The Intercessor by Miriam Davison - HTML preview

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‘Welcome Gwion Bach, I am sorry for this disturbance and would thank you for your patience. I needed your counsel on a matter of great urgency. I am Abigail, the Intercessor, and our country is in terrible danger; mortals and fairy folk alike.’ He looked at me and nodded for me to continue.

‘Cailleach Bheur has declared war and wants to rule. She has bewitched Dagdar, and he is using his great battle knowledge, to help her in her quest. Please great prophet and magician; could you help by telling us a way to remove the hex from Dagdar so we may defeat the Witch, and return the balance?’

Gwion Bach looked around the room and then took a deep breath and closed his eyes, and lowered his head. I turned to look at my friends; I wasn’t sure what was happening. Orchid smiled, and put her fingers to her lips in a sign for me to stay silent. I nodded and turned back to entity in the middle of our circle.

He eventually lifted his head and spoke; ‘Even I cannot tell you of the outcome of this war. I have looked to the future and can only see up to a certain point. A quest you must undertake Intercessor, and not one I envy you of. The only way to rid Dagdar of this hex, is to visit the other plane and talk to the Fairy Kings and Queens.’

There was a gasp around the room and Gwion Bach continued; ‘only they have the power to remove this hex, but tread carefully and protect yourself well. The Royalty do not like to be bothered with earthly things and may swat you like a fly. You must get them to listen to you, and I urge you; be forceful, but courteous, be arrogant, but humble and be strong but meek. This I can tell you, if they decide you are not worthy, then you will never leave their plane alive. I wish you luck Intercessor, and now I wish to return to my rightful place.’ I thanked him, and we all said our farewells. I then thanked the Guardians for their help. Once again he lowered his head and the light disappeared. Taliesin was with us once more. He stood up and seemed to check himself and then simply said with a chuckle; ‘well done Abigail, I hope I was of help.’