The Kingdom by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Fifteen

Kings and Fools

Three weeks later


The rises of Philanthia’s towers were coming more and more into view. At my back was a full delegation of Crona’s highest officials. The news of what had happened in Crona had already traveled far and wide.

Our arrival at the city was expected and I hoped it would be a civil one. Crona had come to beg peace and the cessation of a war they had begun. They had not come empty-handed either. Crona had emptied their considerable treasuries of wealth in order to, in part, repay the damages caused and the lives lost.

I hoped it went well and that peace was restored. For myself, I was content in the moment.

I glanced to the side and caught Susori already watching me. She smiled infectiously and I couldn’t help but return her smile. She was such a joy.

She filled my life with a security of emotion the likes of which I had never experienced. It was as if I had gone through life up till now only half a man, only to find my completion in her. I was still in shock by it all.

Looking forward toward the city once more, I inwardly acknowledged all over again how my life was different. Different! I’d forgotten something in all this and an expression of expectant dread fell over my face.

“What is it my husband?” Susori asked, reaching out in concern to touch my arm.

I glanced at her and winced. I took in her exotic sensual appeal and my imagination ran wild with the confrontation that was likely already brewing ahead. I ran my hand through my hair in sudden anxiety.

“What is it Benaiah?” Susori asked softly, as her look of question began to turn to one of alarm.

“Um…… things could get heated soon. You see, over the past several years I’ve become a very good friend of the King, and well………”

“Well what?” Susori asked uncertainly.

“The King has a daughter. There was much talk of me taking her for my wife. I never agreed to anything, but in the minds of some I fear they saw it as an already accomplished thing. I don’t think the King will mind too much, but his daughter has been the source of most of the talk. She’s not going to like what’s happened between you and me. There are those in the court who will feel our union is an insult to the Princess. It could cause trouble.”

“I do not understand why?” Susori said.

I shrugged, “Even so, I believe it will. Once this peace delegation is over I think my time in Philanthia will also be over.”

Susori didn’t say anything for a while, but I sensed there were questions she wanted to ask. Finally she gave voice to them, “You would leave your high position in the court, as friend of the King, for me?”

“Absolutely!” I said unequivocably.

She shook her head, “Surely that is not necessary. This whole situation is quite easily resolved.”

“How so?” I asked, in complete puzzlement as to what she saw that I didn’t.

“Simply take the hand of the Princess in marriage and we shall both serve you as wives.”

I about fell off my horse but recovering I said, “I would never do that!”

“Why not?” she asked in genuine puzzlement.

I stared at her askance, but then I quickly realized I was dealing with a war of cultures. In her culture such things were done. Her brother was living proof of it.

“Things aren’t like that in the seven kingdoms as they are among your people, but that aside I would never take another wife so long as you are alive.”

She glanced down and was quiet for a moment before asking, “I still don’t understand why? Isn’t this Princess pretty? Why would you not want two women of beauty to call you husband and share your bed?”

I sent off a quick prayer for help as to what to say and inspiration came instantly, “Yes, the Princess is very pretty. Yes, it is a temptation to consider having you both as my wives, but…….”

“But?” she prompted when I’d fallen silent.

“I am not a man ruled by my fleshly desires. I am a man that seeks El Elyon’s way for my life first and the way to do that is found in the Holy Scrolls written down and left for us by the prophets of old. Those scrolls are El Elyon’s words to us. Those words form the context by which I seek to govern my life and in the holy words there is a passage of Scripture that says it is good for a man to be the husband of one wife. It doesn’t forbid what you propose, but it gives me the knowledge of what El Elyon desires of me.”

“I see,” she said in a small voice.

My hand reached out to caress the soft line of her jaw and I raised her head back up to look at me, “My faith is not the only reason that I would deny the temptation of your proposal in order to have you solely to myself.”

She seemed to be hanging on every word that I spoke and I asked, “Tell me Susori, in your heart would it bring you pleasure to share me with another woman?”

She instantly shook her head.

Staring deeply into her eyes then I said, with all the feeling I felt for her, “Then how, as the caretaker of your heart, do you think I could agree to something that would cause you hurt? You are my wife. My only wife. Understand?”

Tears were wetting the skin of my hand still caressing her face and I watched something fiercely passionate give birth in the stormy depths of her eyes. Her hands rose to hold mine and she pressed a kiss to the palm of my hand.

She spoke, “You are not a man as other men are! Truly I am blessed of women to be your wife! Benaiah…….”

“Yes?” I softly prompted, as I stared at her in deep appreciation of her in every way.

“I love you and I’m so glad that I don’t have to share you with anyone!” she said passionately, as she leaned toward me and I leaned toward her to complete the path of our lips meeting in the connection of a kiss that went far deeper than just the physical.




Artaxis, who was riding behind the kissing couple, looked to the side at his young son who had been restored to him. The boy looked from the kissing couple to his father, who looked pained at a sudden realized knowledge. They’d both been overhearing the couple’s conversation.

“Son…….” Artaxis said, gesturing to Benaiah, “he is a better man to emulate in life than I am. You would do well to follow his example even as I will try to do the same.”

The boy nodded and looked forward to the couple who were still kissing as their horses moved forward in synchronized unison. He grinned when his aunt’s husband deepened the kiss by pulling his aunt from her saddle to sit before him on his horse. They were completely oblivious to everything going on around them.

The boy had never seen his aunt so happy before or a man so in control of another’s joy. Perhaps his father was right, but would there be any woman such as his aunt around when he became of age to take a wife? He certainly hoped so.




I cleared the last flight of steps that lead to my quarters. The peace between the two nations at war was firmly cemented and growing more so by the moment as the King’s pursers counted the newfound wealth that had entered their storehouses.

Peace was what I had wanted, but I had the taste of bitterness in my mouth at how it had come about. Any true King of merit should have forgiven another realm of trespasses based on the grounds of how the nation of Crona had been forced to go to war.

The King had not been the man I thought him to be and it was now true, as I had expected, that he had no love for me anymore, because of his daughter's crushed aspirations. It was no fault of mine for her built-up fantasies of make-believe to come to an end, but as I had expected I was the villain in it all.

I paused by a window to stare out at a city still loud with a joyous uproar at the news of peace. All I felt was anger.

People were rejoicing in the Kingdomer Nation of Philanthia, not for the victory over great evil that had been achieved or the fact that Crona was even now being made over into a nation that was hearkening in droves to the voice of El Elyon and redefining their lives by His statutes. No, they celebrated because peace meant the return of prosperity.

No doubt there were mothers supremely grateful of their sons not going off to war, I understood that. But even as they were justified I also felt that they were of the minority of those glad at the sound of peace ringing out in the streets.

I stared bitterly at the city that I had helped serve and keep safe for four years now. What was worth protecting in a city so filled with selfishness and the pursuit of riches?

Truly, I felt more at home in Crona than I now did in this kingdom. I’d had good times here, but the people and the King were not what I had built them up to be. I felt sure that if it had not been for the gratuitous gifting of all of Crona’s riches that there would have been no peace accord hammered out today in the king’s court.

For months the King had said how peace was all he wanted, but that had been a lie as, when faced with a generous peace proposal, he had gone on to demand a heavy tribute to be paid annually by Crona to Philanthia as well as a reduction of profits by Crona merchants on all products traded between the two countries.

I would have objected outright, but Artaxis had held me back and agreed to each item of what I felt to be egregious insults to any nation. How could peace last into the next generation when the current generation of Crona was going to live without what every nation needed in terms of respect?

It did not bode well for the future. I turned from the window and continued on to my room.

I slipped the bolts on the door shut as I closed it behind me. The room was dark and Susori was no doubt asleep. Leaning back against the door I felt peace for the first time today.

The world and its issues were outside. Inside this room was the warm comfort of my wife and all that the future had to offer us.

In my mind I was already imagining how peaceful it would be to crawl into the bed and nestle up to the warmth of my sleeping wife and be safe from the tantrums and crazed actions of the world outside, if for only a little while. I stopped my approach to the bed as a light flared and a candle was lit.

In relief I let go of my sword handle at the sight of Susori busy lighting more candles. She came to me then, the temptress that she was, and pressed her forehead against mine as she whispered, “It’s time to leave the affairs of the world behind my love and enjoy what we have instead.”

I reached for her, but she glided away toward the bed. Seeing her and the expectation of what was to follow easily stole all my former hard thoughts of the day away. She smiled and I knew she knew just how successful she had been.

“Come closer my lover and I will show you my love till the dawn’s early rays after all the candles have burned out.”

Her invitation was as erotica as she was and I wondered how I had been so blessed. I would gladly lose kingdoms for this woman and yet all she asked in return was the love I already felt for her.




It was early. The dawn of a new day had just begun and yet I was no farther along in figuring out what to do with my life now. I stared out over the city before me that still lay asleep. Was it time to go to the Kingdom of Vella and confront the high priestess that Kuri had tasked me with doing? I didn’t think so.

I also felt, though, that my time here at the side of the King was over. I’d prayed repeatedly through the night, but still I was no farther in knowing what to do.

“Why is it that you worry about what to do?” asked the voice of Urtholan into the quietness of the room and some part of me relaxed.

I glanced over at him, “Foolish of me, isn’t it.”

Urtholan shrugged, “What has worrying ever accomplished a man? In regards to yourself, here you are alone, cold, and removed from the comfort of your mate.”

I nodded. He had a very good point.

I glanced back into the darkened interior of the room and sensed that Urtholan was already gone, his message delivered. In short, I needed to trust more and worry less. I turned away from the railing of the balcony, content to let the uncertainty of the future rest in El Elyon’s hands.




“So boss, where are we going?”

I glanced up from cinching my saddle to see the distraught features of Thanuel. “What worries you Thanuel?”

He shrugged expressively and said, “You don’t know?”

I stayed silent and he soon exploded out with, “You have everything here! You are the King’s friend! You’re a national hero! You could accomplish so much! Why leave?”

“Because it’s time to old friend, but you can stay if you want.”

“Hmmphhh! My place is with you! I think you’re making a mistake, but I’m with you to the end. You must know that by now!”

I gripped his forearm tightly, “I do know that. Thanuel, as you put such trust in me to go wherever I lead, then you must also trust in El Elyon’s plans for our lives. Our time here is over and to stay would be against the urging I feel in my spirit to leave and begin what El Elyon has next for me to accomplish.”

Thanuel nodded, “When you put it like that…….how can I say otherwise.”

I slapped him on the back and mounted up onto Phalon. Thanuel mounted up and the group of eight riders, who had first adopted me as their own, followed me out of the courtyard even as Susori rode beside me.

We began to make our way through the city. Glancing back I saw several Cronian Knights ride up fast to only then keep pace with my friends. I glanced at Susori and smiling she said, “They asked if they could come along. I did not think you would mind.”

Not in any way did I mind. Cronian Knights were some of the best in the world and I was glad to have them.

I headed for the Eastern gate. I’d come from the South, had my share of escapades to the West, and I felt that it was not yet time to head to Vella in the north. That left me the East. I’d leave it to El Elyon to show me otherwise if I was flawed in my choice of direction.

The clip clop of our horses hooves sounded loud as we made our way down the stone paved byways and thoroughfares of Philanthia’s grandest city. I hadn’t expected to see the reactions that our entourage of riders received from those on the street.

They cleared a way up before us as if we were royalty, but more than that they took the time to regard us with waves and salutes to which I responded in kind. I had not known the news of my departure had traveled so far within the city already.

There seemed to be a mournful quality to the moment of our passage through the city. Beyond being mournful it was loud. I glanced back to see why there was such a loud noise, only to behold at least 40 riders in addition to my own band and the 10 or so Cronian Knights that had joined us.

Had the King sent these riders to detain me from leaving? They were certainly making no move to do so, seemingly content to be a part of my column of riders.

The men were all Knights of the Kingdom of Philanthia and their horses were laid down with supplies as if packed for a journey. Surely not……..

I glanced to Susori to see her coyly regarding me with a knowing smile, “Why is it husband, that you are so blind to the obvious?”

I glanced from her to the way ahead of us, even as I saw five more Knights drawn up waiting to join into the column as we rode past. I shook my head in consternation as three more Knights trotted out from an adjoining alleyway. Why was this happening? What could I have ever done to warrant this?

Susori’s cool touch on my arm had my troubled gaze going to her in search of wisdom.

“You are too humble by far, my husband, of your own notoriety and yet that no doubt plays heavily into why so many men wish to be led by you. You are a great man! Don’t think it strange that others have noticed what El Elyon has done in you or that they would not want to be a part of what He will do next through you.”

I nodded, taking her words to heart, but the disbelieving part of me broke free and gave voice to disparagement that didn’t seem to fit into the moment, “Why so many would follow me, a bastard, despite what El Elyon has done through me is still beyond me.”

Immediately I expected to be scolded for my self-deprecating words, but none came for my statement of weakness. Glancing at her was to see the loving nature of a mate that had only my best interests at heart. I relaxed in the knowledge that I didn’t always have to be impressive in terms of confidence and self-respect to still retain her respect for me. She believed in me and it never showed more than it did now and I loved her the more for it.

The sound of our passage through the city had grown to a roar of pounding hooves. Subconsciously I had increased the pace as if to somehow escape from my sudden newfound notoriety. It did no good, as the riders at my back kept pace easily.

Phalon kicked out his feet as if he was at the head of an army of several thousand. Glancing back, I ascertained that the host at my back hadn’t obtained that status yet, but there were several hundred riders now.

My friends wore the hugest of grins and I shook my head as Thanuel shouted out, “It’s great to be leaving sire!”

Turning forward once more in the saddle I heard Susori’s voice speak but now dimly discernible over the roar of hooves, “You may be but a bastard by way of origin, but now El Elyon has made you a king over men.”

I shouted back to her, “What is a king without a kingdom?”

She leaned toward me and said, “What need is there of a physical realm to call your own when the Kingdom of Shamayim is so close at hand?”

I gazed at her in astonishment.

She simply smiled and said, “I’ve been listening to you my love. You speak often of the Kingdom to come. Thank you for showing me the way there!”

I reached my hand out to hers and gripped hers tightly when it slipped into mine. El Elyon had not only given me an army with which to do His bidding, but also the comforting passion of having my soul equally yoked with a woman whose growing faith rivaled my own.

The Eastern gate creaked open before we reached it and we streamed through it, out from the city into the open plains, as if eager to leave the city behind and embrace what the future held.