The Intercessor by Miriam Davison - HTML preview

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I went to bed that night, positive that I would not be able to fall asleep. I was wrong; within minutes I must have drifted off.

I had never experienced anything like this in my life. At first everything was hazy and then I found myself in a forest of some sort, with a large gathering. I seemed to bounce from one place to another, like a small Power-ball let loose in a tiny room, gaining speed and losing control. I just missed trees and glanced by the groups of people standing there. I tried to calm down and gradually I felt my composure returning, and I settled on a damp mossy bank, beside a huge old tree, twice as wide as me, and so tall and bushy that it made the area dark and cold. No one gave me a second glance, and I realised I was invisible to them. Of course I was, I was dreaming; wasn’t I? I did a silly little dance in front of them; just to make sure then went back to my tree, giggling as I did. I could get used to this, and I thought of all the fun I could have with my family and friends. I had to concentrate now though, I had been sent here for a reason.

I looked around and, much like the one at Hattie’s' house, there was a gathering of all types of creatures, the only difference being; nearly all of these creatures were ugly, with two exceptions. A beautiful woman stood in the middle, beside a handsome black stallion. There was an array of voices arguing with each other. 'Stop!' shouted the woman. 'Are we agreed or not? If you stand with me you will be greatly rewarded. ‘A murmur of ‘ayes’ grew. 'Good, we will begin on the winter Samhain when I change to Caileach Bheur. The humans and those who aide them will fall. I will make it the worst winter ever. Dagda, you will be needed in battle and you shall stand by me.'

A huge man, with the cruellest face I had ever seen, but quite handsome at the same time, lifted his axe slightly, and nodded as he said ‘forever my sweet.’ She smiled, although it seemed more of a smirk, and then turned to some really small, ugly creatures. ‘When I have made the blizzards and ice unbearable, Hedgar, you will take your Gremlins and sabotage the human machinery.' A cackling little laugh emanated from the loathsome beings. 'We will halt the passage of food and fuel to the humans,' she turned to a man, who seemed to be a hunchback and spoke; 'Orbreen, you must use your talents inherited from your forefather, Aghelhor, you must spread poxes to those already weakened.' Orbreen looked up and nodded, I reeled back at the sight. His face was covered in oozing warts and spots, his eyes crusted over with scabs. He smiled and showed the blackened teeth inside, and as he did so, his lips cracked open and blood began to run down his chin. I had to stop myself as I felt the bile make its way quickly up my throat, and I swallowed hard.

‘Now you Duergar,' as she turned to some little people standing not far from me, 'I need you to....,' she stopped mid sentence. She seemed to be listening and looked around, and at first I thought she was looking directly at me. I pulled myself behind the tree, trying to shrink so impossibly small. Had my invisibility worn off? I felt panic rising up my body, and then I relaxed when I heard her next words. 'I feel eyes are watching us, there may be a psychic spy somewhere near so that is enough for tonight. Our plans are in motion and we will be victorious.' A loud cry of agreement and excitement erupted. They began to leave and I wasn’t sure what to do next. I thought of my home and my bed; with that I felt the haze again, and in an instant the crowd and the forest had gone.