The Journals of Raymond Brooks by Amit Bobrov - HTML preview

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CHAPTER XXIII - Jaunee's & Ray's Story Comes Together


First, Jaunee:

It seems I owe my life to the rasping-voiced man, for an earthquake struck our home and my room was one of the few which survived relatively intact ― relatively here means that my room was not completely destroyed. It took me a few moments to realize what was happening, but by then it was too late to seek shelter. I remember how hopeless I felt as the mansion collapsed and I was trapped under the debris.

I fainted as pebbles hit my head when they bounced from the walls. As I woke up, I began banging repeatedly on a stone wall, hoping beyond hope that somehow I would be found. I was hurt, maybe bleeding, I couldn’t tell. I didn’t care as long as I survive. The dread I felt being entombed live is a feeling I cannot describe. The horror of these moments gave strength to my limbs. I couldn’t die, not like this. I had to fight, had to stay alive. I know it doesn’t make sense, my life being the horrid little story that it was, but I had, let’s call it faith, that a handsome prince would come, like in all the fairytales.

I don’t know how much time passed in this manner; you can’t really judge time when you’re buried alive. I remember that at the point I was half dreaming, and half awake. My fantasy of a prince to come overshadowing the bleak reality. My prince would come, I told myself, over and over again. I just need to stay alive.

It was you Raymond, that had rescued me of-course. When I first felt the rocks move and heard faint sounds, I was uncertain if this was a dream or reality. But for the life of me I banged harder than ever, and it hurt so much. I kept telling myself over and over again, my handsome prince had come, he’s here. I won’t die alone, I would live, happily ever after.

“I’m here! I’m here! Alive! Alive! Here!” I screamed in French as I heard the footsteps draw near. I had breathed in too much dust and began gagging on it. Then rocks moved and dust flew across the room as a man heaved the debris away with the strength of Hercules.

You were a giant of a man, yet somewhat thin. Your left hand and waist were bandaged, but that did not slow you one bit. The dust made my eyes water, but I could still make out your dark image, illuminated by torch-light shining behind you. My handsome prince had come, I thought. It was you, Ray, it was always you. I remember how you threw the rocks away like they were nothing. Then carried me to safety saying,” everything’z gonna be all right. Just stay down, yur safe now, I won’t let anything bad happen to you,” You said, in your somewhat broken speech. I found the way you fumbled with the words charming in a goofy kind of way, making you seem ever more perfect because you were human. I slept safely in your arms

― My Handsome Prince had come. Oh, my love, my champion. I vowed in my heart then that I would love you forever.