The Intercessor by Miriam Davison - HTML preview

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As before, I fell asleep immediately, and the haze came over me. I kept my calm this time and landed in a beautiful, cottage style, sitting room. I looked around and saw seven old women sitting on large armchairs; they looked at me and smiled. This time I was not invisible, which was made clear when a familiar voice said; ‘Hello, my dear, it’s lovely to see you again; although I didn’t think it would be so soon.’

‘Hattie!’ I gasped and I ran straight over and gave her a huge hug. Another voice brought me back to my senses. ‘Well you were certainly right Hattie, she is a natural. She has managed to call as far back as Agnes and she was from 1410. I never even thought to call upon any of us, did any of you?’ She looked to the other ladies, who all shook their heads.

Hattie smiled and said let me introduce you to our line, Abigail. I will go back in order of time, newest first, and the first is the one who gave you the compliment; Effie, my predecessor. Then we have Sara, Elizabeth, Margaret, Charlotte, Theda and lastly Agnes.’ The ladies sat and greeted me. The difference in the style of clothing gave away the era in which each lived. I then noticed two shapes seemingly floating around the room. ‘You have done something we didn’t think possible Abigail, these are future Intercessors, they cannot be seen properly because they have not yet been born. You really do have great power dear, just as I thought.’ Hattie said and then as she finished, a smug, I told you so, look came on her face. I had to stifle a giggle and get back to the reason for this gathering.

I explained to the ladies all that had happened, and the journey Taliesin had said I must take. They huddled together mumbling, and even seeming to talk to the opaque apparitions. Hattie scribbled things down on paper, crossing various parts out. After what seemed like hours they handed me the paper. Charlotte turned and spoke to me; ‘My dear stick to these words, do not stray and make the strongest protection potion you can, also carry several different protection pouches, you never know which evil may try to harm you. Good wishes to you, my dear. Please though, be warned, you must always keep your eyes forward on the journey; never look to the right or left and never ever look back.’

I thanked the ladies for their help, I wanted to stay for a while and chat but reluctantly, and with a heavy heart, I bade them goodbye. Once again I awoke in my bed, but this time I was holding a piece of paper. I looked at it and there was the spell to see me safely, I hoped, into the plane of the Fairy Royalty.