The Halfshaft Games by Jonathan Pidduck - HTML preview

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clowns and lives to tell the tale. So he took the only course of action left

open to him. He jumped into the barrel, pulling the lid down after him.

He had come up with some pretty stupid plans in his time, but this had to

be top of the list. The clown had seen him jump into the barrel. All it had to

do was to pull open the lid, and he was history. He had hoped that maybe he

could hold the lid closed, but there was no handle inside, nothing to pull

upon to stop the lid from being opened from outside. All he could do was to

wait for the clown to uncork him and devour him. And Takina, too.

There was not a great deal of room in the barrel. He was sitting on her, with

his head pressed up against the lid. He could feel one bony Amazon elbow

sticking into his bottom. He had often dreamt of being in close proximity to

his partially-clad friend, but in his fantasies they had not been crammed

together in a wooden barrel with a man-eating clown outside. Fantasies such

as that catered for a very specialist market.

He jumped as the clown kicked the barrel. Then again. Then a furious

scratching sound as the creature tried to claw its way through the sides.

Could it be that the clown was so stupid that it had failed to realise what the

lid was for?

It howled; more wolf than human. Then more scratching, more insistent

than before. It kicked the barrel again. Takina groaned through her gag

beneath him, the sort of noise you make when having particularly distressing

nightmares, or perhaps when a bony wizard is shoving his arse in your face

when you’re trying to sleep. He hoped he wasn’t crushing her; stifling her.

She was a warrior, and had always longed for a warrior’s death; she would

be mortified if she knew that her life might come to an end here in a barrel,

suffocated beneath an elderly wizard’s bottom.

Another kick. The wood splintered. Another, with the same result. It was

only a matter of time. The clown was doing it the hard way, but another few

blows and the barrel would split open, leaving the pair of them at its mercy.

He felt the urge to pray, but couldn’t remember the names of any gods so

opted to curse instead.

“Is that the best you’ve got, you pasty little freak? My mother could do

better than that, and she’s been dead forty years! And she’s got rickets!”

Another kick. The barrel splintered, a large shard of wood bisecting his

legs, coming dangerously close to turning him into an instant eunuch. Just

when he thought his predicament couldn’t get any worse.

“Go and put some clothes on, you dirty bugger! Running around, with that

tiny little thing of yours flapping in the wind, frightening the ladies. You

should be ashamed of yourself.”

Yet another kick, and the barrel toppled on to its side. A yellow eye

appeared at a gap between the planks, leering in at him. It tried to jam its

grasping fingers through the opening. Long grubby nails raked his bearded

cheek as it tried to gain purchase on his face. The clown gave a frustrated

snort, and stepped back to give the barrel one final kick. The end was nigh.

Halfshaft closed his eyes. All he could hope was that by the time the

creature had finished eating him, it would be too full to munch on Takina. It

was not a particularly tubby clown. Maybe it had a dainty appetite.

No kick. He opened his eyes. He couldn’t see the clown any more. But then

the barrel started moving. Someone was rolling it. He closed his eyes again,

and thought furiously (which was very much his usual way of thinking).

Maybe the clown was taking him outside to share him with his colleagues?

A clown picnic on the grass by the river. In which case the chances of Takina

being left unscathed were virtually zero, especially when she looked an

awful lot more appetising than him.

There was only one thing to do. Wake her up. And when they got the barrel

open, he would have to distract them as best he could while she made a run

for it. It was a long shot, but it might just work.

“Takina!” he shouted. “Takina!”

The barrel stopped rolling. It was listening.

“Takina!” he whispered. No response.

The barrel was on the move again, faster this time. He rattled around

between the lid and the slumbering Amazon, trying to remember which way

was up.

He ground his spindly bottom into her face. She was not going to be

remotely comfortable with this if she woke up, but he figured she would

forgive him eventually if it saved her life. Still no response. What had they

done to her to make her sleep this deeply?

He braced his hands against the side of the barrel, and tried to thrust his

bottom downwards, hoping the impact against her head would wake her up.

It was difficult to carry out this manoeuvre while he was being rolled around,

and as he pumped his pelvis up and down in this foetal position it must have

looked very much like he was trying to copulate with his own knees, but he

carried on regardless, desperate to save her life whatever the cost to his


The barrel stopped. Picnic time.

The lid came off. He would soon find out how many clowns it had taken to

open a barrel.

Time to jump out. Time to run around like a maniac, drawing them to him,

hoping against hope that Takina would regain consciousness and flee to

safety while they were eating him.

“What were you doing, just then?”

That voice. Familiar. Very familiar. Just a little jealous.

He looked out of the barrel.


“Were you trying to force that poor girl’s head up your bottom while she

was asleep? There’s laws against that sort of thing, you know, you dirty old


“No!” Halfshaft protested, not a little outraged. It was bad enough being

accused of foul and unnatural practices when he was guilty of them, but to

be accused when he was innocent was almost too much to bear. “I was just

trying to wake her up!”

“Interesting way of doing it. We use alarm clocks where I come from.”


It was the morning of the Games.

All the Candidates were assembled in the Big Top, together with a few

others besides. The cage had been dismantled; now that the wolves and the

clowns had jumped ship, there was no longer any need for it.

It transpired that Cherry and Selene had between them dispatched the other

clown, wrestling it to the ground and dashing its head against the bars of the

cage. Cherry had then gone in search of Halfshaft. She had decided upon the

stupidest place anyone would try to hide, and headed straight for it. Sure

enough, she had found the wizard cowering in a barrel, being set upon by an

angry clown. She had downed it with a punch to the temple, and rolled the

barrel outside. The wood had split, and she could see that he was pressed up

against some floozy inside. Takina had seemed the most likely floozy

judging from all the flesh and squirrel-fur on display, though she couldn’t

actually make out the woman’s face. The bottom had seemed about the right

size, though, being several sizes larger than her own. She had thought it a

bit much that her travelling companion had shacked up in a barrel with a

half-naked scrubber, leaving her to battle rabid clowns virtually single-

handed, and had decided to roll him around for a while before setting him

free. But he had then started grinding his arse into the poor girl’s scalp, and

she had decided that enough was enough. No-one deserved that, not even if

they were one or two dress sizes larger than her. She had uncorked him

before he tried anything more perverse still.

The Candidates had been grouped into pairs in the Big Top, each as spaced

out from one another as they had been the night before. There were less of

the originals now, though. The clowns had taken out the elf and the dwarf in

the cage, before turning on each other in their bloodlust. As a result, the

Ringmaster had had to call upon the reserves to replace the fallen. The new

Candidates were not nearly as fearsome as their predecessors, which was

very good news as far as the wizard was concerned. Better still, Takina was

back off the subs bench, and back into the Games. Halfshaft would rather

that she be almost anywhere else but here, but knew that if she had been left

in that barrel then it was only a matter of time before the Circus fed her to

some abomination or other in the cages. At least she had some sort of chance

in the Games, especially if he did everything possible to ensure that she won

at his expense.

He had still not had a chance to talk to her. She had remained stubbornly

unconscious after the clown attack, despite his best attempts to shake her

awake. Cherry had looked on, a pretty pout on her face, as he had attempted

to rouse the Amazon.

“Maybe if you tried humping her again?” she had suggested. “That might

perk her up a bit.”

Takina was now over the far side of the tent, still looking pretty groggy.

That was bad. She would be fighting for her life in an hour or two, and she

needed all her wits about her. He consoled himself with the fact that she was

on Selene’s team. He had been given to understand that the Amazons almost

always won. By his reckoning, only the one remaining troll stood in their


The Ringmaster was acting very curiously. He stood facing a man with a

black box on his shoulder. The box had a circular piece of glass set into it,

only a couple of inches across at most, which he was pointing towards the

circus-man. The Ringmaster addressed the box as if it were a person, never

taking his eyes from it, even when he was gesturing towards the Candidates

ranged behind him.

“Ladies and gentleman,” he was saying, “after yesterday’s unscheduled

and spectacular events, this promises to be the best Games ever staged. The

wolves remain at large. The clowns remain at large. And we have some

brand new Candidates for you, to replace the ones who were torn to shreds

before your very eyes just twelve hours ago. So let’s meet them all, one team

at a time, and see what they have to say for themselves.”

Two hunchbacks ushered up the first pair of Candidates. Bastard and

Halfshaft’s younger self (who had replaced the absconded trolless). Young

Halfshaft tried to keep as far away from Bastard as possible, as the troll did

not appear to have taken to his new partner at all. They were directed to

stand in front of the strange black box, and the Ringmaster turned his

attention to them.

“Bastard and Halfshaft. Would you tell the viewers back at home what your

tactics are for the Games?”

“I’m gonna rip everyone’s head off, and eat them. That little wizard runt

over there, included. And then I’m gonna go and find my mate.”

“How can we lose with a cunning plan like that?” Young Halfshaft nodded.

“The man’s a military genius.”

“Shut your bastard face,” instructed Bastard, not being much of a team-

player. Young Halfshaft decided to acquiesce all the same.

They were ushered away, and the next contestants were directed to take

their places in front of the black box.

“Fat Dora and Muriel,” the Ringmaster remarked to the black box.

“My name is not Fat Dora!” objected the over-sized witch. “It’s not fat-


“Huge Dora might be nearer the mark,” stated her rather bitchy companion.

“Obese Dora. Dora-the-Walking-Heart-attack. Dora-Who-Ate-All-The-

Pies. Take your pick, Sonny-boy.”

“You anorexic little twat!” Fat Dora objected. “Just cos you’re all

shrivelled up, like a flag-pole on a diet. You’ve always been jealous of my

curves, you nasty little bitch. You want force-feeding, you do.”

“Don’t you speak to me like that, you old slapper. I’d shove my broom-

stick up your big fat ass, but it would take a large search-party and a week

of pot-holing to get it back again.”

“I’m going to have to move you along, ladies,” the Ringmaster interjected.

“No bad language here on Channel Seventeen. This is good, wholesome

family entertainment. We have children tuning in for the Games.”

The next Candidates were introduced. “Takina and Selene.”

“Selene and Takina,” the Amazon Queen corrected. “Royalty is always

given precedence.”

Takina turned away from the box, giving Halfshaft an encouraging “hang-

on-in-there” smile. He smiled back. He was desperate to talk to her. He had

so much to ask. First of which, it had to be said, was why she had tried to

escape without him.

“You are a very lucky woman,” the Ringmaster told her. “Under normal

circumstances, you would have lost your place in the Games. But we seem

to be a few Candidates down after yesterday’s exciting events, so you’re

back off the sub’s bench and in with a chance of Glory.”

She shrugged, still disorientated. Selene decided to fill the conversational


“We will win today. Amazons always win the Games. Women are superior

to men, and we are the only all-woman team here.”

“Thanks for that, you malicious tart,” Fat Dora shouted.

“I do not think of you as a woman,” Selene retorted. “More of a sack of

wrinkly flab.”

“This sack of wrinkly flab is going to smack you in the chops if you’re not


“Go on,” Muriel egged her on. “Tug her tits off! That’ll wipe the smile off

her face!”

“Family entertainment, remember,” chided the Ringmaster. “You can’t say

“tits” on Channel Seventeen. I think we had better move on. Stub and Betty,


The two dwarfs scurried forwards, casting anxious glances around them at

the other Candidates, as if expecting them to leap into premature action and

annihilate them before the Games had even started.

“Another new recruit,” the Ringmaster advised the black box, gesturing

towards Stub. “Are you two getting to know each other.”

“He’s very handsome,” cooed Betty. “Look at that big bushy beard. I could

eat him all up, in more ways than one.”

“If there’s anyone who’s going to be eating him, it’s me!” shouted Bastard.

“Not that you two tiny little creatures would fill me up for long!”

“And do you find your new team-mate similarly attractive?” the

Ringmaster enquired. “Any chance of some love interest here?”

Stub shuddered. “Not likely. I like them tall and leggy. She’d do if I was

desperate, but I’ve got my eyes on the Amazons, to tell you the truth.”

It was the turn of Selene and Takina to shudder. Neither seemed to take the

compliment in the spirit it was intended. Short and beardy was not a recipe

for the perfect Amazon mate.

“Any tactics you’d like to share with us?” whispered the Ringmaster. “Our

little secret.” He winked at the black box.

“I’m gonna jump him while he’s asleep,” Betty drooled. “Get myself some

hot dwarf action, whether he likes it or not. Show him what he’s missing.”

“Maybe if I get you an Amazon wig,” Stub pondered. “And if you covered

your face with your hands. That might work. If I was asleep at the time.”

“Give us a kiss,” she begged. “Just one, and I promise not to jump you

when you’re snoozing.”

“No tongues,” the Ringmaster put in. “Family entertainment, don’t forget.”

“Leave me be, woman,” Stub retorted. “I’d rather snog that wizard over

there, than pucker up for you.”

“I think you’ve pulled,” Cherry told Halfshaft. “Mind you, he’s more

attractive than that Amazon you were dry-humping in the barrel.”

“I was trying to wake her up!” Halfshaft snapped. The black-box swung

towards him. He gave it an uncomfortable wave, and looked at his feet until

he was sure that it had lost interest in him and moved on.

“Roland and Cartwright.”

The elf. And Ditherer! Of all the people they could have found to substitute

for the deceased elfish Candidate, they had picked him! Quite where they

had got him from was anyone’s guess.

“Another late substitution,” the Ringmaster advised the black box. “How

do you rate your chances today?”

Cartwright shrugged. “I don’t rightly know why I’m here, Uncle, if the

truth be told. One minute they’re locking me up in a cell with that

masturbating wizard over there, and threatening to whack me in the testicles

with a pitchfork; next minute, they’re telling me I’m free to go; next minute

they’re telling me that that the wizard has disappeared on the way to the

Games and that I might be needed after all. And then you jab me with that

black stick of yours, and I wake up in a barrel. You ought to make your

minds up, you do!”

“And how about you, Roland? Confident of success?”

Roland shook his head. “We’re doomed.”

The Ringmaster frowned. “That’s hardly the spirit, is it? You have as much

chance as anyone.”

“I’m going through a bit of a bad patch. My wife’s left me. My children

hate me. My team-mate’s been eaten by a clown. I don’t really see the point

of all this, to be honest. Doomed.”

The Ringmaster looked as if he was considering prodding the depressed elf

with his cane to liven him up a little, but cast an uncomfortable glance

towards the black box and opted to move on to the next Candidates instead.

“Ladies and gentleman, I give you Halfshaft and Cherry.”

“Show-time,” beamed Cherry, as she ushered him into the limelight.


Halfshaft squinted into the lens of the black box, trying to work out

precisely to whom they were talking. It would be powerful magic indeed to

shrink people sufficiently to fit them inside, but what other explanation

could there be? Whatever else he might be, the Ringmaster was not stupid,

and he clearly thought he was talking to someone in there. However tiny

they might be.

The Ringmaster had just asked him a question. Unfortunately, he had no

idea what it was, having been too busy trying to unlock the secrets of the

black box. He stared at the Ringmaster, hoping that he would repeat it. The

Ringmaster stared back at him, resolutely refusing to bail him out.

He looked to Cherry for help. She gave him an encouraging smile. He

looked back to the Ringmaster.

“I’m sorry,” said the circus-man. “I didn’t think it was a difficult question.

What’s your answer, then?”

“No?” ventured Halfshaft, hoping that this might be an appropriate

response to whatever he had just been asked.

“Not at all?” asked the Ringmaster in surprise.

“Well maybe just a tiny bit,” the wizard back-tracked an inch or two.

“He’s lying,” said Cherry, with what sounded like a forced laugh. “Of

course he fancies me!”

Halfshaft panicked. So that was the question! He had just embarrassed his

team-mate in front of everyone in the tent, along with all the tiny little people

in the box (whose opinion seemed to matter to her very much). Actually,

humiliated her might be nearer the mark. She was very conscious of her

appearance; even someone as unperceptive as him had been able to work

that one out. And he had just declared to the world that she was unattractive.

It was bad enough that he was going to throw the Games so that the pair of

them would lose, but he had now quite literally added insult to injury.

The obvious thing to do was to admit that he had misheard the question,

and to assure everyone who would listen that he fancied her very much.

Which was, after all, very much the truth. Not in the same way as Takina of

course; it was different with her. He would have married Takina tomorrow

if she had miraculously expressed an interest in wedding a testy old wizard

with arthritic joints. But he would never have married Cherry even if she

had declared her undying love for him. The girl was way too high

maintenance for him. That didn’t mean that he wouldn’t have jumped her,

though, given half a chance.

But Halfshaft being Halfshaft, his first instinct was to save himself.

Admitting he had misheard would make him look stupid in front of all the

tiny box-people; best to just explain in a sentence or two why she was not to

his particular taste, and then move on to the next question. Everyone would

surely be happy that way.

“She’s quite pretty and all that, but she’s not my particular -”

Quite pretty?” hissed Cherry. “Have you seen me? Look at this face!

You’re either mad or blind or both!”

“And a bit too busty for my liking,” he continued, determined to justify

himself. “I prefer my women to be a little more…..aerodynamic.”

Cherry stared at him in incredulous disgust. She couldn’t have looked more

outraged if he had just expressed a desire to nosh off her nan.

“Aerodynamic? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’re a little – top-heavy for me. All very nice and all that, but not my

particular cup of tea.”

“Anything else wrong with me?” she enquired icily. “I take it that my arse

meets with your approval? And I’d advise you to think very, very carefully

before you answer that.”

“Language,” cautioned the Ringmaster. “Why does no-one seem to be able

to keep it in mind that this is a family show? We’ve had over three thousand

complaints about the witches already.”

“Your bottom’s fine,” Halfshaft shrugged. “Very pleasant.”

“Pleasant!” she shrieked. It was the first time he had seen her so rattled,

and it took him by surprise. “You think my arse is “pleasant”? That’s not

what you said yesterday, was it?”

“I don’t recollect saying anything about your bottom yesterday, or any

other day,” he said defensively. But he knew what was coming.

“Yesterday,” she said through gritted teeth, “you told me that I had the most

incredible arse that womankind has ever been blessed with. That you wanted

to fall down on your knees and worship it. That you wanted to mould it into

a statue and put it on every street corner in the world. That you wanted to

give it it’s own name.”

The wizard shifted uncomfortably, deciding whether to deny everything.

She was making him look like a complete and utter pervert. Which he was,

of course, but he didn’t want the people in the black box knowing that.

“That’s enough,” said the Ringmaster. “She’s going to get us closed down

if she keeps on saying that word.” He beckoned to the hunchbacks. “Take

her away.”

Halfshaft sighed a giant sigh of relief. This particular ordeal appeared to be

over. But Cherry had other ideas.

“And then later on, in the Big Top, you said something else, didn’t you?

Can you remember what you said to me?”

Two hunchbacks grabbed her arms and started to frog-march her away.

Halfshaft cast an anxious look towards Takina, and then back to Cherry

again. “Let’s talk about this later,” he squirmed.

Cherry was very nearly out the tent now. She raised her voice, determined

to be heard whilst still on camera, to repair the damage her wizard friend had

done to her reputation before she was separated from her audience.

“You said that my arse was better than Takina’s,” she shouted.

“Incomparably better! So if you’re now disrespecting my bottom, Heaven

knows what you must think of hers!”

She disappeared through the exit. Halfshaft looked at the black box, and

gave it a weak smile.