The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Forty Five: British Library


The agents walk into the library at opening time show their I.D cards and ask for the manager. They are shown into his office; the manager arrives and asks what they want.

Agent Forty Two:

We have come to collect the relic that is supposed to be going to New York.


It is going to New York.

Agent Forty Two:

Not any more, we have authorization to take it to a secret location where it will be examined.


Where is your written authorization?

Agent Forty Two:

We in the Special Branch don’t need such things.


Then you won’t get it.

Agent Forty Two:

Do you want to be arrested?


I’m going to call the police; you will get nothing from me.

Agent Forty Two: (pulls out his gun and aims it at the manager)

I’m trying to be nice but I can see you are one of those people who cause trouble. Now, get the relic. I am putting the gun into my pocket but it will still be aimed at your back, now, get marching and stay calm.

Manager: (turns pale and starts to walk)

I have to get the keys from my assistant, he has a set and I have another.

Agent Forty Two:

OK, just remember to be normal or things could turn out nasty.


George, these gentlemen have special authorization to take the relic out, please assist me in getting it and preparing it for them.


But it was supposed to be going to New York Tomorrow.


Yes, but now it is not.

They get to the vault and use their respective keys to access it, once inside they make their way to another room; they open it and go inside.

 Agent Forty Two:

Hurry up and get the relic.

George realizes that there is something wrong and starts to edge near to the alarm button which is on the wall.

Agent Forty Two:

Easy does it, Pal, just take it easy and you will be OK, now get the relic.


You can’t get away with this, it is chipped, and you will be tracked.

Agent Forty Two:

Let me worry about that, now, hurry it up.

They fetch the relic which is in a special box.

 Agent Forty Two:

Open it up.


We can’t, it is genetically sealed.

 Agent Forty Two:

Then I will have to shoot it open, we can’t carry it out like that.


Are you mad?

Agent Forty Two:

I am starting to take a dislike to you, pal...

They look around and Grun is stood there.


I thought you might need some assistance.


Who are you?

Mickey Mouse, now let me look at the relic. Grun scans the relic and realizes that it is the wrong one.


Where are the substitute relics?


They are in sealed drawers in the next room.


Get them and hurry. Grun realizes that George the assistant is about to lock the main vault door.

George, you get the substitutes and help us to take them and the relic to the van; the manager will also help us, you will feel happy and content and remember nothing of this event.


I feel a bit dizzy, but I will help all I can. I will fetch the substitutes.


I feel the same, I hope you will all come back sometime and use our services.


Thank you.

Grun scans the substitutes and finds the original relic with no chip. He always was suspicious about the idea that they would risk putting a chip into such a valuable thing.