The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scenes Twenty Five: Town center


Grun is now able to move about without being invisible. The initiation which the Elder had had given him had enabled Grun avoid the prying eyes of people. People are Grun’s antagonists. Grun wasn’t unsociable but he always did attract the wrong sort of person. He knew now that it was a past life thing and that he had to work out his karma with these people.

He is sat down on a bench in the town center watching the people hustle here and there. He knows that if someone is attracted to him while he is in this new consciousness, so to speak, then that person could be trusted. After twenty minutes a girl of about twenty five approached him. She stood staring at him with a look of tenderness. Grun knew her name and just looked at her with a smile            


May I help you, Peggy?


You know my name! I knew you knew me but I wasn’t sure.


You know me also.


Yes, I do but I can’t recollect your name. I am usually good at names.


I’m Grun, it’s short for Grunwald but I never liked it.


My name is short for Margaret but I like Peggy.


Yes it is nice, but I bet you wouldn’t like to be called Maggie.


No I wouldn’t although one gets used to names as a child.


I am going to get something to eat, would you like to join me?


Yes, that would be nice.