The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Seventeen: Army H.Q


Lieutenant Colonel Roberts: (Airborne Assault Group)

We have been asked to help with the perplexing problem that the police and Special Forces have been having lately. The house in question is for some reason able to withstand being forcible entered. I want some suggestions.

Captain Bridge:

Could we not try an anti-tank weapon, sir?

Lieutenant Colonel Roberts:

Yes, that seems to be the first option. It would be quick and easy to use. Another option would be to tunnel underneath and plant an explosive device there. I’ll get in touch with the engineers later.

Major Elliot:

The news says that the house has always been prone to some sort of witchcraft, sir.

 Lieutenant Colonel Roberts:   

The press, as you know, will print anything. All I want is down to earth ideas. The S.A.S was unlucky, that’s all. We will avenge them, and bring out that Magnusson person, if he is there.

Major Elliot:

That’s another thing, sir. Magnusson was spotted in a newspaper shop and locked himself in the restroom but when they broke open the door he was gone.

  Lieutenant Colonel Roberts:

Nonsense! He must have got out some way. I don’t want us to be influenced by any of the presses rubbish. This is a straightforward job. We must keep away from any spiritual hocus-pocus, nonsense.