The City of the Broken by Ceri Beynon - HTML preview

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  Chapter Nine.

  Garden Delights


  I arrive at school feeling drowsy. I was far too high on the adrenaline of being reunited with Calix to sleep. As I head for class I pass him in the corridor, he looks like he’s had his beauty sleep. We greet each other with equal infatuation, a mutual connection like the conjunction of two planets. The glances and whispers have returned, their ending being the only thing I relished in being parted from Calix.

  In class, everyone is flicking through a copy of Jane Eyre before the lesson starts and the test on the novel begins. I haven’t forgotten to revise this time, as reading Jane Eyre is a pleasure for me anyway.

  “I haven’t read the book, but I’ve seen the film so I get the gist,” Jasmine informs me.

  “That is so typical of you Jas,” I say in mock disapproval.

  “Calix and I are back on,” I tell her.

  “Oh, I can’t believe you two. You seemed so frosty with each other the other day that I thought it was definitely over,” she says.

  “So did I, but I was a fool listening to hearsay but never again. He really is the perfect guy,” I say.

  “No guy is the perfect guy,” she says with wisdom beyond her years, but I ignore her.

  Mrs. Shelley enters and establishes that test conditions are underway.

  I seem to have finished early as everyone else is still writing. I sit here, gazing out of the window at the cemetery and thinking about the city that lies behind the gate. The King is not going to back down this easily. He’ll soon find out that I’ve reunited with Calix and try to break us up again. I’ve been far too optimistic to think I can obtain a gothic fairytale existence with Calix this easily, how could I forget the insurmountable obstacle that is the King? And now I know first hand how manipulative he can be, he scares me even more. He’s a great force that you do not want as an enemy.

  “Okay, time’s up guys. Pens down,” says Mrs. Shelley startling me, as I am deep in thought.

  “That was so tough. I didn’t know any of the answers,” says Jasmine.

  “Well that’s what you get for not reading the book,” I giggle, not feeling any sympathy for my film-loving friend.

  Lunchtime has come and Jasmine and I walk down to the library.

  “I’m going to type my assignment up. It’s the third I’ve handed in late.”

  “I’m meeting Calix in the library.”

  “Really? I thought you seemed a little eager,” she says.

  When I walk in, I see Calix is engrossed in a book.

  “Hey you, what are you reading?”

  “I’m doing research for history,” he says still searching his book for information.

  “I have a 1500 word assignment that has got to be in by next week, plus I have my Royal duties so it’s not going to be easy,” he says , looking concerned.

  “You’ll squeeze it in somewhere,” I say and he nods in agreement.

  “Do you want to go to the city tonight? I can’t take you, but you can drop by the palace and help me revise,” he says.

  “Yes, that sounds cool. But what about your Father, isn’t it slightly risky for me to visit the palace?” I ask.

  “Well technically he still doesn’t know you’ve forgiven me and we’re together again. So just lay low,” he says.

  “But Calix if I enter the palace the staff are bound to inform him that I’m there,” I say feeling more anxious now we’ve brought up the topic of his father.

  “True. I know, meet me in the garden at the front of the palace at 6:30 and I’ll sneak you in,” he says, eyes glinting mischievously.

  “Okay, that sounds both fun and scary at the same time,” I smile and he winks at me.

  At the end of school, I look out of the window and see Calix walking towards the car. It’ll be so exciting to go to the palace with him again. The last time I went there I was tricked by his Father, a wordsmith if ever there was one. I’ll definitely try and keep out of his way from now on. Calix could make any location romantic but there is something about seeing him in his own territory, in a palace of all places, that makes me feel as though I’ve entered a dreamlike world, beautiful and mythical, like something out of a fable or legend only it’s real. Having to avoid Calix’s father only adds to the child-like hide and seek innocence. I shall wear my uniform of black to the city, as customary.

  I return to the entrance of the city, accompanied by my key, the charm I carry with me always which leads to the portal of contented despair. I’m careful to close the gate behind me, knowing of the trouble I’d be in if an uninvited guest should venture into the city. The irritating thorns in the garden always insist on attacking me even when I closely follow the path.

  It’s a different experience walking through the city when Calix isn’t with me. I can take in the sights more and pay attention to every detail. I’m too distracted by the number one tourist attraction that is Calix’s face when he’s with me. One thing that catches my eye is the gathering of people around an electrical store in the city centre, they seem to be watching something on the televisions in the shop window. As I approach, they turn and glare at me with hatred, then walk away. This is incredibly odd, what’s wrong with me/them? I look at the televisions and see myself. They must have filmed me at the BlackBall game as I’m dressed as a cheerleader. The headline flashing across the screen is ‘Girlfriend of Prince Calix a spy in league with The Smiley’s’.

  What? I am shocked. Where did this rumour come from? Oh, as if I even need to ask. The King.

  I run to catch a train on the underground to take me to the palace so I can tell Calix. As I walk through the crowds, I realize I’m getting the same hostile glances from people usually too lost in their own dark thoughts to feel such an emotion. I feel frightened, vulnerable to the damage that may be caused by the lies that have been written about me. I don’t know if it’s safe to go near the palace, but I know I’ll definitely feel safer in Calix’s arms than out here surrounded by a mob of my new enemies.

  After exiting the tube, which was packed with eyes ablaze with fury and disgust, I run to the garden of the palace. I have to find Calix, is he disguised so the citizens do not recognize him? As I look around frantically, I feel a light tap on my shoulder and turn around to see my protector in dark glasses.

  “Calix,” I say relieved. I hug him.

  “Hey Seren, are you okay? You seem upset,” he says hugging me tightly.

  I pull away .

  “Oh Calix, it’s terrible. I’m all over the news. All the citizens hate me because they think I’m an agent of The Smiley’s,” I say nearly bursting into tears.

  “Hey, don’t worry Seren. I already know. I’m getting my press team working on damage limitation right now,” he says reassuring me somewhat.

  “Calix, who did this? Your Father?”

  “It seems likely, but I don’t know for certain. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s started a hate campaign against someone he wants to be eliminated from the city.”

  “Oh that so horrible and corrupt. Why can’t he just play fair?”

  “Come on Seren. Let’s not let it spoil tonight. We’ll go up to my room, listen to music and you can chill while I revise,” he smiles.

  “Oh okay Calix, but it’s really spoiled everything. Are you sure it’s wise to enter the palace?” I ask concerned.

  “Sure it is. Hey I’ll even appear on TV and publicly deny all these rumours if it sets your mind at ease,” he says kindly.

  “Oh thank you Calix. But it’s not the publicity but these constant attacks by your father that is getting me down. It never ceases. He’s not going to stop until he’s destroyed me, destroyed us,”

  I say passionately. Calix remains silent but looks equally worried.

  We walk boldly and bravely into the palace holding hands, despite our previous plan to sneak in, refusing to be defeated. We race along corridors I have never been down before, all of them ornate, but as dark and shadowy as the whole palace.

  “What’s the hurry Calix? Don’t tell me that you’re afraid of bumping into your Dad. We should just tell him to back off together,” I say huffily, just wanting to enjoy a peaceful, unspoilt day with Calix for once rather than the constant plans of destruction unleashed on us by The King.

  “No Seren, there’s something exciting I have planned. Come with me,” he says secretly, as though he wants to show me something important, an air of significance lingering in his voice.

  He leads me out into the gardens of the palace. The secluded part at the side, where an elegant black gazebo stands. The moonlight illuminates the grass and the flowers, giving everything a romantic sheen. Calix leads me by gently holding my hand, into the gazebo.

  “Oh this is so enchanting Calix. I think the palace gardens are my favourite place in the whole city,” I say glancing at the deep purple flowers, which make a heart shaped pattern in the ground, perfectly manicured by the most loving gardener.

  “Mine too, especially when you are with me,” he says, holding both my hands as he begins to kneel.

  “Calix, what are you doing?” I ask in shock as he withdraws a little black box from his coat pocket.

  “Seren Loneheart, the only girl I have ever loved, will you marry me?” he asks in total seriousness as he opens the box containing a purple diamond ring which is the same colour as the flowers in the garden.

  “Oh Calix, yes, yes I will,” I say bursting into tears. I am so shocked. I knew Calix and I had a great relationship but this is the last thing I expected.

  He gets up, slipping the ring onto my finger and kisses me.

  “But Calix, what about your Father? He would never allow it,” I say looking deeply into his eyes, feeling amazed, joyful and worried at the same time. The tears keep pouring from the mixture of overwhelming emotion.

  “Dad doesn’t matter when you are with me Seren. Any other girl I would have stopped seeing from the moment he requested it. But not you, you have something special, something I’ve never seen before,” he says kissing me and wiping away my tears at the same time.

  “Hey, why are you crying? Are you disappointed with the ring?” he asks, looking guilty as if it’s his fault that I’m crying.

  “Oh no, its so beautiful Calix, more perfect than anything I could have imagined. Its just shock, and fear of your Father and…”

  “Yes?” he asks when I pause mid sentence.

  “Aren’t we a little young to get married?” I ask voicing my only personal concern.

  “I don’t think so. I know you are the one for me Seren. No other girl could make me feel this way, will ever make me feel this way. You bring a sense of hope, life and yes, happiness to my heart. Life before you was meaningless and empty. I was a broken Prince, but you fixed me.

  Healed me even. Thank you,” he says earnestly.

  “I feel the same about you Calix. Who cares about age when I’ve met the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. But again Calix, back to your Father, he wants you to be the Broken Prince. I don’t think he wants you to be happy,” I say passionately.

  “I know. I need to escape him Seren. Some how, some way,” he says hugging me closely, sounding a little frightened himself now.

  We walk, talk and even dance around the garden for about an hour. Calix twirls me around in the gazebo, bringing back memories of the ball. It’s starting to get cold and yet I experience a calmness and relaxing bliss that I have never felt while being at the palace before. I feel giddy at the prospect of having a ring on my finger. I would feel this way if any man proposed, that the man in question is Calix only amplifies this feeling. It’s like I have entered into another realm, a supernatural existence. The only thing I can liken this feeling to is the timeless happily ever after stories. Yes I feel like Cinderella or Snow White, but that feeling is mixed with the logic that tells me ‘real life is not that simple’. This is a broken city after all, how could I be the only one to find happiness here? But this one moment in the palace garden with my perfect prince asking for my hand in marriage is now sealed in the vault of eternity. Whether or not Calix’s Dad succeeds in ruining all of this, I will always have this moment. This one moment on earth I found peace ,joy, love, beauty. Where time doesn’t exist and limitations are nothing but illusion.

  My walking off into the sunset to everlasting life.

  “But Calix will we announce this to the whole Kingdom or will we have to keep it a secret?” I ask still bewildered as to how Calix could possibly inform the City of the Broken of our engagement without uproar, especially as I’m now considered to be in league with The Smiley’s.

  “Shh Seren, I just don’t know. At this moment it doesn’t matter. Let’s just enjoy being together, the two of us. We’ll have to break it to the world when we’ve set a date for the wedding,” he says smiling at me, looking almost carefree again although with a trace of doubt lingering beneath his eyes as if he doesn’t believe the path to marriage will be a smooth one himself.

  “Baby, I’ll see you tomorrow at school. You make me so happy you know,” he says stroking my hair as I gaze adoringly into his supernova eyes, which sparkle with joy as they never did in the past.

  “You make me so happy too Calix, I feel like you and I were made for one another. You recruited me for my despair, but being with you obliterated that in the process,” I say awe-struck by his ethereal looks.

  “The irony of it,” he says.

  “I know. And to think that your father actually had me convinced that you were a professional heart breaker. Professional life transformer maybe,” I say feeling more connected to him than ever, now our love is sealed with the engagement.

  “You’ve transformed my life too. You’ll never know what a wreck I had become before I met you. I fulfilled the brief of the city- broken, despairing, longing for what I didn’t know. My father had almost put a chain around my heart. Feelings, love and joy, were things that were not allowed, frowned upon, abnormal. You made everything seem so natural. Falling in love with you wasn’t perverse or horrid, as Dad had made it seem. I felt I was living in the dark ,only you turned on the light Seren, Thank you,” he says staring into my eyes, reaching into the depths of my heart in his almost tragic confession.

  I feel a tear slowly sliding down my cheek.

  “Oh Calix. I feel so sad for you,” I say hugging him.

  “Seren don’t be sad. My life has only just begun since I have met you. Feel happy now that I have finally found happiness,” he says clinging to me tightly.

  As we embrace, I am aware that a light has appeared in the doorway that leads to the palace. Calix and I are illuminated, a spotlight on us. We let each other go and look towards the door to enquire of the source of this curious unidentified beam.

  The King is standing in the doorway. I never saw a more deadly stare.

  “Your Majesty,” I say in shock, still holding on to Calix’s arm.

  “Father,” says Calix in a tone identical to mine.

  The King says nothing, but continues to stand there like a statue. The only clue to his being alive, the reptilian fixed glare in his eyes

  “And what is this?” he says finally, coldly, with an undertone of disgust.

  “You can see perfectly well Father. It is me and the girl I love who you tried to prevent me from seeing,” replies Calix with a quiver of fear in his voice.

  “A parade of passion. A lowly, unintelligent display of emotion,” replies the King standing there with his poison stare, perfectly still, almost robotic.

  “No Father. True love and nothing else,” says Calix more boldly and fiercer this time.

  “Hmm,” says the King in a dismissive, unimpressed tone.

  “You jeopardize all I have worked for Calix. You put in danger your own crown. You will destroy this city, all for a girl who you will fall out of love with as quickly as you fell into it.

  The trap of death. Love and passion Calix are temporary states that bring the great and the good to the lowest in society,” says the King in a fit of rage.

  “That not true. I love Seren and always will. The city will not suffer. It means a lot to me as well,” says Calix.

  “You were a brilliant and dedicated prince, Calix. Since you have met this girl your sense of duty has lapsed, you cannot deny it. As for the city, by loving and embracing happiness you defy the very core of the values the city was built on. You marry her and the City of the Broken will cease to exist. The citizens will follow your lead, and we will become as every other undistinguishable city on the earth. Our identity and uniqueness will be lost,” says the King slowly stepping towards us.

  Amazingly I understand that he does have a point. He has yet again worked his way with words on me. His is so persuasive, only this time he isn’t lying. I can see it myself. If the citizens see the example of the Prince and his new bride embracing happiness and excitement, they will follow suit. And how can this be the City of the Broken, if its citizens are no longer this themselves? It would never again be this eerie yet spectacular place with a way of life so different. But the same as everywhere else. Normal. I actually shudder to think of it myself, for as morbid as it is, it’s also the most amazing and atmospheric city ever. It deserves to have its identity preserved.

  “Calix he’s right. We can’t do this. The city would be ruined,” I say.

  “Seren? What, are you crazy? Surely you haven’t been duped by my Dad again. Didn’t you learn your lesson last time?” he asks bewildered as the King looks on triumphant at the blow delivered by his unexpected ally.

  “No. This is different. The citizens will copy you, us. They will see you are happy and want to be happy too. You are the Prince of the Broken. If you are telling everyone it’s better to be glad, then they’ll believe you. Without broken citizens, there will be no city as we know it. Just regular life like everywhere else,” I say mournfully.

  “Is that really so bad?” Calix asks. And then I get it. He’s had enough of the city. He wants normality. The queuing, the school. It all makes sense.

  “You astonish me Calix. After how I trained you, the values I instilled in you. You have betrayed me and the city. How can I ever depend on you as an heir?” asks the King horrified.

  “You made me live such a miserable life, just for this City. You broke me to rule.”

  “I instilled in you values of truth Calix. If you don’t voluntarily submit yourself to despair, life will forcibly submit you to it. I can see nothing stronger, no shield of armour a better defence than that of melancholy. Be happy my son, be happy. But I promise you Calix, life will destroy it-your heart will be broken. I need not do anything. Reality will teach you better than I. You can keep yourself powerful by willingly living your life in a permanent state of unhappiness.

  You cannot break a heart than never believed in love,” says the King.

  And I can actually see for the first time his reasoning .He keeps up a life of misery, depression ,a life devoid of love to stop himself from getting hurt. His wife died, this destroyed him. So he built huge barriers to prevent his heart ever being broken again. As he said, ‘you cannot break a heart that doesn’t believe in love’. It’s the ultimate power to be without emotion. You simply cannot get hurt. What hope can be dashed if you have no hope?

  “I’m sorry Father. It’s no use. I disagree with your life philosophy. I think love is more powerful than misery. I can still be a dedicated Prince as well as husband.”

  “If you marry that girl Calix and yes I saw you produce a ring, the city will be no more The City of the Broken. The City of the Soppy, The City of those who found Temporary Happiness(for happiness is not a permanent emotion) maybe. But you will take our values, traditions, our colour scheme. Joy doesn’t favour the mysterious shade of black. Pastels galore. You will take my City that I dedicated my whole life to. That I worked tirelessly perfecting. That I raised you to rule over. How you have failed me,” he says and I see Calix look to the floor, hurt, disappointed in himself.

  “Choose Calix. I have banned that girl from my palace ,as of now. If she enters again, the repercussions will be serious. I will not have my palace used for such purposes as romance and passion. You dishonour yourself with such childish frolicking,” remarks The King with disdain.

  “I choose you. I will always choose you,” says Calix turning to me, holding both my hands.

  “But Calix. He’s right. Maybe it’s a little selfish to choose our relationship over the city. The values its based on will not hold up. You can’t recruit broken citizens will a smile on your face,” I say concerned.

  “Oh why do you always listen to my father Seren? We can make this work. Trust me. We can compromise. Maybe the city doesn’t have to completely change. We can add a little more

colour, a little more joy, but still embrace the freedom in choosing to be depressed when you want to be,” he says enthusiastically. “Hmm…City of the sometimes Broken, maybe you’re on to something,” I say.

  We walk out of the garden and I depart from the palace.

  “Hey don’t let Dad’s outburst ruin our night. We’re engaged,” he says smiling excitedly .

  “Oh I know, I cannot believe it. I think this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me ,minus the father drama,” I say.