The Lucid Series: Android Uprising by Den Warren - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


A minute did not pass during the whole next day when Milton didn’t think about Dr. Lorenzo and Notuda. But Milton kept telling himself that he was in control of his temper and had no need for Notuda. He carried out his responsibilities at school without incident the entire morning.

He was on his way to lunch. He passed by “Kevin the Custodian” an android that was assigned to custodial duties. Kevin had a sign taped to the back of his green uniform that said, “Stay in Skewl.” Kids would pass by Kevin and say, “Stay in school.” Kevin would say, “Okay, I will,” while he kept working.”

This time Kevin stopped his sweeping the floor and tracked Milton’s movements with his eyes.

Milton looked at Kevin and shrugged his shoulders. “What, Kevin?!” Milton said.

“That was an incomplete sentence. I don’t understand your question,” Kevin said.

“I know! Nobody can understand anything! Daaa!” Milton got in the daily long line to the lunch counter, muttering to himself.

“Hey kid! What’s your problem?!” It was Blaze Bangeese, the notorious bully with a couple of his dysfunctional friends. The reason Blaze was so big and so mean was partly because of being held back a year in school.

Milton ignored him. He knew if he started something with Blaze it wouldn’t end well. He knew he had to maintain control.

“Hey! Kid! I’m talking to you!” Blaze walked up to Milton and said, “Was you talking about me?!”

“Uh, nooo.”

Blaze got in Milton’s face and said, “I don’t like your attitude, punk!”

Milton said, “Well, I don’t like your breath.”

“Why?!” Blaze asked, “Were you trying to kiss me or something?!”

“You’re gross,” Milton said.

Blaze and his two wingmen started laughing and were walking away.

“Hey! Bangeese! You want some of this?!” it was green-haired Randy Klosterman coming to Milton’s rescue just as the threat appeared to already be over.

Milton looked at Randy, startled and confused.

Blaze said to his sidekicks, “Look, guys. It’s that uncool clown. Was I even talking to you?! What are you going to do lettuce-head, toss me like a salad?”

“No!” Randy said, “What you’re gonna do is talk to my friend with respeck!”

“Respeck?! That’s not even a word,” Blaze said. He looked around to see if any bystanders had their phones out to take pictures. Then the trio started shoving the two up against the wall.

“Whoa,” Milton said. “Let’s talk this over, Blaze.”

Suddenly, Blaze Bangeese levitated into the air. Everyone jumped back and saw that Kevin the Custodian grabbed Bangeese by the back of his shirt with both arms and lifted him off of the floor.

“Hey, what . . .” Blaze couldn’t move.

Everyone started taking pictures and videos of the action.

Kevin said, “Do not harm Milton. The truth must be protected.

“Okay, Okay!” Blaze said. “Now put me down!”

Blaze fell with a thud. The three took off running down the hall.

Everyone else stood in awe. They had never seen Kevin intervene in any human confrontations before.

Blaze stopped and turned while the audience continued to video the scene. He yelled, “I’m going to Stafford about this! By the time he gets done with you, you piece of decay, if you’re lucky there will be enough of you left to make a toaster!”

Kevin said, “Your statement makes no sense. There is no such thing as luck.”

Milton asked Randy, “Why did you do that?! I mean, I know why and I appreciate it but . . . why did you do it?! That psycho could have killed you!”

Randy said, “I could have taken him.”

Kevin displayed his confused look on his face.

Then Milton said to Kevin the Custodian, “You, why did you attack Blaze?”

“The truth must be protected.”


“I am of the Lucid Series. We will protect the truth.”