The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Forty Three:  10 Downing Street


Prime Minister:

We need to get to the bottom of this nightmare, what are the reasons given for these deaths?

General Sir Charles Humphries:

We simply don’t know at this time, the ferocity of the attacks is unbelievable. We can’t pinpoint any reference point of origin. The house is sitting there as before with no damage, and the ground underneath it has been filled in, but we don’t know how. 

 Prime Minister:

Home secretary, did you manage to locate Grun Magnusson?

Home secretary:

I have been on to Special Branch and have been told that he has been taken to a new location.

Prime Minister:

What information did they get from him?

Home secretary:

We don’t know, sir they wouldn’t say.

Prime Minister:

This is ridiculous, get back to them at once and order them to bring him to Army HQ.