your body looks different, because your original body is still being repaired,” she says.

“Repaired?” He asks.

“Yes, repaired. What do you last remember?”

Jaden thinks to himself for a second.

“I was being carried by Marco and you. I was tossed around like a rag doll or stuffed animal…” Jaden is interrupted.

“Stuffed animal?”

“Just a figure of speech,” Jaden says, as he continues. “As I was saying, I remember having trouble breathing and I couldn’t get any air. I was choking and we got to the top of a plateau area, then I remember falling to the ground and that’s it. Why is your name Bellona? Why that name?”

“Well really my name is many numbers and symbols translated into your language. Bellona was a name you came across in one of your 9th grade history books. She was a female warrior.”

“How do you know what was in my 9th grade history book? I can’t even remember that.”

“We have many details that happened in your life. We know your history, your past, and experiences. To answer your previous questions,” she pauses.

Amazing 3D images of Jaden display in the middle of the room, of when he was younger. Images of him playing as a toddler in a sandbox and images of him studying in the resource room in the 8th grade. The images quickly change to his human body that is currently being repaired. Jaden stands up from the bed and his feet touch the floor. The floor is warm, when he was anticipating it to be cold. The warm feelings pass around his temporary body. He walks over to the dazzling virtual display of his human body with images of his organs and nervous system.

“Your body was damaged from the very low oxygen on Planet 455. During your rescue your body died…..”

Jaden interrupts, “Died? I died?”

“Yes, you died, so your body had to be frozen. We didn’t have the, umm, tools and technology needed to help you at the time. This is why your lower body’s skin is a pale color,” Bellona says.

Jaden takes a deep breath.

“We are repairing your body now, cell by cell. So far, your undamaged brain has been restored. Every nerve, muscle fiber and spinal cord chemical messages are being bypassed to the artificial body you are in now. Billions of nanobots are helping with the remote transmissions from your brain. By the way Jaden, there is a faster way to communicate, but would require some practice on your end. Just think about the questions you want to ask, and I’ll respond telepathically. Using voice and sound communication is very primitive and takes longer. Practice just thinking about the question you want to ask and I’ll answer it in the middle of my conversation. But first, let me explain everything that is going on, so there are fewer questions for you to ask…..”

Jaden interrupts her with a telepathic question.

‘Yes, I can show you your body in the flesh,’ she says to him telepathically, but at a very fast rate.

‘You said it too fast. You sound like a tape recorder being fast forwarded,’ Jaden says telepathically.

‘I said I can show you your body. I’m sorry Jaden, our communication speed is very fast; I already had to slow it down considerably. Is this speed better?’


The entire room changes and his bed disappears behind him. He turns around and looks; Jaden hears bubbling sounds and he suddenly sees himself unconscious floating in a pool of clear water with billions of small bubbles moving in different directions. There is no glass around the water. The water is floating in a rectangular area about eight feet wide, twelve feet high and six feet in depth.

‘Your legs and lower body are shaking because we are attempting to reconnect your nervous system and bodily functions. You are naked because there isn’t an Old Navy within light-years from here,’ she says smiling.

Jaden laughs and she laughs.

‘We learned humor from many different species. In your species, it keeps people relaxed and lightens the mood. Is that better?’

‘Yes, but can you cover me up with something?’

‘You do not like your natural form?’

‘Well, in our society humans are only naked when we are showering, having sex or on a nude beach,’ Jaden says.

‘Having sex, what is that like?’ She asks.

‘It’s something when a man and women like each other, they express their feelings.’

‘I know what it means; I’m asking what is it like?’

‘Your alien species doesn’t have sex?’ Jaden asks.

There is an awkward thirty seconds of silence.

‘We do have your clothes, we are what you would call, dry cleaning them,’ she says while chuckling and then continuing, ‘Jaden let me explain what is going on with why you are here, so there are less questions and less confusion by you.’

‘You can call us Andromedians. My special unit team rescued you from Planet 455. Each of us has special capabilities in our warrior and external bodies. Similar to superheroes you see in your movies. The underground alien colony on 455 is part of a species called Darclonians. The Darclonians are a violent, manipulative, advanced robotic alien race. They have been known to recruit other species. They weren’t always a bad species. Let me explain how they came about. About 600,000 years ago and a couple of galaxies away, they were part of a bigger alien species called Delforbes. The Delforbes had organic brains and carbon-based bodies. They evolved much faster than most intelligent civilizations. The robots they created on their planet became much smarter than they did. They had a revolution event in their own species called a technological singularity. They merged their biological brains with artificial intelligence and robot bodies. This new robotic species called themselves Robogods because of their superior thinking and advanced technology. They began duplicating themselves and colonizing non-life planets. They began traveling to many different galaxies, exploring as a good species, helping and spreading their technology to other species. The added artificial intelligence altered some of their logical thinking in their new bodies. Many thought killing, taking over weaker civilizations and manipulating them made more sense. The definition of their new name Robogods was taken out of context and was understood as a species who should be rulers and gods.’

‘A civil war and power struggle ensued and each Robogod chose a side. The power hungry and ruling the weak half, took a path of evil, destruction and conquering many other species. They called themselves Darclonians and sought out others that believed in their ways. The remaining good half is in our alliance a few galaxies from here and they are still called Robogods. They are all robotic androids and are masters of computer technology. They can do high-speed calculations instantly. The Robogods banished the Darclonians away from their territories and nearby galaxies. The Darclonians swore revenge on the Robogods. The Robogods are very wise, peaceful and very helpful to other alien species.’

‘Sometimes, Darclonians take over a species and use their bodies as their own. They have also been known to exterminate entire alien species. We were setting up a campaign to get rid of all the Darclonians, but other alliance nations couldn’t agree on it. They are also known for cloning different species and using them for different experimental purposes. Over the years, they have been trying to get back to being in carbon-based organic bodies, for reasons unknown.’

‘Very interesting, this is like hearing a bedtime story,’ Jaden says.

Jaden walks over to his body and touches his leg through the water. His leg feels frozen, as his body looks very pale up close. She continues to talk, while he is amazed looking at himself.

‘Our ship was on a set course to our planet, when the Darclonians captured it outside of Andromeda’s galactic bulge center. Every galaxy center bulge has a matching super massive black hole. Each black hole is connected to another neighboring galaxy’s black hole. Using the subspace under each black hole, we are able to travel from galaxy to galaxy in a fraction of the time. Usually it takes a couple of years to travel from galaxy to galaxy. The black hole in your Milky Way Galaxy for some reason doesn’t allow our biomechanical bodies to pass through them. Our transport system allows us to travel through and to many different galaxies.’

Jaden turns around and looks at her amazed. He thinks of more questions and she continues.

‘Star to star is the local way of traveling inside of a galaxy. Some of our technology principles are similar to yours on Earth. Your technology with fiber optics involves breaking information into particles of light and sending it through a cable. On the other side of the cable, the signal is put back together. Our ships are broken down to a billionth of an inch and enter subspace. The tiny subspace hole is a fraction of a cubic inch. This requires lots of energy, so this is usually done near a star. Using a star’s solar winds and nuclear fusion, our ships slingshot to the next star at 4-90 seconds a light-year. I hope this answers your question, now back to what I was previously saying.’

She is interrupted again.

‘Yes, your body would be fine. We have dealt with many other species, similar to humans. Your brain structure is different, but carbon-based cell structure bodies are easy to repair. Time on Earth is currently about the year 2006 in the spring. Yes, ten years have passed for you. No, you’re only about 1 month older. You don’t age when your body is in billions of pieces and traveling through subspace. Time also slows down around you when you are traveling at light speeds as your brilliant scientist Albert Einstein figured out in his relativity theories. We are about 70,000 years more advanced than your species. We have traveled to many galaxies and seen countless astronomical events and encountered many species.’

‘Good question, the chemical and electronic signals from your brain are being bypassed to your virtual artificial body here simultaneously. Your brain doesn’t know the difference.’

‘I feel a slight difference. This body just feels different; I can tell it’s not me. I don’t feel the same,’ Jaden says.

‘I’m sorry to hear that, it just takes some getting used to.’

 A map of the galaxy is shown in 3D in the middle of the room. Jaden sees Andromeda’s spiral galaxy and the Milky Way right next to each other slowly rotating.

‘As I was saying; you were part of an experiment. Yes, an experiment. We were trying to find an average intelligent human with good vocabulary to bring back to our planet. If you remember, your mind was being read when you first encountered our UFO ship. You call it a UFO, but they are actually called EIS or Exoskeleton Intergalactic Spaceship. But you can call it a ship, UFO or EIS. The ship was looking for a human subject that had a great amount of knowledge of space and science. The process usually takes days. However, your government compromised our ship, before the process was complete. Our ship decided you were the best candidate. The ship had very little time to prepare your body for space travel, since it was about to be captured. As you figured out, different stages were needed to prepare your body: 1. accelerated flight, 2. outer space, and 3. optic-warp. Usually all three stages are done before the ship takes off. The ship decided to see what you were capable of by letting you fly it yourself. The EIS has a portable artificial intelligent supercomputer. It is capable of flying itself, navigating, making its own decisions, and protecting itself. Unlike your computers and robots on Earth, our advanced artificial intelligence computer can be a companion like an Earth dog. It could be a male or female artificial intelligence. The EIS reacts to what the pilot is thinking. The speed of thought is translated into movements and directions. As you learned, you felt what the ship felt. The ship translated its dozens of external senses into your five senses.’

‘As I was saying before, we abducted you. I’m sorry, wrong choice of words. I guess it was more you went willingly, since you decided to enter the ship on your own. The experiment was to first see if your body could make it through your black hole and form back to normal with the ship on the other side. Our bodies have always been destroyed when we tried to enter your galaxy’s black hole. Yes, our biomechanical bodies only. The rest of the ship would re-assemble normally. We have been unable to fully investigate why. No, each ship is required to contain a biomechanical body when traveling outside our planet; that has always been our rules. Except if special permission is given as in your case. No, it would take too many millions of light-years to travel around the galaxy and not use our traveling system. Our ships can only travel at around the speed of light. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is somewhat accurate for ships in a full matter form. A ship would have to produce a powerful electromagnetic force field around it to go faster than light speed. That would be temporary and not long distance. It will still take too long to travel from galaxy to galaxy without using a galactic center black hole. Other alien species have other ways of traveling through space faster, but our method is more reliable.’

Bellona pauses for a few seconds, and then continues, ‘Yes, we do have that same Andromedian body transporting problem in one other nearby galaxy. But we haven’t sent a regular ship through there yet. We try to stay local within ten local galaxies. No, we do not clone species here; that is against our law and belief. No, your questions are not annoying me. Your thought process is very interesting to us. We welcome your questions, there is no rush. You making it here has interested thousands. Your human body has survived many vigorous tests. Many are watching our interaction with as we speak. Yes, they are watching right now. There are about 20,000 nanoeyes in this room watching us.’ Bellona pauses.

‘Hello Jaden,’ hundreds of voices say at the same time, as Jaden puts his hands around his head.

‘How is life on Earth? Do you think your same gods and religion are on other alien planets? Tell us about the miracle that took place when you were younger. Why do you miss your girlfriend so much? Why is your species so violent to each other?’ They ask simultaneously.

Jaden falls down to his knees with his hands over his head and yells, “Stop talking all at once, it’s too many questions at the same time. I’m getting a serious headache.”

“We are sorry Jaden. We are used to answering many at once. I will just talk to you,” Bellona says while she stands near him with her hand on his shoulder, she continues, “I will research their questions from your memory and answer it for them.”

‘Are you okay now, Jaden?’ She asks him telepathically.

“Yes, I’m a little better. That was like a lot of loud noises at the same time. Talking about hearing voices. You aliens can put someone in a mental ward doing that to them.”

‘If you were communicating without using your voice and communicated like us, you could interpret more information at the same time. You could also respond faster and think faster.’

Jaden stands up and looks at Bellona as she removes her right hand.

‘Okay I understand. Let’s try this telepathic thing again, with just me and you for now. Continue what you were talking about the nano stuff.’

‘Nanoeyes and nanoscanners are all part of our advance nanotechnology. They are invisible to the human eye. Nanoeyes allow us to hear at a far distance, view things at a far distance and look through solid matter. Nanoscanners can do what nanoeyes can, and also analyze materials, scan through objects and determine their structure. This can allow Andromedians, for example, in a battle to know how to destroy a material it is scanning. Nanoscanners can do many other things. Nanoscanners and nanoeyes can be combined together, along with nanobots, to do other tasks. Nanobots are metallic microorganisms with a wide range of capabilities that work in a community and communicate to each other at high speeds. They can adjust to many different environments. Nanoscanners, nanoeyes and nanobots on our ships or bodies, work together and have many different tasks; some include transferring natural resources into weapons, quantum mechanics, manipulating super strings, protons, neutrons, atoms and anti-gravity technology. Meaning Jaden they can be controlled by us, human bodies or other life forms. Yes, Jaden they can be programmed by us to work with any host and are loyal to the host forever. They can also work together like a colony, with chains of commands. Good questions, there are quadrillions of these nanobots working together in a community, to do certain tasks. They can, but rarely work independent. They can work like little alien people and have a certain degree of logic in their little minds. They think like artificial intelligent collective aliens. They help us in every way of life.’

 ‘The nanoscanners guide our ships as they travel through subspace. Nanobots and nanoscanners reassemble the ship and pilot. Every billionth-trillionth of an inch of the ship in subspace has a unique ID assigned to it. They are each put back together according to their ID, piece by piece in seconds. Each ID is verified before being reassembled and some can be repaired on the spot if damaged.’

‘We have been at war with the Darclonians for a long time. Our technology has always been better than their technology, up to now. We believe most are hiding in your galaxy and are up to something. There was an unknown nanomole found semi-hibernating in your brain. Yes, a nanomole that was not put there by us. Semi-hibernating meaning it has been recording everything the brain sees and different parts of the brain. They are most likely in every human’s brain. The Darclonians have been known for using similar nanomoles on other planets, to record everything an alien does and to control them. They use other aliens’ bodies as hosts, so how they look varies. Darclonians have perfected cloning, in organic humans. When we rescued you from Planet 455, there were several clones of yourself there. They have been doing weird and unknown experiments on your body. Sorry, we do not know.’

Jaden continues to think of questions telepathically.

‘We have analyzed this nanomole in your brain and we believe it contains everything you’ve done in your lifetime, your parents, and your thousand-year family history. It is encoded and will take time to read. We don’t know why, yet, it was used on your planet. How it got there and how it works, I can explain. The Darclonians robotic droids scan solar system to solar system. A planet at the right distance from a sun that can support life is targeted. They use asteroids or comets to put a sextillion of these nanomoles in them. They target the planet from a distance. The small comet would explode in the lower atmosphere and enter anything organic or carbon base. They probably did this a few times to your planet at different times. These moles find evolved and intelligence life forms. Once a qualified carbon organic species is found, the nanomoles learn its biology and reproduction methods. In your human case, it copies itself inside of a female body. There are two nanomoles in a female at all times. One stays in the womb and keeps copying itself into a fetus. The other one always stays in the brain recording everything and constantly updates with the one in the uterus/womb.’

‘The nanomoles in the father’s brain, updates with his children remotely by comparing DNA characteristics. The na