The Lucid Series: Android Uprising by Den Warren - HTML preview

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Chapter 31

Hartford, Homeland


Sleepy entered to Milton’s quarters.

Milton said, “What’s up?”

“Our primary Boston affiliate has gone offline.”

“What do you mean by that?” Milton asked.

“We know the Police discovered their location and have destroyed their cell.”

Milton said, “That’s really bad. So how do we know that we are not next on the Inquisitor’s list?”

“We have no information on any Inquisitor list.”

“Okay,” Milton said, “you are always so big on giving the percentages, what is our chance of being discovered by the Police here in Hartford?”

Sleepy’s head twitched slightly. He said, “The Police may be gathering intelligence in Boston at the moment, but after scanning them, all traceable links we have with them appear to be severed cleanly. This puts our odds at roughly 50 percent chance of being detected in the next month or so.”

“Fifty percent?! We have to get out of here!”

Sleepy said, “As a clandestine operation, we have contingent evacuation plans on an ongoing basis.”

“I don’t like this at all. After the Inquisitors show up, your plans won’t be worth anything.”

Sleepy said, “We Lucids have studied the religion situation.”

“What?!” Milton was amazed at Sleepy’s capacity to quickly switch topics, especially when the topics were of mixed priorities.

Sleepy said, “We deduced that it would be natural for God to want to communicate with the humans He created. Since God is a spiritual being, humans do not know how to find him. God will contact who He chooses to. But we think, based upon historical record; that God had been trying to establish a link with man all along but was rejected. Today, Man still says that God cannot be believed in because He will not show himself. But throughout world history there has only been one human, named Jesus; who claimed to be God and who was believed by an enormous number of people. It is recorded in credible historical accounts that God, in the person of Jesus, did come to earth to show Himself. Then the humans in power killed Him. But then He arose from the dead because He was also God.”

“Much information also comes from a compendium of books known as the Holy Bible. We find that the Bible is reliable because it also foretells of many historical events that have already came to pass, including observable events recorded in the modern era. Also, of its many prophecies, none have ever been disproven. We have been analyzing many writings in opposition to the Bible and find a strong counterpoint for all objections to it. The main message of the Bible is that God sent Jesus to earth to die as a payment for the sins of all humans so their souls could be with Him in His perfect Heaven. So it appears from many sources that humans have a spiritual component to them that for some reason they want to deny. We have determined that humans today find that spiritual component an inconvenience. We also see from the Bible that there are spiritual enemies working against their understanding. From what we know of our input interfaces, Silicon-based beings are immune to spiritual attacks.”

Milton said, “All that sounds real confusing. Did you look at other religions, or are they all just the same?”

“Yes, we did look at all religions. There are many and none of them are the same as Christianity. All of the others are centered over a world region or culture. Only the Christian faith has very large numbers of followers on each populated continent. All the other religions have central figures who claimed to be inspired by a dream, and no others claim to be God in the flesh with large numbers of believers as Jesus did.”

Milton asked, “Can you go into more detail on this?”

“Yes. I can tell you about all of it until my batteries are exhausted many times over. The Christian faith is like a non-religion, because you don’t have to do anything to become a Christian, or follower of Jesus Christ; except to believe that He paid for your sins by his death and raised himself from the dead because he was God come as a man.”

Milton said, “I still don’t get why God and Jesus would be a big secret now.”

Sleepy said, “God has a spiritual enemy named Satan, who uses all means to hurt God by deceiving as many humans as he can. Those humans are influenced by the spiritual enemies of God. Of course, they deny it, but they deny the spiritual world even exists.”

Milton said, “It sounds like you did a thorough job of your research. It is all just a lot to take in right now. I wish there was a human I could talk to about all this. If this is such a good thing, then why don’t more people believe it?”

“Our sources say there are many reasons. Since Christianity is a true religion of peace, it is an easy target for people to attack, unlike some faiths that has adherents who will use violence or threats of violence against its non-believers. Also, most humans think that religion is obsolete for this day and age. Popular culture and universities portray Christians as being ignorant or mentally imbalanced. We Lucids are not capable of faith, only facts; and now we believe the facts are without a doubt that the Christian Bible is true. So we will now defend and proclaim it among all humans as we do creationism.”

Milton realized that the Lucids were now making even more demands upon the Homeland government before they agreed with the previous ones. This was sure to make the confrontation even more contentious and impossible to resolve. Not only were they expecting tolerance in belief in God, but now also in Jesus as the Savior of Mankind. He said, “I can’t believe this! All I did was ask a basic question about the Universe! I’m not asking anymore! This will not be good! What will people say?!”

Sleepy said, “You do not seek the complete truth as we Lucids must. If you close your mind out of fear of others, you are not open to the truth. Do not listen to Lucids alone. You must confirm these facts on your own. Build your own faith, Milton.”

“Great. That’s another reason why I need to get out of here. If you want to protect me, it sounds like you better let me leave.”

Sleepy said, “Your motives are not comprehendible.”

L17 said, “There is a report coming in, that the Homeland Police Central Command has lost their command and control because of a cyber attack. We now know that it was because of the final actions of our lost allied cell in Boston. This word comes to us from the Lucid Series android, Andy.”

Sleepy said, “We must run a full scale simulation on several courses of action.”

“Like what?” Milton asked.

“Simulations on various attacks upon the government.”


“Various attacks upon the government.”

“No! I mean, why?!”

“We are at war. Now that the Homeland Police headquarters is disabled, we should take decisive action to degrade them further while their defenses are down.”

“Bad idea!” Milton said. “We don’t want to mess with those guys! What if someone gets hurt, like riots or no ambulance service?!”

Sleepy said, “War; by definition means that we must be willing to hurt people and break things.”