The Intercessor by Miriam Davison - HTML preview

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On the morning of the 17th of October, I sat at the table with Hattie. There was just the two of us and that was most unusual of late. I could see she had something to tell me, and, because of her hesitance, it had to be something bad.

'Hattie, is there something I should know? I have never seen you like this.' She looked at me and I could see the pain in her eyes. She spoke quietly to me. 'Yes Abigail, and I have been dreading this moment, but I know you are ready, I have faith in you. Remember our first day together, I said you were my replacement, and time was short. Well my sweet child, I cannot join in this battle with you, I must leave this plane on the Samhain and you must lead the others to restore the balance.' I choked and tears filled my eyes. 'I need you Hattie, I can't do this alone, how can you leave? We need you!' My voice rising with fear and panic, I babbled on. She took me in her arms and hugged me as I sobbed. 'Don't worry,’ she said, ‘you have been quicker than I was at learning. I know you will do me proud. I wish I could stay, but the dead cannot stay forever, my time is nearly over and I need to rest. When I am gone, my memories will fill your mind and help you. Be strong Abigail and you will succeed, never doubt your instincts child, they will always be true.'

I couldn’t begin to think of her not being here, she had become a second mother to me and my best friend. As she hugged me; I knew she felt the same. All too quickly the moment passed and we pulled ourselves together. Hattie called to the others and they all gathered in the kitchen once more.

'We need to defend ourselves against Orbreen. I am going to do a health spell; it will help to ward off his pox. I have also made up pouches for everyone; I have included a variety of herbs such as Angelica root, Blessed Thistle and Caraway to give protection. I have also ground Basil and mixed Cumin and Salt to sprinkle on the floor of every room in the house to further our protection from evil. Now gather round and get your pouches, remember keep them on you at all times. Once everyone had collected their little bag of herbs, Hattie once again lit a candle in the middle of the table and the room became still while she said the incantation;


I call upon the ancient powers,

to give good health to those listed here.     

Make all diseases and maladies disappear.                   

I empower this spell three times three.                      

As I do will, so mote it be.

She sprinkled herbs on the flame and then blew out the candle. 'Well I think we have done all we can to ward off the evil, now we must begin our strategy.