The Conquered by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 4








9 days after the meeting of the Caspear a female Sen. from Vexus was raped and then brutally murdered by a Talz diplomat (in front of her small child Anbo no less). Esic Lester-a Talz diplomat-fled to Membra causing the people of Vexus to scream for justice. When justice wasn't granted by Dramkick (who refused to release Esic into the care of the Vexus police for some reason) a Vexidian general stole a battleship and attacked the Talz capital of Altan. The Aovaba war started 37 days exactly after Dramkick decreed it would.


The Talz retaliated with an all out assault on the planet of Vexus-killing 600,000 the first 2 days alone. The Pavre-the Vexidian art Museum-had all of its priceless works of art removed only minutes before it was laid to waste (this was done oddly enough and timely enough by Benbre Vield Pas).


A bombing campaign by the Vexidian Army destroyed every castle in the hills of Orne except for Dramkick Château Gadileap. Nor was his villa lay siege to on a similar bombing run in the wine region of Pisl (much to Dramkick's surprise is what told the populous). A month into the Aovaba war, found Dramkick boarding the Debrist Morou for a trip to the front lines. He needed to gage his Vor Me and their readiness to fight (and also to feel the rush of a battlefield again).


"If it isn't here then I don't want it! Clear off that table and bring me the Smaus WITH VIGOR!!" Dramkick shouted as he kicked a crew member in the butt and slid into his captain's chair-which was in the rear the war room.


The war room is exactly 30' x 50' and oval in shape. Its walls are covered with computer screens and control panels, as well as a painting of Emasip, Dramkick, and Snatsy Reign-Dramkick's late mother. The image of the Reign family sits beside an enormous monitor.


Snatsy had fallen from the crest of Mt. Calby accidentally after a long day of climbing with Emasip- this happened when Dramkick was in his military conditioning term at Vonkf. When he found out he punched through the Dean's passenger door hitting his wife in the leg.


The Vonkef is a brutal training facility that every boy of 15 is forced to attend for 3 years-as per the government's request. How o I do this was the first day, how can I do this was the 50th, but a soldier on the 100th day by God had better be saying I'll always do this.


There is a large captain's chair in the center and 2 smaller chairs in front of it. The painting near the captain's chair depicts Emasip and Snatsy locked in a kiss, while Dramkick has his arms around them. Snatsy was a handsome woman of Talz descent. Who had grayish shortly cut blue hair with a ponytail the top. She was blessed with "Take no prisoner eyes" that were bright green. Her thick upper lip overpowered her thin lower lip. Her figure was womanly and very curvaceous. She also had large powerful hands and wide feet.


"Quadromolan, the Smaus is here just as you requested," Lieutenant Gigg Jeaf answered nervously as he placed the Smaus on the table.


Lieutenant Gigg Jeaf is a thin 5'9" and extremely muscular, yet he has a thin frame. His eyes are grey in the retina and have the words, "to trample," written in a star shape inside them hundreds of times. His fingers are long and thin, but his thumbs are short and very wide-after an incident at a chemical plant his fingernails were a crazed red ever since. His nose looks like a catcher's mitt in that it turns inward creating a pocket. He is wearing a grey and orange long sleeved shirt that has Dramkick's family crest on it-of a half skull being held up by 50 silver bayonets. His many accommodations are on the back stitched in rows of 5 perfect squares. He is a busy boy and Dramkick has noticed. Dramkick thinks Gigg could run the empire in the future.


"Finally, I needed this undeniably now," Dramkick said fiercely as he stared at the Smaus standing on the plate in his lap.


A Smaus is a 19 inch tall sentient being indigenous to Membra. The Smaus have the ability to lock eyes with someone for a matter of seconds and then free their minds of: anger, worry, stress, and self pity-they use yellow lasers made of endorphins. Their heads are twice the size of their entire body. And they have gigantic eyes that stretch across the front half of their heads. Their eyes appear to always be a moment away from crying, yet they never shed a single tear. It is known as the Smaus careless stare by the Talz. They have tiny cat like noses that are black in color and tiny mouths with only 8 crooked teeth combined. They also have a tuft of thin black hair on top of their heads and a few strands dangling from their chins. They possess square ears that have a green hue to them. Their skin is dark blue with tiny red spots. Their arms and legs are very thin with their hands and feet being very large proportionately. They all wear gold skin tight necklaces around their waists with their specialty engraved on it (like pity or shame for example).


"How far do we need to go, Quadromolan?" Smaus asked as she gazed up at Dramkick.


"It's worse than before, I require a new perspective and please be bold," Dramkick said plainly as he locked eyes with the Smaus.


The 2 stared at each other for a moment and then a yellow laser beam came out of the Smaus's eyes. It hit Dramkick in the center of his brow and eyes causing him to lean back slightly.


"That's it, that is always it!" Dramkick exclaimed as a smile crept across his face. "My mind is no longer cloudy and the tension is slowly evaporating. Yes yes, it is exquisite you're cleansing my palate of fear and shame and most of all worry. Yes, Smaus, I am free again," Dramkick said slowly and then he let out a long sigh as he relaxed his shoulders.


"We've all had pain, we are more than our pain," Smaus said warmly as he continued to look at Dramkick. "Great things can and will be yours, Quadromolan, it is not by chance but by destiny," Smaus said warmly as she stared at Dramkick and waved her hands gently from side to side.


"You were born a miracle, Smaus, all of you were," Dramkick said happily as if the words brought him joy to say them. Dramkick continued, "God gave you a calling, an amazing gift he hee hee. I feel it now, the euphoria high in my shoulders washing over me he hee. Okay, Smaus, I feel great…ease away, our session is over," Dramkick said joyously as he pressed his right hand on his chest and rubbed the Smaus's shoulder gently.


"As you wish, Quadromolan, we emptied out a month's worth of unwanted emotions. I think we should not wait so long for our next session together," Smaus said anxiously as she stopped the laser beam and gave Dramkick's head a quick rub.


"I believe you are right, but I have other commitments that are unavoidable," Dramkick assured as his eyes glazed over. "Yes yes we must okay. Then we will meet in a short while and I will make a point of it," Dramkick said with a slight smile as he stretched his neck.


"If it suits you," Smaus said as she laid flat on her back and closed her eyes.


Lieutenant Gigg took her from the room and returned a minute later with a glass of warm Wams.


Wams is a milk-like substance taken from the breast of the Polkaba bird. The bird is a 2 headed land dweller that looks like a squirrel in the face. It has 4 large red teeth that pop out the sides of his mouth. It also has 3 large pink breasts and one very small wing on its left side. It's feet are like chicken nuggets in that they are gold in color and have hardly a hint of a toe.


"Wams, this is all a man should require for sustenance," Dramkick boasted as he danced with that glass of Wams. Dramkick shrugged and then said, "Fills the heart with wonderment and purpose. What distance are we from the illusive Vor Me, Lieutenant?" Dramkick asked as he slowly sipped the Wams.


"We're nearing the war zone presently, Quadromolan. Only a peek over the ridge and we will be there," Gigg said confidently as he sat down in his chair-it faced a large monitor in front of Dramkick.


"Righteous!" Dramkick shuffled his feet and his eyes perked up. "Let's see their valor, their pure vicious hearts in action! I hope they don't dishonor me or it would be their undoing for certain," Dramkick said boldly as he shifted in his chair like a lion in its pen.


The Debrist Morou came over the large stone covered peak with a smooth power. Below them they could see hundreds of thousands of Vor Me and Vexidian soldiers engaged in a fierce battle-it was taking place in a large green grass field. It sat between 2 hilltops with several large trees at the far end. Dramkick saw the Rota hover tanks blasting holes in the Vexidian squadrons and bristled.


The Rota tanks are 100' x 70' and shaped like a large flashlight. They each have 20 foot cannons where the front of a normal tank would be. They are dark red in color with the cannon painted seal black. The tank commanders control the Rota in a trio of seats hanging off the back of it-that are encased in 16 inch bulletproof steel and known as the Living Grave. The Rota use anti-gravity thrusts to propel them up and forward. In the front above the cannon is a lone gunner who has total discretion to fire at will-these men are known as the Leavum and are protected by a 30 inch thick see through polymer. They did have the last resort of an escape capsule (but few ever used it). These soldiers are known as Hell's Lunatics by the Vor Me.


The Flattener Flee is a giant circular ship that they use to crush large numbers of troops in one swift crash to the ground. It is over a half mile long as well as a half mile wide. The Flattener Flee is similar to a hamburger patty only it is made of solid iron and spikes. It has large windows on its belly so the skeleton crew of only 5 can line up the attack with precision. The Flattener Flees are covered in green spackle and thousands of multi color lights. It also has the Reign family crest adorned on its roof in gold and silver.


The Vor Me themselves are equipped with Trask 11 assault rifles-which can blast through solid metal with quick laser bursts and also anyone in their path. The Trask 11 is grey in color with white markings of its production number on the side. It has a 3 foot barrel and lightning fast trigger that is also black in color. The Trask 11 has an air suction device called the Wheezy, that can create a pocket in front of the weapon where there is absolutely no breathable air to speak of. The Wheezy sits affixed to the front of the gun barrel and is only 6 inches around and 12 inches long. It is rectangular in shape with a blue orb on top of it that pulses red when fired.


Dramkick's watched greedily as his Vor Me battalions devastated the Vexidian soldiers on the battlefield.


"The Vor Me look stunning. They are rare vintage this crop," Dramkick said snidely as he watched a Vor Me behead a Vexidian soldier and then he said gleefully, "Oh yes they are delightful to watch. Such valor and ruthlessness, it makes my heart sing sad tunes with a touch of hope. Lieutenant Gigg, I'm desperate to see the new Flattener Flees. Please fly us in close so as to not miss their TRUE POWER!"


"Most assuredly, Quadromolan, there are 17 in action on this battlefield. There should be one beyond those trees," Gigg said happily as he typed in the coordinates with one hand and tapped his temple with the other.


They cleared the tree tops and saw a fierce ground battle taking place on a gradually sloping valley. There were Rotas blasting away at the Vexidian tanks and small aircraft. A good 50,000 Vor Me and Vexidian soldiers engaged in a bloody battle. A pair of Flattener Flees circled overhead. Then all of a sudden one fell sharply to the ground crushing 30,000 Vexidian shoulders who were in the holding area.


"That's what I came here to see!" Dramkick thundered as his feet subconsciously kicked the floor. "Now that's progress, the sheer beauty and mercy of such a device. It thrills my soul and lights my burning heart anew," Dramkick said boldly as he stood up and walked closer to the monitor and then asked, "And what is that one doing?"


"That one is engaging the target by swooping in several times until the enemy fails to scatter," Gigg said calmly as he watched the Flattener Flee drop and then rise several times then he continued, "Now she's got her target!"


The Flattener Flee dropped suddenly and gave Dramkick the feeling of an impending car crash. It dropped so fast the Vexidian troops could not scatter or escape leveling 25,000. Dramkick suddenly smiled and said snidely, "These Vexidian soldiers are an embarrassment. How dare they take the battlefield! These troops are nothing more than walking caskets. There is a stench of incompetence filling my nostrils. Where is my Praem tube? I detest weakness and these are not men, they are nothing!"


Lieutenant Gigg handed Dramkick a Praem tube and Dramkick poured into his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.


"Is it to your liking, Quadromolan?" Gigg asked as his left pinky twitched from adrenaline.


"Fine, Gigg, fine enough for a swing by Benbre Vield Pas' Lakeside home. I must thank him for this glorious battlefield and get his true feelings on the of Aovaba war," Dramkick said as he plopped down in his captain's chair.


The Praem kicked in and once Dramkick was inside Twosqu he started sending mental images to the Danbridgo. Dramkick told them to dance and sing as he watched in total unbridled happiness. He ordered them to build a human pyramid and as they did he burst into laughter. It was a laughter seldom heard by others. He watched as the final Danbridgo climbed to the top of the pyramid, raised his right hand, and lifted his chin triumphantly. This caused Dramkick to keel over in laughter and then whispered, "Danbridgo can raise the impossible smile in me."


"In all of us!" said Gigg with confidence (which had started to rise) then sank back down again. He sucked helplessly on the Praem tube for help.


"Yes, Gigg, this much a man can deduce, but their gift is without explanation," Dramkick said quietly as he watched Danbridgo doing flips off each other's backs.


Several minutes evaporated and they arrived at Vield's lakeside home and landed along the side of the house. It is a beautiful and vast red brick home that has two 100 foot high towers on either side. There are 50 or so round windows wrapped around the towers like railroad tracks. In the middle, there is a 70 foot high white crystal dome with Vield's smiling face adorned on it. There is a small deck on the peak with 2 wooden chairs and a black 3 legged table-in the shape of a Z-in between them. Clinging to the base of the tower there are several thick brown leaf bushes and a series of Baimes statues.


Baimes is a beloved figure among children has a week each year in celebration of his birth and remembrance of his passing. Baimes was a child prodigy painter who could paint anyone or anything in perfect detail with only a glance. His works were celebrated as masterpieces (while he was still alive) and considered priceless artifacts. He once painted 154 people in perfect detail after only one seconds worth of seeing them. He also happened to be a brilliant musician and master of Maovick-Maovick is a musical device that produces sound from a person's brain waves. The Maovick is black in color and the size of a pack of cigarettes. It is completely smooth and rounded. It has the capacity to produce over 1 million musical notes and endless vibrato. It also has the ability to turn sounds only animals can hear into actual music. Baimes was known to lay on the roof of his home completely naked at night and hum endlessly in search of the perfect melody. He died as the result of a slip one evening from that very roof. Baimes had square red curls that covered his head like an umbrella. His eyes were silver in color and lacked even a hint of emotion. He stood 5'8" tall and weighed 159 pounds with large forearms and bulbous calves. His nose was his defining feature because of the fact it had a 3rd nostril in the center. It literally allowed people to see through to the back of his throat (and it scared children). It gave him the ability to produce certain tones as he sang that no one had ever heard before.


"Ah Vield, it will be extraordinary to share breaths again with dear Vield. I hope we find him in good cheer, well…I think we shall," Dramkick said softly as he checked his sweater in the mirror for tears.


"I'm sure of it, Quadromolan," Gigg said brightly as he hesitated slightly to lead the way out of the Debrist Morou.


"As am I."


Once they were clear of the Debrist Morou a large opening appeared in the front of the crystal dome. Vield came walking out with a pair of crystal glasses in one hand and a bottle of Touc wine in the other.


Touc is made from 10,000 year old preserved grapes. It has exceptional body, density, and flavor.


Vield is wearing a flowing white robe and a square black cap that has an array of flashing lights on it from front to back. On his feet he is wearing his black slippers-they have the Benbre insignia on each.


"Dramkick, I pray you haven't eaten and your thirst needs quenching. Because I have a bottle of Touc. And yes it is chilled," Vield spoke softly as he walked up to Dramkick and Gigg.


"Vield, you embrace with one hand and tempt with the other," Dramkick replied warmly as his body language said nothing at all to Vield. "I can't remember my last bottle of Touc, must have been…the devastation conference yes, that was it," said Dramkick as he gave Vield an embrace.


"I remember that conference and I remember you drinking 2 bottle of Touc if memory serves me well," Vield replied slyly as he handed Dramkick a glass.


"He Hee one invariably leads to 2 and as it should be he hee hee," Dramkick joked as his hand stroked his hair. "You have a fine home here, Vield, it suits your many palates," Dramkick said as he watched Vield pour the Touc.


"Thank you, Dramkick, it thrills my senses and allows me to dream anew," Vield said as he looked at his home and then asked, "And who might you be?"


"Lieutenant Gigg Jeffs I'm the Quadromolan's liaison on this mission. It's an honor to meet you, Benbre Pas," Gigg answered politely and then bowed.


Vield looked at Gigg bowing and then looked at Dramkick and said as he grinned, "You're in good hands, Dramkick. I won't worry about you any further."


"Nor I you," Dramkick said quickly and then he took a drink and continued, "Well let's see this glorious wonder of a home. My hope is that you've gotten around to finishing it, for my back needs a respite."


Vield smiled and then said politely, "Follow me and find out."


Dramkick and Gigg followed Vield up the stone pathway and through the opening into the crystal dome. Inside, there was a brief hallway lined with living pictures of Vield-they recounted his many triumphs like his victory at Percuk in the Zaco Au war. That was where he lead an array of Rota tank assaults. On the left wall there is also a living portrait of his late wife Bacos on the day they each had each other's name imprinted on their DNA. The hallway ceiling has a series of blue lights that move from one side to the other and then disappear into the wall.


Dramkick took a deep breath and entered the living room. He prayed it wasn't tacky. The living room has a 30 foot ceiling with a collage of images painted on it reminiscent of the Sistine Chapel. There is a portrait of Dramkick with his late father in opposite facing thrones. There is a picture of 2 Wees thrashing their heads together violently (Vield's hobbies included violence and drugs. And lots of both.)


The Wees resemble a ram like animal with 3 sets of spiral horns that stick out on either side of its head. They also have 5 legs, 2 per side, with an extra one in the middle. There are also several paintings of Vield's 2 sons Kraleb and Drench throughout their childhood. Affixed to the top of the ceiling in the center, is the Caspear seal displayed prominently (Vield knew that would catch Dramkick's eye.)


The 2 fountains on either side of the room have red water running upwards and downwards. They travel through a series of glowing green and red levels into pools of fire. The centerpiece of the room is a 10 person black reclining sofa that has foldout computer keyboards, monitors, and built in refrigerators extending out from the left wall. There is also a yellow energy coat rack (known as a smelly Rimto for obvious reasons) that has an assortment of unwashed formal and casual jackets hanging from it. One of which being a seal black jacket with red pinstripes and a turn up collar (Vield's favorite.) Not to mention his purple dinner jacket and his favorite silk white scarf. There are massage robots, known as H.M.R., waiting to the side of the room like nervous children at a middle school dance. The H.M.R. are silver with beige eyes and look slightly human all said-except for a hole in their stomachs that has a crystal bottle of Brandy and 5 square shaped shot glasses inside. Vield knew Dramkick didn't like robots and could destroy the H.M.R. in an instant, he thought. Behind the H.M.R. there is a collection of massage tools on a white partition.


The living room consists of several levels with small staircases leading up or down to each of them-with a bed on one level and a bath on another. There is a hologram projector on another still. The Pressin walls-which you attach your hands to and they can move your hands in accordance to your specified workout routine-look like a fiery inferno to impress Dramkick. On the last level there is Vield's Heibu room-which is a place where if you were under attack or a natural disaster hit you could be totally safe inside a powerful force field generator-all of the Benbres had their own Heibu inside their residences (as did Dramkick). Vield's Heibu is lavish: it has a sitting room with 4 leather chairs, a blue marble table, an oil painting by Baimes of the river Zie, a pure platinum statue of a sword in a naked woman's mouth with diamond eyes, and a 17 inch thick glass safe filled was Vexidian currency for all to see (not to mention Vield's prized stuffed Ditt.)


The Ditt is a bulbous fish with gold eyes and a tiny 1 inch mouth. It has a giant round belly with orange scales and a 1 foot fin attached to its nose.


There is also an elongated window that overlooks Lake Unanu, with a long bed beneath it that has several white pillows and blankets on top. Beside it there is a 3 level nightstand with the Paniflu, a good cigar, and notepad with his errands for the day on it-that included a swim in Lake Unanu and a laughter session at dusk.


"You've outdone us all, Vield, this home is truly stunning," Dramkick said as he looked around the living room. Dramkick enjoyed Vield's indulgences more than he let on. He kept his Benbres fat and happy.


"That's a fine thing to say, Dramkick," Vield gushed as he brushed off his hands on the side of his shirt and continued, "I have something here want to show you, I got on a trip to the Messi system," Vield said happily as he pulled out a round black box-with the word Tonyx written on it in gold letters-and handed it to Dramkick.


"What have you got here?" Dramkick asked slyly as he opened the box revealing 3 perfectly smooth black stones with a smooth white push button on each.


"Take one out and press the button, and see something wonderful."


Dramkick pulled out the center stone and held it in hi