The Essence of Mars by Wayne Ellis - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Nelth, the Shadow Master of Udicia, journeyed to the Thal mountains along with a small group of foot soldiers. Overhead, three winged-creatures kept a vigil for any potential enemies.

He wore a long dark cloak over the top of a dark, tight-fitting uniform. His face was smugly confident and calm, but he had the personality of a snake and was known to turn brutal in a second.

After a few hours’ journey, he stood on his chariot in apprehension, waiting for the Queen’s arrival. He didn’t understand why she had to come here. She knew his every move, his every thought, even if she was on the other side of the galaxy. It had been seven years since he had spoken directly to the Queen, and suddenly she had insisted on his presence.

The three winged-beasts landed on the ground behind him with a thud.

“This area is secure, sire,” said the leading beast.

The winged beasts transformed into human form, their wings disappearing.

Suddenly, a crude dark portal opened out between the Thal mountains, spinning in an anti-clockwise motion, before a dark female form emerged.


“Nelth, let’s talk,” she said.

The Queen stayed in her shadowed form, with large red eyes leering at Nelth. She was wearing a high-collared dress with long dark hair flowing down to her midriff, but her image was distorted.

“Now, let’s...” she paused, and her leering stare turned toward one of Nelth’s Centurions. “Who’s this charming young soldier?”

Nelth was furious, but forced himself not to show it. It was commonly known that the Queen had her way with many of her minions.

 “That’s Gylith. He’s very new – and very young.” He wanted to get this over with. He hated that she was flirting with one of his men. He wished he’d left that insubordinate brat behind, but he had promoted Gylith to one of his Centurions because of his ruthless nature.

A long dark tentacle came out of the dark distortion and started stroking Gylith on the face. Just as Nelth was about to explode with anger, the Queen retracted her tentacle and turned her attention back to him.

“It’s come to my attention that the Guardians are preparing to seal the portal at Earth’s realm,” said the Queen.

Forcing himself to regain his composure, Nelth said, “If that was to happen it would mean we would be the only part of the Empire left in this sector.”

“That’s why I can’t let it happen,” said the Queen firmly. She paused, glaring at Gylith for a while, before skimming over the other two Centurions and looking at Nelth again. “Send the old one there.”

Nelth looked at his older Centurion. “Resh is the most powerful of the three. I need him here!”

The Queen glared at Nelth as if she was about to fry him on the spot.

“You will do as I say,” she seethed. “I have all the powers, not you. I’m the one who can see across the entire galaxy. Your senses are limited to this pathetic realm!”

Nelth lowered his head as if in respect, but said nothing initially so as to not show any weakness in front of his men.

“Very well. Have it your way, your highness,” he suddenly snapped. “Is that all?” He was feeling very impatient and angry.

“There’s a new Earth Guardian,” said the Queen. “It’s a female.”

Nelth was about to say this would give them a tactical advantage, but bit his lip.

“Very well,” he murmured.

“Show a bit more respect next time!” she roared. As she was about to leave, a tentacle shot out and grabbed Gylith. The portal shrank, and the Queen and Gylith vanished.

“You! You!” roared Nelth. Not only had she taken Gylith for her own pleasures; she had probably taken him to prepare him. She had a thing about old men as leaders, meaning she could be considering replacing him as the Master of Udicia.


Back at the Palace, Nelth pondered the future rule of Udicia as he summoned Resh to his chambers.

Resh marched in the room. He wore a dark, tight-fitting uniform, with a large hand-gun, holstered against his right upper leg. He had a cruel face and an arrogant militant posture.

“As you’ve heard, the Guardians are preparing to seal off the portal at the Earth’s realm, potentially leaving us as the only part of the Empire in this sector,” said Nelth. He glared at Resh. “This makes your mission critical. You must kill the Guardian!”

“Sire, I will crush Earth’s Guardian with my bare hands!” roared Resh.

“Now that Earth has a female Guardian, it will give you a tactical advantage,” said Nelth. “Females are weak. She will have minions. They must be destroyed also. Take one of the most dedicated and ruthless Lords with you – and as many soldiers as you require.”

“Jul is the strongest and most disciplined,” said Resh. “He is the perfect killer.”

Nelth smiled. I desperately need to impress the Queen, and Resh will be the man to deliver the goods, he thought. 

“Relax, Resh,” said Nelth finally. “Tonight, you savoir the future. Tomorrow, you fly out of here a hero. We’re taking the war back to the Guardians!”

“To the Empire!” shouted Resh.

Nelth grinned and passed Resh a glass. Both Shadows raised their glasses.


As Udicia wasn’t as yet technologically advanced, Resh had to wait several weeks for a Shadow Ship to arrive from deep within the dark realms. To use the time proficiently, he ordered Jul to rally the troops and get them ready for battle.

“Jul, what’s the status of my army?” queried Resh, glaring at the big Shadow Lord. Jul was huge in size, which made his Shadow form look all the more daunting. Like Resh, he wore a dark, tight-fitting uniform with a holstered hand-gun on his right leg.

Jul demonstrated his control by directing non-corporeal drones toward some of the closer soldiers, who snapped straight to attention.

“They’re directly under my command,” growled Jul. “And yours, sir, of course.”

Resh walked down between the formation of drones with his hands clasped behind his back.

“How many?”

The drones, in dark, tight fitting uniforms of the Shadow Empire, stood to military attention, their faces expressionless. Completely controlled by their Lord, they were holding their weapons as if ready for battle.

“One hundred and fifty, as per your request. As many as can fit into a flyer,” said Jul proudly. Resh glared at up at Jul. Jul may have been a huge giant, but he was a little wary of his superior nonetheless.

“Don’t pat yourself on the back yet. When I see them crushing Keepers under their feet I might be impressed.”

Jul stiffened to attention.

“Yes, sir.”

As Reth turned away he grinned and murmured, “I can’t wait to get see that arrogant female Guardian turned to dust.”


Three weeks later, a large Shadow ship came into Udician orbit. A small flyer craft was immediately dispatched to the surface, where Resh, Jul and their drone army were waiting.

Without saying a word, Jul unleashed his powers to conjure a mass of non-corporeal drones to move the army into the flyer in a military fashion.

Resh watched the Shadow Lord’s play in amusement as he was given some final details from Nelth.

“It’s fine day for the empire,” said Nelth. “Show no mercy, Resh.”

“I won’t,” said Resh as he followed the last of his army boarding the flyer. He turned briefly, looking back to see that Gylith had returned from his business with the Queen. The young winged beast landed next to Nelth with a thud, reshaping back to human form. He noticed Nelth paid little attention to Gylith, as he knew his attention was on Resh.

“Showing no mercy is my nature,” murmured Resh proudly, as he walked up the ramp. “When I return, I will also clip little lover boy’s wings.”
