The Intercessor by Miriam Davison - HTML preview

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I began recounting all the events that had taken place over the last few months. I told them about Caileach Bheur and her plans to take over. I relived the battles of London, Manchester and Hexham, to name a few, and explained the ferocity of the battles had been mainly due to Dagdar. I looked around when I said this but not one of them showed any emotion. I didn’t know if I was getting through to them or not, but I saw the little old man writing it all down.

At last I told them of Taliesin, and how we spoke to Gwion Bach and how it was him who said I must gain Royal council. I then explained about my meeting with my predecessors, to help with a spell to travel to this Realm, and now, here I was, to get their help to remove the hex from Dagdar.

Once again they looked at each other and slight nods could be seen, I knew then, they did have a kind of telepathy. Queen Grian once again spoke; ‘Go to your bed now Intercessor, we need to discuss this. We will call you in the morning and tell you of our decision.’ I was dismissed, and although I was frustrated at yet another delay, I could do nothing but obey.

The next morning, true to their word, I was told to dress and come straight to the meeting room. I stood in front of them and was told to sit. ‘We decided to look into the mortal world to see for ourselves what was going on,’ said King Ilbhreac. ‘You have described the events well, and we saw for ourselves the bewitchment of Dagdar and the devastation of our country. We have all agreed that releasing Dagdar and stopping Caileach Bheur is way beyond your power.’ I was about to argue when Queen Aine jumped in; ‘how dare this witch!’ She turned to me and softened her voice. ‘My dear, rather like a Vampire gaining strength from blood; Caileach Bheur has become powerful by draining the magic from others. She now has a very strong bond with Dagdar and is using his great power to make hers stronger.’

I was beginning to feel worried, I was sure I had left it too late, and I had failed in my first task as Intercessor. Queen Aine, however, continued; ‘You must first do something for us, and we will remove the hex and take care of Caileach Bheur.’

They went on to explain what I had to do in great detail, and told me to return to my world immediately. I had to be ready by May Days Eve. They said a spell over me and once again I felt the sickly dizziness descend over me. This time I didn’t fight it and, keeping my eyes straight ahead, I shot through the plane, and once again, found myself in my kitchen.