The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Forty One: Special Branch HQ


Agent Forty Eight:

OK, Miss. Godfrey, I want you to tell me why you contacted Grun Magnusson and what he said.


If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.

Agent Forty Eight:

I have to tell you that if you don’t cooperate you will be held indefinitely as a collaborator.


 I had a dream which said I must contact Grun and apologize.

Agent Forty Eight:

And the dream told you where to find him?



 Agent Forty Eight:

You can’t expect me to believe that.

Agent Forty Eight is summoned by his colleague in the other room who tells him that the recording device won’t work.

Agent Forty Eight:

This is just what happened with Magnusson; the cameras and other recording equipment wouldn’t work. OK, get it down in shorthand.

Agent Fifty One:

I can’t do shorthand.

Agent Forty Eight:

Well any hand, just write it down.

He walks back to the interview room.

Agent Forty Eight:

Miss. Godfrey, tell me all you know of Grun Magnusson.


We are friends from school; he was way ahead of anyone else in all subjects. He could have been a top university graduate, he said he could figure out the Hodge Conjecture and the Riemann Hypothesis but he wanted to leave high school and do his own thing; we lost touch after that.

Agent Forty Eight:

What about the mystical side of things?


He was into it even at school; he would meditate at break time; the other kids would rib him over it but he wouldn’t let it get to him even if they used force.

Agent Forty Eight:

Did he use force?

No, he said it would hurt them, so he had to take the bullying.

Agent Forty Eight:

Did he ever invent things like weapons?


Not that I know of but he did work on things like body-armor, I remember he said he could improve the armor plate on military vehicles also.

Agent Forty Eight: (looks across to his colleague as if to say are you getting all this down?)