The Bialien Series - Rise of the Bialiensapien: Human Evolved by Vlane Carter - HTML preview

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BIAlien Philosophy (WIKI)

Can humanity equally fight against an alien invasion? Vlane doesn’t think so; any alien species with the technology to travel 100’s to millions of light years to Earth would easily defeat us if there was a real attack. Humanity would not be prepared to know what to do.

So many sci-fi movies and books are based on an alien species from far away attacking and killing humans. Killing humans to use Earth for its resources is not logical for an advanced alien species. An intelligence on this level would be able to Terraform any planet the right distance from a Star. An alien species needs a purpose for attacking a semi-primitive species like humans. That is equivalent to us traveling 1000’s of miles into the middle of the desert to step on and exterminate a colony of ants. There needs to be a logical purpose for an invasion. BIAlien VOL I has a purpose and it begins with NANOMOLES.


The evil Darclonians (formerly known as Robogods) used to be an all robotic species, but have been using organic bodies for the past 150,000 years in search of the perfect host for their experiment. The robotic droids scanned millions of solar systems to find a planet the right distance from the Sun that could support life. Over 100,000 years ago a droid fired small comets filled with sextillions of Nanomoles towards Earth. Reaching the lower atmosphere, the comets had exploded and dispersed Nanomoles which sought out organic and intelligent life. Undetectable, the parasites have since been sitting in their host's brains learning the biology and recording the human experience from generation to generation. They have been awaiting a signal from a mothership which will activate an 84 hour, three stage countdown.


The good Andromedians (from the Andromeda galaxy) needed a purpose for humans as well. They are peaceful explorers and have been in several battles with Darclonians over the years. Their dilemma is their Biomechanical bodies would be destroyed in their ships when they use Optic-warp to exit the Milky-way’s center super massive blackhole in subspace. They have been monitoring a lot of Darclonian activity in this galaxy and needed a way to investigate it. They used one of their older class ships with Artificial intelligence on it to seek out an intelligent human being on Earth, to see if the body can make it to their Galaxy in one piece. This is when Jaden Marino finds the UFO in 1996.


Jaden and the UFO were on a set course to planet Xenos (Andromedian’s home planet), they are captured by a Darclonian colony in the Andromeda Galaxy. His body was experimented on and the Darclonians realized there is some value in humans. This sets off a chain of events for Earth and a mothership is dispatched. Jaden and the ship are later rescued by an elite Andromedian team lead by BELLONA. Jaden’s adventure continues on planet Xenos (gravity tides, alien chess, gravity games and the great space race).

Part/Book 1 ends and Part 2 begins when Jaden returns to Earth. His bio-engineered body is slowly evolving into superhuman levels. His mission is to help scientist locate the Nanomole in humans and then deactivate it, before the Darclonian mothership enters broadcast range. When a Nanomole is activated and is in the correct stage, it can control a human body. It would need to sync with a Bio-parasite for a permanent takeover of the human mind (Bio-parasites are Darclonians in microbe form).

Jaden’s superhuman BIAlien body is the key to what the Darclonians are looking for to complete their 10,000 year experiment with the (DEK) Dark Energy Knights (An ultimate weapon of mass destruction). DEK’s have organic bodies underneath their Black hole particles. The Dark Energy cannot work over a robotic or electronic body, it must be organic. The Andromedian’s prototype organic Nanotechnology called Nanodrones in Jaden’s body is what the Darclonian’s have been looking for.  CLICK HERE TO READ MORE AT THE BIALIEN WIKIPEDIA PAGE.