The Filght of the Raven by Susanne Ashley - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

The Way Out

The room erupted at Quartz’s words. He was obviously pleased with the furore he had caused and surveyed the room with satisfaction.

Questions were fired in all directions:

“What do you mean your daughter?” Zavier demanded.

“Krystal is your daughter?” repeated Saffyre.

“What do you mean by complete control?” asked Dexter.

“Let us go right now, before you do something you’ll regret,” ordered Duplex.

“Please leave our children out of this,” Mia pleaded.

Only Lazar sat as if turned to stone. His eyes were fixed upon Krystal, as if willing her to deny Quartz’s words. She avoided looking at him.

“I don’t feel that I owe you any explanation at all,” said the Professor. “But I will give you some of the details. After my relationship ended with Mia, I was naturally reluctant to get involved with anyone for quite some time. Then I met Opal Rimelle. She was a bright, lovely young woman who worked at the Intergalactic Commission. We were quietly married. Then IPU came after me with all sorts of terrible accusations. I was arrested and found out later that Opal had our marriage annulled. Worse still, she married an associate Brandon Roze and named him on Krystal’s birth records. I was completely cut out of her life. Years later Opal was killed in an accident with her husband. Krystal believed that she had lost both her parents and was naturally devas­tated. One day when she was going through some papers of her mother’s, she found a copy of our marriage certificate. She was shocked. She had no idea that Opal had been mar­ried before. She was even more shocked when her mother’s personal diaries revealed that I was her father.”

“I’m sorry for Krystal but not for you!” Dexter inter­rupted. “IPU exposed your plan of selling RIST designs on a massive scale of industrial treason….”

The Professor continued speaking as if he had not heard a word. “The Intergalactic Commission that Opal worked for, stepped in and helped Krystal finish school. She was a star pupil and secured a position at IPU. Once her studies were complete, Krystal had one thought and that was to contact me at Malacite Towers. She was angry with me at first. She believed that I had abandoned both her and her mother. I convinced her that my imprisonment was unjust and that I would never willingly have forsaken my family. She began to correspond with me regularly.”

A gasp rang through the group. “Did Krystal help you to escape, not Ranni?” asked Duplex.

“Yes,” smiled the Professor. “I must say it was enormously satisfying to make it appear that the great friend of Traver­tine himself was the one betraying IPU. It was all too easy. Krystal created a thumb and eye print to match Ranni’s. She then patiently set about ascertaining all of his log-in codes. It took time but finally she was able to secure all of them, making it possible for her to visit me without detec­tion. A special appliance enabled my brilliant daughter to alter the security discs, to make it appear that it was Ranni himself visiting me. She is truly her father’s daughter,” he added proudly. “Being in confinement for so many years without any visitors, I can hardly stress enough how inspi­rational it was when Krystal visited. It lifted me out of the deeply, depressed state I had been in, and gave me the will to live again. I set to work immediately and armed only with pen and paper, created several new designs. But how to test them? I had secretly set up an extensive network on Citrine before my confinement. It was back then that I created the ‘great maze’ that you teenagers found your way into. I also constructed the ‘glade of nightmares’ through atmospheric conditions that feed off an individual’s fears. And so I was able to instruct Krystal to send my plans and all essential materials, by tourmaline-porter to my trusted employee Mica, who was stationed right here on Citrine. It was he who maintained Citrine and most importantly, my unique laboratory with the help of robotic guards. He is both a talented scientist and engineer, making him ideal to bring my plans to life.”

The Professor was positively beaming at the group now. “Then we had a huge piece of luck. When my plans were ready to be tested, Krystal found out that I was about to be transferred to a new section of Malacite. The timing was perfect for my escape. Careful that no-one discovered her involvement, she took care of all the details and instructed Mica to fly a starship to Earth to take me to Citrine. Mica and our security robots, fully armed with stun-guns, took IPU’s patrol by surprise. Then we brought along your dear friend Ranni with us, as a scapegoat. Now at last I could test my inventions! ”

“The first invention you have already heard of — the ‘quartz-sceptre.’ It can control the minds of humans. Can you imagine the power that it will unleash?” For a moment his amber eyes looked almost crazed at the potential of his masterpiece. “Krystal carried a small remote with two set­tings and was able to test it on Duplex. That is how we were able to get him to agree to look for the missing spaceship. Even Onyx could not detect that Duplex was under our control. The first setting places a person under your con­trol only while the remote is pointed directly at the subject. Krystal used the second setting which places the subject under control for several hours, without the remote hav­ing to be used continuously. When I have fully completed the ‘quartz-sceptre,’ I will perfect its use in such a way that it will control the minds of humans indefinitely, from any distance.”

The Professor paused for breath, his eyes taking in every­one around him. Satisfied that all attention was focused only on him, he continued, “There is another equally bril­liant design as I have previously said; my ‘krystaline-mover’ which I tested on your own Amega Astrospeed when I sum­moned it to Citrine. That is why Mia and Dexter flew so far off course and could not be traced. The next step to com­plete my revenge was to bring you children here. At first it was child’s play, Krystal offered to pilot your spacecraft and you young ones jumped at the chance; Duplex spoiled that plan by waiting for you all in the starship. Using the mind-control, Krystal soon had Duplex filing a flight plan and gaining permission to fly off in the Starlight. Then another hitch, Jazelle informed Duplex that Onyx wanted someone to go to Azurite for information about my move­ments. Jazelle intended to send one of her patrol team, but with the mind-control Krystal was able to get Duplex to per­suade Jazelle to send him instead. It was too risky to bring you straight to Citrine. Krystal didn’t want a patrol unit tracking the Saffyre Starlight to my home planet. She took a chance! Onyx could have detected that Duplex was under a form of mind-control. The strategy paid off, UGU had found out about Citrine but Duplex was able to persuade Onyx to agree to send only your team. The move has given me valuable hours to complete my revenge. Mia and Dexter have cost me precious years with my daughter, and now I shall return that favour!”

Lazar cut in, “Why didn’t you use the mind control on us as well? Then Saffyre and Zavier wouldn’t have raced ahead and got stuck in the maze.”

“The mind-control had not been tested,” answered the Professor. “It was risky on young minds. I was concerned that it might put you into a comatose state that would make it difficult for Krystal to bring you here. We decided to wait till you were actually in this controlled setting before we used it on any of you young people. Now, enough questions ! You know everything. Do you not see the incredible genius of my plans? With the ability to control both humans and machines… I, Professor Quartz, will rule the entire universe!”

“You’re mad,” spat Zavier. “Do you really think UGU is just going to sit back and let you take over?”

Professor Quartz stared at him. “Your parents seemed to have utterly failed to instill any manners or discipline in you at all, my young fool. I warned you before that I am not a person to cross. You chose to ignore that warning and it is time to suffer the consequences.” He took the remote from Krystal and pointed it at Zavier.

“No!” screamed Mia. “Don’t do it Raven please, he’s just a boy. You just said that it could turn a young mind into a catatonic state. Please stop this madness!”

Quartz turned on her coldly. “You lost any ability to appeal to me the day you took up with him.” He gestured to Dexter. “Don’t fool yourself that I harbor any warm residual feelings for you Mia, because I assure you, I do not! Now where were we…ah yes.” He pointed the remote control at Zavier and pressed.

Zavier sat upright and stared ahead. Saffyre watched breathless. Had Zavier disarmed the invention earlier in the lab she wondered, or would he find himself forced to carry out some crazy order for Quartz?

Quartz watched him for a moment and appeared satis­fied. Saffyre’s heart sank. “Zavier, I will shortly release the bindings that are holding you. I will give you a chabazite-blaster and I want you to hit Ranni Ramayana with it, at its highest voltage.”

There was an audible gasp around the room. “Stop this at once Quartz,” snapped Duplex. “You’ll be making the kid guilty of murder!”

“That is precisely my intention,” replied Quartz smoothly. He pressed a button on the wall which released Zavier’s hands and legs. “Now take this chabazite-blaster boy and use it on Ranni!”

Zavier took the chabazite as if in a trance and pointed it straight at Ranni’s chest. The room echoed with shrieks and yells as he went to release the button. At the last moment, he swung around to face Quartz and fired.

Quartz gave a howl of pain and fury. “What on earth…” he shouted.

“Lucky for you I used the blaster on the lowest setting,” said Zavier. “However if you want me to use the top setting, I’m more than willing!”

“I tested the mind control earlier,” cried Quartz. “It worked perfectly.”

“Yeah, well it’s definitely not now,” Zavier smirked. “We took care of it in the lab!”

“Young fool; do you really think that I will give up that easily? I’ll soon get it working again. Then you will do my bidding.”

Quartz glanced at Krystal and for a moment Saffyre thought she detected a slight nod pass between them. “I’ll be back shortly,” he told her.

Krystal nodded and watched him leave. She turned to face the group. “I know you all think badly of me,” she began, her eyes downcast. “But please believe me when I say that I never thought that Father would ...”

“Yeah right,” said Lazar bitterly. “Like we’re really going to swallow that one! Just how gullible do you think we are anyway?”

Krystal looked over at him. “I guess I deserve that Lazar. What I’m trying to say is that I never thought that the Pro­fessor would order Zavier to kill.” She was white faced now. “I didn’t think he’d go that far.”

Dex looked at her keenly. “What exactly are you going to do about it Krystal?”

“I can’t just sit by and watch my father order you to kill each other! I’m offering to help get you all out of here,” she finished.

There was a howl of protest from Zavier with nods of agreement from Lazar and Saffyre.

“How about releasing our arms and legs?” asked Duplex.

“Of course,” said Krystal, and pressed the release button on the wall.

Soon they were standing up and rubbing their wrists and ankles. “Can you help Ranni?” asked Duplex.

“He’s been kept unconscious for some time now,” replied Krystal. “I know that Mica used the neutralizer on our weapons, but it should not have harmed the aids. If you give me the Azurite lotion, we may be able to help him.” Duplex handed her the lotion and she rubbed Ran-ni’s arms and legs. She then poured some of the liquid into his mouth. They watched anxiously as Ranni failed to respond for several minutes. Then slowly he shook his head and sat up.

“He’s going to slow us down if we take him,” said Krystal. “He may take several hours to gain full control of his facul­ties, and unlike the rest of us, he doesn’t have a protective space suit on.”

“We’ll take him with us anyway,” snapped Dexter. “Now if you will show us the way out of here….”

Zavier cut in sharply: “Surely you’re not going to trust her now?” he asked incredulously. “She’s Quartz’s daughter for heaven’s sake. How could we ever depend on her again?”

“Unfortunately we don’t have much choice,” said Lazar. “Remember, Krystal is the one that led us in here. She can take us straight to the Saffyre Starlight. Without her help we could take hours to find it. Do you realize it’s after mid­night?”

“How do you feel about trusting her Mia?” Dexter asked.

Mia looked keenly at Krystal. Blonde hair framed her lovely face and her blue eyes were as bright as ever, but it was difficult to grasp what she was thinking.

“I say we trust her,” said Mia finally. “But not with any real certainty.”

“You go,” interrupted Duplex. “Quartz could be back any moment now and with that invention of his fully operational. Dexter, you get the kids out of here. I’m not going until I’m sure that those inventions of his are destroyed.”

“When we get back to the Starlight, we can contact Onyx,” said Dexter. “UGU will ensure the inventions are destroyed. We’ll send IPU’s finest team here to take Quartz back to Malacite. But right now, we need to get out of here!”

“Duplex please come with us?” Mia implored. “We need you to get us back to the Starlight; the young ones have been through enough!”

Duplex nodded. “But I’m coming straight back with Jazelle’s unit.”

Krystal placed something in her pocket, opened the door and beckoned them to follow her. Dexter looked at Mia and she nodded, it seemed to be their best chance of escape. One by one they all followed Krystal out of the door. She led them down a long corridor in the opposite direction to the way they had come.

“I know another way back to the spaceship,” she told them. “It’s quicker than the way we came but involves going through a thick forest. The good thing about it is that we will not need to pass near that horrible ‘glade of nightmares.’ I think that’s important, considering the vulnerable state that Ranni’s in.”

Ranni was being helped along by both Dex and Duplex, but it was clear he did not really know where he was, or who he was with. He kept asking when they would arrive at RIST.

“Where is Kay4?” Saffyre asked. “Before we got separated she was with us.”

“After Kay4 was damaged, I sent her back to the Saffyre Starlight,” Duplex replied. “The starship’s automatic repair unit should have fixed her by now.”

‘If we could contact the Starship, we could get her to acti­vate the magnetic barrier,” said Lazar.

“Of course!” Dex exclaimed. “That will interfere with all surveillance machinery within twenty kilometres.”

“I still have Kay4’s remote contactor,” said Saffyre. “I’ll instruct her immediately.”

“Also get her to deactivate the Saffyre Starlight’s camou­flage,” commanded Duplex. “We’ll need to be able to find the starship easily.”

They were out of the building now and headed for the cover of trees. It was extremely dark and cold. Krystal reminded them that the temperature could drop as low as almost zero overnight and a few icy flakes were already swirling around. Dexter helped Ranni while the rest of the group followed Krystal in single file down a steep slope. They moved quickly for a few kilometres and then it was clear that the forest was becoming too thick for Krystal to push through.

“What type of trees are these anyway?” Zavier asked. “They seem almost spiteful. I’m sure that last one deliber­ately lashed me across the face with its prickly branch.”

“They’re spiny peregrine trees,” replied Krystal. “The snipes love to build their nests in them. I’m afraid we’re going to have to go across to the cliffs and scale down to the beach from there. I was hoping to take us through the forest and down a tunnel to the beach, but it’s far too thick and these trees too thorny. We’ll be cut to pieces in no time. Even though you’ve activated the magnetic barrier, it may only screen us for a short time. My father’s security system will probably override it soon and we’ll have the guards after us.”

“Why are you so concerned about the cliffs?” Dexter asked.

“They’re brutally steep,” replied Krystal. “Ranni is in no state to scale down sheer cliffs, he’s barely conscious.”

“Thanks to your father!” Zavier snapped.

“Krystal’s helping us now,” interjected Duplex. “Let’s not fight about Quartz. We’d better concentrate on getting out of here.”

“Look,” said Mia urgently, pointing back the way they had come.

A light was visible high at the top of the slope that they had just scaled down.

“Quick, follow me,” said Krystal. “I think the security robots are coming after us.” She turned sharply and headed straight for the coast.

The trees lashed at their faces viciously as they cleaved their way through, desperately trying to keep pace with Krystal. Ranni was still barely conscious and Dexter was finding it almost impossible to help him along and push the tree branches out of the way at the same time.

“I grabbed a field-blaster on the way out,” yelled Krys­tal. “It will clear a path for us easily but I’m afraid that the guards will see us. Duplex do you want me to try it?”

“Yes, we’ll have to risk it,” said Duplex finally. “The guards are gaining on us and it’s going to take forever at this rate.”

The hill behind them was now bathed in light and a loud blast sounded. A whole section of the spiteful trees van­ished, leaving a clear path for the guards to climb down.

Ominously, they could now hear bloodthirsty growling at the rear of the guards.

“They’ve let the dogs out!” Krystal cried. “I’ve got no choice now!”

Krystal pointed the field-blaster in front of her and pressed. Immediately a long path wound away in front of them, completely clear of trees. With room to move, Duplex could now help Dexter with Ranni and they finally made good progress.

The last hundred metres seemed to take forever but finally they were standing at the top of the cliffs, looking down onto the sweeping coastline. The Saffyre Starlight was only a short distance away on the beach below. The snow flakes had stopped at last, but a gale was blowing up from the sea.

“Quick Duplex, we need the Azurite ladder,” said Krys-tal.

Duplex pushed his way to the front and brought out the tiny Bullitt box. He pressed a button and the ladder dropped over the cliff. He helped Mia and then Saffyre onto it. “We can take two at a time but I think that’s about the limit,” he said. “I’d hate to overload it. You’ll have to climb down, the bullet propel only works going upwards.”

“Lazar and Zavier, it’s your turn now,” said Duplex, once Mia and Saffyre were clear. “Quickly!”

The boys climbed swiftly down the ladder. By now the guards were drawing near and the pack of dogs was almost upon them.

As Dexter began the descent with Ranni, Duplex was forced to climb on the ladder as well. The dogs were at the cliff top and their howls were deafening.

A gigantic mongrel was snapping at Duplex, its jaws so close to his face that he could feel its spray of saliva.

“They’re real dogs, not robots!” Duplex cried. “Hurry!” Desperately he tried to climb lower on the ladder, but the way was blocked by Dexter, who was still trying to help a barely conscious Ranni.

A chabazite-blaster zapped close to Duplex’s arm, miss­ing it by inches. The guards were now at the top of the cliff and were shining a brilliant light onto the beach below. Dexter reached out to hold Ranni as a guard aimed a chaba-zite-blaster straight at them. It hit Ranni on the shoulder and he cried out with pain. He then let go of the rope and slipped through Dexter’s outstretched hands. They watched in shock as Ranni fell the final ten metres and lay on the sand without moving.