The Intercessor by Miriam Davison - HTML preview

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Over the next few days, I tried to carry on as usual, but my mood was dampened. I hadn’t realised how much it showed, until I woke up on the morning of the 25th December. I knew what date it was and waves of depression washed over me. I felt like staying in bed, but I knew we had work to do, Christmas day or not. As I went downstairs, I heard whispers, and wondered what news I would be told today. As I passed the living room door, no fairy folk or creatures lay sleeping on the floor or any other available space, I hadn’t slept late so where was everyone?

I stopped, and walked back to the door, and I looked into the room and gasped at the sight. Clax stood, in front of a blazing fire, with a huge smile on his face. The room had been decorated with Christmas decorations; and baubles hung on the potted pine tree, with a golden star on the top, the only thing missing was the lights. Holly and Ivy garlands were draped around the fireplace. The room looked beautiful. Once again I found myself crying, but these were tears of pure joy. Clax just nodded, and gestured for me to follow him to the kitchen. Here too had been decorated with sprigs of holly and mistletoe. My friends all stood there, and I could see they were anxious at the sight of my wet cheeks, so I smiled and went around the room hugging each and every one of them. Orchid took my hand and led me to the table. As well as my pot of tea, I spotted a package wrapped up in linen and decorated with small pine cones.

‘Merry Christmas Abigail,’ they all chorused. I took the gift and removed the linen cover. Inside was a kind of handmade book. The front and back was made of wood and beautifully carved with Fairy symbols. Inside was full of pages of drawings and hand written notes. My friends had each wrote a piece about their history and their kind, and some of the Fairies had drawn pictures to go with each piece. They had included a personal message to me also. I had never received such a beautiful and thoughtful gift. Each and every one of the group had contributed.

My heart went out to them. Everything we were going through and they had taken time out to do something for me.

‘Clax had the idea, and we all wanted to help,’ said Sweeny, one of the Leprechauns. I turned and smiled at Clax, I knew not to thank him outright or he may disappear, but he knew how I felt without me saying it. My eyes said it all, and of course, the huge grin I couldn’t remove from my face.

Even though we had to be careful with food, a small feast was laid out later that day, and once again, we drank and danced well into the night. Cailleach Bheur had not taken Christmas away from me after all.