The Enemy of an Enemy by Vincent Trigili - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty-One


I woke early the next morning and dressed in the full ceremonial robes of my office. I needed to look my best on my wedding day. While I was getting ready a call came over the intercom from Luke, saying that the Dark Talon was incoming, so I told him I would meet them down in bay two.

When I arrived, the bay had just finished pressurizing and the Dark Talon’s doors were opening. Twenty-five of the Dark Knights filed out of the craft and into the bay. They lined up at perfect attention as if ready for an inspection. Their commander came towards me and said, “We are honored to take care of the Nevermore for you today.”

“Thank you. You will find that most of the ship is fully automated, as there are only seven people on board who can fly her. Feel free to disengage what automation you need to in order to do your job. I do not expect any trouble out here, but should any come, handle what has to be handled and contact me immediately,” I said.

“Yes, sir. Did I hear you right that there are only seven people to run this ship and fly her into the potential battle we are about to face?” he asked.

“Yes, there are currently only seven wizards under my command,” I said. “I must be going. If I am even a moment late for our rehearsal this morning, well … let’s just say I dare not risk it.”

He smiled at that, turned and led his squad out. “Luke, when they arrive, make for the garden. They will know what to do.”

“Okay, Vydor,” he responded.

Once the captain and the others arrived in their shuttle, I took them down to the gardens. After an exchange of pleasantries Andreya took charge. I spent the rest of the morning standing where I was told to stand and moving only when instructed.

Kellyn wanted a simple but formal-style wedding. To create this effect, she and Andreya rearranged the garden so that there was a path from the entrance flanked by various pink and purple flowers that led to a grassy knoll also flanked by flowering bushes and small trees, with a waterfall in the center of the back wall of bushes. It was in front of that waterfall that the captain would marry us. There were no illusions anywhere. Kellyn insisted on a pure ceremony.

When the time finally came for the wedding I took my place in front of the captain and waited for her to come. I felt her presence long before she came into view, but when she did I was almost overwhelmed with emotion. She was dressed in a stunning, pure white gown that was tastefully decorated with pink and clear crystals. She came slowly up the path escorted, to my surprise, by Mantis. Despite, or maybe because of, the lack of magic, the ceremony was a powerful experience.

After the ceremony, Mantis made his typical quick getaway and we all headed over to the Dragon Claw for the reception, which was a whirlwind of handshakes, pats on the back, cheers, music, and food. It was a huge event, orchestrated by the captain’s hostess, Carol.

When it was all over Kellyn and I returned to my quarters on the Nevermore …