The Essence of Mars by Wayne Ellis - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Elise stared at the hill called the Face of Mars in the distance. It emanated the same vibrational power that Uluru had done. Sure enough, when she touched the Oracle it responded with coolness. She took in the ruggedness, the redness of the Martian landscape and the subtle, pink sky.

The Cydonia region on Mars contained several hills, some of which resembled pyramids. Other features included an area of flat-topped mesa-like features, a region of small hills and a complex of intersecting valleys.

“It’s a unique majestic beauty,” said Sean through the space-suit comm. “No words can describe it.” She turned to look at him through his helmet visor. “Yes, there’s definitely something very powerful here, yet gentle.”

“It’s gentle now,” said Sean, “although Mars is renowned for giant dust storms that engulf the entire planet.”

“Hopefully, the next one’s after we leave,” shivered Elise, looking higher up the ridge. Huge, pyramid structures loomed in the background. She lifted her arm and a screen came to life at her wrist. A holographic schematic of that area popped up, revealing the position of an open area and the pyramids around it. She could also feel the Oracle responding to her intuition with coolness. “I think we should go up there.”

“Well, my dear, I can’t argue with you,” said Sean. “This is your show.”

Elise smiled. “But, not my mission. Commander, are you there?”

“Yes, Elise,” said Bryan over the comm-link.

She could see a few suits working around the ship. One was probably her husband. Two other suits were standing a little further down the ridge.

The latest space-suits were a very light-weight design, making them much easier to walk around in than the suits they used on the Moon. The helmets were now soft, durable bubbles.

“I’d like to venture up beyond this structure here,” Elise said, pointing. “I’m getting messages from the Oracle that it’s important.”

“Very well,” said Bryan, thinking a former Guardian had said something very similar years ago. “We’ll finish up our checks on the MV and take a look.”


“Sirek,” said Resh, “is the Earther party at the portal?”

Sirek also wore the dark, tight-fitting Shadow uniform, although his face wasn’t in Shadow form. He was a young, dark-skinned human male and was one of the crew that came with the ship.

“Yes, my Lord,” said Sirek standing over a holographic panel behind his command chair, “but our scanners are having difficulty giving us specific information.”

“Arrr! They’ve barely left their little pathetic abode they call a planet! How is it they can be so difficult? After all, we are the superior beings,” said Resh smugly.

“The Oracle is giving them an advantage.”

Resh had drawn a very large knife out of his belt and pointed it at Sirek’s neck. Sirek froze.

“I want results, not your opinions. The Oracle is just a cheap piece of metal,” he spat angrily.

“Yes, my Lord,” said Sirek, frantically going back to work on his panel.

“The Earthers must be stopped. From here, they could end up joining the rest of their kind in the war against us.”


That woman walks around with her nose in the air, thought Marie as she climbed up the incline. I thought the Commander was in charge?

Bernard, walking beside her, was so absorbed in looking at the landscape, that he suddenly slipped on a jutting rock, but luckily Marie was quick to catch him.

“Thank you, Marie. I was just so captivated. I wish I could sit down and paint.”

When she really thought about it, however, maybe it wasn’t really arrogance she was seeing in Elise. Maybe it was righteousness.

“My bangle is giving off vibrations,” said Sean. He was now the Keeper of the realm of innocence, after the Guardianship had been handed to Elise. Basically, they had swapped roles. He had a bangle on his right wrist, which had the symbol of Mars, although it was covered by his space-suit.

Marie noticed the ring on her right thumb, inside her space-suit glove, was giving off vibrations also. The ring had the symbol of Mercury on it. 

“My ring is vibrating, too,” she said.

“Hey!” said Bernard. “So is mine.” Bernard had a Keeper ring on his right middle finger. The symbol on his ring represented Jupiter.

“Me, too,” said Matsu. His ring was on his right pinky, and it had the symbol of the planet Venus.

“Same here,” said Bryan. His ring was on his right index finger and had the symbol of the planet Saturn.

“I feel it too,” said Steve. His ring sat on his right ring finger, and had a symbol of the Sun.

It all made sense now.

Although Elise couldn’t see all their faces it felt like they were all looking toward her for answers. She had this feeling it wasn't necessary to explain.

“I’m not sure yet,” she said, “but I’m certain we’ll get our answers up there in the heart of Cydonia.”


“I’ve found something, Lord,” said Sirek. “The satellite they deployed in orbit just received telemetry. I’ve extrapolated the signal back to their location on the ground.”

A holographic globe of Mars projected from his panel. A flashing light pin-pointed their general position on the image.

“Excellent, Sirek,” said Resh. “Perhaps you’re useful after all.” Resh glared at the hologram. “Head to the Flyer immediately and power it up.”

“Yes, my Lord,” said Sirek, marching off the bridge.

Resh touched the part of the panel in front of him.

“Jul, prepare the army and report to the Flyer immediately!”


The Flyer ascended through the atmosphere of Mars. The ruggedness of the Martian landscape loomed below them.

Resh glared at Jul on the helm’s control of the Flyer.

“Take us down in a steep descent,” ordered Resh. “This isn’t a pleasure cruise!”

“Arrr,” growled the giant Shadow, putting the ship into a dive.


“Interesting, isn’t it?” commented Sean, looking down at the huge odd-shaped hill that was renowned as the Face on Mars. They’d climbed up quite high and were admiring a spectacular view. “This rock is the embodiment of Ardesh, the protector of our innocence...”

“I can’t make out the Face from here,” said Elise. “Perhaps it’s only visible from up there at the Temple.”

“I think you’re right,” said Sean. “The natural structures up there align so as to focus our attention.”

“Do the deities of the realms reside in those pyramid-like structures up there?” asked Marie, pointing up the incline.

“They do,” said Elise. “It’s how they’re placed and aligned which makes it all work for the rest of the solar sys...”  She stopped suddenly as she noticed a huge, dark, crude-looking spacecraft descending rapidly from the sky. “We’re not the only ones here for a purpose. Look.”

The vibrations from the Oracle were tremendous – so much so, that Elise was instantly absorbed in its power. She could feel the rings of the Keepers were responding in much the same way, and she could feel their strengths combining.


Resh glared down at the seven space-suited figures that were magnified on their front-view screen.

“Kill them!” he roared. “Kill them all!”

Sirek pressed a touch-sensitive icon on his panel, and a blinding ray of white light shot out of the nose of the Flyer. There was an explosion of red dust and rock as the ray-beam hit the ground and a huge dust cloud enveloped the area.

“Yes, yes,” Resh murmured. “We’re victorious!”

“My Lord,” said Sirek, frantically studying the data on his panel. “Our fire has been deflected by some sort of shield.”

Resh’s euphoria turned to irritation. “What?”

Before Sirek could respond, their white ray-beam shot out of the cloud below and hit the Flyer in the exact same spot it came from.                                            

The nose of the Flyer exploded and the space-craft started spinning out of control toward the ground.


“Is everyone all right?” asked Bryan. He looked up into the dusty sky, vaguely seeing the Shadow ship through the smog.

Everyone responded with an affirmative.

“Wow, what a beautiful connection of power!” said Bernard.

“Yes, our collective might is beyond anything I’d expected,” said Elise.

“Our unity is no coincidence,” said Sean. “We’re standing next to one of the greatest powers in the universe.”

“So, our little league of super heroes have formed. The baddies are here,” said Steve. “What next?”

There were a few chuckles through the comm-link.

“We fight,” said Marie, a little bitterly. “Who do they think they are?”

“Good spirit,” said Elise, “but let’s keep our negative emotions in check. Otherwise we’ll play right into their hands.”

There was a loud crashing noise, a little way down the range.

“They're dead,” said Matsu.

“Don’t bet on it,” said Sean.


Resh picked himself up off the floor of the crashed spacecraft. He went to a tall compartment at the back of the bridge and pulled out a large rifle. Rifle wasn’t really the right word for this weapon; it looked more like a cannon. He flicked a switch on the side of the stock and it made a powering-up noise.

“Wake up!” he snarled to the other two. He kicked Sirek, who was lying on the floor.

Like a giant zombie, Jul got up from the pilot seat and headed to the back of the bridge. He, too, picked up a large rifle, which looked like a child’s pop-gun in his huge hands. He released the rear compartment door and checked his army. He projected drones from the supra-conscious to bring them to attention. They were already masked and ready to go into the Martian atmosphere.

“Get ready,” growled Jul to his army.

Sirek selected a smaller weapon, and all the Shadows headed toward to the exit hatch. In the airlock, their soft, clear, translucent face shields unfurled over their heads.

The army of drones diligently worked their way out of the airlock after them.


“Shouldn’t we head back to the ship?” asked Matsu.

“Negative,” said Bryan flatly. “We’d be more vulnerable there. If there’s a mother ship in orbit, we’d be sitting ducks.”    

Elise could see the Shadows making their way toward them in the distance.

“I think we’re vulnerable both ways, but still under enormous protection nonetheless. The Oracle is emitting cooler vibrations the closer we come to those pyramids up there.”

Most of the others nodded except Marie. She was staring down at the Shadows.

“You all right, Marie?” She turned toward Elise.

“I’m fine,” she said flatly.


“Shoot and ask questions later,” snapped Resh, moving as fast as he could over the Martian landscape. Jul saw some of his army were falling behind.

“Hurry up!”

“What are the Earthers doing here anyway, my Lord?” asked Sirek, struggling to keep up with his leader.

Resh turned on Sirek, grabbing the front of his suit.

“Questions, questions! You’re wasting my time! How about do, do do!” He shoved him roughly away. “Come on! Keep that rifle up!”

Sirek look at Jul through his translucent helmet and shrugged.

“I’m not a soldier. I’m a tech.”

“Rrrrr!” growled Jul.