The Elf & Huntress by J. L. Lawson - HTML preview

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How can you prove whether at this moment we are sleeping, and all our thoughts are a dream; or whether we are awake, and talking to one another in the waking state? 




One day slipped into another almost without the company realizing it. The Elf, under the unseen tutelage of her integrally unified mentors, amazed her friends with one astounding new ability after another. Those twelve days or so en route to the Corona Zed system to wait on the arrival of the Huntress's prey flew passed and were over. The company of the Huntress had witnessed with their own eyes only a hint of their Master's new talents. 

“Please let someone know before you go outside to sit in front of the view screen! I've nearly peed myself twice taking the bridge only to look up there and suddenly see the back of you!” Dena chided her Captain before she'd censored her thoughts, they were just there in her mouth. “Uh, I mean...” 

The Elf smiled warmly. “I shall be more considerate from now on, dearest. I am sorry to have unsettled you.” 

“Speaking of being 'unsettled',” Senta and Song grinned, “do you really have to have been somewhere before, to be able to just 'pop' there if you want to?!” 

The Elf was nodding. “I have a lot more to learn yet, but for the present: yes, just like our own ship's relatively short bounces, I have to have been there before. But, if you think about it, I've been to more places across the Alliance than several people put together.” 

Isin announced, “Coming out of wrinkle just within the orbit of Corona Zed gamma.” 

“All stop,” the Elf commanded. “Now then, we have another week or so before the first of the renegade phalanx reaches us---not enough time to visit Tenrith and get back here, but plenty of time to set our snares for any other vessels that may rendezvous with them here. So here's what I propose...” They had been coached on this scenario over the recent days, but the twist the Elf included now was inspired.  

Dena mused aloud, “Too bad we didn't have your birthday party before Operation Cockroach...” 

Ravena cooed, “Then all Pim's hard work would have been superfluous.” 

Pim shrugged, “Would've been worth the show, though.” 

“Captain?” Reia asked, “Does that thing you can do with your appearance? Can you become anybody?” 

“It helps if I can have physically touched them before,” the Elf replied smoothly, “But yep.” 

Song asked quickly, “Even a man?” the Elf nodded. 

Senta mumbled, “Why don't y'all just ask her to do some tricks or something?!” and her voice got louder, “By the Flame! She's not a sideshow magician or something---she's practically a deity!” 

The Elf turned in her chair to face the science station. “Sister dear, you are correct, but it really is going to take some adjustment for all of us. In the meantime, I appreciate the questions. For one thing, I don't know all of what I can actually do. The guardians are immaculate teachers, but I have to ask the right question, the right way, to get the answers I want. And secondly, that y'all aren't fawning, bowing and scraping before me is precisely how we began this voyage to begin with, remember? No special treatment?” 

Senta nodded. “Yes, I do remember, vividly. However, on that subject, I suppose you might like to amend the cautions against having your identity revealed inadvertently... I mean now that you're indestructible and... how did you phrase it? 'Virtually' immortal.” 

Pim had to know, “Yeah! Why 'virtually'? I would think either you are or you aren't.” 

“I am.” The Elf let that linger a moment. “And my sister is correct, the Matriarch shall have her Heir, so the protocols we agreed upon at the outset of our contract are lifted.” 

“Indestructible?” Ravena shook her head, “Nothing is indestructible.” 

“Nothing in your experience,” the Elf corrected, “and that is as accurate as I can be. Just in the last week I have walked around outside this ship---in wrinkle and out---and been hit by more space lightning than a girl should think even naturally occurs---with nothing other than a bit of singed fur. I heal almost instantaneously; my vital organs have back-ups, my skin is impenetrable except by my own hand. What part of 'indestructible' don't you think applies?” 

Ravena shrugged, “No offense meant. I just haven't wrapped my head around the fact that there are such entities---in reality; not fairy tales---that are as far above us,” and she waved a hand to the bridge officers around them, “as we are to the plants in my garden!” 

“Actually,” Elenir had just entered the bridge and caught the gist of the dialog. “I find it immensely comforting! And that our Elf is just the sort of individual these lofty entities want in their club---that is beyond satisfying. It's like being vindicated in one's faith.” She looked to the Elf, “I can't help but face the apparent fact that that Tear wasn't just left under its guardianship yesterday or last season. It's been sitting, waiting for the right candidate---the properly prepared and developed individual---perhaps from time out of memory. Or so it appears under pretty strong evidence.” 

Isin chuckled, “I hope I get to see the Hus-a-goof's face when he gets to the end of his quest and realizes that he actually had the treasure in his hands but that it is his nemesis who is the embodiment of that treasure---that all his efforts were as futile as...” 

“...As wondering just how futile that is, perhaps?” Elenir tsked.  

Dena asked, “Do you think then that the Illian field was the result of a really pissed off Enthilesté?” 

“It was three of them, actually;” the Elf replied assuredly. “Though the destruction wasn't in the Illian system at all; it took place around Elenessa. The debris that couldn't be 'recycled' as it were, was removed to the asteroid belts of that system and then what still couldn't be situated there and balanced, was removed to the Illian system's asteroid belts, where it could be balanced.” 

That's why we didn't find any weapons residues other than from the Naud themselves!” Pim clapped the panel in front of her---finally solutions to a few of the mysteries behind them were being revealed. 

Elenir asked cautiously, “And those extra moons? The little ones that shouldn't have been there around Elenessa? Were those gifts of these Enthilesté also?” 

The Elf slowly shook her head. “A gift of the Tahoe, actually. Useful to the Enthilesté who purged that system, but put there by the Captain of the Tahoe. And that is just a matter of Guild record---classified records...” She spun around to Dena, “You could request a search of those records if our Elenir is unconvinced.” 

“Oh no, Captain!” Elenir erupted, “If you say it is so---it is.” 

Ravena smiled, “The Tahoe. Fond memories of that visitor to Lascor...” 

The others around the bridge were all ears. “You met the people of the Tahoe, personally?!” Jista exclaimed. “I was only a babe in arms when they visited the Islands.” 

One by one, the company shared what direct experiences they'd had, if any. Mostly it was the indirect experiences that dominated the conversation. It had been the Tahoe that had opened up new vistas of trade, added new members to the Alliance, opened the frontier even further, and inspired the succeeding generations toward a greatness that hadn't beckoned them before there was a Tahoe. 

“And back to the task at hand...” the Elf drew their reminiscences to a close. “Are we clear about this? We may be invisible, but a stray plasma blast at the wrong moment will still cause as much damage as if we were sitting ducks.” 

“Clear!” her officers agreed. 

There was time for the Huntress and her two yachts to perform a most thorough survey of the Corona Zed system, as well as the neighboring system not two light-years---four days---away. The evidence of Naud visitation was everywhere in the two systems: moons and planets carelessly mined, automated refineries left here and there to rust and decay on the otherwise nicest real estate, having already clotted the atmospheres and generally made a mess of those worlds and their systems. For her own part, the Elf, under the careful instruction of the Guardians, was taught how to manipulate the forces within herself, the planets and parent stars, to restore balance as much as was possible for her as a novice trainee. To her gaping crew mates her activities were nothing short of the miraculous, and they said so. 

“Honestly Captain,” Senta was summing it up for them all, “It was one thing to know you were this awesomely capable person---who even impressed the Matriarch to the degree that she made the ultimate choice for...” 

The Elf was listening, but even still, it was a moment before she realized that Senta had stopped mid-sentence. She looked up from her chair arm monitor to see that Senta's mouth was frozen forming her next word. In fact as she looked around her bridge, each person was stopped in the midst of a side conversation, or movement, or like Dena: crossing the bridge with only one foot on the floor and her weight already carrying forward---no one could balance like that! 

“Permission to come aboard.” Someone was hailing, but it hadn't come through the com system; this was directly to her thoughts. The Elf looked up at the main viewer and there, standing and making a little wave of her hand was the most resplendently beautiful woman she had ever seen---and she was Enthilesté! She looked just like what the Elf had become in transformation. 

“Uh...” the Elf responded quickly. 

The person on the other side of the viewer chuckled, “Cat got your tongue?” She stepped directly through the screen and onto the bridge. “I'll take that as a qualified: permission granted.” The 'guest' glanced around the bridge. “Not to worry; they are just captured in the moment; there is nothing wrong with them in the least. I just needed a little audience with you without interruption.” 

The Elf nodded. She heard all the words, but this was well outside anything she'd encountered or envisioned. Summoning her poise, she cleared her throat. “Yes, do come aboard... um..” 

“Excuse me!” the stranger crossed to stand right in front of the Elf. “Introductions. Most people call me GingerKat; and as you can see, I am Enthilesté, just like you. What you likely cannot perceive as yet even with your extraordinary development is that I also am First Water.” 

The Elf blinked hard. The 'GingerKat' was still standing in front of her smiling genially. “And I am Tera Inghean...” 

GingerKat interrupted, “...Elphinstone Emiclairsenne Tei I, born in the highlands, adopted daughter of the Matriarch of Lascor---and her chosen Heir---onetime captive of the Naud, and now pre-eminent Contractor of the Lascorii Selective Service renowned across the Alliance as: the Elf. Of course now you are also: First Water, and it is about that little addition to your resumé I have come to have a little chat.” 

“I don't... I mean I haven't met...” the Elf sputtered. 

GingerKat chuckled again and raised a hand out to the Elf, who responded in kind. As their hands touched, they were suddenly not on the bridge of the Huntress. The Elf looked around her, surprised at herself that she wasn't the least bit disturbed that she'd essentially been kidnapped from her own bridge. “Where...” 

“This is the Enthilesté Temple on Sheranara---Beloved of the Enthilé and Enthilesté in the Sixth Orchard: the Orion Spur.” GingerKat walked over to the dais in the center of the vast hall, sat down and patted the platform next to her. “Do come and have a seat, we need to have some girl-talk...” 

The Elf walked as confidently as she could manage, to do just that. As she crossed the space between them she made note of her surroundings. It wasn't so much that time was standing still here also, it was---a few leaves hung in the air just inside the tall latticed windows, a small bird was arrested in mid-flight, even the dust that would otherwise be swirling in the rays of the sunlight were merely sparkling in place. What captured her attention was the illumined tracery of writing around the capitol in the hall---she could actually read it! 

“Yes. About that;” GingerKat began, “Our little guardians have begun your training in a most excellent fashion and are to be commended. However there are aspects of your existence that only an individual with the proper experience can elucidate for you.” 

“You are the GingerKat. Aren't you.” The Elf formed that as a statement. “The GingerKat that led the Tahoe from Selena to Rutin, and out into the Alliance. The GingerKat that rumor suggests became immortal... that single-handedly removed the Naradin horde from the Spur... That...” 

GingerKat smiled, held up her hand and nodded. “In one. As long as we are getting to know one another, let me fill in some gaps for you. The Star of Elhehrim, the crystalized tears which we left for you to find...” 

The Elf gasped. GingerKat cautioned her to just listen with a slight movement of her eyes. “...But you were captured by the Naud on that very planet---Tenrith---you won't have remembered that was where you were at the time; so caught up in your surveying assignment and all. Anyway, we had hoped you would at least acquire it then, but that was not to be. Mim and Yula took it pretty hard that they were unable to prevent your capture---after having you right there and in their company. They really are pre-eminent guardians, but having failed to effectively protect you, and then to also lose the Tears... Well it took a lot of consoling for them to get back in the swing of things, you might say.”  

She saw the expression of incredulity on the Elf's face and heard clearly the raging thoughts pouring through her mind. “...It has caused us not a little re-evaluation of our intentions before that 'stone' finally came back into your possession. You know, you did hold it once, hence Mim and Yula's deep depression after your capture.” She prodded, “That ruined temple your Gorim guides took you to on your visit to that out-of-the-way little planet. You remember that much?” The Elf nodded slowly; that was just what she had begun to recall dimly as well. That was the last memory she had before the shadow of that Naud Cruiser blotted out the sky above them and they were snatched up like so many sheep for shearing... She shuddered involuntarily. 

“Anyway,” GingerKat continued, “At the time, I was relatively new to this,” she waved a hand to take in her entire self and the Elf's physical form as well. “And Sire Alviss assured me that you would come out of the experience even stronger, and far more prepared.” She sighed, “He was right, of course... That's the short and the long of that. Let's discuss the present. But before we begin in earnest, have you any lingering questions?” 

That set off a cascade in the Elf's mind. She just didn't know where to start. “Shepherd-Gardeners of planets...” was all that came out at first. GingerKat nodded and waited. “First Water...” Again GingerKat merely nodded and waited. “Mim and Yula are a part of me now...” Again a nod of encouragement; GingerKat added, “for the time being.”  

I was supposed to have the Tear?!” More nodding. The Elf looked around the hall again, “We are... I mean, time has stopped?” More nodding from her host. “That writing up there. I can read it.”  

GingerKat said simply, “Please do.” 

“Blessed is Sheranara, golden measure of the Shepherd's care, Of the many she is the beauty above compare. Life to the weary she offers and her bounty is unending, The waves of time washed at her feet and overwhelmed her not. Neither could the storm loosen her from her foundations. Her children shall be many and her radiance shall be as a beacon across the seas. To those who have eyes to see, behold the eldest sister, the Gardener's joy. Her treasure she yields to all, while her heart is bound to the One. Maiden bride of the Enthilesté, betrothed of the One, Ever-proud, Ever-loved, Ever-honored; Bright Sheranara, the undimmed beauty.” The Elf turned from the capitol script and looked behind the dais upon which they sat. “There's a pit behind us...” 

GingerKat's laughter rang in the hall as a chorus of chimes and strong fresh breezes. “Unappealing descriptor; try: cavern. Yes, would you care to take the complete tour then?” She stood and again extended her hand to the Elf. This time the Elf hesitated a split-second. GingerKat's smile overwhelmed her trepidation. Something about this individual wouldn't allow for suspicion or fear.  

“Yes.” The Elf smiled at last, “I very much would!” 

They plummeted deeper and deeper into the cavern. Just as the Elf was starting to wonder how deep they were descending, they reached an ancient ledge, an immense terrace or balcony, wrought from the living stone of the planet. That was only taken as a glimpse, what filled her eyes to the point of weeping was the sight from the terrace: the living heart of Sheranara, Beloved and Betrothed of the Enthilesté. Her breath was caught in her throat. “But she's alive! I mean she is moving, while everything else is frozen in time...” the Elf looked up at GingerKat for an explanation. 

“Yes. Sheranara is very much alive and yes; like you, like me... and so many others like us, we have a very, uh, unique relationship with time.” Then she held out her arms to the fiery heart vast and beautiful before them. “Sheranara!” she called in a voice only an Enthilesté can conjure. 

A single whirling glistening and sparkling cloud of vaporous mist rose from the surface below them. It reached up to the terrace and coalesced in front of their very eyes. The Elf beheld a tall, perilous beauty whose eyes and face, her very skin radiated sheer energy, her immense power was a palpable, tangible experience. She spoke, “Lord GingerKat!” and Sheranara bowed to her. The Elf's eyes were as round as saucers. 'Who is this person, really?!' she wondered, staring at GingerKat. 

Sheranara rose and turned to face the Elf. “Like us, Lord GingerKat is the betrothed of the One.” There was a pause as the Elf adjusted her mind to the realization none of them were actually using words to communicate. This was all from one mind to the other, or rather they shared one mind... hard to say. “Of one mind; yes, that is well-said,” Sheranara inclined her head to the Elf, then she did what was wholly unexpected, she bowed to the Elf as well. “Welcome beloved, youngest of the First Water.” 

The Elf responded by bowing in return to each of her companions. GingerKat 'spoke' next. “Our Elf, like my daughter ChériAna, has become One with us through a most circuitous path. She shall be embraced.” As commanded, Sheranara reached out her arms toward the Elf. At her slightest touch, the Elf felt the resonant power of the planet course through her, and suddenly she was suspended over the most incredible... language cannot define nor describe the experience of beholding the One face to face. 

After how long, she had no clue---time simply did not matter---she was once more standing beside GingerKat on the terrace and gazing out over the burning heart of Sheranara. The Elf's own radiance rivaled that which shone below them. “You'll be right as rain in no time, but we have quite a bit yet to accomplish, so we must carry on...” They were suddenly back on the dais of the Temple and GingerKat was still speaking, “...As your guardians have informed you, as First Water, unlike other Enthilesté, Enthilé, or even AltaEnthilé for that matter, we are unbound by discreetly formed obligation or generic responsibilities. We are the incarnation of Will itself; the avatars of the One's triune nature---As such, we are the 'wild cards' of this realm, if you will...” and she giggled, “pun intended. You have been guided through the elementary disciplines of shape changing---to protect yourself from forces you are not yet able to confront. You have been practicing transiting from place to place, and quite proficiently I might add. You have had a taste of balancing the forces within a planet so that it might heal itself in time; very useful, that. You have also, I believe, taken to heart your very indestructible nature and have you then come to grips with what it is to face life without an end save by your choice alone?” She gazed into the Elf's heart. “No not entirely. But that does take some getting used to---it's a paradigm shift of the greatest magnitude, to be sure. Took me at least a... let's just say 'a while' to wrap my head around it.” 

They strolled out of the Temple proper into the very still world on the surface of Sheranara. They were on an island in the middle of a very large lake or inland sea. Sea birds were frozen in the air along the shore and above their heads. Sailing vessels were stopped on the main, the curling waves at their prows, frozen. “We have a few more introductions to endure...” and the next steps they took along the little path they were following suddenly became a cobbled path along a river and it was clearly evening here, not mid-day. Above them on a balcony over-looking their bend of the river, two nice people waved and called out to them a greeting. GingerKat returned the greeting, intimating to the Elf, “Yes. They are not frozen in time either. We are all living inside the eternity of a single moment. And these two here...” and suddenly they were on that balcony facing those two people. “...are Tohm and Kate---they are the AltaEnthilé, they are the One in physical form.” 

Kate giggled, “Not so physical, but then that's as good an introduction as any.” She put her arms around the Elf and embraced her. Again the Elf experienced the ineffable as she had in the presence of the One, just a few minutes... or had it been hours, or days ago... 

Tohm laughed aloud, “Yes, Time is the uniquely subjective phenomenon.” He held out a hand for her to enter their home. “There are others who are anxious to meet you...”