The Mount Hayes Mystery by John A Rigby - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Even after three months of living and working in The Last Frontier State, the cold and remote stillness of winter Alaska still fascinated and intrigued Logan Watson. He slowly looked around at the snow topped mountains and forests from the balcony of his apartment in Anchorage, breathing in the clean fresh air and sipping his steaming coffee as he gradually became aware of the cold morning’s winter air on his hands. Logan had never thought about living in the vast wilderness of Alaska, having lived in multiple major American cities before, but he was now feeling comfortable with the peace and quiet of this beautiful area.

With his wife and FBI partner, Madison Hayes, he was on attachment to NORAD to investigate recent sightings of anomalous craft in the skies above Alaska and help gauge the threat to American interests. He was desperately hoping for another jaunt soon in an F-15 Eagle as a passenger or in a Chinook H47 again from Elmendorf, as being a former USAF pilot, flying was in his blood.

Logan’s thoughts were then disturbed as Madison came out onto the apartment balcony, coffee cup in hand. She was dressed for work in a two-piece suit and had just finished checking the latest emails on her secure FBI issue laptop.

“Hi Honey!” she said. “It is such a beautiful, fresh and peaceful view, isn’t it?”.

Logan smiled, realising that once again his wife had read his mind without him saying a word.

“It certainly is! I thought I might struggle up here at first when we moved up but not now. This place is so clean and peaceful - but a little cold at this time of year! I think we should go skiing or snow-boarding again at the weekend.”

Madison felt both pleased and contented. She was happy that Logan was settled here as she had worried that his city background would have made him unhappy but seemingly not so.

“Sounds good to me! But let’s get up to Elmendorf now as it looks like there is something big happening at last. I will tell you more about it in the car.”

They left their coffee cups in the kitchen, locked up the apartment and went out to their GMC Sierra 1500 Duramax for the fifteen minutes’ drive to work.

As Madison drove along Glenn Highway, Alaska Highway 1 towards Elmendorf AFB, she started to reveal the new information and intelligence she had seen earlier that morning.

“One of the F-15 Eagles was up near Mount Hayes on a routine flight last night when something odd appeared near the summit.”

“What was it?” said Logan. He was well aware of the staff chatter on base about unknown craft in the remote mountain areas, particularly Mount Hayes. “Was it a UAP?” he asked bluntly and excitedly.

“Well, the pilot, Major Bryce Reed, captured infra-red video and pictures of what had appeared so we can see for ourselves in a while. But after all this time, you know me well enough – I would never speculate and I need hard facts!” she replied with a wry smile. Watson knew Major Reed fairly well now and he looked forward to hearing more details about the encounter.


Logan’s attention then reverted back to the journey on Highway 1 and he fell into looking at the jagged and snow-capped peaks all along the route as they cruised along. He was always on the lookout for wildlife in the trees or glacial water, like the occasional whale, but he saw nothing today.

They soon reached Elmendorf AFB, cleared the base perimeter security, parked up and walked to their small office quickly swiping through the security doors. As soon as they were in their office attached to Intelligence Squadron, Madison and Logan logged onto their laptops and Madison started to play back the footage sent to her from the previous night’s flight.


Chapter 2

“Major Reed first saw a large silver shape on his HUD as he flew close to Mount Hayes on a surveillance trip and thankfully started to record everything that was visible. He was travelling at Mach 1 at an altitude of about 8000 feet his instrumentation shows.”

They watched utterly intrigued as a silver metallic craft could be seen banking hard near the top of the mountain before accelerating at an incredible speed, vertically and then away. Unfortunately, the footage only caught a few seconds of the UAP but that was enough to catch the interest of the sceptical Hayes.

“Wow!” said Watson, genuinely surprised. “That craft was really moving and significantly faster than anything the USAF have”.

He paused briefly before adding. “So, we will need to determine a few things. Firstly, what it is, secondly if it represents a threat to our National Security and thirdly if it is from a hostile foreign power – or somewhere completely different”.

Hayes then started to analyse the footage using various advanced scientific tools, especially developed for the FBI to gauge a craft’s speed and altitude. She went quiet and looked puzzled whilst in deep thought and then after a few moments she looked up at Logan.

“Yes, you are right Logan,” said Hayes in complete agreement with his last summary. “We do need to determine if that now represents a real and present danger to the US. I was just checking the speed and altitude that the craft flew away at after Major Reed saw it. I have had to double check the data and it was at Mach 30 and rose to 80,000 feet in 2 seconds”. Her scientific brain was struggling to compute this mind-blowing data almost as if she didn’t believe what she had calculated.

“That is insane!” gasped a bemused Watson. “Surely that can’t be from this world. If it belongs to Russia or China, then America is going to have big problems”.

Hayes nodded in agreement. “We need a brainstorm to come up with ways of investigating this just like we have always done. Those brainstorms really helped map out a plan when we were in Florida after Miguel Perez and his drugs. Good job he didn’t have anything as fast as that craft!” Madison got up and went to the interactive whiteboard, pen in hand and ready to scribe.

She started to set the scene “As we both know; Project Stargate was established by the CIA back in the 70s to utilise the alleged ability of Remote Viewers and precognition. Not my deal really, but an RVer called Pat Price claimed he could see an alien underground base beneath Mount Hayes. And Mount Hayes is of course, in the middle of the so-called Alaska Triangle. There is no concrete evidence to support that for me but there is enough high strangeness going on up here to merit these further investigations.”

“About 140 miles away from Mount Hayes, at Mount McKinley, there is allegedly an energy source pyramid that is located underground and there have been reported sightings of multiple mysterious flying objects, or UAPs as they are now called.”

Watson listened carefully, taking in her words and suppressing his surprise as she was now almost implying something he had never heard her speak of before. Watson then added “This incident may change a few minds now. In my opinion, we need to get some observations up there on Mount Hayes quickly and monitor activity over a period of time – preferably from high above but also with some ground presence. We should utilize those Balor sCMOS ultra-fast cameras and video to 3

capture anything that flies near the top of Mount Hayes – or out of it! These cameras are fast and ideal for big sky surveys, operate in low light conditions and would really help us.” We also need some more regular air patrols – maybe to poke at the nest.”

“I agree Logan. The cameras are a great idea and I’ll arrange for them to be supplied from the base here with some supporting communications personnel. I will also get the sky patrols authorised.

We need to get this surveillance started as soon as we can. Hey! It also looks like you may get a flight up there too in that F-15 Eagle again as I can tell you really want to! This is hot now so I want to get things moving very quickly this week. I’ll speak to base commander Colonel Jackson, later this morning to bring him up to speed and get his approval. I don’t want to annoy him though as he is not very keen on FBI, ARU, civilians or NORAD!”


Chapter 3

Colonel Mitch Jackson was a career long former air force pilot having served his country proudly all over the world. He had seen action in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East before returning to the US to become Squadron Section Commander at Malmstrom AFB, then Flight Commander at Spangdahlem AB in German. He had returned to the US to become Commander, first at Peterson SFB and then at Elmendorf AFB.

As a proud patriot, he had been decorated many times in his career having been awarded the Air Force Achievement Medal and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal. He wasn’t used to having to deal with women however but with one eye on a potential future political career, he worked hard to quell his misogynistic tendencies. He felt NORAD was an apology of an organisation and all intelligence should be solely managed by the United States of America.

Madison went to his outer office where Jackson’s secretary, Helena, was based. Madison liked her and pitied her for having to work with Jackson and tolerate his often-odious moods and outbursts.

“Hi Helena!” she said as she went into the outer office. “Is the Colonel free for a few minutes as I have something very urgent?”

“Hi Madison” replied Helena. “I’ll check if he is available now for you.” She buzzed through to Jackson’s office and asked if the Colonel was free. To Madison’s surprise, he immediately came through the door and cheerfully invited her into his office.

“Hi Madison. Come on in.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Madison always called him Sir out of respect and was tempted once to salute him but Logan had later pointed out said that wasn’t right coming from a civilian. Madison had quickly noticed that Jackson liked Logan as he was a pilot - and a handsome man.

“I hear that we had some strange activity up on Mount Hayes last night. Any idea what it was?”

asked Jackson knowing full well that she wouldn’t have any more information just yet. Hayes wondered again if she was being provoked and tested out by Jackson.

She kept calm and opened up her laptop to show the footage but guessed Jackson had seen this already from other sources on the base as news and gossip travelled fast up here.

“No, not yet Colonel. However, I would like to request your authority to start to sky patrol and track an area of approximately five square miles around the summits of both Mount Hayes and Mount McKinley using the base’s F-15 Eagles. I also want to observe the mountain range with Balor cameras from a lower level and give us views from both angles. This craft on the footage you have seen here could present a real threat to our national security and airspace, as we currently have zero idea of origin. Nor do we comprehend the speed it flew away at.”

To her total surprise, Jackson was in full and supportive agreement. Maybe he was unnerved by the mysterious craft too?

“Yes, I agree. I will immediately put Majors Reed and Dixon at your disposal in their Eagles along with Major Drysdale, who flies our H-47 Chinook Block II helicopter. They are good men who will co-operate fully and work with you. That should give you a good start on aerial observations and we 5

always have 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team Airborne, on standby here if needed to deploy up the mountain.

“I will also personally request the presence of an E7 Wedgetail at 30,000 feet to monitor everything using spy-in-the-sky radar and imagery during the patrol flights. But we will at best only get a week’s time to investigate this. We need some detailed information and evidence.”

Hayes was nearly lost for words but managed to show her appreciation. “Thank you, Sir. I will provide regular updates on all activities for you.”

Madison was buzzing as they drove home from the base that evening as she sensed big things were now starting to happen. Logan felt it too and was proud as his wife told him that Jackson had agreed to everything requested so far.

“Most of the men onsite think Jackson is a jerk, on a self-proclaimed ego trip but it sounds like he gave full support to you Madison.”

“Yes, it felt strange because he is usually very patronising but not today. Maybe he is worried too?!”

“To start us off, I’ll arrange an initial briefing meeting tomorrow at 10.00am on the base for Reed, Dixon, Drysdale and us. We will start the surveillance flights in the evening and agree flight routes for a week using the F-15 Eagles and Drysdale’s Chinook. We will get support by the E7 Wedgetail and then we can review findings at post-flight debriefs each day. We have a week’s allotted time to survey and report”

“Good work Madison and hopefully we will capture something on film that will help us.”


Chapter 4

Hayes and Watson had only been in the base meeting room for a couple of minutes when there was a knock on the door at 09.59am. USAF precision timing!

“Come in” said Madison, trying to sound as confident and authoritative as she could and the three pilots filed in, all wearing their flying suits, ready for action if needed. They had all been instructed to co-operate fully by Jackson and to temporarily report to Hayes.

“Take a seat” she added trying to be as informal as possible and standing next to the front lectern and pedestal.

“Hi. For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Madison Hayes, I am a Deputy Director at the FBI and Head of the ARU, Anomalous Research Unit. I think all of you guys know Logan Watson, Assistant Director FBI and a former US Navy pilot”.

A chorus of “Hi” went round the room along with nods of acknowledgment and the pilots individually introduced themselves to Hayes.

“Well guys, you will all be aware of the footage captured by Major Reed on Wednesday night and I have been asked and authorised to lead the investigation, reporting back regularly to Colonel Jackson, the FBI and the Pentagon. I have Major Reed’s flight footage loaded here on my laptop, so let’s start off by taking a look at it again together, discussing and I’ll explain what we are planning to do to move this on. I am asking for and really need your help gentleman with these observations and intelligence gathering. I want us to work as a strong and cohesive team and any suggestions you may have are always welcomed!”

This combined and inclusive approach went down well with the pilots who were not used to being asked for their views.

The meeting room lights were dimmed and Hayes played the footage through from her laptop, twice onto a large monitor at the front of the briefing room.

“Right” she said when the footage had finally finished, “Whatever that craft was, it travelled at Mach 30 from somewhere around the top of Mount Hayes, rising to 80,000 feet in about two seconds.

Speeds and a rate of ascension that we just don’t understand. Major Reed, what did you think at the time you saw this craft?”

Hayes was a little anxious directly asking Reed and hoped for a good reaction from him and all the pilots. She needn’t have worried.

“Call me Bryce please Madison” said Reed gently and instantly making her feel both at ease and fully accepted, even though she was a civilian. He appeared to welcome the USAF and Government combination approach being adopted.

“Within these four walls, an awful lot of US pilots have likely seen a UAP at least once in their careers and we have all learned not to talk about them for fear of ridicule or being grounded. This all stems from Project Blue Book which ended back in the late 1960s and was closed down. AATIP and AARO

followed but there is still a big reluctance from USAF pilots to speak up around the topic.

I saw some weird objects and lights when I was stationed at Hickam AFB, in Hawaii last year but this thing at Mount Hayes summit came from absolutely nowhere and moved out at what seemed to be 7

hypersonic speed. I wanted to give chase but before I could get authorisation from Elmendorf, it had gone off in a south-westerly direction at that blistering pace and I had no chance. The thing was, it flew directly into a head wind of 120 knots effortlessly. I managed to flick the cameras on when I first saw the strange tri-angular shape with lights on the wing tips. When it flew off, it left absolutely no trails or emissions. I have no idea whatsoever how it was propelled.”

Reed’s account opened up a group debate that seemed to settle any lingering nerves and encourage a completely open dialogue – maybe because this was being led by a civilian woman and not a USAF

male officer. Next Major David Dixon spoke.

“Bryce is right about US Fighter pilots seeing UAPs and keeping quiet. Many of us want to speak out because it blows your mind but we have to leave all that to the satellite TV channels to speculate.

My father was a pilot aboard USS Nimitz back in 2004 when the Tic Tac craft first appeared. The crew were stunned but under strict orders not to discuss with anybody. He told me how exposed the pilots felt and feared that these crafts could blow them away with ease as we don’t understand their technology. It feels like times are slowly beginning to change now and the pressure for full disclosure is coming from many Senators. But that hasn’t happened yet so we are still frustrated and unsure who to speak to.”

Major Steve Drysdale followed suit. “Yes, I agree with everything the guys have said so far. I was on manoeuvres on the USS Omaha when the ship was surrounded and tracked by strange little objects for several hours off the cost of San Diego. These 30-foot craft flew at about 50 knots around us and buzzed us. Other ships in the area experienced the same interactions. They disappeared from our radar and two appeared to ditch straight into the ocean. We started to feel that they were just observing and teasing us really.”

Logan then spoke out. “When I was with the US Air Force at Lakenheath in England, we were scrambled to chase lights flying from Rendlesham Forest. Our ground teams had detected radiation activity but we never captured footage of the craft folks said flew up from the forest. I try to keep an open mind about strange and inexplicable things like this and it was the same for Madison and me when we were in Mexico on an FBI/DEA narcotics case. We both saw a very strange creature down there that was not from this world and that we could neither explain nor classify. But we both saw it clearly.”

Hayes now felt included in this part of this conversation and jumped in.

“Yes, and we filed numerous reports of dates, times and observations along with video footage captured from a Navy SEAL’s headcam but all that information got buried somewhere high up. To this day, we have never heard anything more about the high strangeness at play. I found it very frustrating that this went no further in getting to the full background.”

She felt really positive about today’s meeting and that the five personnel from different backgrounds were starting to bond and share experiences, which augured well for the future of this investigation.

There appeared to be general openness about a restricted subject.

“That is great thanks guys. So, our next steps will be night monitoring flights over a route from Mount Hayes to Mount McKinley in both directions. Bryce and Dave can alternate flight routes and record any activity with Logan on-board for additional eyes. Steve and I will be in the Chinook at Mount Hayes peak observing at 7000 feet. The Wedgetail will be our overhead radar companion at 30,000 feet. We only have a week’s authorised activity time so we need to start tonight at 20.30pm”.


There was a mood of palpable excitement in the room as the briefing finished and everyone returned to their offices or quarters. Playing cat and mouse with Russian or Chinese pilots was one thing but tying to snare something from out of this world, well that was quite another.


Chapter 5

As the winter period from September through to the end of April, was now active, all Elmendorf base staff had been issued with authorized cold weather uniforms and accessories, including wearing reflective belts outdoors for visibility purposes during hours of darkness or limited visibility. This kit was invaluable in the hostile Alaskan winter weather, particularly around Mount Hayes. Snow ploughs and tractors kept both the base’s 8,000-foot and 10,000-foot runways clear - but that was a busy and arduous job.

The Aerospace Ground Equipment specialists at Elmendorf maintained all planes and helicopters on base in top condition for use at a moment’s notice, so the Eagles and Chinook were always ready and available for action.

The Winter wind was bitterly cold as it screamed across the dark, loneliness of Runway 1. The three pilots, plus Hayes and Watson, walked briskly from the control tower towards the Chinook and two Eagle planes standing prepared and ready.

Watson was excited inside and itching to take off, whereas Hayes was apprehensive – and cold despite the kit issued. She had her flight suit on, proudly showing her embroidered name on the top pocket, now fully zipped up with a thermal but baggy T-shirt of Logan’s underneath and two pairs of socks under her heavy-duty USAF issue boots. She was aware that the Chinook’s cockpit was not heated like a passenger jet but hoped the thermal gloves, insulated suit, socks, T-shirt and balaclava would help stave off the chill.

The attentive ground crew slid the Chinook doors open and Steve and Madison climbed in. Drysdale settled down in the pilot’s seat and helped Madison get her safety belt over her shoulders before giving her the thumbs up and then started talking through the headsets.

“Are you OK Madison?” he asked. She nodded, gave the thumbs up sign and felt better for being out of the freezing night winds and in the cockpit.

After running through his pre-flight check routines, Drysdale started the massive beast’s engine and the propellors slowly rotated then roared into life. He entered the co-ordinates for Mount Hayes north-east face into the digital moving map display and GPS and then asked for tower clearance to take off. Soon, the mighty helicopter effortlessly lifted off, banked upwards and buzzed away in the direction of Mount Hayes.

Back over on Runway 1, Bryce climbed into the first F-15 Eagle pilot’s seat, whilst Dixon got into the pilot seat of the second craft, and the ground crews secured the canopies. All three crewmen had their parachute harness, full-body flight suit on to combat gravity and survival suits, as the planes would be flying at very high speed, Mach 2.5, between Hayes and McKinley. The distance of 174

nautical miles would only take a mere forty minutes at that bewildering speed.

Logan climbed into the rear cockpit of the F-15, helped by the ground crew and buckled up his seat belt. He attached his gravity-suit valve to the aircraft’s feeder valve and could feel his heart rate increasing with excitement. His internal communication channels were turned on so now he could hear both Bryce and also the control tower via his headset.

The fighter jet’s Pratt and Whitney engines were warmed up and ready to go. Both planes were fully armed with AIM-120 advanced medium range air-to-air missiles on the lower fuselage corners and 10

on two pylons under the wings. An internal 20mm Gatling gun was located in the right-wing root but as Hayes had pointed out to them all beforehand, there had never been a verified report of a UFO

behaving in a threatening manner. But just in case….

It was very dark outside, and the only lighting came from the control tower and runway lights as Bryce manoeuvred the Eagle onto the start of the runway, to await permission to take off. Major Dixon pulled alongside in his Eagle and soon the announcement came through from the tower.

“You are cleared for take-off”.

In perfect synchronization, and after years of dedicated training, the two pilots accelerated their jets rapidly along Runway 1, with afterburners blazing and their noses lifted off the ground simultaneously as their speeds reached 145 knots. Effortlessly, the 38,000 lb jets lifted into the night sky, with Reed heading for Mount Hayes and Dixon tracking the course to Mount McKinley. Watson still got that adrenalin thrill from the cockpit at these speeds and altitudes. After being thrown back in his seat, he sat back to enjoy the ride. The $80 million SuperJet very rapidly ascended to a cruising height of 40,000 feet and a speed of Mach 2.5. The experience always made Logan’s stomach tingle and today was no different.

Both pilots confirmed their flight statuses with Elmendorf Tower and also with the Boeing Wedgetail, high above, so external tracking and observations could start. All on-board radar and LIDAR were initialised ready to use on location arrival.

Some minutes later, Logan was delighted to hear Madison’s voice in his earphones and felt re-assured she was OK.

“This is AK99 to AK63 and AK79. We have now reached Mount Hayes and are in position at 8000 feet on the South-West side of the mountain. We have LIDAR activated and are sweeping the surface to capture any anomalies. Await your arrivals and updates. Over.”

Bryce replied “AK63 to AK99. Our ETA is 7 minutes. Over”. Dixon’s ETA was 9 minutes from McKinley so everything was green for go at present. Madison felt excited.


Chapter 6

As Bryce started to closed in on Mount Hayes, he dropped his altitude progressively down to 10,000

feet and throttled back his speed to Mach 1. He constantly scanned all the data on his HUD looking for any sign of unusual activity.

He spoke to Logan on the internal channel to say “We will be over the summit of Mount Hayes in 60

seconds. I’ve activated all the cameras and now you keep observation with the night camera console”

“Sure, will” replied Logan.

“I’ve got AK99 Chinook on radar now” said Bryce to Logan, Madison and Drysdale. A few moments later, the F15 flew over the peak of Mount Hayes with Watson and Reed scouring the landscape whist Hayes and Drysdale observed for any unusual activity around the huge mountain top. Reed banked hard and did a full 360 degree turn for another pass and data capture. Lower down the mountain, communications experts from the Brigade Combat Team had the Balor cameras trained on the mountain ready to capture any surprise activity.

A minute later, Major Dixon’s F-15 screamed over the South face of Mount Hayes, with all cameras and radar active. Like Reed, he completed a large loop and then a second pass over the peak.

Hayes looked out of the Chinook window and was privately disappointed. There had been no obvious unworldly activity.

All three craft headed back to Elmendorf AFB and the first de-brief that was scheduled for at 09.00am next morning.

Both Logan and Madison were subdued on the morning drive up to Elmendorf AFB. Logan was driving whilst Madison was looking at her laptop, to review footage from the previous night.

“Nothing new to see honey.” She said again in a resigned voice.

“The first LIDAR shots might be processed by the time we get there as the communications team were going to work through the night. The Balor footage can be reviewed too for what it is worth.”

“Still, plenty of time to go” said Watson, sensing her sliding mood and trying to revive her spirits.

“I couldn’t settle or sleep at first last night and I started to think that on tonight’s flights we should use some Chaff and Flare as we fly over the top of the mountain. The Eagles carry combat loads of over 100 flares to fire and this would increase visibility and who knows, activate a response? I will raise at the briefing and see what the guys think too, as together we could have 120 flares to fire.”

Madison smiled. “Thanks Logan! You know I feel a bit down and I am not looking forward to briefing Jackson later. He will be thrilled we have found nothing.”

“Come on Madison “replied Watson. “Rome wasn’t built in a day and we are all going to learn together. Let’s stay strong and keep poking hard at the nest! I bet the other guys are up for it”

Hayes nodded again and did feel her spirit’s lift somewhat. What had she really expected she kept asking herself? She was a big sceptic about UAPs yet here she was feeling very disappointed that 12

they hadn’t found anything on their very first attempt and now starting to feel a failure. She patted his knee as they drove up to the base perimeter gate.

“Yes, I will be strong and I’m ready for Jackson and his sarcasm!”


Chapter 7

On the base in their office, Hayes and Watson reviewed the Balor camera footage but, as Hayes had feared, that showed nothing of interest to them. However, the LIDAR scans, expertly and quickly processed by the Communications team, did indicate some large cavities about 40 feet below the surface of Mount Hayes and that immediately lifted the atmosphere.

“Told you not to be so glum!” teased Logan. “Something for us to work on there for sure as those areas could hold all sorts of secrets or craft”.

They headed down to the conference room for the 09:00am de-brief from last night and briefing for tonight’s flights. As Logan and Madison opened the door to the briefing room and went in, they were surprised to see Bryce, Dave and Steve already sitting there and chatting in animated fashion.

“Morning Guys.” said Madison. “You all seem keen and eager despite us not capturing much last night! I am pleased you all sound so up-beat!”

“Well let me explain!” said Dave quickly and excitedly. “I got a call from my wife at 6am, whooping with joy as she had just done a positive pregnancy test - I’m going to be a dad!” Madison and Logan both cheered and offered their handshakes, immediately understanding why the atmosphere was jubilant.

Whilst delighted for their new colleague, they both suppressed pangs of envy, as they had been trying for a child for some time now – but without success so far.

“So, to help celebrate, please help yourselves to a slice of Black Cake made from an old family recipe of mine from Guyana! Take it easy though as there is a fair measure of rum in that cake!” Dave offered. Everybody took a slice and settled down relaxed, with a coffee, for the de-brief session.

Hayes shrugged all other thoughts from her mind and opened up the meeting by showing her appreciation for the professionalism everyone had shown in flight timings and data collection on the first day of the operation.

“Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to get any telemetry indicating a craft of NHI or Non-Human Intelligence or belonging to a foreign adversary but we did get some interesting LIDAR on Mount Hayes. It looks like there are some large cavernous areas under the top of the mountain on the North West face after all. Maybe that Remote Viewer was right all those years ago! “She teased “At this point we can only speculate what they might be or contain but let’s carry on analysing tonight.”

At that point, Dave spoke up again. “Well Madison that is really interesting because after my early morning, “you are going to be a Daddy call!” I was re-checking all my data logs this morning from last night’s flight. I noticed that I had picked up a very short and strange broadcast somewhere near to Mount McKinley on frequency 5070 GHZ, which, as you know, is illegal in the US. I have no idea what it was about, who sent it or who it was aimed at.”

“Hmm. That is very interesting and unusual Dave. We will have to see if anything broadcasts again on that frequency at either Mount McKinley or Mount Hayes tonight during our flyovers.”

At that point, Logan spoke up. “Bryce and I were talking about stimulating more reactions from any entities on Mount Hayes and we think firing off some Chaff and Flare near the top of the summit of Mount Hayes on flyby may help to interest or flush out any visitors. We have no idea what had 14

happened before the craft appeared for the first time when Bryce saw it, but maybe bright lights and afterburner noise will do the trick.”

“That sounds a good idea to me” said Steve and with the Balor camera we may get a look and capture some footage, as long as we are quick! I will ask the ground crews here to load up for the Chinook too with flares.”

“Great! Now I will have to submit our first activity report and progress plans to Colonel Jackson. I feel very positive now thanks gentleman.” All those present in the room, felt excited again and fully motivated about the night ahead.

Back at her desk, Hayes completed typing her report of the night’s activities, proof read it and then printed a copy out that she signed and dated. She inserted tidily into a Veloflex folder and then walked round to Jackson’s large office and spoke to Helena.

“Hi Helena. Is the Colonel free? I have last night’s activity and progress report for here him as he requested.”

“Hi Madison. I’ll just check for you. “She buzzed the phone in his office but this time there was a long wait for any reply. Helena shook her head vigorously at Madison, not to indicate that Jackson wasn’t there but that he was not in a good mood. That put Madison on her guard, and she went into mental preparation mode. Be strong she told herself.

After an awkward ten minutes of waiting on the reception sofa and making small talk with Helena, Jackson opened the door of this office. “Come in” he said sharply to Madison.

Madison went into his office holding the report in a plastic Veloflex folder. She had now decided to keep conversation to a minimum and exit as soon as she could.

“Here is my report from last night’s activities Sir.” She passed the file to Jackson and stepped back from his desk, expecting to be invited to sit down. She wasn’t.

Jackson took the report out from the folder and read it all in complete silence whilst sitting at his desk while Hayes stood awkwardly waiting for any questions. Privately, Jackson found the report was well written and fully detailed but he wasn’t going to say that to Hayes.

“So, basically nothing was found last night?” he fairly spat at her. “This exercise is starting to eat up a lot of dollars and officer time. “

Hayes took a long, deep and calming breath before replying. “The LIDAR scans show large underground cavities at Mount Hayes that in theory could be used for sheltering a craft whilst the communication Major Dixon picked up was on an unauthorised channel at Mount McKinley. We might be onto something here however small it seems right now. Tonight’s flights might reveal further information, as we search for a needle in a haystack.”

Jackson huffed almost contemptuously.

“OK. Let me have another detailed report first thing tomorrow morning.”

He knew that there were powers above him in the Government that wanted an investigation and he did not have the power to abort it now.

“Yes, Sir will do” said Hayes and gratefully left his office.


Chapter 8

Hayes and Watson decided to leave the office a little earlier to go home, rest up for a few hours and shower before the evening’s activities began. As Logan drove them along the highway, they chatted about the de-brief meeting in the morning.

“I felt the meeting went really well this morning and the team has really started to glue together,”

said Madison. “But I don’t think Jackson is very happy and I have this feeling he wants us to fail and get off his base.”

“Maybe but don’t worry about him. I hope you realise that you have the full support of all the guys on the team without any doubt. You are doing a great job with your sharp analytic mind and feminine skills!” Logan replied. She smiled but he could see that sadness hung over her.

“Great news for Dave and his wife about the baby too.” Madison added trying to inject a happy note into the chat but inadvertently opening up a conversation Logan had been trying to avoid.

“Yes, he is a good guy and I am really pleased for them” said Logan and then noticed a few moments later tears streaming down her face. He quickly pulled the car up by the side of the highway, put his arms around her and hugged her. He wiped the tears from her cheeks and kissed her forehead, desperately trying to show his love and care for her.

“Come on honey” he whispered gently and trying desperately to comfort her.

“Logan, I just want to give you a child too. We have a great life and a little baby would be the topping but I can’t seem to” she sobbed.

“Hey Madison. Try not to get yourself worked up as that won’t help. Let’s relax and keep trying – we have to let nature take its course and if not, well then…we have a great life together with so much to do. I am so happy with you and I love you so very much.”

He kissed her on the lips and squeezed her hand. Madison felt a tingle inside as Logan, like many men, didn’t always communicate his inner feelings very well. But right now, she felt complete and unconditional love.

“I am sorry Logan. Maybe Jackson, and the investigation are starting to stress me but I do love you so much too,” she sniffled.

She put her hand on his leg and stroked up and down his thigh as they neared home and back at the apartment in Anchorage they went straight to bed. No sleep was had though.

After a shower and some tacos to keep them going, they got back into the car and returned to Elmendorf. When they were back on the base, they got into their flight suits to rendezvous with the rest of the team in the briefing room at 20.00pm, ready to walk to the crafts and board at 20:30pm.

Tonight, Logan would fly in Drysdale’s Chinook rather than Dixon’s F-15 and both Eagles would fly together first to McKinley, then onto Hayes. Flares would be dropped at both mountain sites and an additional loopback flight would look for any response or activities, with all possible measurement instrumentation in use. Again, the Balor cameras were set up to point at Mount Hayes summit and the communication team were monitoring, on another bitterly cold Alaskan night.

For Madison, the walk to the Chinook was now starting to feel familiar and she was very relaxed for this flight – especially with Logan sitting with her in the Chinook cockpit.


The Chinook whirred into action and slowly elevated from the ground into the pitch-black sky above Elmendorf. Steve set off in the direction of Mount Hayes as per the previous night and they smoothly flashed over the snowy and mountainous terrain. The whiteout made it hard for Madison and Logan to clearly make out anything below as they chatted on the internal channel to Steve.

“We’ll be over Mount Hayes in ten, “said Steve. “I will fire off some of our flare-set about five minutes before the first Eagle is due to start to help illuminate the area and see if anything happens.”

“OK. Let’s hope we invoke a response quickly!” replied Madison enthusiastically and Logan agreed.

Meanwhile, the two F-15 Eagles were closing in rapidly on the summit of Mount McKinley with Reed leading Dixon. They separated flight paths so Reed was 2000 feet higher than Dixon and then approached the mountain in opposite directions, East and West approaches at rapid and loud pace.

“AK79 to AK63 I’m ready to discharge flares in thirty seconds and light the sky!”

“Roger that AK79” replied Dixon, preparing to fire half of his own arsenal of flares and incendiaries.

Reed let the flares go and then circled the dark shape of the mountain followed at a lower and opposite trajectory by Dixon, who gleefully let his batch go. Both pilots started to circle and admire the view.

“Mighty pretty lit up Bryce ain’t it___” said Dave. But before he could add anymore, he suddenly shouted out. “Hey! Hey! There is that broadcast again on frequency 5070 Ghz”

Bryce confirmed he had picked up the broadcast also and this was noted by Steve, Logan and Madison at Mount Hayes. Dixon scanned the mountain top for any signs of activity via the infra-red view finder built into his visor but he saw nothing.

“I wonder if that broadcast was a warning to Mount Hayes?” speculated Watson in the Chinook and all the listeners wondered the same thing.

A further rapid circuit above the mountain revealed nothing more and neither were any further broadcasts captured.

“AK63 to AK79 Heading to Mount Hayes now,” said Dixon. Both planes then set course to head East at Mach 2, afterburners on, to provoke the huge massif - and see what would happen.


Chapter 9

“AK99. My ETA at Mount Hayes is 60 seconds,” said Dixon. Drysdale flicked the switch and prepared to discharge his flares over the North East face of Mount Hayes as his radar picked up the two rapidly approaching F-15 Eagles.

Exactly thirty seconds later, Drysdale triggered out twenty flares of intense orange light that floated down slowly over the mountain face. From the Chinook cockpit, Madison thought how pretty the illuminated light made the side of the mountain look, almost like a Christmas card with the moon behind. She had barely lost that thought when Major Dixon’s Eagle screamed in over the South-West face of the silent mastiff and blazed the vista with a further barrage of flares. The night sky was well and truly lit up now.

As he banked hard around the mountain, Reed caught the very briefest of glimpses of a triangular silver shape coming towards them at what seemed a very fast pace.

“UAP, UAP!” he shouted, causing stunned alarm to Dixon in the other F15-Eagle, Drysdale, Hayes and Watson in the Chinook, the crew in the Wedgetail high above and all back at Elmendorf AFB.

The UAP pulled to port and Reed went starboard bound both at very fast speed and close quarters.

Too close.

The tip of Reed’s tail wing very slightly clipped the unknown craft sending the F-15 into a series of rolls that Reed manually battled against whilst the automatic on-board navigation systems fought to correct. Reed used all his fifteen years of experience to eventually pull the plane upwards, with heartbeat soaring, and his senses spinning. Alarm and warning sirens rang all around the cockpit and his dilemma could be felt by everyone. Steve, Madison and Logan looked upwards in horror as the plane weaved about wildly but slowly Reed re-gained some control.

“Bryce, Bryce are you OK? Over” asked Dixon and then Drysdale repeated the same question to his friend. “Bryce, man. Are you OK. Over.”

After a few moments, Reed’s slightly shaken voice came over the radios, to the total relief of all his team mates.

“Roger. Yes, I am OK. Confirm I am OK and have stabilised the jet. But I have sustained some damage to my tail wing from that other craft. What was it and where is it now? I also have radio damage too so I am going to try to head back slowly to Elmendorf …...” The line went dead and all hoped that was just the loss of the radio.

“Dave. You be his wingman back to Elmendorf. Over” said Steve, calmly and sensibly and showing all of his many years air-force experience.

“Roger that,” said Dave.

Silence ensued until Watson suddenly shouted out and pointed downwards from the cockpit.

“Hey! Look down there! The UAP has crashed and ditched into the snow in that valley!

Instinctively, Drysdale altered the Chinook’s course and headed to the area where the small craft had downed. The powerful searchlights from the underside of the Chinook showed that the unknown craft had left huge gouges in the soft, untouched snow down the side of a nearby valley as it had slid along before coming to an abrupt halt. There were no flames or smoke.


Whilst Drysdale was hovering and circling over the site of the mysterious crashed craft, he checked for radiation and started filming. Hayes spoke to Elmendorf Tower to advise and prepare them.

“AK99 to Elmendorf Tower. We have a major situation with a damaged F15 Eagle needing to make an emergency landing at Elmendorf AFB. Please acknowledge and prepare emergency services. The aircraft is being chaperoned by another F-15. Over.”

The Duty Controller at Elmendorf answered to confirm they were fully aware of the situation and the Wedgetail had given co-ordinates of the UAP crash site.

“Roger AK99. Elmendorf Runway 1 is cleared for emergency landing. Fire and rescue services informed. We will bring him home.”

Back on the face of Mount Hayes, Steve had started to scan the UAP wreckage with a thermal imaging camera when he suddenly he made a surprised, gasping noise. Everybody on board went quiet and Steve killed the open radio channels to Elmendorf and the Wedgetail.

“Something is alive and moving on-board down there” whispered Steve.

“We need to get down there now and search” said Hayes immediately and fearlessly. Drysdale and Watson both felt anxious but agreed that was the right course of action.

“I will put you down as close as I can” said Steve, as he scanned the terrain for a suitable place to land the heavy chopper away from the deep soft snow.

“Take the medical kit and the hand-held Geiger Muller radiation level monitor. I will join you when I can. I have a bad feeling about advising Elmendorf as Colonel Jackson will likely want the whole area obliterated.”

Hayes and Watson were shocked to hear that comment but not really surprised and agreed. They put on their helmets, zipped up their flight suits against the night chill, turned their personal body cameras on and kept as the only open communication channel, the one with Drysdale.

“I reckon we have about 20 minutes before Black Hawk helicopters are swarming all over here. I have ended communications and turned the transponder off but the Wedgetail will have captured all that. Radiation from the UAP probably affected the equipment on board” smiled Steve mischievously.


Chapter 10

Watson slid open the Chinook door from the inside and jumped down a couple of feet into the soft snow which went straight to shin height. He turned round and held his hand out to Hayes to help her jump down too.

“Snow is far too deep to land here Steve” yelled Logan, as he and Madison trudged off towards the craft. Drysdale heard that and flew the big, heavy chopper up and away to another part of the mountain looking for firmer ground. The downdraught from the Chinook caked the area with fresh snow.

Running through very thick snow on a cold winter’s night was hard going and without doubt, skiing and gym sessions had helped Hayes and Watson improve their fitness levels to enable them to keep moving forward quickly. Watson reached the craft first and stopped to scan for radiation levels but the readings were minimal. Both he and Madison sucked in plenty of oxygen, as their thigh muscles screamed in pain.

The silver-coloured craft was small, maybe twenty feet in both length and width and it reminded Madison of a Florida park ride when she was a kid - not another worldly space craft. Logan saw something that looked like a door hatch that looked partially opened probably from the crash-landing impact. He decided to wrench it fully open.

Logan put himself between the door and Madison to protect her, as he had no idea what was inside the craft and whether it was aggressive. Anything inside would have to go through him first before it got to his wife. He tugged at the handle which eventually opened up the entry hatch.

Without thinking about his own safety, Watson peered in and was astonished to see a small humanoid figure trapped in the craft flight seat. Hayes looked in and gasped too.


The occupant very slowly looked at them. It was a pale grey in skin colour, about four feet tall they guessed after, had big oval eyes and a small mouth or opening.

Hayes saw that the creature’s large right index finger looked bent or dislocated and arm looked to be damaged or broken too. The non-human intelligence life form was trapped in the seat belt and couldn’t free itself.

“You will have to cut the belt Logan,” said Hayes anxiously and quickly.

Again, without any regard for his own safety, Watson pulled a knife from the belt of his suit and quickly sliced the seat belt, whilst trying not to alarm the creature with the large jagged knife in his hand.

Hayes opened up a water bottle from the survival kit and instinctively offered it to the creature’s lips, not knowing if that was the right thing to do. To her surprise and delight, the little creature took gulp after gulp. Some colour seemed to come back to its ashen face and Madison felt sure it smiled at her.

“Steve. We have found an occupant on the crashed craft and it needs medical attention,” said Logan, in an almost incredulous voice.

Almost instantly, Drysdale replied “Roger. OK. I am still airborne but now on my way back.”


Moments later they could hear the thudding sound of the Chinook’s rotors and the welcome sight of the chopper hovering overhead.

Steve winched down a stretcher cage and Watson easily lifted the small and light entity onto the stretcher which was safely secured, whilst Hayes held onto the rope. Steve brought them up to the deck of the chopper and Hayes scrambled aboard, dragging the stretcher with her, before she sent the rope back down for Watson.

He was pulled up fast and took a long look back down at the wreckage of the craft as the snow began to fall heavily again covering up their earlier footprints. The downdraft from the blades also helped to cloak up all evidence of activities and movements.

“Is everybody OK?” asked Steve, who was secretly desperate to get a look at the alien.

“Well, this little creature looks like it has a broken left arm and dislocated left mandible,” said Hayes.

She got another water bottle out from the survival locker. The small visitor gulped the water furiously again as Steve flew them away from the crash site.

Steve said to Logan. “Hey Logan, can you take the controls for a few moments? Just fly her straight and steady.”

Logan took over the controls and tried not to disturb anything, as his non-fixed wing flying experience was very limited.

Drysdale moved by the seat and into the back of the Chinook.

“Mercy me!” he muttered quietly, as he looked down in amazement at the small creature and thought to himself that neither his wife, nor anybody else would ever believe him if he said that he had once given a ride to an alien. He also realised that he would never be able to have an open conversation about this experience.

“Guess we’ll have to get it to a medical facility fast?” he suggested to Madison and climbed back through to the pilot seat to start to plan a route to the nearest site secure military hospital. Logan went to the back of the chopper to re-join Madison and help decide upon their next steps. What should they do next with a non-human entity on board?

At that point and to everyone’s utter astonishment, the extra-terrestrial creature sat up on the stretcher, looked around slowly and then calmly reset its own finger and arm by moving them both back into normal position, with its right hand. Without any doubt this time, it did smile at Hayes and Watson and then stunned everyone by talking in English but in a woman’s voice to Hayes ears, and a male voice to Watson and Drysdale.

“I thank you for helping me after my craft came down and for the water that I was desperate to take.

In a millennium, I have never collided with another craft before but I was temporarily dazzled by the bright lights sent from your crafts.”

Hayes spoke then.

“We are sorry that the flares dazzled you. We meant you no harm and hope you are OK but we wanted to know if there was anybody else on Mount Hayes, as one of our pilots saw a craft near the summit recently.”

She smiled in as friendly a way as she could in the circumstances, trying to put the little creature at rest.


“Would you like some more water?” asked Hayes.

“Yes please.” Replied the creature who happily glugged more water down and then studied the human occupants closely again.

“I can sense that you want to know who I am, where I am from and what I am doing here “said the alien who appeared to be closely and deeply mind-reading now.

“I come from a planet range that you call Kepler, a long way from your Earth, many light years. I am here for a few reasons. I was collecting scandium from inside both your Mount Hayes and Mount McKinley. I got a message from our other craft at Mount McKinley that fighter jets were in the area and airborne. Back on Kepler we can convert scandium into power for craft propulsion systems and electrostatic motions. Our own supplies have run low.”

“I breathe oxygen like you do but I can also utilise other gases like nitrogen and carbon as well as water. I can live in your oceans and process water through my skin to extract oxygen. I was checking the gas purity on the mountains too.”

“And, our great spirit, Apu, asks us to watch over earth dwellers and help to guide humans when we can. Our small race is peaceful and abhor violence. We worry about humans fighting, creating wars and possessing dangerous nuclear and chemical weapons that would not only damage your own planet, but the whole universe. Humans have already damaged Earth’s ozone layer and the increasing temperatures show that. We Keplerian will try to help repair the ozone layer.”

“I have been travelling the galaxies for many thousands of years. I can communicate in many different tongues but this is the first time I have spoken directly to Earth people. We have found that the area of Alaska is vast and remote, which makes it best for us to shelter and hide in.”

Looking into Steve’s mind now, the small alien continued.

“And yes Steve, we do use the inside of the mountains to hide as we do not want to directly confront humans. But I am pleased I have met you a I have learned already much from you three. You have shown me that humans have lots of good and kindness inside them too.”

This whole short experience was utterly mind-blowing and now humbling for Madison, Logan and Steve.

“I am called Nusta, Madison to answer your query and on Kepler we self-fertilise every half millennium.” The little creature added, pre-empting Madison’s next questions.

Staring intensely at Madison, Musta continued.

“I can see you have a happy union with Logan. Like you, he has much kindness and goodness in him”

Hayes smiled happily but was astonished when Nusta then followed up by saying

“And in a few earth months, you will give birth to your first boy child”

Hayes looked at Watson and they were both speechless. How could Nusta know this? What level of telepathic insight and understanding did she possess? Hayes scientific mind struggled to cope with the advance and unexplained phenomena that she was now personally experiencing and finding bewildering. It defied all her smart logic.

Nusta then looked into Logan’s thoughts.


“Don’t worry Logan, your friend, who I collided with, is now safe and well at your airbase.”

Then it was back to Steve again.

“Steve” said Nusta “You will soon get your wish and work in peaceful areas helping other human people enjoy good lives.”

Drysdale was stunned too as he had been thinking for some time now of leaving the USAF and helping with commercial and pleasure flight work in Alaska or famine relief aid work in South America, with his wife, who was a nurse.

At that moment, Drysdale’s attention switched back to the current time and he noticed that his radar screen showed three approaching dots without transponders on.

“Military Black Hawks!” said Steve. “I will have to turn on our communications again” which he instantly did.


Chapter 11

“AK99 to Elmendorf. Do you read me? Over” said Drysdale, in his usual air force manner.

The first voice he heard back was that of Colonel Jackson practically shrieking. “AK99, I need an immediate status report. You have been off air for two minutes. Over “

The whole crew were totally stunned as time had appeared to have stood still since they had left the craft, found Nusta and rescued her. It must have taken forty-five minutes or more not a mere two minutes? But time appeared to have come to a halt and stopped.

Drysdale was a cool, calm and collected person and he gently replied.

“Sir. We had an intermittent electrical outage on all on-board systems after the unknown craft crashed. Maybe it was EMI fields, so I have had to system reset everything. I eventually managed to get communications working. We are airborne again now. Over”

“Give me an update on the crash site. I have advised United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations and they have dispatched Black Hawks to secure and neutralise the area of any external threats. Is the crash site intact? Over.”

“Sir. There is wreckage in the snow but no other activity seen. Over” replied Drysdale, in his most convincing voice.

“Hold your position. Out” shouted Jackson.

Steve switched off the communication channel and realised his career was nearly over now. How could he explain to anyone that he had collected an alien and then blatantly lied to his commanding officer? But he felt good inside because he knew he had done the right thing in protecting Nusta. He liked her outline of his future too.

“Well done, Steve,” said Madison. “I bet you play a good hand of poker! I think Jackson would have destroyed and then covered up everything we have found and seen. Let’s download all our body cam footage and save it away from the Chinook data. What do you both think we can do about protecting and helping Nusta?”

Before anybody could make any helpful suggestions, it was Nusta that spoke next.

“You do not need to worry about me, Madison. Apu will take me from here very soon and I will return to Kepler to tell of my time here and my new discoveries. The damaged craft that your people want to examine and reverse engineer will very soon disintegrate in the snow and there will be no trace left.”

The three crew members didn’t want Nusta to leave but all had lots of new questions, both general and some personal.

“What about the scandium Nusta?” asked Watson curiously.

“The scandium has already gone back by the traversable wormhole that links Kepler to Earth and through which I travelled, Logan. We have other electrostatic mediums we can use to generate energy and that one day, I hope, can be shared with humans - but only when the human race is ready.”


“The time has come for me to leave. Apu is calling me so I thank you again Madison, Logan and Steve for helping me.”

“Wait Nusta!” said Madison who quicky removed and handed over one of her USAF issued dog tags showing her name and blood groups. “I want to leave you with something to remember us. We will never forget you. I would rather give you snowdrops, my favourite flower, but this is all I have right now.”

“Snowdrops?” said Nusta puzzled.

“Yes. A beautiful white flower that grows on Earth in our spring time, and also called Galanthus Nivalis.” Hayes felt a tear running down her cheek. She was very emotional now perhaps brought on by the baby talk or maternal feelings towards the small visitor.

Madison saw that Nusta was puzzled and quickly guessed that Kepler inhabitants did not exchange gifts. Nusta smiled as she sensed this gift was important to the earth people and saw more evidence of their emotions and kindness.

“Thank you, my friends.”

There was a sudden but gentle swirling of ethereal white light around the Chinook and then Nusta was gone.

Both Watson and Drysdale said later that they were sure they saw other similar forms to Nusta at that moment but the light was very intense.

The team didn’t speak for a few minutes in the aftermath of this dramatic and life changing experience, each trying to assimilate and comprehend what had just happened. Suddenly Steve brought them all back to reality by saying

“Here are the Black Hawks”

The three Black Hawks hovered menacingly in over the top of the crash site, which was now blanketed again in fresh snow as a new torrent fell heavily. They looked like big black hunting birds to Madison.

Multiple special forces troops in arctic clothing abseiled from the choppers to the snowy mountain surface, armed with weapons, monitoring equipment and spades.

“AK99. Confirm this is the site the unknown craft crashed into please. Over” boomed a voice over the radio. It was the pilot of the lead Black Hawk checking for confirmation with Steve.

“Roger. Affirmative. You are directly over the area the craft crashed in. We have seen no activity here in the past 45 minutes. Over” replied Steve.

Madison, Logan and Steve watched the special forces troops checking for radioactive discharge then the troops split into small groups. Three troops knelt in a circle around the area aiming automatic rifles into the dark to secure the area, whilst the others used large poles and spade handles to javelin into the snow, presumably hoping to strike against the craft’s exterior.

Logan noted that some of the troops were carrying flame throwers – clearly, they wanted no trace of anything left. The troops moved quickly from area to area, spiking the snow Steve silenced all the communication channels on AK99 except for the internal on-board route, so they could talk freely.


“So, they are searching for the crash wreckage,” said Logan. “I reckon Jackson has been keeping them fully informed all along.”

“Yes, without doubt” replied Madison tersely and sounding angry. “Hopefully they will find nothing now and all evidence has disappeared like Nusta said”.

After about twenty minutes furious activity, the soldiers grouped together and signalled to the choppers. Ropes came down and they quickly ascended back to the Black Hawks.

They had found nothing.

The lead pilot flashed lights at AK99 in acknowledgement and then the convoy flew off into the night to a secret destination base.

Drysdale spoke to Elmendorf Tower to request permission to return to base as AK99’s fuel gauge was starting to dwindle.

Jackson came onto the line sounding frustrated and angry.

“Permission granted. Hayes, I want a full report on my desk by 9.30am in the morning of everything that happened tonight”.

“Yes sir. “She replied through a knowing smile.

As they flew back to Elmendorf Hayes announced.

“I will write a full report for Jackson alright and, include the telemetry that will have been captured of the craft. But none of our body cam images will be included and there will be no references to Nusta. A more detailed, restricted, classified report will be produced for the FBI and ARU Executive.

Nobody can ever prove that anything happened down there. Just us. Steve, I promise you that we will protect you from any actions from Jackson”.

Drysdale and Watson agreed with Madison’s plan and all fist pumped.

The Chinook touched down at Elmendorf at 01:15am. Madison and Logan thanked Steve again for his bravery, everything he had done and the friendship he had shown them and Nusta. Logan drove the Sierra back home through the dark night whilst Madison already started to type up her field report. It would be a long night for her but she was really fired up.


Chapter 12

Logan jolted up suddenly and desperately looked at the bright digital clock by the side of the bed. It showed the time as 05:32am and he realised he had fallen asleep, still dressed, on top of the bed. There was no sign of Madison so he rushed through the apartment to the living room, where he found her tapping away on her laptop.

Racked with unnecessary guilt, Logan said “I am really sorry Madison, I must have crashed out asleep on the bed.”

She smiled at him and gently said.

“No worries honey. We have had an unbelievable twenty-four hours so I am not surprised you are shattered from flying helicopters and running through that deep snow and driving. I have just about finished these reports and I have pulled in some images from Elmendorf from the Balor cameras at Mount Hayes that clearly show the craft. I also dragged in footage from Steve’s Chinook camera sets showing the crash site and our body cams for the other report and those images are all on this encrypted pen stick. Unbelievable shots from your body camera when you pulled open the craft door and we first saw Nusta.”

“Will you look over it for me please to make sure it reads well and I haven’t missed anything? I am going to get a shower now to liven up and then we can head up to Elmendorf to give this version to Jackson. The sanitised and full version will be circulated to FBI and ARU executives and that will reference Nusta.”

“The report will confirm that a craft of Non-Human Intelligence entered US airspace in Alaska, collided with a USAF military jet and was downed in a valley close to Mount Hayes.

An exhaustive search revealed no sign of the craft or of any occupants. The search was undertaken by persons unknown but suspected of being military personnel acting under the jurisdiction of USAF Office of Special Investigations.”

“Sure, I will read it straight away and I’ll watch all the recordings.” said Logan enthusiastically and dived in whilst his memory of events was still fresh. He thought how tired Madison looked and how puffed her eyes were.

He thought the report was excellently written and of the usual high calibre that he had come to expect from her during their time together. He noted however that there was no reference to the Special Ops team carrying flame throwers, which he thought was indicative of intent. He would mention that to Madison later on.

Very importantly, Logan had also remembered that today was their wedding anniversary.

He rooted out the wrapped gift he had bought for Madison a couple of weeks before and a card. He put them in his laptop bag quickly as she came down from the shower.

His first thought was that the shower had perked her up a bit and she looked far less stressed. She looked immaculately dressed and was clearly keen to present the report to Jackson.

“I want you to come into Jackson’s office with me as you have been so integral in everything that has happened up here. We are just about done here now. I have learnt an awful lot from you, the biggest thing being that I need to keep an open mind at all times. You were 27

open to the idea of something unworldly being here and I just couldn’t buy that – but you were right so thanks!”

“Hey no worries! That is how good teams work together” Logan replied with a smile.

“I want to have the guys round here for a drink and food later so we can all get together again – a final debrief and say goodbye” she smiled and Watson was both pleased and sad at the same time.


Chapter 13

As Logan drove down the regular route to Elmendorf AFB, his attention was caught by a flock of birds that he quickly realised were cranes. His mind flashed back a few weeks to a conversation he had on the base with a colleague of Inuit descent, who had told Logan that the Inuit people considered seeing a crane to be a sign of good luck. Logan smiled to himself and looked over at Madison, who was fast asleep in the passenger seat. He always had a feeling of good luck all through him when he was with her.

They arrived at the base at 8.30am giving them plenty of time to print off the abridged report, mount in an officially badged Veloflex folder with selected images, get a coffee and then walk up to Jackson’s office.

Helena was perky and happy to see them.

“Hi Madison. Hi Logan, not seen you for a bit” she fairly schmoozed.

Madison smiled to herself as she hadn’t really noticed before that Helena was another Logan fan but he did look strikingly handsome in his suit and tie.

“I will let the Colonel know you are here. He was in early today – if he went home at all last night “mused Helena.

That comment made Madison wonder how much Jackson was really flustered by the events of the last few days.

Helena buzzed through to Jackson’s office to announce that Hayes and Watson were there and he came straight out.

“Come on in guys and have a seat” he said sounding unusually friendly. “Would you like a coffee?”

They both politely declined, saying they had just had a cup, and Hayes noted the difference in tone to her last audience with him. She handed him the Veloflex report file with the image USB pen stick library and sat back awaiting his comments.

Jackson read the report thoroughly and without saying anything, was impressed again. He also was relieved that the investigation was ending and these FBI pests would be off his base soon.

“Well, no doubt about it, you have produced further evidence of extra-terrestrial activity in our skies and planet. The stunning pictures from the cameras on the Eagles and Chinook, plus the Balor, clearly show a craft of unknown origin. You are both smart people and you will also have realised I don’t want to make a fuss about this or attract unnecessary attention from the American public or press. It is my belief that the public could not handle or cope with this information which will have to remain highly classified. Good work both of you” he added with a measure of concealed resentment.

“Pity you couldn’t capture in person or on film an ET though” Jackson added, hoping to regain the upper hand in the conversation.


“Were you in constant contact with the USAF Office of Special Investigations all through this investigation Sir?” asked Hayes directly and pointedly.

Before Jackson could say anything, Logan jumped in

“And why were those special operations troops in the Black Hawks carrying flame throwers?

Was that to eradicate any trace or evidence of an external craft Sir?”

Jackson looked very uncomfortable and didn’t make eye contact with either of them. After a long pause, he said,

“Orders from the top levels of Government. As there was a collision involving a USAF

fighter jet and an alien spacecraft, an investigation needs to take place. Standard practice as you will both know well. And we have no idea of the threats presented by this visitor. It and its craft could spread a viral pandemic across the world. The Office of Special Investigations were not prepared to take any chances.”

“Or maybe it came in peace?” said Hayes “But we don’t know what it wanted” she lied.

Jackson looked confused as if he had some sympathy with their comments but then quickly didn’t.

“Strange how the craft crashed and then disappeared without trace – like it self-destructed taking with it any occupants on-board.” Jackson said.

“Very strange Sir” said Logan “But we are trying to comprehend an intelligence that is many years more advanced than ours. We will just have to keep trying and learning”

That seemed to be a perfect answer to end the conversation.

“Our work here is done for now. Thank you for all your help, Sir.” Said Hayes and she stood up swiftly to offer her handshake to Jackson, with Logan doing likewise.

“Thank you both” said Jackson shaking hands warmly and inside delighted that they would be moving on.

“We will return all our security passes and keys in next twenty-four hours and vacate the office,” said Hayes.

“We are both very tired Sir, having had little sleep for two days, so request permission to go home and rest”

“Absolutely” said Jackson and with that they left his office for the last time.


Chapter 14

Back in their own office, Logan turned to Madison and spoke quietly.

“Hey honey. Happy Anniversary!” He handed her the wrapped present, card and kissed her on the lips. He thought to himself that she must have forgotten their anniversary in the whirlwind mayhem of the last few days.

Madison said “Can I open it now?” excitedly and when Logan said she could, she ripped open the paper and small box to reveal a beautiful diamond and pearl necklace made to look like a snowdrop.

“Wow! That is so beautiful Logan! My favourite flower!” she gasped kissing him on the cheek.

She fitted the necklace on and admired in the mirror for some time.

“I will wear it tonight and show the guys what my lovely and thoughtful husband has treated me too!” she said.

Logan was thrilled she liked it and put aside any thoughts of disappointment at her forgetfulness. He started to go through the few belongings of his in the office and pack them away in a box when Madison said,

“I have sent a WhatsApp message to Steve, Bryce and Dave about coming over tonight at about 8pm and they are all OK to do that, in fact they are all seemed really excited to catchup. Jackson actually gave Steve some time off today! Be really good to catch up with Bryce and Dave too”

“I will need to stop on the way home to get some food and drink, if that is, OK?”

“Yes, sure and that will all be great, “said Logan, looking forward to seeing his friends for what was likely to be one of the last times.

Madison stopped tidying her own desk and faced Logan.

“Oh, Logan something else. Did you think I had forgotten our anniversary?!! Come here!”

she said mischievously, kissed him softly on the cheek and passed him a beautifully wrapped box and card.

“Happy Anniversary!”

Logan opened up the box and was staggered to see a Breitling Super Ocean watch with yellow face.

“I’ve seen you looking at them for ages in magazines and on-line and I wanted to get you one,” said Madison feeling thrilled herself that Logan was so pleased.

Not one to show too much emotion, Logan could feel his eyes well up with tears. He looked straight at Madison who had never seen him look so emotional with all the happenings of the last twenty-four hours.

“Thanks, thanks so much,” he just about managed to stumble out as he hugged and kissed her again.


Logan drove them home and felt sad that they would soon be leaving Alaska and presumably heading back to Washington. His mind whirred around as he drove on Alaska Highway 1.

“Madison. I am really going to miss Anchorage and Alaska. I love the fresh air, wildlife, bears, skiing and Chinooks!” he joked. “I will miss Steve, Bryce and Dave too. In fact, everyone up here except Jackson!

“Yes, me too,” said Madison.

They stopped at their favourite grocery store on the outskirts of Anchorage and stocked up with corn dogs, burgers, Sloppy Joes, Philly cheesesteak, hot dogs, pretzels, beef Jerky and pizzas. Plenty of Spruce Tip Blonde beer and No Woman No Cryo was bought to keep the pallets moist.

“I am just headed to Walgreens for some headache tablets – and a pregnancy test kit.” said Madison and walked off. She was back pretty quick and Logan drove them home where they began to prepare food and drinks together - like the strong team they always were.

They also started to think about their increasing family too.


Chapter 15

With the usual precise timing, the apartment doorbell rang at 8pm and Logan opened up to welcome in their friends, who had arrived together by cab through the snow.

“Hey Bryce! How are you doing? Come on in and get warm!”” said Logan warmly hugging the big fighter pilot as the guests all stepped into the lovely, warm, well-furnished apartment.

“They kept me in sick quarter for radiation observations” said Bryce rolling his eyes. “And Jackson said he would make me pay for the repairs to the Eagle tail wing – about $3,000,000!!” He laughed as did Dave walking behind him.

Steve followed in “Cool apartment you have got here!”

Madison walked in at that moment and started to hug everyone.

“I am so pleased to see you all again. Bryce, we were really shaken up after the craft hit you and delighted you could get back to base OK. “

“Yes, I had to fly really slow and Dave covered me all the way back to Elmendorf to get me home safely. Then I got grilled for over an hour by Jackson. I have to be interviewed by USAF Office of Special Investigations tomorrow afternoon. Not looking forward to that as I might be grounded” he added ruefully.

“Happy Anniversary to you two!” boomed Dave trying to lighten the mood.

“We all got you both a little something here,” and he handed over a bouquet of flowers, to Madison and a bottle of champagne to Logan.

“Thanks guys!” said Madison “Look what Logan got me” and she proudly showed off the snowdrop necklace. There were some wolf whistles then Logan showed his Breitling watch which was drooled over even more by the pilot community.

Madison spoke to them to all.

“Get yourselves comfortable guys and get some food and a drink. First of all, thanks for all coming here tonight. There are a few reasons to celebrate and get together one more time as a winning team. Our mission was a success and I am about to share with you the full ARU/FBI report on the Mount Hayes Affair. I have hooked up my laptop to our large monitor screen as I want you all to get the full impact of all the recordings. These clips and photos have been seen only by some people in this room who were present at Mount Hayes

– nobody else including Colonel Jackson, have seen them. The FBI, Pentagon and ARU will see this next.”

Her words had a profound effect on those present who sensed they were about to see something phenomenal. Madison read then from the full, unredacted and classified report and projected to the screen, adding her own commentary where necessary.

“The footage from the Balor cameras clearly shows an unknown craft zoom around the peak of Mount Hayes and collide with Major Reed’s F15 jet. A collision was unavoidable and not 33

in any way, the fault of Major Reed.” Bryce managed a slight smile of relief as he watched and then Hayes continued.

“With his F15 Eagle damaged, Major Reed was unable to continue in the search around the Mount Hayes area. He was chaperoned back to Elmendorf AFB by Major Dixon, using his slipstream to maintain steadier control of the craft. As they flew away from the area, Assistant Director Watson spotted that the unknown craft had crashed into the snow down the side of a valley before coming to rest. This was approximately 150 feet beneath the Chinook. No smoke or flames were prevalent.”

“Major Drysdale flew his Chinook directly over the crash site and monitored for radiation and heat signature. He soon advised that he had picked up a heat source from the damaged, crashed craft and we descended to investigate. “

“The snow was too light and deep to land the Chinook, so Assistant Director Watson and I descended manually from the Chinook and ran to the crash site with Geiger Muller counters, emergency medical kit and body cams switched on. Major Drysdale circled above.”

“This video clip from Assistant Director Watson’s body cam shows what happened next. He found a small alien, humanoid figure trapped in the seat of the craft. Watson cut the extra-terrestrial from the seat belt and we gave chilled water to the entity, which seemed to rapidly revive it.”

Dave and Bryce were wide eyed at this moment, staring in disbelief at the screen as the small alien could be seen drinking water from the emergency bottle.

“We called Major Drysdale on the internal communication channel and told him that we had found an injured alien occupant. He returned to the crash site in the Chinook and lowered down a stretcher cage and rope to lift the three of us up to the safety of the helicopter. At that point, snow began to fall very heavily and covered up all of our tracks on the ground.”

“The small creature appeared to have sustained what looked like a broken arm and dislocated index finger, along with concussion, so we set about looking for the nearest military hospital. However, before we could determine a suitable facility, we were all astonished when the entity sat up on the stretcher and started to talk to us in perfect English, as per this clip from my body camera. The creature then calmly reset the damaged mandible and arm joints itself with no apparent discomfort.”

“At no stage did the alien demonstrate any hostility of pose a threat to us and described that it had peaceful intent visiting Earth. The extra-terrestrial told us it originated from a star called Kepler, many thousands of light years away and was here harvesting a metal called Scandium from the depths of Mount Hayes and Mount McKinley. This metal is used in the creation of electrostatic transportation system used by Keplerian race, coupled with use of wormholes. This level of knowledge and intelligence is at least 100 years or more in advance of our own.”

“The ET told us its name was Nusta. Strangely, I heard it speak in a female voice whilst Major Drysdale and Assistant Director Watson heard it speak in a male voice. I will refer to Nusta as “she” from this point on.”


Madison stopped reading from the report and then asked the flabbergasted Dixon and Reed what voice type they heard from the playbacks. Reed replied immediately “I hear a male voice” and so did Dixon.

“That is fascinating, “said Hayes, who could still only hear a gentle female voice. She continued with the report.

“Nusta was able to telepathically read our thoughts and in my view, can interject to our minds.”

“Nusta had advised us that a guiding spirit known as Apu directed the Keplerian race to help and assist humans discreetly. Those on Kepler are concerned about human behaviour and our ability to damage our own planet – and beyond. She said they want to help us repair our damaged ozone layer.”

Madison paused for a moment so those present could take in what they had seen and read and then said,

“Hey guys, keep eating up as there is plenty of food and drink!”

The airmen had all become so engrossed in the images and summary that they were distracted from the mammoth feast on the table before them. They followed their leader’s instruction and re-stocked their plates and glasses.

“At this point, Nusta said that the time had come for her to leave us and that the spirit Apu was coming to take her back to Kepler. She also added that the crashed craft would self-destruct soon under the snow and would leave no trace of her visit – nor the chance for any reverse engineering. There was a swirling of white light around the Chinook and then Nusta had disappeared. I know this must sound really far-fetched but it is the truth. Remember this is coming from somebody that only deals in facts!”

“We were all stunned and Major Drysdale spotted three approaching craft that had no activated transponders. He correctly opined that these were Black Hawk helicopters but we had no idea why they were there until we saw multiple Special Operations troops abseil down to the crash site, fan out and start spiking the snow with poles. They were all heavily armed and some carried flame thrower packs. They moved about for twenty minutes and then left finding nothing.”

“The video from Major Drysdale’s Chinook shows clearly their activities.”

Madison paused to take a bite of a burger, which encouraged the others to follow suit.

She added then “We later asked Jackson about this action and he confirmed he had been in touch with United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations post-Bryce’s collision. It is our belief that he kept them informed every bit of the way and that had always been his intent. He also alluded to the dangers of the spread of a global virus or pandemic from the craft. Those troops were going to torch everything”

The room went quiet with this powerful last sentence.

Madison finished off by saying that they had returned to Elmendorf in the early hours of the morning and her abbreviated report was with Jackson by eight thirty the next morning.


“Really, great work you guys. I wish I could have been there,” said Bryce

“Me too,” agreed Dave.