The Choice by J Barrett - HTML preview

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The next several weeks went by in a blur of activity for the young children.  They were all taught new ways to swim, how to hold their breath under water for long periods, how to recognize potentially deadly sea urchins.  Being young, they adapted and learned quickly; T’kai schooled them well in the ways of the sea. 

Instructing them to be very careful not to touch any of the Dolphins or Orcas, he worked them thru a series of underwater tactics and moves.  Pairings were becoming evident in many of the young ones.  T’kai watched and studied all the children; when he felt the time was right, he and Josh took them one at a time to the initiation pool to join with their brothers of the sea. 

The biggest surprise was TJ.   During their training sessions, a large Orca kept pace with them.  Just out of reach, the beautiful animal was always present, always watching.  Well aware of his presence, TJ would watch excitedly as the Orca would cut thru the water with great agility, leap high and come crashing down.  His rapt attention was not lost on the Orca, or on B’nal.  B’nal spoke with T’kai on this and it was decided that he was ready to make the choice.  TJ was brought below and asked if he felt a connection to any of the candidates; he quickly answered yes.  Told to swim to the ‘brother’ that he felt an affinity for; he went straight to the large Orca with the curved dorsal fin and the crescent shape on the side of his massive head.  The Orca greeted him with great excitement.  Their bonding took place, and soon it was a very mature TJ that left the initiation pool; he was happier than Josh had ever seen him.  And B’nal’s second in command, P’vel, had found a rider.

All the children found their counterparts in the ranks of the Dolphins and Orcas, with the exception of Tristan and Leslie.  Both boys were brought to the initiation pool and questioned by T’kai and B’nal.

“Do you not feel a closeness or a bond to any of the Dolphins or Orcas here present?” asked an exasperated B’nal.  Both said no, they felt no overwhelming urge. 

It was then that T’kai observed Tristan eying the carving on the great door that led to the chamber beyond.  Feigning disinterest, he went to the side of the pool and carried on a conversation with Josh and B’nal, asking them to observe Tristan.

Without realizing what he was doing, Tristan climbed the steps out of the pool and stood before the door.  He stood staring in fascination at the etching of a huge creature on it.  It was larger than the cruise ship that brought them here.  Its body appeared to be in two large segments; it had a large bony exoskeleton, and two giant front claws.  The etching showed it cutting a large whale-like creature in two with these claws.  The etching was extremely ferocious in appearance.  Tristan raised his hand.

Suddenly he heard T’kai shout a warning in his mind, No Tristan!  Do not touch that door!

No one had noticed Leslie stiffen as Tristan climbed the steps.

Tristan jumped and turned to see what was wrong, the pool had emptied except for Josh and T’kai.  What is wrong?  He looked at T’kai and then at Josh.  I was curious about that creature etched on the door; I mean – it’s fantastic!

Tristan, if you choose to touch or open that door, you do so at great risk. T’kai was visibly shaken.  I planned to tell you all the story of our coming to be, later this week.  I see we must do so now.  Josh, will you call all to the lagoon above.

Josh took Tristan and swam quickly above; B’nal and Rain were waiting for them.  Josh explained what happened and asked Rain to call the others to the lagoon.  When T’kai surfaced they were waiting for him.  An hour later they all understood and when T’kai asked Tristan if he still wanted to open the door he received a weak ‘no thank you’ in return.  Then to everyone’s surprise Leslie spoke up.

T’kai, I am to ride the beauty behind those doors, Leslie quickly said and turning he motioned to Tristan, sorry Tristan, but she isn’t meant for you.  Your ride is coming as fast as he can.  He was injured protecting the Dolphins on the way here; it’s just taking longer for him to get here.  He turned and faced Josh and Rain, and smiled a little nervously.  I know I don’t say much, he began, looking at all the young men and women, and you guys think I’m just a bit off… he held up his hands, it’s ok, I haven’t exactly been the friendly type.  I could have helped to improve my image.

Josh tried to reassure him, Les, its ok…

No, no…  I am sincerely sorry for that, I was sitting on my pity-pot for way too long.  All my life, I always felt like I was apart from the rest of the world. You know, like a twin who lost their other half; always feeling like they weren’t quite whole. When I saw, his voice cracked with emotion, saw the etching on the door... I can’t explain the feeling that came over me.  It filled me like nothing you can imagine. 

He turned around and faced T’kai. 

I owe you an apology T’kai; I broke your rule about going to the initiation pool alone. But please believe I couldn’t help it, I had to know.  Leslie took a deep breath and continued.

I snuck down to the pool last night and leaned against the door.

Leslie’s eyes filled with tears at the memory. 

She knew I was there!

His voice cracked with emotion,

She was so happy that I had found her! 

T'kai and Josh come to his side.

As for the change; it won’t bother me at all. You see, inside, I’ve always been different.  And to be perfectly honest with you, I look forward to it.  Besides, if you look behind my ears you’ll see the beginnings of gills already. He turned his head and raised his hair; sure enough there were two slits on each side.  I can already stay underwater longer than any of you; including the Orcas. And in case you haven’t noticed, my toes are webbed.

There were many “ah’s” from the group as they looked at Leslie with new eyes.  The young men and women circled Leslie and many apologized for not trying to be friendlier.  They should have taken the time to understand, they said.  Leslie admitted that he could have made it easier for them; that they should feel no guilt.  It all ended very well, he was happier now than he had ever been.  For the first time he was looking forward to the future. 

The Dolphins and Orcas in the pool began a clicking sound that got louder and louder. 

T’kai turned and leaped into the air and dove below coming up beside Leslie.  

You are the Rider we have been waiting for; only the Rider would know she was female.  Yes, there is no doubt. You may go to her whenever you wish.  T’kai came forward and touched Leslie’s forehead with his nose; we thank you for your sacrifice.

It’s not a sacrifice to me T’kai; it’s a reunion of two lost souls.  Leslie was actually smiling.  T’kai, when I go to her may I release her?  May I set her free? Leslie asked, concerned.

As long as she is with you, she will be allowed to roam free.  B’nal said forcefully, but a word of caution, you must always be near to control her. Leslie nodded in agreement.

T’kai and B’nal and their riders swam down to the pool with Leslie.  He shook hands with Rain and Josh, thanked T’kai and B’nal, and swam to the stairs.  They watched as Leslie climbed the steps to the large golden doors.  He placed his hands on the doors and leaned against them all the while speaking in hushed tones.  T’kai went to one side of the pool, and B’nal to the other side.  There were levers on each side; they pulled the levers and the long golden bar slid back to allow the doors to swing open.

Shield your ears R’an and Josh, shouted B’nal.

As the doors opened they heard a loud screeching begin.  It filled the entire chamber echoing off the walls.  Josh could feel it resonating about his body.  Just before he passed out he looked towards the doors and saw a huge claw begin to emerge.  T’kai brought him to the surface quickly with B’nal and Rain behind.  Josh came to in a matter of minutes.  He shook his head and opened his mouth wide trying to ‘pop’ his ears. 

B’nal, what’s with the screeching?  Rain shook his head to clear his ears.

Defense mechanism of some kind - she may have been frightened, B’nal chuckled.

She was frightened? Josh blurted out, what could possibly scare anything that big?

B’nal chuckled again.  Did you notice T’kai that the young one was not affected?  He truly is her rider.

The water in the center of the lagoon began to churn and bubble up; great geysers shot up into the air as something very large was rising to the surface.  They all turned and watched in disbelief as the monster broke the surface with a changed Leslie on its back.  He appeared fish-like, a greenish blue color to his body.  His hands and feet were fully webbed; his eyes had taken on a green color with gold at the center.  The creature he rode was a mystery.  It appeared to be a cross between a lobster and a shrimp, only bigger - a lot bigger.  It had two segments; a reddish bony exoskeleton covered both.  The claws were on the front segment; they were the size of a large jet plane.  Long thick spider legs were on the back segment, four on each side.  The head rose up on the top of the first segment, incased in the bony shell.  Two large black eyes rotated 360 degrees with 15’ long ‘feelers’, spreading out in all directions.  Leslie stood and pointed to T’kai and the creature gently came forward and stopped.

They all heard a very sultry female voice greet them.  T’kai my handsome friend, S’ana is pleased that we meet again after so long.  B’nal you are as strong and masculine as ever, a true warrior.  Both swam forward and bowed to the enormous creature. 

Ah, I do so love your chivalry, gentlemen. She was being coquettish, flirting with them. So, I understand the beastie has risen from his deep home once again. She made a clicking sound, almost like a chuckle. I shall have to destroy him this time T’kai; he cannot be allowed to remain on this planet.  She raised her giant claws skyward; oh it is good to be free again!  The creature turned its eyes on Leslie and with obvious pride she said, Ah, is not my rider a wonder?  He fills me with joy and hope; we shall be unstoppable!

T’kai came forward and bowed his head in respect, My Queen; it is good to be with you again.  The young ones are almost ready.  They need only learn the use of the Tridents and we shall be ready to begin the hunt.

One of B’nal’s Orca suddenly came racing into the lagoon without warning.   S’ana rose up and extended one of her giant claws.  Wait my sweet!  He is with us, he brings news, explained Leslie quickly.  She settled into the pool purring, much to the relief of the Orca.

B’nal, he came forward and bowed and continued hurriedly, a wounded Orca is about to enter the waterway.  He is injured badly and in need of help as he is very weak.  May we assist him? The young Orca was eyeing the monster carefully.

Take your brothers and go; bring him here quickly.  B’nal turned and called to shore, Tristan!  Come here, your brother has finally arrived!

Ten minutes later the group came into the lagoon half carrying the injured Orca.  There were deep lacerations all over its body, and a long ‘S’ shaped scar on the side of its head.  It was obviously very weak, as they brought him before B’nal.

Welcome brother K’shi, you are badly injured and in need of healing. B’nal swam forward and nudged the side of the Orca’s head.  We must go below to the healing chamber. Your rider is here and has much concern for you.

Ah, then it was worth the effort!  The Orca raised its head and looked about the pool stopping when it saw Tristan.  To be whole again is all I thought about; it urged me to go on when I thought I could not.  My brother!  He called out in joy.  Tristan swam to him quickly, oblivious to everything else.

Hold Tristan!  He is too weak for the blending right now. T’kai explained, we must get him to the healing chamber.

They all dove below to the hidden pool.