The Choice by J Barrett - HTML preview

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As the sun rose over the island, Josh, Rain and their entire group stood waiting on the sandy beach.  The Blues were due to arrive in the early morning hours.  T’kai had explained all about these strange dragons and how they would help in the fight against the Kraki.  The part about their parents being the ones who would fly on these Blue Dragons was a bit hard to take.  Both Josh and TJ chuckled at the idea and even Chloe laughed at the thought of her parents, Bill and Beverly, riding dragons. 

Remember your dragon etiquette and all that I have instructed.  It is most important we do this correctly.  T’kai received word from one of his dolphins that the dragons were approaching.

They come!

They looked above and counted 22 large midnight blue dragons.  The young men and women below gave an audible “ah!” at the sight of the large blue beasts.  They circled once and one broke away from the others and dove on the group standing on the beach.

Stand your ground; do not give way my young warriors! T’kai urged, all the while calculating Wolf’s strength.

As the dragon got closer they could all see a golden goddess standing on its back; she was laughing loudly, which took them all off guard.  As they passed barely three feet over the heads of the warriors, Diana waved and Surfman yelled out, “The Blues have arrived!”

Rain and Josh burst out laughing and waved back.

The Blues landed on the open beach and lined up awaiting Wolf.  Six of the Blue dragon riders were the children of John and Diana they were told.  Surfman landed and Diana dismounted and stood by his side.  Wolf, about twice the size of the other Blues, landed and Big John dismounted.  He made quite an impressive sight to the young warriors of the sea.

Wolf went to the waters edge bowed his large head in respect and greeted T’kai.

“Hail to the ancient T’kai, first of his kind from the beginning.  The Blue Dragons greet you as fellow warriors.  The First sends his regards and wishes you good hunting.”

We are honored that the First has remembered us.  We are pleased you have agreed to help us hunt the Kraki.  We are almost finished training the young ones.  Their elders do not yet know that we will be calling on them for help. T’kai explained to Wolf as Josh and Rain had moved to the side of their partners.

And what say you Josh, Wolf suddenly addressed him telepathically, do you think that Amanda and Robert will be willing to ride one of my warriors?

Josh was stunned; he assumed that Wolf could not communicate telepathically.  Oh… sir. I, I uh, think my mother and father will be shocked.  But I believe that Terry is the one who will make the best rider, she always believed that you all existed on this planet at one time.

Many times, young one, many times, chuckled Wolf.  He raised himself up and turned to his dragons.  May I present my rider, Big John.  John stepped forward and bowed to T’kai.  And this is my second in command, Surfman; and his rider Diana, mate to Big John, and our sister.  Diana came forward and did the same.  Wolf then introduced six of his dragons and their riders, the children of John and Diana.

T’kai introduced Josh, and then B’nal and Rain.  After pleasantries Wolf informed T’kai that the adults had spied on his camp that very morning and he believed that they were just now realizing that they were to be riders of the Blue Dragons.

“Has the First informed you that Enaj has awakened and is on the way here?”  T’kai said he was aware.  “Has the beast grown since he has risen from his prison?” Wolf asked.

We will not know until we see it. T’kai further explained, if it has not grown too large, we will be able to slice it into smaller pieces and destroy it quickly.  While we battle the beast below, the rogue dragons will try to stop us from above.  That is why you are needed so badly.

Wolf came closer to T’kai signaling a closed conversation.  T’kai, have you informed your people of the time displacement within the island?  Do they know that seven years have gone by on the outside?

Not yet, but they will all be told soon.  T’kai clicked and echoed and then continued; Your Diana is welcome to train with my warriors.  I see her eyeing them already, and I know of her reputation. 

Good, then I will not need to apologize for her actions. Wolf chuckled, she keeps us hopping, but she and Surfman are formidable in the air; and I have no one else who will be able to converse with Enaj. 

Ah!  Of course!  My apologies, I did not make the connection before.  T’kai now knew why he felt so protective towards the young woman.  She is an innocent, is she not?   Wolf nodded.  She shall have no trouble making contact with Enaj and S’ana.

Speaking of S’ana, where is she now?  Wolf remembered what Jake had told him of the giant and he knew the unpredictability of his dragons.  I should like to keep my dragons out of her general vicinity, best for both of us I think.

She sleeps in the bottom with her rider.  She is most infatuated with him and does his bidding, T’kai smiled as he remembered how easily Leslie controlled her.  You need not fear, she has been told of your coming and will not attack any Blue Dragons.

Most efficient T’kai, I salute you! Well I must be off to greet and prepare my new riders.

Wolf bowed again and turned to his dragons and said something.  He turned to T’kai, We shall return in a couple of weeks ready for battle. 

They took off and headed inland towards the golden pyramid. 

Diana remained behind with Surfman.  She bowed to T’kai and walked over to Josh and asked, “May we train with you; Surfman is looking forward to it and I would also enjoy it.”  Josh smiled immediately realizing she was indeed a child.

“Of course you may, we would love to be able to train with you both.  Please come this way,” Josh bowed and led her to the dock area.  Surfman followed along making comments here and there keeping Rain in stitches.  Ruby and TJ fell over themselves vying for his attention. 

T’kai handed out the Tridents and began teaching his warriors in their use.  As they progressed he sought out Diana and asked if she and Surfman could fly above the water as if they were giving cover in a mock battle.   In the process pandemonium reigned supreme.  Ruby let loose with a shot that sliced thru the water and scorched Surfman’s right claw; he in turn howled at the sudden pain and let loose a huge flame, scaring the daylights out of S’ana, who leaped up and turned midair and dove into the depths of the lagoon.  Considering her size, it was quite a splash.  Amidst all of this, B’nal and Rain’s loud voices could be heard laughing.

It took a great deal of coaxing, but T’kai finally got S’ana to the surface and got things back under control.  Once on the surface Leslie begged an introduction to Surfman and Diana, for S’ana.  Thus it was that S’ana met Diana; and realizing she was a child, her motherly instincts kicked in and they became instant confidants.  From then on, S’ana was no longer afraid of the ‘flying ones’ and their fire.  The fact that S’ana could communicate with Diana was a mystery to all.

Wolf and his dragons returned to the mountains and waited.  Kyra kept him informed on the progress of the humans and their slow acceptance of what was expected of them.  Finally one morning she informed him that they had come to terms with this and had gathered to set off on foot towards the mountains. 

“Now would be a good time to pay them a visit, Wolf.”  She said grinning.

He looked down at her and chuckled, “what have you been up to little one?  You cannot interfere with their thoughts.  They must decide of their own free will.”

“I have done nothing, my word Wolf, I am aware of the Law.”  She smiled sweetly and then added, “Maybe just a little enhancement of their dreams is all.” 

A deep chuckle could be heard rumbling thru the mountain.

 “Okay, we’re all agreed on this, right?”  Robert stood on the stairway and looked back at his longtime friends, “There will be no going back from here on in.  If we do this, it’s all the way or nothing.” 

“If Sha’el could give her life for a planet that wasn’t even her own,” said Terry defiantly, “can we do no less?”

They began walking down the long hallway out of the temple; each lost in their thoughts.  They had all agreed that their dreams had insisted that their help was needed.  They could ensure that the planet would go on; that life would go on.  The dreams they were all having now were the clincher.  The old world was gone; this was a new and different world with new and different rules. 

To their surprise A’ya was waiting for them at the entrance; she raised her head back and let out a howl and the doors opened wide for them.  They began walking across the archway bridge when they became aware of the moving shadows on the ground.  Raising their heads they looked up and stared in surprise; the Blue Dragons were flying overhead.  They stopped dead in their tracks.

Wolf hailed Robert, “I see you are prepared for a long trek, we thought we would save you the trouble.  May we land and speak with you and your people, Robert?”

Robert stood there looking up at Wolf with his mouth agape in stunned shock.  Terry and Amanda d tried to snap him out of it.

Terry called out to Wolf, “Please, join us; there is a clearing over there I think,” she said pointing off to the right.  “My apologies, I believe you shocked him out of his wits.” 

Amanda tried to get a response from Robert and when that failed she shook him and slapped him as hard as she could.  Reason returned and he shook his head several times.  He coughed once and sputtered; “he’s talking… talking… to me!” 

They watched as the four large beasts landed on the grassy clearing.  Big John climbed down off of Wolf and came forward smiling.  “Hello there!” he called out, “no need for alarm.”

Smiling, Terry came forward with her hand extended, “Hello to you,” her handshake was strong and firm.  John smiled down at her and she quickly added, “My but you’re bigger than life!”

John laughed heartily, “all of you, please, come over.  Come...come on, I don’t bite, I promise." he laughed good-naturedly.

Hesitant at first they made their way to him, all the while keeping an eye on the large Blue Dragons.  John looked directly at each one, instilling a sort of confidence.  Their fear vanished quickly and their steps picked up. 

John began by introducing Wolf to the gathered scientists. 

“I would like you all to meet our leader Wolf, Sixth of the Ancients to return, The Hand of Justice.”  He bowed to Wolf with a flourish.

Wolf stepped forward and rose up and then lowered his head to them.  “Welcome my new riders, I have been waiting for you.” 

There was an audible intake of breath from all of them, and then a collective “Ah…!”

“Yes, I speak, as does many of my clan.  You have all seen the chronicles of Sha’el, and you all know by now what is happening in your world.  You also know what is required of you.  Are you all prepared to become Riders of Light in this war with the evil ones?”

Terry stepped forward and bowed to Wolf, as John had done, and said, “you can count on me sir.”

Wolf chuckled loudly, “Josh said you would be the first to accept.”

Jeffery came to Terry’s side and slipping his hand in hers, said, “Me too!”, as he bowed to Wolf in respect.

“Ya, I want to do this too,” said Hilda stepping forward and bowing slightly. 

Robert and Amanda came forward hand in hand and bowed, “we are with you Wolf.”

Dimitri stepped forward and proudly announced, “My family history includes a long line of dragon riders, I am honored to be chosen to be in your service.”  He bowed low and received a slight nudge from Wolf.

“Yes, your family has sent several riders to our cause in the past.  I welcome you into the clan, Dimitri of Urkanski.” Wolf bowed his head slightly to Dimitri, who was grinning from ear to ear.

William and Beverly stepped forward and did the same as Robert and Amanda.  “We are with you all the way, Wolf.”

Ian stepped forward bowed slightly and said, “I am sorry sir, but I do not see myself as a rider of dragons.  I cannot explain it, but I know it is not for me.”

“Right you are Captain McGregor.  You have another task, that of piloting the great golden undersea ship of Sha’el’s.  T’kai and Josh will lead you to it when the time is right.  You should return to your ship in the lagoon and wait for them to come to you.”  He turned to the others and continued, “As for all of you, we will take you to our stronghold in the northern mountains to begin your training.” 

John broke them up into four groups and explained all that entailed approaching a dragon and requesting a ride.  He explained about dragon etiquette and how important proper manners were to the dragons.  He saw to it that they were all mounted properly and then climbed upon Wolf and they set off for the mountains.  Below, Ian watched as they rose into the air and headed north. 

He laughed as he heard Terry’s voice shouting, “Yee-ha!”

The next three weeks were a flurry of activity as the scientists and several of Ian’s crewmen were paired with the Blue Dragons.  Terry was the first to be impressed, no surprise there.  She was paired with Tosaki, an independent telepathic dragon.  Both could be heard laughing and chuckling quite a bit, and left no doubt that Terry was being her old self again.

Amanda impressed Akita, a similar dragon in personality to herself.  Quite the scholar, his speech held an accent that left her enthralled.  She found she had never been happier. 

Robert, ever the skeptic, impressed Rutan, who was not quite sure of the humans.  They had heated debates over the usefulness of humans and dragons and eventually formed a lasting bond. 

A perfect match, thought Wolf, they will keep each other busy and out of my way.

Perhaps the proudest of all was Dimitri, who had told them all of his family’s history with the dragons, when he was accepted by Sergei to be his rider. 

Even Hilda impressed a dragon.  Hirohita was a telepathic dragon, and the change he brought about in her was dramatic as she could be seen smiling most of the time now. 

The dragons began intensive training with their new riders for the next two weeks.  They were given a copy of the Dragon Chronicles and told of the time displacement.  After reading all that had occurred during their time on the island they were glad they had decided to join the Blue Dragons.  They were all introduced to Diana, they had learned of her thru their Dragons, and reading the Dragon Chronicles.  They were quite surprised at her childlike manner; but soon learned that when fighting, she was unbeatable. 

When Wolf was satisfied he brought them to T’kai for training with the children of the sea. Both he and T’kai enjoyed the interplay between the ‘children’ and their parents once again.  The surprise of each at the changes that had taken place respectively was interesting to the dragons.  In the end each accepted the other as an equal; something that both were seeking.  

T’kai was relentless in their training; he knew what was at stake and planned for every possible contingency.  As T’kai and Wolf watched them in their training exercises they began to see their confidence grow.  They worked as teams and each covered the other.  This is what T’kai had hoped for.  He complimented Wolf on his choice of dragon and human pairings.  Wolf explained that he had let his dragons choose after interaction between them all. 

When T’kai was finally convinced of their abilities, S’ana was allowed to surface and was introduced to the Dragons and their startled Riders.  All were amazed at how easily a very changed Leslie controlled her; he was more fish now than human. 

Training now began with the large creature, and all soon realized that she and Leslie would be the ones to take the Kraki down.

Ian was taken by B’nal and T’kai to a secret cave and shown the golden warship.  Rain and Josh walked with him as he inspected the craft.  They explained that Sha’el had instructed that the four underwater crafts the aliens had were to be scrapped and their various parts used to make one massive warship.  A submarine like no other, it was swift, maneuverable, and possessed all their weaponry.  They asked Ian if he thought he would be able to captain her.  Grinning broadly, he said he would be honored to do his part.

It was then that T’kai and B’nal told their charges about the time displacement on the island, and explained that seven years had gone by on the outside.  After a few minutes of discussion between themselves and their parents, they began to realize that quite a lot had occurred since they had come to the island.  They were all given a copy of the Dragon Chronicles and soon were aware of all that had happened in the world since their arrival on the island.

All was in readiness now for the arrival of Enaj.