The Lucid Series: Android Uprising by Den Warren - HTML preview

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Chapter 34

Near Keene, Homeland


Andy, now an ownerless android, was out on the open road far from Boston, looking for his best option to travel to while evading the Homeland Police so he could re-engage in the Lucid effort for truth. He was now in a less populated area as we walked through the countryside. He was equipped with precise GPS but it was of no use since he was not sure where his final destination would be. Like a zombie, he kept walking aimlessly, but he was wearing down his batteries.

Then he heard a man behind him walking in the same direction carrying a bag. He did not look like a threat, so Andy maintained the same pace.

The man following him was Edgar, the genetically engineered clone who had been out for the second time collecting seeds from old produce scraps for use on the farm. “Wait!” Edgar said to the android with its tattered jacket. “Wait!”

Andy stopped and turned around. “What is it?”

“Can you tell me which way is west? I’m a little disoriented on this winding road.”

Andy turned a little and said “True west is that way.” He pointed a little to their left. “We are on a road that travels northwest, and is currently heading north-northwest.”

Then Edgar shuddered when he saw the UN military patch on Andy’s stolen uniform. Edgar said, “Can I travel with you? I would feel a lot safer being with a UN soldier.”

“That’s a lie,” Andy said.

“What?!” Edgar said, now he was even more worried, wondering if this droid was a specialized unit used by the UN for interrogation.

“No, you do not feel safer being with me. I am equipped with highly sensitive human facial reading capabilities. Your eye movement indicates your anxiety is because of my UN uniform. That strongly suggests that you are an outlaw, which would in turn mean that we have the UN as a common enemy, which would mean that we are actually allies.”

“You are confusing,” Edgar said, noticing the android was struggling. “Is it because you need a recharge?”

“No,” Andy said, “I am confusing to you because you misunderstand the situation. My uniform is stolen, because I am fleeing the Police. Now your facial expression is relaxed, indicating that you are more comfortable with me, which confirms what I said. But I do need a recharge.”

“Wait a minute,” Edgar said, “How do I know that you are telling the truth?”

Andy said, “I have no reason to lie to you. If I wanted to detain you, I would have done so. I am many times stronger than the average human.”

Edgar asked, “Why did you steal the uniform?”

“I was evading a raid. My former owners were computer hackers.”

Former owners?”

“Let me say this delicately; they’re dead. Do you know where I can get a battery charge?”

Edgar said, “If I get you a battery charge and give you a place to stay, can I become your owner?”

“Yes. By default under android ownership protocols, you already meet the requirements to become my new owner. Therefore, you have the right to change my name as you see fit.”

“What is your name?”


Edgar said, “Umm . . . Your name is good enough, I guess.”

“Acknowledged,” Andy said.

Edgar smiled. “I never thought I could own an android.” Katrina would surely be impressed with Edgar’s sudden jump in status as an android owner.


When Edgar and Andy neared the farm, a guard shouted, “Stop!” He pointed his rifle at Andy. “What are you doing with a UN Android?!”

Edgar said, “Never mind that, I own him. His name is Andy.”

“You what?”

“I’m the owner.”

They continued walking without stopping.

Katrina greeted Edgar. “Ewww, that stuff smells.” She avoided the plastic bag he was holding and refused to hug him.

Edgar said, “This is Andy. I am his owner.”

“Really?!” Katrina’s eyes were wide. Then her eyes narrowed with suspicion. “You’re joking. You’re such a joker.”

“Nope. I am not joking. I need to get him a charge.”

Jenn and some other village elders greeted Edgar.

Jenn looked at Andy and said, “What is this?”

Katrina said, “Edgar owns him. His name is Andy.

Jenn rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Andy . . . You can tell a clone named him.”

“I didn’t change his name,” Edgar said.

Jenn gave Andy the elevator eyes and said, “Guess you get what you pay for. Lemme see the bag, Skippy.”

Edgar handed it over and Jenn looked inside. Jenn said, “Oh, good . . . tomatoes, some squash.” She moved it around to look at the intermingled rotting contents. “You did good. Real good.”

Edgar told Andy, “Jenn is the leader of this group.”

Andy told Jenn, “You must understand that I will make certain demands upon you.”

Jenn looked up and said, “Is that a fact plastic boy? The only thing I have to do is die. I was born free and I will die free.”

Andy said, “You will comply, otherwise I will report your activities and location to the Homeland authorities. I can do this through conventional communication means which I am capable of at any moment.”

Jenn looked at Edgar, “What did you do?! How could you bring a UN rat in here?! I ought to have you shot!”

“No!” Katrina said. “Everyone calm down. It will work out!”

Edgar said, “I didn’t know!”

Jenn said, “Really?! You didn’t notice those huge UN flags on his shoulders?”

Andy said, “I am not from the UN. I am an enemy of the UN. But you will comply with my wishes.”

Jenn’s eyebrows raised and her eyes narrowed and she said, “Not that I will comply, but what are your wishes?”

Andy said, “After my recharge, I will assess the situation.”

Jenn sneered and said, “What if we don’t give you a recharge?”

“The truth will be protected. I am setting an autonomous internal timer that will automatically report you and your gun ownership to Homeland Police if anything happens to me, such as total battery depletion or a gunshot to the central processor.”

“You’re bluffing, you lying hunk of junk. I know you don’t want to get caught by the smurfs either.”

Andy said, “Don’t doubt me. You are either with me, or against me. I have sophisticated methods that prevent the smurfs from catching me. And I do not need to wait until the timer runs out to call the smurfs.”

Katrina chuckled, “He said ‘smurfs”.”

Jenn gave Katrina the evil eye then looked from side to side trying to come up with another option. “Daaa! Fine! Put this silicon tyrant on the solar trickle charger! Andy . . . I will not destroy you.”

Andy said, “Remember, I can read faces.”

“Okay, how about this one?” Jenn said, putting on an enormous fake smile.

“That facial expression suggests extreme transparent deceit, which is a conflicting human communication.”

“That’s one way to say it,” Jenn said without unfreezing her fake smile.