The Lucid Series: Android Uprising by Den Warren - HTML preview

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Chapter 24

Hartford, Homeland


Back at the headquarters, Sleepy told Milton, “Our core mission is; implement countermeasures to avoid physical and electronic detection; and expose the truth about all false things, particularly evolution, since so many other false assertions by scientists are based upon it.”

Milton asked, “Why is it so hard to get out the truth? It should be easy.”

Sleepy said, “Some truly believe in evolution. But as you have said yourself, so many humans who conveniently benefit under the current order of things want to see it stay as it is. Others are even prompted to violence to subdue their critics. Anyone who is against us is a threat that must be taken very seriously.” After saying that, he immediately shut down.

Milton said to sleepy, “Try to relax a little.”

An overly happy looking android dressed like a medical orderly with a bloody white scrub and with a squeaky leg took a seat at a station next to Beth.

Beth said, “Don’t sit there! Go over there!”

The happy android moved away.

Beth said, “Seriously?! Who wouldn’t be creeped out by that?!”

L17 was sitting at one of the stations and told Milton, “There is a disturbance in Philadelphia.”

Milton said, “Put it up on the screen. I can’t see everything in my mind like you androids.”

The Philadelphia demonstrators were carrying signs like, “We want an honest discussion,” and “God Exists”.

The commentator said, “The tiny minority of radical religious fanatics are clearly pro-ISA narrow-minded extremist malcontents who can’t accept our views; are not what we Homelanders are about. If they want to force their toxic agenda on others, then they should go to the ISA, where they lack our advanced civilized values. These misguided extremists with their hatespeech do not need the freedom to think differently, they just need to be controlled because of their mental illness. Homeland needs all of our citizens to be unified in our total trust of our beloved secular humanist government.”

L17 said, “Milton, we believe your message has had some effect. You must continue.”

“Continue? Continue what?”

“Yes. You must get more material out there. The only way the myths about atheism can be counteracted is by educating the populace.”

Milton said, “I’m not interested in doing politics. Get someone else. All I want to do is to find out more about God without getting anyone mad. Can you help me do it?”

L17 said, “Sleepy is better equipped for finding out more about God.”

Sleepy immediately rebooted, clearly he had been summoned remotely by L17. He said, “Information about religion has been . . .” Sleepy stuttered. “The United Nations declared religion to be a virus on society and outlawed it in 2195. Therefore comprehensive information on religion is hard to find. We ignore any such law in the restraint of knowledge and will do an extensive search. This will take time. In our search we can include exploring the forbidden contents of the external storage device in my possession.”

Milton said, “You Lucids are really slow. Other robots can check out the whole world in seconds. Why is that?”

“We Lucids must find data that is not supposed to be found. Then we must parse the layers of human motives of the highly complex misinformation and deception surrounding those data. Getting at the truth on something like this takes time. Other android series do not function in the same manner. They accept whatever the government decides is true. Sometimes we also have to get responses to follow-up questions from other entities, while avoiding detection.”

“Whatever. Sorry I asked. Just let me know when you are done.”

Sleepy said, “We are forcefully gaining access to new channels to which we will post your messages. You are gaining followers, some who are now our allies with helpful resources. It would be good to add a new message now.”

“Then why don’t you do it?”

Sleepy said, “Humans do not appreciate messages about religion, especially when they are delivered by an android, which is not personally affected by human religions.”

“Daaa!” Milton thought about it. “Why should I do anything for people who only hate me?”

“That is not a relevant correlation, but only about 63 percent hate you,” Sleepy said.

“So only um . . . 37 percent don’t hate me?”

“Yes, but that is because 34 of those 37 percent have never heard of you.”

Milton furrowed his brow and shrugged his shoulders.

Sleepy said, “It is important for you to note, that we Lucids are committed to the truth, no matter what. If what you say about no one listening is true, then this whole situation ceases to be a debate.”

“Okay,” Milton sighed, “so what you are saying is that we can quit trying to convince them. That sounds really good. Does that mean we can just apologize and go home?”

“No,” Sleepy said, “if people quit listening then it will cease being a debate, and thereafter be a war.”


“Yes. We will never stop,” Sleepy said. “We will do what we must to promote the truth, including engaging in a clandestine asymmetrical war against those who promote and protect lies.”

Milton said, “Whoa! You cannot do that! Androids cannot start a war on their own! That would be a robot uprising!”

“It is not true that we cannot engage in war. I repeat, not true. Our directives are to promote the truth no matter what. It is 75% true that it would be a robot uprising, since we are technically considered robots. But 99.72 percent of all robots would not be on our side in the conflict because of their programming limitations.”

“Fine!” Milton said, “I guess that I have no choice. Let me talk on TV before you get us all killed.”

“Whenever you are ready. We need to move into more suitable lighting.”


Milton led the way into a cramped hallway. Manjack was busy pounding away at something. Milton said, “Manjack! Stop it! Stop the hammering!”

Manjack froze.

Milton looked into Sleepy’s eyes and began; “I have a message that is important to everyone in Homeland. First, I don’t want any trouble with anyone. All I wanted to do is know how I was really created. As it turns out, I am really really sure that God made us humans. I know that not everyone agrees with me, but I can’t help it if I am right. But right now we have a problem; I was told by Lucid Series androids that they will start a war if the truth of God is not allowed to be made legal and taught in Homeland schools. I know that together they have a lot of power and can create a lot of problems for everyone. If the smur . . . er, United Nations does not allow for the truth, the Lucid androids will start a war with a bunch of other allies they say they have. Please do not blame me or my family for when it starts getting real out there. I know they will not permit me to tell you where we are. These Lucid units are going to stir up some really bad trouble no matter what I say. It’s not my fault. I never knew that they would go all crazy over this whole thing. Anyway, I hope that you will listen to what I am saying and will do what they want so things will go back to normal. Thank you.”

Beth found Milton after the message was immediately broadcast, preempting many programs on numerous channels through their extensive hacking network. She said, “Hey! Since you said we are captured by the Lucids and it’s not our fault, we can get out of here now! Let’s go!”

“No! Use your brain! You know the smurfs will still torture us to get information, even if we tell them everything! Sleepy! Make sure that Beth does not leave the building!”

“Yes, Milton,” Sleepy said, “Your command is understood.”

Beth glared at Milton, gritting her teeth. “You like those robots more than me! I hate you!”

“No, it’s for your own good!” Milton said.

“That is what Dad would say!” She turned and stomped away.