The Inner Dragon Book One by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Scene six: Home & next door


The police are waiting for Grun as he walks up the path.

Inspector Mac Nee:

Good day Mr. Magnusson, I am Inspector Mac Nee and this is detective sergeant Watkins. Can we have a word?


Of course, come in.


Sorry about the time. I know you have been to a funeral. Please accept my condolences.


Thank you, Inspector. What can I do for you?

Inspector :( looking serious)

I want to ask you what you know of the murder of Mr. Thompson.




We know that Derek Weston had a grudge against you for some reason. We also know he was a bully and a man who liked to brag. He was always going to land up in trouble, so it is no surprise that he wound up where he was. But John Thompson is another matter. We found a symbol on his bedroom door. At first we thought it was from some cult and then we found it to be a symbol of ancient origin.


Oh, yes.


Yes, I think you know something about it.


I know something about many things, Inspector but I had nothing to do with John’s death. What happened at the autopsy?


That’s another thing, the marks on his neck have now disappeared and it is being treated as a heart attack.


What about the symbol?


We thought you might be able to account for it. We are stumped; mystical things are not one of the strong points of the police, so to speak.


It is no secret that myself and my father before me were into things of the occult, but I cannot account for what happened to Mr. Thompson.


Can I ask you to step outside and take a look at it?



They walk outside and as they approach John’s house the policeman on duty at the door suddenly turns and moves away.


What is it, Jenkins?


I thought I heard something, sir.


Like what?


Like a snake, a sort of hiss.


Nonsense, Jenkins, let’s go up.

Grun knows what has happened, but doesn’t speak.

They reach the door and find it clear.


I can’t understand it. The mark has gone!


Another mystery, Inspector.


Well, we have the photos from the team so they will still be there.

Grun: (already knows that the photos have been erased also)

You won’t need me now, Inspector.


I feel like a holiday. OK Mr. Magnusson, you can go. We will probably be back later.


I’ll look forward to it.

As Grun is walking back to his house he sees Inspector MacNee talking with his Colleague. Grun knows that they are going to get a search warrant.

At home Grun goes to his bedroom and starts to meditate in front of the mirror. After some time Grun’s father appears and Grun then begins to understand through mind power what his father is saying. Grun then presses his thumb onto the mirror. His father also presses his thumb onto the inside of the mirror at the same spot. His father then disappears; Grun then walks to the box and takes out a relic. It is a small coin shaped golden object with an intricate symbol on one side and a dragons head on the other. Grun presses his thumb onto the dragons head and he disappears, a few seconds later he presses his thumb onto the other side and reappears. Grun sits down to contemplate the enormity of what he is to do when there is a very loud banging at the door. Grun feels this meeting will be somewhat traumatic for the visitor. He knows it is Anna’s father at the door and wishes he would just go away, but knows this meeting has to take place and will end badly. Grun opens the door.

Mr. Godfrey:

Keep away from my daughter. I know what you are trying to do. I know what you are, and your father before you.


What are we?

Mr. Godfrey:

Don’t try to be funny, you jumped up little nobody.


I simply asked what you know about us.

Mr. Godfrey:

You are into witchcraft and devil worship. Nobody else will say it so I will. My daughter has been influenced by you so I am here to tell you that if you even speak to her I will wring your neck.


That’s a little over the top, Mr. Godfrey.

Mr. Godfrey: (takes a step nearer to Grun)

Just keep away from her you little piece of shit, and there will be no trouble. I am known around here as a hard man but a fair man and I am telling you ... (Mr. Godfrey starts to have breathing problems)

Grun: (grabs him and moves him back away from the house and over the invisible line that Grun’s father had put there years before.)

Mr. Godfrey (starts to recover)


Take it easy, Mr. Godfrey, you need to rest.

Mr. Godfrey:

What am I doing here?


You knocked at my door and asked for help. I know where you live I will drive you back home.

Mr. Godfrey:

I can’t remember where I live.

Grun: (knows that he has had a bad seizure and will not fully recover.)