The Bialien Series - Rise of the Bialiensapien: Human Evolved by Vlane Carter - HTML preview

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About Author


This is my first full-length book. I have not written since 1991 and 1992 when I wrote two short stories (those short stories will be turned into books down the road.  Read more at the BIAlien Wiki page). Since then my mind, concepts, ideas and imagination have evolved to a level that I could have never dreamed of at 16 years old. I have never seen anything close to the BIAlien series. I started writing this in March of 2006 after I was very upset with the ending of War of the Worlds. The writers made an advanced alien race look incompetent at the end. I figured I could write my own masterpiece. I wanted to mix the right combinations of science, humor, love, messages of us saving our planet and to create a superhero unlike anything you read/saw before.

I wanted to show the world what my imagination and vision is capable of. I needed to make a statement in the sci-fi world that it is time for something new and original to hit the market. A new generation of sci-fi that represents current and future science needed to make an appearance.

I also wanted to write a novel that was before its time. Therefore, future generations could appreciate the combinations of ideas, science and visions from this time era. I personally believe the BIAlien series can be the next Star Wars, Matrix or Star Trek series.